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2015-12-25 - Happy Holidays!

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I don't think zombies enrage them at all, actually. That was just a theory we were working on earlier. But my remaining Aegis no longer has the enrage option even though I have zombies -- but I have no dead eggs. So I think my having the enrage option on the other one was probably a mistake and just happened for a brief time while the action was being enabled.

Yeah, I don't have the option with my Aegis dragons. I even moved up one to be near my lone Zombie hoping that might work.


I'm so torn about this! I love the fluffy blue sprite, and am adoring my Aegis dragons as they are now, but... I also want an angry one! But I am also not sure I can bring myself to intentionally anger one haha. At least not yet.

Edited by Areous

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I could swear it was every 31st in the past, since I remember checking for them on the last days of January, March, May, etc. When did it change?

I think it has always been that way. What we used to check for was the tombstones because those weren't visible to us except on those days.

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Enraged Aegis dragons are a match made in heaven with Caligenes - think of that combo next Halloween. After all, in that period you will have plenty of reasons to drive them quite angry. wink.gif

Agree. I saw that pairing in the Aegis breeding thread and thought it was very pretty.

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I'm so torn about this! I love the fluffy blue sprite, and am adoring my Aegis dragons as they are now, but... I also want an angry one! But I am also not sure I can bring myself to intentionally anger one haha. At least not yet.

I let my Vampires decide for me - I grabbed an egg to bite and thought either I get a Vampire to AP again OR if it fails I can get an enraged Aegis. This way it feels a bit like a fate/destiny thing rather than me intentionally going on a killing spree for a Sprite.


For the record - my one available bite DID kill the egg - poor Lucius has a bad track record...

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I let my Vampires decide for me - I grabbed an egg to bite and thought either I get a Vampire to AP again OR if it fails I can get an enraged Aegis. This way it feels a bit like a fate/destiny thing rather than me intentionally going on a killing spree for a Sprite.


For the record - my one available bite DID kill the egg - poor Lucius has a bad track record...

Haha that's an interesting thought, I may just try that. Locked for about another hour though, with quite a few gifts/mates.


While I love this idea, I will admit that I'm just slightly a bit concerned about other Aegis dragon owners keeping their Aegis dragons in the proper form that I imagine for my lineages... I'm sure it'll all pan out in the future, but that'll be something to look out for haha.


Edit because apparently I can't spell well after a nap :3

Edited by Areous

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Woah was about to breed my Aegis when I suddenly noticed their BSA, which happened to be grayed out. Amazing concept, and both versions look so pretty.

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I let my Vampires decide for me - I grabbed an egg to bite and thought either I get a Vampire to AP again OR if it fails I can get an enraged Aegis. This way it feels a bit like a fate/destiny thing rather than me intentionally going on a killing spree for a Sprite.


For the record - my one available bite DID kill the egg - poor Lucius has a bad track record...



This might be the route I need to go. As silly as it is, I'm just not comfortable looking at the AP babies, and grabbing a couple just to kill them. Poor innocent eggs. unsure.gif


Which sounds ridiculous, given I have a army of Zombies wandering about. laugh.gif But letting them pass away, peacefully, in their warm and cozy egg after a week has gone by seems much less brutal then selecting an egg, then hacking away at it till it dies.


And sure, I could go that same way now, grab two poor unloved AP eggs, and wait out that week till they pass on, but I barely have the patience for that ONCE a year. Waiting it out every week, or every two weeks?? Not gonna happen. laugh.gif


*wanders off, eyeing her Vamps thoughtfully*

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Don't hold your breath. I'm still waiting for my Heartstealings to be alted.

Caligene alts are out, so I think you just need to remind TJ. He could do yours and the aegis together.

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I just realized... are there potentially.... four Spriter's Alts with these?


(2 each for Birdz & Odeen)




@Aangs-sister - I had noticed Infinis got her Caligenes relatively quickly though? :/


Edit: ninja.gif'd

Edited by Areous

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Birdz? Odeen? Have I mentioned how much I love these dragons? You have officially blown me away with them; amazing concept & sprite, a BSA for them & an equally amazing alternate form for them. All that's left is the inclusion of your spriter alts, which I await with a mix of admiration & envy. Congrats on this holiday release!

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I had my vamps bite an egg, and it got killed. So I enraged Lord Ice Shield, and I think I'll keep him that way for now, so I have one of each.


AND I was able to rename him Lord Krampus!!!!!!!! This is just too cool!!!

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I really like this dragon even more now. I think this is a great BSA and the alt sprite is awesome.

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ahh, i have my aegis hatchlings fogged so they will grow up with a new year's date -- but i am so tempted to unhide them to try out the bsa! it's only a few hours so i think i can make it...


seriously, seriously amazing. these new dragons + the holiday event + the general cheer and good feelings most people have been sharing have really revived my interest in dc. and like everyone else, i can hardly wait to see the spriter alts. biggrin.gif


thank you and happy new year, everyone!

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ahh, i have my aegis hatchlings fogged so they will grow up with a new year's date -- but i am so tempted to unhide them to try out the bsa! it's only a few hours so i think i can make it...


seriously, seriously amazing. these new dragons + the holiday event + the general cheer and good feelings most people have been sharing have really revived my interest in dc. and like everyone else, i can hardly wait to see the spriter alts. biggrin.gif


thank you and happy new year, everyone!

I'm really glad you feel this way wub.gif


Happy New Year to you, as well!

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So… how long is my Enraged Ageis going to stay angry? Will it last until the egg disappears, or will I have to manually use Pacify to change him back to normal?


Love the BSA, BTW, nice way to enrich the lore. smile.gif

Edited by HawktalonOfRiverClan

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You can't change it back until the dead egg is off your scroll, and then you have to do it manually with the "pacify" option. But I'm going to not pacify mine, for the lineage look. I even named it Lord Krampus.

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I am tickled to death (maybe literally) to have enraged non traditional Holiday Colors on my Scroll and I love them and this is just a great surprise and I really appreciate how special it makes the breed.


Cuz with some of the stories I have on how my dragons live their lives, how they become enraged fits in SOOO well with so much. My poor poor Dragons, the rest of them are going to go into hiding.


But big Thumbs ENRAGED up to Birdz and Odeenz!

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The enraged Aegis is really cool. I'm not sure I want to enrage either of mine, but maybe in the future...

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First saw the enraged version in the Congrats thread and assumed that it was only available to people who got the coal reward for the mini game. Glad to see that's not the case, although I think I prefer my guys in their snuggly friendly blue forms. smile.gif (I could enrage them, though - I often have dead eggs kicking around from failed ND exps, they would have good reason to be enraged at me, lol!)

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...Hm, mixed feelings. The new sprites are cool, and I was kinda hoping for a BSA, but now that it's around I'm not so sure. If you want to use both in breeding, you're essentially stuck with only one of each CB. If you're trading for a certain lineage type, you have to hope whoever's involved doesn't decide to suddenly make a peaceful Aegis in your future 5g happy Aegis x Frostbite checker angry. It also opens the door for doing similar things with future holiday dragons which I'm not sure is a great idea, considering how very limited the releases are. The solstices were a big issue both this year and last with people trading for the wrong ones / getting wrong types from the AP / general mayhem as people scrambled to collect many things in a very limited time frame, and with more and more alternate type holiday things added the harder it gets.


Sorry to be the naysayer again--I really do love the dragons, and the event this year--but I just wish the more out of the box stuff would be saved for dragons we can always get all year round. Not ones we only get 2 CBs of and have a week a year to get bred eggs of. ;m;

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I really love the Enraged Aegis dragon sprite.. don't be naughty, please, unless you want to get burned by that dragon. mellow.gif

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In the presence of naughty behavior, the normally-gentle Aegis flies into an uncontrollable rage.

When enraged, the Aegis dragon smells distinctly of charred earth.

His eyes glow bright red with bloodwrath, and his talons grow long and hooked.

His mane is an untamed, coarse, twiggy mess.

Enraged Aegis dragons will hunt down the object of their anger with destructive intent until the wrongdoer either repents or is killed.

They will remain enraged until such time as someone manages to pacify them.[/center]

Before, I just liked the Aegis dragons (and wondered about the name....) but now they totally rock my socks.

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This might be the route I need to go. As silly as it is, I'm just not comfortable looking at the AP babies, and grabbing a couple just to kill them. Poor innocent eggs. unsure.gif


Which sounds ridiculous, given I have a army of Zombies wandering about. laugh.gif But letting them pass away, peacefully, in their warm and cozy egg after a week has gone by seems much less brutal then selecting an egg, then hacking away at it till it dies.


And sure, I could go that same way now, grab two poor unloved AP eggs, and wait out that week till they pass on, but I barely have the patience for that ONCE a year. Waiting it out every week, or every two weeks?? Not gonna happen. laugh.gif


*wanders off, eyeing her Vamps thoughtfully*

Soooooo. failed vampire bites enrage Aegis dragons?

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...Hm, mixed feelings. The new sprites are cool, and I was kinda hoping for a BSA, but now that it's around I'm not so sure. If you want to use both in breeding, you're essentially stuck with only one of each CB. If you're trading for a certain lineage type, you have to hope whoever's involved doesn't decide to suddenly make a peaceful Aegis in your future 5g happy Aegis x Frostbite checker angry. It also opens the door for doing similar things with future holiday dragons which I'm not sure is a great idea, considering how very limited the releases are. The solstices were a big issue both this year and last with people trading for the wrong ones / getting wrong types from the AP / general mayhem as people scrambled to collect many things in a very limited time frame, and with more and more alternate type holiday things added the harder it gets.


Sorry to be the naysayer again--I really do love the dragons, and the event this year--but I just wish the more out of the box stuff would be saved for dragons we can always get all year round. Not ones we only get 2 CBs of and have a week a year to get bred eggs of. ;m;

I guess you have to keep your fingers crossed that the person will keep the dragon enraged/happy. I just made the decision to enrage one of my Aegis dragons and he will be the only one to stay that way.

Edited by Jazeki

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