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Even/Perfect Generations V5

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New job is keeping me from being able to peruse everyone's lineages as much as I like, but I try to snag moments to glance through this thread whenever I can. Everybody's projects look great!


I've been making a bit of progress in my own lines. I finally bred a boy who didn't refuse the wonderful girl I was gifted, so I was able to breed this. I also completed my Sunpebbles.

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It just took me some time to get up to date with all your beautiful projects. Holidays without internet.... and a stressy first week at work.


However, I have finally been able to breed two eggs. biggrin.gifThey will hopefully like each other once they have grown up.

Edited by Bootsmann

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Good luck with your new jobs, Goslander and Bootsmann. o3o


Ahh, I finally bred the last gen for this lineage after roughly 8 months of working on building the moonstone mate. It looks pretty though, imo. <:

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Lovely! Are you taking a list for any beauties like that?

Thank you, everyone.

I opened a list over in the Trading section Even-gen thread =)

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Ooh, I've never tried checkered Albino lineages before, but they do look quite nice happy.gif Perhaps I'll suggest that to my friend. She's doing checkers of cave blockers. Her highest gen so far I think is 3rd Gen which isn't much, but she's trying everything without influence xd.png (I'm not sure if I can post her dragon's lineage here, but her scroll name is Sniphotece).

Oh, yes. Albino checkers. I've become addicted to them lately myself. They are very lovely. :3

I have plans on making an albino checkered lineage for a Shallow Water x Bluna pair.


sheppardkid: Wow, congrats! That's beautiful. biggrin.gif

Edited by Daydreamer09

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I was looking at random lineages and realized that iceXblue nebula probably would look really nice together. And they do. I don't know why I didn't realize this until now. Ironically, they gave me an ice (which I have bred so few times I have to keep the egg), otherwise I probably would've thrown a nebula to the AP. *rolls eyes*

I'd love to take this out (as an even gen) a couple of more gens but I have only one CB male ice. I might be stalking the even gen trading and gifting thread in the near future. biggrin.gif (since I'm egg locked now)


Next up, I intend to try magmaXred nebula. Yes, magmaXred nebula looks good. (and they gave me a magma!) biggrin.gif And maybe purple nebulaXlightning. biggrin.gif


Note to self, obtain more CB trios

Edited by ytak

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I was looking at random lineages and realized that iceXblue nebula probably would look really nice together. And they do. I don't know why I didn't realize this until now. Ironically, they gave me an ice (which I have bred so few times I have to keep the egg), otherwise I probably would've thrown a nebula to the AP. *rolls eyes*

I'd love to take this out (as an even gen) a couple of more gens but I have only one CB male ice. I might be stalking the even gen trading and gifting thread in the near future. biggrin.gif (since I'm egg locked now)


Next up, I intend to try magmaXred nebula. Yes, magmaXred nebula looks good. (and they gave me a magma!) biggrin.gif And maybe purple nebulaXlightning. biggrin.gif


Note to self, obtain more CB trios

I should be able to help you with one or two of either combo...

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I'll be more than willing to breed you nebulas from either pairing ytak smile.gif Just PM me whenever you can take an egg. I would offer you trios too, but I swear mine does not enjoy breeding their own kind!

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am sending sheppardkid green vibes biggrin.gif


on the other hand I am very grateful for purple-finally so I am finished with this project


and Royal x nocturn is complete as well



I started a royal x flamingo but the first pair refused and I am getting multiple refusals at the CB level as well dry.gif


My turpentines breed better than my Royal blues blink.gif

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@ Goslander and Daydreamer09- Thanks! biggrin.gif I'm so happy that they like each other. I just need to get a GW out of them and I'll be calling this project done...at least for now. ^^


@ dragonpuck- I gave the Nebula egg to hat17. She could definitely use all the green vibes you can give though. wink.gif

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Good luck with that sheppard. That lineage is truly beautiful, and you got far with it since you started it some time ago!


Congrats dragonpuck! If you want, I can try my flamingos with my RBs for you smile.gif



Have I boasted lately with my flamingo/BBW project? Well, I haven't gotten any further, but I'm all hyped up to keep going.

Alas, getting BBWs seems difficult at the moment, what with all the BBW army hype dry.gif (which I can understand and all, but did you have to pick now for this *whines*)

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Okay. A while ago now someone from this thread PMed me requesting a Black egg from this pair as a mate for their dragon. I can't remember if I filled the request or not. unsure.gif I don't have a note of it but I have this feeling it's because I forgot to note it down not because it's been filled.

If it was you PM me please? I'll keep the egg until it hatches.

Edited by Wiz

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I was looking at random lineages and realized that iceXblue nebula probably would look really nice together. And they do. I don't know why I didn't realize this until now. Ironically, they gave me an ice (which I have bred so few times I have to keep the egg), otherwise I probably would've thrown a nebula to the AP. *rolls eyes*

I'd love to take this out (as an even gen) a couple of more gens but I have only one CB male ice. I might be stalking the even gen trading and gifting thread in the near future. biggrin.gif (since I'm egg locked now)


Next up, I intend to try magmaXred nebula. Yes, magmaXred nebula looks good. (and they gave me a magma!) biggrin.gif And maybe purple nebulaXlightning. biggrin.gif


Note to self, obtain more CB trios

omg!! someone else at last!!


I've manged two third gen magmas from that lineage. I'm still trying for my two third gen nebulas ;-; if you want to swap at some point just holler <3

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Got some unusual idea from a friend, and this is what we've decided to make. We went through most of the dragon breeds to find suitable mate for albinos. I already made a sunrise x albino which works wonderfully. I think this water horse x albino might not be as pretty as the one with sunrise, but it isn't bad either. biggrin.gif

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Those Nebula projects are wonderful.

I can't get my mind to doing something like that, alt/not alt would be too hard for me to bear...


There were a lot of lucky even Gen AP finds recently, I and a friend were lucky to find these 3rd gens on the AP, and she gave hers to me when I had room.


Hoping that these will like each other http://www.coup-detat.info/NDER/Lineage.ph...en=5&mate=NBspG

I was wondering if somebody else is doing something similar.

I love the look but I kind of wish I had influenced them differently to get a perfect checker... rolleyes.gif

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My suffering is nearly, nearly over :'D


I swear, if these two refuse I will cry. It has taken me months and months to assemble the right colours.


Would anyone be interested in homing non-white stripes from the above pair? I suspect I will be going through the whole colour roulette before I get the white that I want >>;;

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My suffering is nearly, nearly over :'D


I swear, if these two refuse I will cry. It has taken me months and months to assemble the right colours.


Would anyone be interested in homing non-white stripes from the above pair? I suspect I will be going through the whole colour roulette before I get the white that I want >>;;

That is a beautiful lineage! Sending good breeding vibes your way.


I would be glad to take a red egg from them if you get one of those before you get a white. smile.gif

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Had a surprising amount of stripe luck today. Got http://dragcave.net/lineage/39i47 http://dragcave.net/lineage/Tp7Ke and http://dragcave.net/lineage/mqtWX for my Nocturne x Stripe lineage (still looking for second gens if anyone has any)!

Nice! Though, I'm curious... are they making Whites during daytime and Blue ones at night? :3

I've tried my luck but I got two Nocturnes. Are you looking for Stripes from female Nocturnes too? I still have two CB females I could try.

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Yay, this little project is finished! smile.gif I'm rather pleased with it.

Oh, pretty! I love poem/lyric-lineages... if you make a list, I'd so love to have a sibling of this eventually. smile.gif



also: wow! Finding so many 2nd-gens from Hollies must have taken ages... I would love giving a home to a red or white from them at some point in the future... wub.gif



I'm also, as usual, enjoying the many other beautiful even-gens of everyone. smile.gif

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@ Lolchen- Thanks! biggrin.gif And yes it took a bit, and I had some help from great people, but I'm so happy to have made it this far.


@ alliana1- Your Black X green Neb lineage is so pretty! I'd love to get an egg from the final pair one day...if at all possible.


And I'm so happy this pair liked each other. biggrin.gif

Edited by sheppardkid

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