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15 minutes ago, Fiona said:

I was thinking more in terms of this post from the Transparency thread rather than anything he's posted in this thread. Maybe instead of telling him exactly how we want it implemented we should try to convince him why it's a good idea for the game. Things have been bounced around some all along but I'm not sure it's been comprehensively discussed why we think adding an in-game (not for sale with real $$) currency and method of buying eggs would be good for the game.


This was discussed to bits before the discussion of how it would work really started.


Many long term players struggle to get rares simply because they don’t have the time or fast connections to get them. This would be a great way to reward people for being active for a long time while keeping rares rare.


It’s also a great way to make prizes something people can work for rather than only get through raw luck, a way to get commons that just never seem to show for you, a springboard for other ideas like potions to influence Gemshard / Nebula / Alting, sickness cures, potions to influence breeding outcomes... it’s a great idea at the core and then has oodles of other potential beside.


TJ really doesn’t have a leg to stand on in saying he just hasn’t responded because there’s no answer to “why.” That answer was hashed out years ago.


And yes Olympe was a bit curt, but it’s disheartening to see people jump in and ignore all the discussion that’s happened. The OP is very concise. New ideas are totally fine, but suggesting we just now “hash out how to balance it” when that was already very, very carefully done is a bit frustrating. We aren’t dummies, a lot of thought has gone into this. ;___; </3

Edited by angelicdragonpuppy

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Not that I think it will make much difference, but I realized I've never commented here and I'm totally in support of this.

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I stopped playing for years when I got a tablet and started using that instead of my laptop and *poof* catching anything became impossible -- this would've kept me around. So yep, full support from me.

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I've explained why I want this feature before in this thread, but if TJ is looking for 'why's, here we go:


I love DC, I've been here almost a full decade now, and I'm literally actively playing 3+ hours every single day (honestly it's usually more like 5+ hours). But I *still* don't have the ability to get certain dragons, like CB Golds or Silvers, whether that's down to just horrible luck or what I don't know. I think DC could benefit a *lot* from a way of rewarding active players by allowing them to 'save up' in order to get a dragon they can't manage to grab on their own. The prices, whatever they end up being, would ensure that tons and tons of users aren't just immediately able to buy tons of rares, they would have to *work* for it by being active over a period of time, but it would be something they *could* work for, instead of camping in the biomes month after month after month and never even *seeing* a CB Gold. 


A large part of why I want the store also has to do with my *hating* the completely-luck-based way of getting CB Prizes, I really really really want a way to *work* towards getting a CB Prize instead of just entering a completely random raffle and crossing our fingers every single month. However, I've said my piece about that elsewhere, and even if for whatever reason TJ didn't want CB Prizes to be available in-store, I'd still *very* much want the store to happen. 

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So your "why is this a good idea for the site" is a two-fold benefit, an alternate way to get eggs players otherwise have trouble getting and a reward for more active playing. See, that's my thought too, but I don't know if I ever spelled that out.

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There were plenty of other points covered over the course of this thread. Please feel free to expand on this list as needed to cover everything. 


Why are the things offered in this store needed?
To give the players more flexibility to achieve their own personal scroll goals.

  • By simply doing the things they already do, the player can earn points towards CB dragons of their choice.
  • Because of the passive way points are earned, even casual players can earn points toward the dragons offered, without needing to grind.
  • CB Prizes become an achievable goal, rather than a game of luck.

How have potential issues been addressed?

  • We set caps on how much currency can be earned per time frame (week, or 8 day moon cycle) to avoid disadvantages caused by grinding.
  • Currency can not be purchased with real money
  • Things obtained are scroll locked and may not be traded
  • Holidays would only appear during their holiday window (admittedly not as needed, but still nice)
  • Things that do NOT show up in cave, or can not be obtained without breeding are not available (GoNs, Bred alts, hybrids)
  • Prices are not set in stone, we listed them by time they take to earn, not actual prices.
  • Prices were set using Golds as the rarest dragon on site, and hashed out over the course of a few months while people decided the apparent rarities. 




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4 hours ago, angelicdragonpuppy said:

This was discussed to bits before the discussion of how it would work really started.


Many long term players struggle to get rares simply because they don’t have the time or fast connections to get them. This would be a great way to reward people for being active for a long time while keeping rares rare.


It’s also a great way to make prizes something people can work for rather than only get through raw luck, a way to get commons that just never seem to show for you, a springboard for other ideas like potions to influence Gemshard / Nebula / Alting, sickness cures, potions to influence breeding outcomes... it’s a great idea at the core and then has oodles of other potential beside.


TJ really doesn’t have a leg to stand on in saying he just hasn’t responded because there’s no answer to “why.” That answer was hashed out years ago.

In this case, I do believe the situation I've described of "impossible-to-meet expectations because it's guaranteed to not happen as spelled out in the OP" still covers things. The fact that someone was just chewed out within the last day for daring to bring up a topic that has already been gone over provides some pretty good evidence of that. If I were to dare deviate from that reported consensus, I can't even imagine how poorly it'd go over.

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1 minute ago, TJ09 said:

In this case, I do believe the situation I've described of "impossible-to-meet expectations because it's guaranteed to not happen as spelled out in the OP" still covers things. The fact that someone was just chewed out within the last day for daring to bring up a topic that has already been gone over provides some pretty good evidence of that. If I were to dare deviate from that reported consensus, I can't even imagine how poorly it'd go over.


Anything that gets the basic idea of what this thread was designed to do into the game, is better than not having them. Sure, we've put a lot of work into meeting the expectations and critiques that have been offered into effect, and have spent a few years trying to get it to be something workable, but if changes are needed to make it happen, then so be it. From day one I have made it very clear that any changes that needed to happen behind the scenes to make this happen, would happen.  I think we have done rather well working within the guidelines you gave us over the course of the thread.

You wanted bare bones, we provided them.

You wanted pricing ideas, they were covered.

You want explanations for why things were wanted, they have been happening since day one of this thread.

We've covered how to work it into the worlds story, and every detail that was pointed out as a thing that was needed, despite those bits not being in the first post anymore.

We've covered potential expansion points, some were fairly fleshed out.


I think while people would prefer to see the work we've done to try to make this happen, actually play a part... most would be happy to see any variation of this idea put into place, so long as it meets the goal of what this thread has been trying to do: create a way for people to earn those cb dragons they most want, in a reasonable way.

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11 minutes ago, TJ09 said:

In this case, I do believe the situation I've described of "impossible-to-meet expectations because it's guaranteed to not happen as spelled out in the OP" still covers things. The fact that someone was just chewed out within the last day for daring to bring up a topic that has already been gone over provides some pretty good evidence of that. If I were to dare deviate from that reported consensus, I can't even imagine how poorly it'd go over.


The topic has gotten as detailed as it is because people are trying to make it easy for you to implement and work out all the kinks so you don’t have to. Tell us what you still want and need from us, tell us what you’ll consider, give us some back and forth dialogue and then when you’re satisfied lock the thread. The reason people get annoyed when you don’t do things as fleshed out usually isn’t so much the change that bothers as the way it often feels you’ve just jumped in with a final declaration without ever having been an active participant in the discussion. Which might be far from true, but again, it’s how you often come off.


This suggestion has been around for years. Please give us something concrete, not just “I won’t say anything because people will get upset.” The years  of no decision have already done that.

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Agree with both the above posts. From what I've witnessed in this thread, things have been hashed out in so much detail so that it would be *more* likely to be implemented then just some vague 'oh, let's have another way to get dragons!'. By figuring out so much about how it could work, we've been hoping to give TJ a better idea of how things *could* be implemented, and maybe even make less work for him because we've already figured out things that could be problematic. But none of that means that it *has* to be implemented exactly that way. I, like many others, want a way to gain some sort of 'currency' in order to 'buy' dragons we aren't able to get otherwise. That's the core idea here, I think. All the other details are just us figuring out what may work best, not 'this *has* to be done exactly like this or nothing at all!'. Honestly I think it'd be ridiculous for anyone to expect that any suggestion would be implemented *exactly* the way they posted. 


(Also, I see the issue with someone posting things that have already been gone over to be a totally separate issue. It should be expected that if someone wants to comment on a suggestion they at least read the first post to get an idea what is actually being talked about. That has nothing to do with how it is or isn't implemented.)

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I agree with HeatherMarie.


But I would add that I HAVE been following this thread but had forgotten a few of the things that have been mentioned again recently. There really is no need to jump on people. I might also add that this thread is a CLASSIC example of why "like" buttons and so on wouldn't work. Because it is FAR TOO LONG to check everything, and what someone might suddenly decided to "like" may have been shot down with common agreement 50 pages ago. NOT everything has made it into the first post.



In this case, I do believe the situation I've described of "impossible-to-meet expectations because it's guaranteed to not happen as spelled out in the OP" still covers things. The fact that someone was just chewed out within the last day for daring to bring up a topic that has already been gone over provides some pretty good evidence of that. If I were to dare deviate from that reported consensus, I can't even imagine how poorly it'd go over.


Are you now plain out saying this will never happen, TJ ? We WOULD like to know why. ALL of us here want ways to earn the hard stuff. Please, if you aren't OK with this, devise something else.

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16 hours ago, TJ09 said:

In this case, I do believe the situation I've described of "impossible-to-meet expectations because it's guaranteed to not happen as spelled out in the OP" still covers things. The fact that someone was just chewed out within the last day for daring to bring up a topic that has already been gone over provides some pretty good evidence of that. If I were to dare deviate from that reported consensus, I can't even imagine how poorly it'd go over.

It wasn't so much the "daring to bring up a topic that has been discussed", but showing a fundamental lack of basic knowledge about this suggestion. I don't know how often it has been stated (in this very thread and a number of others) that the in-game currency is not supposed to be available for real-life money, it's been so often. And the idea of gaining currency for hatching eggs was a basic one, but has been modified to allow people with very selective scroll goals (like only 5 of each breed) to gain a substantial amount of currency, too. Different amounts of currency for eggs of different tiers of rarity has been discussed, too. I think the main points were, "harder to get should result in more currency because harder to get," and, to counter that, "easier to get should result in more currency to help even out the ratios". The synthesis of that was the proposed solution (see OP) of giving a bonus to eggs of underpopulated breeds that would benefit from being raised more (because they could become the next very annoying blocker), which would benefit the whole player base instead of making rares even more valuable and thus harder to get than they already are.


If you decide to go a different route, that's simply your business. But going over the same old arguments again because someone who must not be named came up with this totally not new idea only inflates the thread unnecessarily and makes us supporters sound like a broken record.

You already decided to not put in any breed-only dragons (hybrids, colored stripes, alts...), and I don't think I've seen any drama about it anywhere despite the fact that some people were in favor of adding them.

If you decide to not allow CB prizes to be bought, or CB metals, there'll most likely be (grumbling) acceptance. 

If you decide on any other way to award currency (like clicking eggs/hatchlings, for example) or decide against one of the proposed ways, that's fine, too. We came up with the system we have for a reason, though. And that reason was to allow for as many different ways to play DC as possible.

And if you decide on a different pricing system, that's your business, too. (Personally, I'm not very attached to it. It was merely a suggestion to get you started on pricing things. If your opinion differs in any way, that's just fine.)


But there are a few parts of the framework that might prove game-breaking - or, at least, community-breaking, so to speak. At least if you decide to go a different route.

If you decide to make DC currency available for real money, it's your business. But it's most likely the one thing that's going to cause lots of drama. (I'm not going to lie here.)

Not implementing a cap on the amount of currency you can gain in a certain period of time - be it a day, a week or the proposed 8-day period) might break the game for many of us, as grinding isn't something many people enjoy but would feel compelled to do anyway.

Allowing store-bought eggs to be teleported might have an unfavorable effect on trading and would most assuredly indirectly allow players to exchange currency, which could lead to inflation, so we strongly advise against it.


If there's something you do not understand about the OP - be it the suggestion in general, a point of it or the reasoning behind it, ask

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Lets focus on getting a good list going on why this or a similar kind of idea is needed/wanted. Please read through the list of questions before answering them. There will be room to expand on your answers at the end. I'd like to get a feel for the types of players we have, and how they play their game. If someone out there can figure out a way to compile the information in a useful way, and wants to please feel free. 

  1. How long have you been playing? (less than 6 months, 6-12 months, 1-3 years, 4-6 years, 6+ years)
  2. What type of player are you? (Pick a few keywords to use, in relation to your play style. Things like casual, breeder, trader, hoarder... )
  3. How much time do you spend playing this game a day/week?
  4. During the time you play, roughly how much time do you devote to breeding, trading, hunting the cave, hunting the ap and/or other activities? (If there are things you do not do for whatever reason, please write something like <1 hour or never.)
  5. How would the ability to earn CB dragons help you with your scroll goals? Please explain.
  6. What is it about this idea that you like? Why?
  7. Is there anything you feel should be tweaked or that you think should be added? Why?
  8. Do you have anything else to say about this thread, that you want to share?



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  1. How long have you been playing? 9 years, on and off ( since 2009)
  2. What type of player are you? Collector verging onto Hoarder of certain breeds ( I also engage in trading  and breeding)
  3. How much time do you spend playing this game a day/week? Unsure... probably more than I ought to XD
  4. During the time you play, roughly how much time do you devote to breeding, trading, hunting the cave, hunting the ap and/or other activities? Again unsure... I do all of those things in varying amounts depending on circumstances( I might be looking for new releases for instance, or breeding for a particular egg. It varies from day to day, quite honestly... SOME days I focus on describing my dragons, even.)
  5. How would the ability to earn CB dragons help you with your scroll goals? Please explain. It would greatly improve my ability. CERTAIN dragons prove elusive, for whatever reason ( AND inevitably it always seems to be the breeds I am currently actively looking for, for example... my current situation with CB gemshards. I'd like some more of them for a lineage project I am a part of but I haven't seen a single one in the biome lately I have also read others complaining of this same phenomena also.)This doesn't count hunting rares which are a separate kettle of fish entirely. IF a CB gold appears in cave, for instance, chances are someone else has grabbed it before I even see it. What CB metals I have were all either traded for or gifted to me so...another way of getting/earning SHINIES would be nice. AND prizes! Lately I have been diligently entering the raffle each month. NO luck so far, but I keep hoping. THAT said, I definitely wouldn't be opposed to a way of getting a CB shimmerscale of my own that DIDN'T depend so greatly upon the RNG deciding to smile upon me.
  6. What is it about this idea that you like? Why? Some idea like this is desirable for all the reasons I listed on the question above. AND this seems to be a well thought out, well designed, way to make it happen. 
  7. Is there anything you feel should be tweaked or that you think should be added? Why? As I said... this idea seems to well thought out already.Most of the worst possible pitfalls with the idea of an in-game store seem to have already been well addressed.  Input from TJ on it would be beneficial if he feels it has issues yet, however.
  8. Do you have anything else to say about this thread, that you want to share? Nope. Said my piece.

I hope that that adresses the 'whys and wherefors' of WHY I think this is a good idea and would benefit the site.

Edited by JavaTigress

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  1. How long have you been playing? Since 2009, starting out kinda inactive but when I properly learned the game I became a lot more active.
  2. What type of player are you? Kind of a casual player, I sometimes do small breeding projects but most of the time I focus on expanding my collection of dragons.
  3. How much time do you spend playing this game a day/week? I check my scroll every day, dozens of times each day, and regularly prowl the biomes and AP.
  4. During the time you play, roughly how much time do you devote to breeding, trading, hunting the cave, hunting the ap and/or other activities? I usually sink just a few minutes to cave/AP hunting, sometimes longer but most of the time just a fairly small amount. I don't do breeding projects often, but when I do I can sink a lot of time into them.
  5. How would the ability to earn CB dragons help you with your scroll goals? Please explain. It'd make it a bit easier. I've got no patience to obsessively stalk the cave for hours in search for CB metallics or whatever, whenever I catch something rare it almost always happens randomly. The ability to earn CBs without having to sink hours and hours into hunting the cave would be a great help for me to reach my goals.
  6. What is it about this idea that you like? Why? As stated above, it'd help me obtain CB rares that I'd otherwise never obtain, as I lack the patience to do cave hunting for hours at a time.
  7. Is there anything you feel should be tweaked or that you think should be added? Why? Not really. The idea is perfect as-is.
  8. Do you have anything else to say about this thread, that you want to share? Nah.

Hope this helps.

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1 hour ago, Thuban said:

Lets focus on getting a good list going on why this or a similar kind of idea is needed/wanted. Please read through the list of questions before answering them. There will be room to expand on your answers at the end. I'd like to get a feel for the types of players we have, and how they play their game. If someone out there can figure out a way to compile the information in a useful way, and wants to please feel free. 


  1. How long have you been playing? (less than 6 months, 6-12 months, 1-3 years, 4-6 years, 6+ years) 6+ years (since 2010)
  2. What type of player are you? (Pick a few keywords to use, in relation to your play style. Things like casual, breeder, trader, hoarder... ) breeder, hoarder
  3. How much time do you spend playing this game a day/week? upwards of an hour a day
  4. During the time you play, roughly how much time do you devote to breeding, trading, hunting the cave, hunting the ap and/or other activities? (If there are things you do not do for whatever reason, please write something like <1 hour or never.) Mostly breeding.
  5. How would the ability to earn CB dragons help you with your scroll goals? Please explain. Improved chance of building fun lineages
  6. What is it about this idea that you like? Why? Being able to work for CB prizes and rares. It would be easier to build lineages without relying on other who may suddenly decide to kill things !
  7. Is there anything you feel should be tweaked or that you think should be added? Why? I just do NOT want to see it entirely reliant on minigames which would - for me - be grinding.
  8. Do you have anything else to say about this thread, that you want to share? Can't think of anything this instant but may add later.

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  1. How long have you been playing? (less than 6 months, 6-12 months, 1-3 years, 4-6 years, 6+ years) 6+ years (will be 10 years this August omg!)
  2. What type of player are you? (Pick a few keywords to use, in relation to your play style. Things like casual, breeder, trader, hoarder... ) hoarder mostly, new-ish trader
  3. How much time do you spend playing this game a day/week? Usually 3-5 hours a day or more (oops?)
  4. During the time you play, roughly how much time do you devote to breeding, trading, hunting the cave, hunting the ap and/or other activities? (If there are things you do not do for whatever reason, please write something like <1 hour or never.)  Most of my time is spent hunting the AP and naming/sorting my dragons. I've been biome-hunting more often lately then I used to, as well as trading more often then I used to (largely due to that biome-hunting!). I'm not a huge breeder, though I like to participate in forum mass-breeds.
  5. How would the ability to earn CB dragons help you with your scroll goals? Please explain. While I don't specifically collect CBs, being able to work towards and earn dragons *in general* would be very beneficial with those breeds that I seem to have a hard time finding or catching otherwise. Golds of course are something many people just can't catch on their own, I've personally never even *seen* one in the biomes. I also need about 14 more Thunders for my scroll goals, and it's proven very difficult for me to find them anywhere, whether AP or biomes or trading. 
  6. What is it about this idea that you like? Why? I really like the idea of a way to *work* towards getting a dragon you really want, a way to put in time and effort and be rewarded for that time and effort. As it stands now there are certain dragons that are literally impossible for some people to get (like CB Golds/Silvers), they may not be fast enough to actually catch them or lucky enough to even see them in the biomes and maybe they don't have the trading power to trade for one. Like I said, I have never even *seen* a CB Gold in the biomes, so I have had *zero* chance to actually catch one. I really like an option to do something to *earn* that dragon instead of camping in the biomes for hours every day for months or even years without luck.
  7. Is there anything you feel should be tweaked or that you think should be added? Why? It seems like most concerns and potential issues have already been talked over and ironed out... I wouldn't want this to have anything to do with real money, which it doesn't, or with grinding, which it doesn't... It seems like a fairly well-thought-out suggestion. 
  8. Do you have anything else to say about this thread, that you want to share? It seems obvious from this thread and other talks around the forum that it would benefit a lot of players to have some other way to obtain CB dragons. I don't care at all if this gets implemented the way I envision it or differently, if there are tweaks TJ wants to make or things he doesn't agree with... The core idea of being able to *earn* dragons is what I'm so very in support of. But I do think that this thread has done a wonderful job of ironing out potential issues.
Edited by HeatherMarie

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  1. How long have you been playing? (less than 6 months, 6-12 months, 1-3 years, 4-6 years, 6+ years) I don't see how this is relevant, really. But, if you have to know, a good 8 years.
  2. What type of player are you? (Pick a few keywords to use, in relation to your play style. Things like casual, breeder, trader, hoarder... ) A bit of everything, although I hate having to rely on trades because, in most cases, I can't get what I want anyway. :/
  3. How much time do you spend playing this game a day/week? I used to spend a whole lot of time on DC in the first few years, but my activity has gone down significantly. Catching what I don't have - the last missing CB gold for my CB scroll goals - pretty much impossible. "Accidentally" finding a lineage I happen to be working on? Fat chance. Breeding? Ever tried a newer common x older common pairing? Right. Tried to find a perfect trade? Uh-huh. I used to spend almost an hour each day for weeks on end looking through the trading section for things that interested me and that I could afford - in the end, it wasn't worth it 95% of the time.
  4. During the time you play, roughly how much time do you devote to breeding, trading, hunting the cave, hunting the ap and/or other activities? (If there are things you do not do for whatever reason, please write something like <1 hour or never.) By now, very little. It used to be different, though. Come to think of it, I just might start my own lineage project sometime soon. Just one more CB gold needed to get it to work. (Ideally, I'd want to include PB 3rd gen prizes, too - but how likely is that to happen?) I still have bursts of activity in between where I spend much more time on DC than on average, most notably (but not exclusively) around the holiday events.
  5. How would the ability to earn CB dragons help you with your scroll goals? Please explain. Well, I want at least 2 male 2 female of each (unless I really can't stand the breed). And, as I may have mentioned, I still need one of those pesky CB golds. XD I think I've got everything else covered by now. I'd also love to create mates for the few 2nd gen prizes or prize offspring I have, first and foremost my Snow Angel from gold Shimmer.
  6. What is it about this idea that you like? Why? I like the idea of eventually being rewarded for diligent play, and I especially love the idea of finally being able to achieve my long-time goal. I'm also quite fond of the idea to buy a certain color morph of dragons like gemshards, although I probably wouldn't use this feature because I already have all the CB gemshards I need.
  7. Is there anything you feel should be tweaked or that you think should be added? Why? Personally, I'm not quite happy with the way prices were set, as I feel that prizes are too cheap, all things considered. However, I'm quite willing to compromise. (And besides, you won't hear me complain if prizes are cheap. Nope. Not happening.)
  8. Do you have anything else to say about this thread, that you want to share?  There are a lot of ways this store could be expanded - alt potions for various breeds, non-alt potions (for nebulas, for example), magic dye for bred stripes/gemshards/whatever (or something that needs to be applied to the parents before breeding)... scrolls for certain scroll actions/BSAs/similar things like unfreezing - you get the idea.

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The reason I asked about how long people have been playing was just an additional data point to consider. It seems a lot more older players support this compared to "newer" ones, but I'm not sure how true that is. It seemed relevant so I went with it. :)

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I'd agree with that actually. I think older players are more frustrated, probably XD

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People who've been playing for a long time know just how hard or impossible it is to get certain CBs... Maybe if you've been playing for 6 months or a year you might figure it just takes a little time and you'll get everything within the next year or so. Us old-timers know better, lol. 

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  1. How long have you been playing? Almost a year. I have about a month to go.
  2. What type of player are you? Hoarder, breeder.
  3. How much time do you spend playing this game a day/week? Far too much each day.
  4. During the time you play, roughly how much time do you devote to breeding, trading, hunting the cave, hunting the ap and/or other activities? I spend a while hunting when I have space. I breed sometimes, but mostly for Imperial Harem. I trade sometimes, but since EATW went, I don't try much. Zyus are in demand a lot, and I catch them pretty frequently, but it's really hard to find a trade for them.
  5. How would the ability to earn CB dragons help you with your scroll goals? Please explain. Well, I've been having trouble finding CB Gemshards for the Imperial Harem lineage, and that would help a lot. Sometimes mints seem to just disappear when I want them. There are a lot of dragons that I can't seem to get, and while I don't have scroll goals, I would like to have them to build lineages from.
  6. What is it about this idea that you like? Why? I like the ability to get a dragon that may be rare or in demand without having to pay an arm, a leg, and your firstborn child. I also like that you don't have to grind.
  7. Is there anything you feel should be tweaked or that you think should be added? Why? It seems pretty good. I haven't seen anything that I want to change (although I'm kind of not wanting the Gemshard thing just for Imperial Harem. I can see how frustrating miscoloring is, though, so I don't really mind)
  8. Do you have anything else to say about this thread, that you want to share? I've been watching this for a while, and it seems pretty good!

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11 hours ago, Thuban said:


  1. How long have you been playing? (less than 6 months, 6-12 months, 1-3 years, 4-6 years, 6+ years)
  2. What type of player are you? (Pick a few keywords to use, in relation to your play style. Things like casual, breeder, trader, hoarder... )
  3. How much time do you spend playing this game a day/week?
  4. During the time you play, roughly how much time do you devote to breeding, trading, hunting the cave, hunting the ap and/or other activities? (If there are things you do not do for whatever reason, please write something like <1 hour or never.)
  5. How would the ability to earn CB dragons help you with your scroll goals? Please explain.
  6. What is it about this idea that you like? Why?
  7. Is there anything you feel should be tweaked or that you think should be added? Why?
  8. Do you have anything else to say about this thread, that you want to share?



1. 6+ years. 10 in October.

2. mostly breeder anymore.

3. right now maybe 20 minute per day. Used to be a lot more.

4. Probably 15 minutes on other activities - checking if certain dragons are ready to breed, using BSAs. 5 minutes on breeding. 0 hunting the cave except during releases. Normally 0 hunting the ap. Estimates on trading vary depending on whether my Garland alts are ready to breed. I don't trade much except those.

5. I have most all the CB dragons I want but there are a few breeds I'm light on, so if they come up in a project I'd like to be able to just grab the ones I need. Can't. I can't really hunt the cave anymore due to physical issues, internet issues, number of breeds in the cave so that I don't really see the breed I want in a few refreshes. I have to trade for everything except new releases unless it's something that pretty much blocks the cave up.

6. I like the idea of being rewarded for regular play, for sticking around and being here a lot. I like the idea of an alternate way to get dragon eggs besides the need to refresh the cave page. Yes, there's breeding, but for making my own lineages I have to start with CB.

7. No. We may be too specific already.

8. I will be happy if we get a way to earn toward eggs - any eggs. Don't have to be fancy, just have to be able to choose which breeds we want, even commons. I like the ideas in the thread to cap points earned in a specific time period to limit grinding and to minimize the advantage people would have who have all day to play, though that seems to me to go toward balancing out the current advantage people have with short pings to the server and superior hardware. I like a lot of the ideas from the thread but that doesn't mean I think it's the only way it could be done. I really like the idea of adding potions to the idea at some point but that's a discussion for another thread at another time.

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1.  How long have you been playing? (less than 6 months, 6-12 months, 1-3 years, 4-6 years, 6+ years)

6+ years (8 years)


2. What type of player are you? (Pick a few keywords to use, in relation to your play style. Things like casual, breeder, trader, hoarder... )

lineage collector? of the things listed, i would say "breeder," but i also really love lineages that others have worked hard on.


3. How much time do you spend playing this game a day/week?

10-12 hrs/week (rough estimate of average)

4. During the time you play, roughly how much time do you devote to breeding, trading, hunting the cave, hunting the ap and/or other activities? (If there are things you do not do for whatever reason, please write something like <1 hour or never.)

(estimates in percentages...)

breeding - 50%

trading - 5%

hunting the cave - 10%

hunting the ap - 20%

other activities - 15%

5. How would the ability to earn CB dragons help you with your scroll goals? Please explain.

not exactly scroll goals, but i have so many lineages i want to do -- ones i dreamed up on my own and ones inspired by ap catches or things from gifting threads -- and i cannot do them easily because i don't have the necessary rare cbs. i am a horrible trader so it takes a very long time for me to get 2gs, and honestly i don't like asking someone to breed me a metal from a common. so it would make lineage building and higher-gen swapping a lot easier.

6. What is it about this idea that you like? Why?

when i first joined dc, it was a stress-reducer. now, i'd say it's a stress-inducer. the implementation of something like trader's canyon would make it possible for me to get cbs i otherwise can't, which would make it possible for me to make beautiful lineages for myself and to share with others. and then dc would be fully fun for me again. :D

7. Is there anything you feel should be tweaked or that you think should be added? Why?

i'm good with the work and thought and dialoguing that have gone into this.


8.Do you have anything else to say about this thread, that you want to share?

just that my desperate hope for this to become a reality has kept me going with dc, even when i was prepared to quit.

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