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2022-10-31 - Happy Halloween!

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2 hours ago, Stromboli said:

Hmmmm the "unavailable for breeding" is making me overanalyze the breed description 😂


"Crypt dragons are most active - and their true nature most apparent - when the veil between the living world and spirit realm is at its thinnest."

I wonder if they can only breed when their "true nature" is apparent? What exactly is their "true nature"? What makes the veil thinner? Is it moon stuff?


what does it MEAN!?




The veil is at its thinnest at Halloween. This is a simple explanation for why Crypts are a Halloween breed that only drops at Halloween (several Halloween and Holiday dragons have such an explanation.)

I certainly hope that this isn't a "puzzle" like "find the right day, time, BSA combination and favorite flavor of ice cream to make this dragon able to breed." I really don't enjoy the tedious chore of maintaining ovulation calendars for certain dragon breeds. But it would still be preferable to not being able to use this new dragon in lineages at all. I've been waiting a long time for a Halloween two-head, I shouted out in excitement when I saw it was unbiteable and large, then felt jubilant when it hatched with two heads. It's a bitter aftertaste that we won't be able to breed them, which also probably means we will never get an actually breedable Halloween two-head (honestly, what are the odds we'll ever get a second one now?)

DC has been doing a good job lately providing more variety of two-headed and drake options, but since there are no metallic, prize or event dragons capable of breeding with them it is very limiting for people's willingness to use them in lineages. Halloween has been a cool outlet for pygmies with the pumpkin lineages, and my hopes were up that crypts could do the same thing for two-heads. It seems that hope may be dashed. I hope it's not too late to change it.

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Wait, they cannot breed? The would be a huge disappointment. But why wouldn't they? Does that make any sense? What could we do with them then other than place them nicely on our scroll and look at them here and then? XD Nah, come on that must be a glitch or indeed a special way of breeding that we have to figure out. I already had Scourgekeepers planned to mate with them, they look nice together^^


*hangs around and waits for frog-infected-wyrms to disappear from the AP so she can hunt some more nice eggs*

Edited by Su_Halcon

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Hm, they look different from other two-headed dragons...  I don't really see a pair of necks, as if they have two faces attached to one head.  Could just the be mane in the way, but could they be the first of a brand new sub-variant and won't be able to breed until more are introduced?


(I'd think not, since it would make more sense to introduce a new breeding group alongside more than one other and not as a holiday release but...)



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2 hours ago, Kelkelen said:

* suspicions of it being a vampire intensify *


That would be very disappointing.

I don't want an unbreedable 2-head. I want to build lineages with this beauty.

*holds breath and hopes there is a way*


16 minutes ago, KageSora said:

Hm, they look different from other two-headed dragons...  I don't really see a pair of necks, as if they have two faces attached to one head.  Could just the be mane in the way, but could they be the first of a brand new sub-variant and won't be able to breed until more are introduced?

That would be equally disappointing.

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hmmm. They can't fertility, not sure that mean they don't need it (only breed in holloween?) or they have alt form or bug.

Edited by D-wing

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1 minute ago, D-wing said:

hmmm. They can't fertility, not sure that mean they don't need it (only breed in holloween?) or they have alt form or bug.

All the signs are pointing to this not being a glitch.

I do hope there is some alternative explanation that we have to figure out.

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I love the Sprite, really. ❤

And it's two headed. 😍


But them not being available for breeding puts them right beside the vampires as an unusable breed. 😞


Think I'll freeze some of my extras to complete my collection of this breed and forget about them.



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They don't like a real unbreedable dragons, they have a breeding option and show on the available of breeding. But they can't fertility and have different massage than Painted Ray / Celestial. Not "This action cannot be used at this time." but "This breed of dragon is incapable of breeding"


emmm... did anyone used different bsa/actions on them?

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People have tried to shiv them (it didn't work), and since they're still showing up in available to breed sort i'm assuming this is a weird glitch.


e: I doubt it has anything to do with being forced/eq, incubate, or influence, at least.

Edited by Guillotine

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1 hour ago, KageSora said:

Hm, they look different from other two-headed dragons...  I don't really see a pair of necks, as if they have two faces attached to one head.  Could just the be mane in the way, but could they be the first of a brand new sub-variant and won't be able to breed until more are introduced?

I don't think so, otherwise they'd be able to breed with each other (and would just always refuse out of season, like other Halloween pairs.)

I'll be optimistic and hope it's just an error. 🙂

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For anyone who missed these new eggs in the cave, they are now beginning to show up in the AP along with eggs bred on the 31st. A lot of people make a point of dropping some to the AP for people who miss the drop, so now is your chance.

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Oh my.  Trying to grab this year's (and last year's for that matter) eggs is like it used to be trying to grab Holly's at Christmas!  I thought my setup was reasonably fast but I'm now seriously considering finding how much extra per month the next speed up is!

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2 hours ago, KageSora said:

Hm, they look different from other two-headed dragons...  I don't really see a pair of necks, as if they have two faces attached to one head.  Could just the be mane in the way, but could they be the first of a brand new sub-variant and won't be able to breed until more are introduced?


(I'd think not, since it would make more sense to introduce a new breeding group alongside more than one other and not as a holiday release but...)



It is two-headed.



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@Odeen @RWyvern


Thanks for the lore/art, your dragons are lovely! :D (also the first art makes me definitely not want to meet them late at night, I'm scared. XD)

Edited by Lady Dragoon

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The TJ code is...is this?

 They have pigtails and are biting by lifting chains.

 +Does Crypt get an action if there's a sick hidden egg?

+Naglected or Zombie...? After feeding the vampire...? Sick..? Evening-night + sick eggs or hatches..? I don't guess.

Edited by Charan
After noticing that, I belatedly read an article about Crypt's breeding. And my translator gave an error. Sorry.

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Crypt action page looks exactly like of a Neglected or Chicken, and none of these can EVER breed.  "This breed of dragon is incapable of breeding" is what Neglected and Chicken say, not just Crypt.


All other breeds that have requirements for breeding make it clear that the requirement is not met.


Also, there's no sign of a BSA to hope for a Vampire-like mechanic (reproduce by infecting another breed, sort of a two headed Vampire), it should be there just greyed out.


If they can breed at all or spread with a BSA (eg. during zombie visibility periods, we'll see tonight), their pages just lie, which would be super rude and should get changed if that's the case.

They show in the available for breeding but this could be an overlook. In any case, one of these is an error for sure, either this or the Neglected clone action page.


No idea how to justify Crypt unbreedability though, nothing in them hints why would they be infertile, they seem like a normal living and non-weakened creature that should be able to breed. We had Iridichis (can connect with the dead) or Shadowwalkers(immaterial) and they both are just fine... Unbreedability seems just too random for Crypts.


 And really, a new spriter giving up having an usable Spriter Alt for their first ever release? Is this really happening?


Did anyone try Kill on them? (I won't, I gave all crypts to my wife as I have no use for unbreedables, and she'll try to zombify them next halloween and not sooner)


Can Neglected be made out of a two headed or just the normals can? Could it be that this is a Twoheaded Neglected kind of mechanic? (and perhaps also a seasonal one)




Can't the creators just speak up and confirm or deny if what we're seeing is even intentional, please? 

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It's been confirmed (on Discord, I think) by Odeen that the Crypts being unbreedable is a bug.

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7 minutes ago, Mnkn10 said:

It's been confirmed (on Discord, I think) by Odeen that the Crypts being unbreedable is a bug.


aaaah, so good to hear, thank you for letting us know!

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23 hours ago, random_dragon_collector said:


What's so hard about just coming to tell us here right away?

They could've discovered it very recently.

Edited by Scarlet_claw

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2 hours ago, 0x08 said:

Yes--but my thought was this might potentially have been a brand new mechanic.  That is, a sub-breed of some sort within two-headeds.  Introducing dragons that have special breeding pools that fall outside the "standard" "two-headed" and "pygmy" categories.  (Which would have been annoying, but "mechanics that frustrate some players" is, unfortunately, a thing that some breeds rely on.)


But, now that it's confirmed as a bug, that makes me feel much better.  It's interesting that there would be such a bug, though--maybe having to do with how holidays cannot produce their own breed outside of their season combined with it being our first 2-headed holiday?  Though I don't recall that happening with the Punpkin Dragons...

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23 minutes ago, random_dragon_collector said:


What's so hard about just coming to tell us here right away?

People have busy lives, my friend

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26 minutes ago, tjenni said:

the bug is fixed, they are breedable now 🥰


What a relief!

My Scourgekeepers are cheering right now. 😄

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