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The "How was your Day" thread

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I am so thrilled. We were getting ready to make the return trip back to Mississippi, we were waiting for dad to come back fron Walmart, when the power kicked back on

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I don’t usually post personal stuff, but I didn’t get a chance to share this with anyone because all my friends already knew, so I thought I could share this with my dragcave friends.


last night my partner proposed and now we’re engaged! so my day today (and yesterday) was quite good : )

in the fashion of a true terrae collector, I suggested we hang at the park and enjoy some grass and grasshoppers, which didn’t go according to plan because it was already getting dark and we didn’t catch any grasshoppers. and my partner got stung by a wasp. but I guess other than that it went according to their plan lol.

here’s a pic of my nature-themed ring (and second ring that I can wear to work) if anyone is interested. and the cute on theme terrarium box.



thanks for reading : >


@Lagie thank you for your kind words! 

Edited by steeve

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6 hours ago, steeve said:

last night my partner proposed and now we’re engaged! so my day today (and yesterday) was quite good : )

Congrats! That ring is beautiful.

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My parents are repainting the house and my allergies have been so bad because of it. My nose has been non-stop itchy since Monday.

Edited by Zinogre

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Not specifically my day, but:

Switzerland finally has same-sex marriage! :wub:💖

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6 hours ago, Confused Cat said:

Not specifically my day, but:

Switzerland finally has same-sex marriage! :wub:💖

:wub: Nice!

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15 hours ago, Confused Cat said:

Not specifically my day, but:

Switzerland finally has same-sex marriage! :wub:💖


Oh goodness that warms my heart! ❤️


My day was pretty productive, took five bags of trash out (procrastinated way too long on that...) and did a large shopping haul at the dollar store. Got a lot of household stuff we needed plus a good variety of snacks to bridge the gap between actual grocery shopping trips. And we took my dog (mom and dog stayed in the car, air conditioning on, while I shopped) which meant I got some adorable pictures of him in the car.

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Spent a while taking care of the yard, it needed a quick mow, whipper snip and to have some weeds pulled. Still has more work, but the green waste bin only has so much room. That, and I couldn't whipper snip like I wanted to, since the spark plug needs replacing. All the lawn edges look ugly, but at least the grass isn't growing too long anymore. 😭 Hopefully the auto store still stocks the right spark plug, been a few years since this one needed replacement.

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I just broke my favourite coffee cup that I had bought in Italy in 2015. It was very important to me... 😿


Thanks @Lagie. ❤️ I hope your day went well!

Edited by Varislapsi

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1 hour ago, Varislapsi said:

I just broke my favourite coffee cup that I had bought in Italy in 2015. It was very important to me... 😿

:( Aww. *hugs*


My day's just starting but so far, so good.

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9 hours ago, Varislapsi said:

I just broke my favourite coffee cup that I had bought in Italy in 2015. It was very important to me... 😿



Can you glue it and just use it as an ornament?


I had a 'wait for deliveries' day. Parcel for my daughter and one for me arrived practically together. Then I had to wait for a charity collecting a chair from me.  Then I was able to relax!

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@Quinney I'm going to try at least. I didn't throw the pieces away.


I received a parcel today, too. Cat food delivery. I'm happy it went well, with the Finnish postal service you never know... also relieved I got it on time, I had just two tins left.

Edited by Varislapsi

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@Varislapsi look into Kintsugi!


I woke up up with a sore throat, and just feeling ugh. So I’ve been resting today. But I did make some yummy tomato bisque and tuna steaks for lunch.


And also - finally - figured out how to make theatre style popcorn! Yummy 🍿


(and seen a Bald Eagle up close ^^)

Edited by Pliskin

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@Pliskin Oh! My mom helped me glue it but it didn't come out too well and I'm not sure how long it will last, even if it's staying on my bookshelf. So thanks for your tip, I had never heard of kintsugi before! It seems so interesting, especially because I just started learning Japanese this autumn. 😸


About my day... it's just past midday here but my cats decided to practice dumpster diving in the morning while I was taking a shower, so I've spent some time hunting for their treasures in every corner of my apartment. There wasn't much rubbish but I still didn't manage to find everything, oh well, sooner or later those will show up I guess.

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My day has been okay so far, I guess? Opened a new bag of sunflower kernels only to find they tasted horrible, but I also discovered that I can make an approximation of 'Tuna Helper' with Pasta Roni and tuna (I'm not a huge fish eater but I used to love the Hamburger Helper 'tuna helper' but apparently they don't carry it at our grocery store anymore). It was surprisingly yummy and now I need to get more of that type of pasta. 

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On 10/24/2021 at 12:49 PM, Varislapsi said:

About my day... it's just past midday here but my cats decided to practice dumpster diving in the morning while I was taking a shower, so I've spent some time hunting for their treasures in every corner of my apartment. There wasn't much rubbish but I still didn't manage to find everything, oh well, sooner or later those will show up I guess.


And one week later, I've finally discovered all their hiding places and discarded their treasures. Poor little things, but I had to clean up.

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I got my winter tires on and put on brand new wipers for my car yesterday. I was awake until 4:30am this morning with acid reflux and then didn’t wake up until nearly 11am.


Spent the rest of the day relaxing and giving out treats to the kids. I think I’ll go to bed early tonight, my sleep schedule has been ridiculous lately.

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On 9/10/2021 at 11:29 PM, steeve said:

I don’t usually post personal stuff, but I didn’t get a chance to share this with anyone because all my friends already knew, so I thought I could share this with my dragcave friends.


last night my partner proposed and now we’re engaged! so my day today (and yesterday) was quite good : )

in the fashion of a true terrae collector, I suggested we hang at the park and enjoy some grass and grasshoppers, which didn’t go according to plan because it was already getting dark and we didn’t catch any grasshoppers. and my partner got stung by a wasp. but I guess other than that it went according to their plan lol.

here’s a pic of my nature-themed ring (and second ring that I can wear to work) if anyone is interested. and the cute on theme terrarium box.

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thanks for reading : >


@Lagie thank you for your kind words! 


A little late to this party, but super gratz to you! And I think it is so much more special when a ring is designed to mean something and isn't necessarily the fanciest or most expensive hunk of junk rock (aka diamonds - go read the story if you don't already know it), that is super special and awesome and so loving and caring and thoughtful and that means so much more. I love the display nature case! I also like that you have a work one too. I totally know that feeling.!


Before I started to "Work From Home" and took the bus (for 16 years, still do, Covid supply took priority over car last and this year, maybe ... mid to late 2022 or 2023... or when it becomes absolutely necessary and is justified), I always had a rule - never wear anything of enough value that someone would want to take the temptation of stealing it or something someone would think had enough value. I don't wear mine (haven't for more than a decade for a few key reasons, mostly it never made a difference when I was younger when people hit on me, it made some hit on me more which was super icky creepy, and when I got a little older no one bothered, and I wasn't even that old. It was great! And my ring finger swells when I type at a job so it hurts!) Otherwise, I love my lovely custom deep thought personally designed ring! Much more special. I won't wear that thing in public because its that special. I am really tied into my lizard brain. REALLY. Like many neurodivergent brains. I get the need for Precious. 


Because if someone wanted to take it (and on 16 years of mass transit or more, I don't wear anything of any value or seems to have value or i'm not willing to lose) and for that ring - I don't know I wouldn't attempt to do something really bad to the Person who tried. I don't know if my lizard brain's survival flight or fight for MINE/dominance, which one would override in that situation, and in that situation, it is entirely lizard brain and/or muscle memory/routine, and it just isn't worth finding out. Bad life repercussions no matter what, and I'm most likely smaller, so I don't win no matter how it turns out.


So thanks for sharing something so beloved and precious to you with us. I understand, very deeply! 26+ years, still going!

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My day has been pretty dang crappy actually.  Spoilering for talk of labwork/blood-draws:


I have to get bloodwork done before my psych appt on the 17th, I called yesterday and they set me up with an appt for 9:15 this morning for the labs. Okay, a little earlier than I would've liked, but I had to fast so I guess it's better that it's early.... So I get there at 9:07, no one in the waiting room ahead of me. And I wait. And wait. I stupidly assumed this would be a fairly quick thing so I didn't bring anything to *do* while waiting, and didn't even think to take my mp3 player to help with anxiety. Took until 9:45 to finally be called back... And about fifteen minutes later I stormed out of there crying and angry. Preface this with the fact that I *hate* needles and generally get anxious when it comes to bloodwork, well *two* different nurses tried to do the draw, multiple fairly painful sticks, and neither could actually get blood! I get labs done at least two times a year, I know to drink water beforehand because that helps and I know I'm sometimes a 'hard stick', but it's never been like *this*. So yeah, didn't get the labwork done and left crying. 


And then! I have no idea what exactly happened but I was sitting on the floor getting some papers organized and when I went to stand up *something* just went totally crazy in my back. It felt almost like a charley horse or a super-bad stomach cramp, except in my back. It hurt so bad I had to hold on to my mom's walker to even stand up, then I hobbled over to lay down for a bit thinking of course it was going to go away soon. That was over 3 hours ago and it still hurts like heck, not quite as bad as before but it's still making standing up, sitting down, any movement like that very difficult. If it doesn't ease up by the morning I'll go to the doctor I guess. 

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11 hours ago, HeatherMarie said:

My day has been pretty dang crappy actually.  Spoilering for talk of labwork/blood-draws:

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I have to get bloodwork done before my psych appt on the 17th, I called yesterday and they set me up with an appt for 9:15 this morning for the labs. Okay, a little earlier than I would've liked, but I had to fast so I guess it's better that it's early.... So I get there at 9:07, no one in the waiting room ahead of me. And I wait. And wait. I stupidly assumed this would be a fairly quick thing so I didn't bring anything to *do* while waiting, and didn't even think to take my mp3 player to help with anxiety. Took until 9:45 to finally be called back... And about fifteen minutes later I stormed out of there crying and angry. Preface this with the fact that I *hate* needles and generally get anxious when it comes to bloodwork, well *two* different nurses tried to do the draw, multiple fairly painful sticks, and neither could actually get blood! I get labs done at least two times a year, I know to drink water beforehand because that helps and I know I'm sometimes a 'hard stick', but it's never been like *this*. So yeah, didn't get the labwork done and left crying. 


And then! I have no idea what exactly happened but I was sitting on the floor getting some papers organized and when I went to stand up *something* just went totally crazy in my back. It felt almost like a charley horse or a super-bad stomach cramp, except in my back. It hurt so bad I had to hold on to my mom's walker to even stand up, then I hobbled over to lay down for a bit thinking of course it was going to go away soon. That was over 3 hours ago and it still hurts like heck, not quite as bad as before but it's still making standing up, sitting down, any movement like that very difficult. If it doesn't ease up by the morning I'll go to the doctor I guess. 

:( *hug*


You should go to the doctor! it might be nothing, but its good to check anyway!

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I'm happy to know that tomorrow after my morning shift, let's say my weekend starts sooner then expected so, great to hear! I mean I get up quite early with my dad but it would be worth it as after 11:30 I'm free. It will be worth getting up early I guess, I know it will and plus the forecast looks like hot weather so yes, kinda awesome !! 🌞 I'm actually happy.

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I forgot to take my keys with me when I left for a short walk in the morning. The rest of the day I've felt too exhausted to do anything, I am quite sensitive so things like this always give me mental stress. My mom has a spare key to my home but it just felt like too much today to go and ask some neighbour if I could borrow their phone and call her. Well, then I met three of my neighbours at the stairwell but none of them would help me – the first lady told me rather harshly that she doesn't own a phone and the two guys I saw after that didn't stop even though I was holding tears (more or less succesfully) and tried to begin like "Hi I'm so sorry to disturb but...", they just quickly nodded to me and hurried away. It took some time but of course I managed to pull myself together in the end, at least so that I could walk down the street where there is a grocery shop, I mumbled something and fortunately they were really kind and eager to help. Then I walked to the city centre to meet my mom who very kindly came as quick as she could despite having been woken up by a phonecall from some strange number.


Luckily it's eight p.m. here now and I've actually been quite tired the last few weeks so maybe I could just find something to eat, prepare myself one more calming, warming cup of tea and get some sleep...

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Dinic: we come to this coffee shop enough that they gave us a refill on the house so already pretty good heh 


mental health hasn't been too good recently though but at least today so far isn't as bad 

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I saw Ludovico Einaudi for the fifth time! It was so lovely because I went to his concert with my mom, it was supposed to be close to her birthday in March, last year, but it had to be postponed twice because of the pandemic. Always worth waiting though! And the last piece they played was my favourite. ❤️

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been doing a ton of painting over the past day or two.

Got a second silver mini and redid the Royal Eminence fanart mini I painted a while back:




For this one I used new, smaller brushes that allowed for more detailing and the creation of smaller markings, I also got this new "Blue Interference" paint that makes an iridescent coat once dried, the camera seems to concentrate on it a little too much, in person its more purple like in the first photo.


Old one for contrast:



I will probably prime over this one and paint something new on it.


I'd once again like to thank Dohaerys, and  Hazeh/Shiny Hazard Sign for allowing fanart.


I also painted some other stuff:



A unicorn, used the same blue interference paint on it as well, one photo is under normal lighting, the other has a light shone upon it.



I've had this red dragon sitting around for a while and never gout around to photographing it until recently.


Also did this green one just because I had a lot of leftover green paint from that gold dragon project I did a while back and really liked how the paint looked so I just had to use it.  I know it's been done before but I added black and silver to complement it.







Edited by blockEdragon

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