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I don't believe I said "every idiot and his neighbor should get a wolf. It's fool-proof." I support exotic pet ownership because I know a lot of people over the internet that keep anything from foxes and ferrets to lions and bears. These animals have enrichment, enclosures, and they are happy. I don't see the problem. They take it very seriously, and have all done tons of research on their animals and know how to handle them.


A wolf-hybrid is obviously not an animal for a novice owner who isn't going to treat it right. They have different needs from dogs.

The problem, I meant, I guess, is that if you allow the responsible, knowledgeable owner to get one, how do you KEEP evry idiot and their cousin who happen to want one from getting them too? There in liss the complication


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The problem, I meant, I guess, is that if you allow the responsible, knowledgeable owner to get one, how do you KEEP evry idiot and their cousin who happen to want one from getting them too? There in liss the complication

Many states already allow them to. Personally I feel like this responsibility lies in reputable breeders' hands, so that goes to another issue of backyard breeding.


Wookie, farmers have a particular trouble with this. Livestock are often targeted as easy prey, and in many areas there is little they can do about it because of restrictions. I'm not too passionate here and I like wolves, but they aren't angels that would never do something like this and too many wolfaboos like to pretend they are.

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Wookie, farmers have a particular trouble with this. Livestock are often targeted as easy prey, and in many areas there is little they can do about it because of restrictions. I'm not too passionate here and I like wolves, but they aren't angels that would never do something like this and too many wolfaboos like to pretend they are.

I've looked things up and it seems to be a major argument as to whether coyotes are doing the real damage or wolves are. I don't know if deaths have increased in areas where wolves have been introduced, but this could simply be coyotes now having more competition and looking for food elsewhere, thus hunting more livestock. Ranchers claim to say that wolves are doing the killing, people who study wildlife claim that it's desperate coyotes killing things. I don't like wolves any more than the next person (other than canines being fun to draw) but I'm more willing to believe the people who study the animals and their hunting habits than farming communities that can really go on eyewitness accounts. I'm not saying that wolves are not killing any livestock, they are definitely taking some, but I still think the bulk is being killed by coyotes. I guess I could do more looking. The complaints I have seen that I can understand is that there is more competition with game. People hunt the same things wolves do and some people depend on the animals they hunt, making things difficult for them both.

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Believe it or not, wolves threaten people's livelihoods.

Such as —?


If you're talking about ranching, that's already been discussed. But the Siuslaw and Umpqua watershed forests in Western Oregon don't have a whole lot in the way of ranching, it's National Forest and tribal territory. There's the Lorane Valley, that has lots of livestock, but how much does a guard llama or two cost? Anatolian shepherds, Great Pyrenees dogs, etc. Further up the valley, there's a lot of sheep farming but it's also very settled, lots of cities. Wolves tend to avoid cities.

If you're talking about hunting/fishing operations, which is the other primary use of the Western Oregon forestlands, I maintain that wolves and human hunters aren't competing for the same resource. A human hunter will take one (probably healthy) elk, deer or bear a year — very incidental attrition to the wolves' use of the same herd.

"Less game to hunt!" Psh. Wuss. Walk into the woods a little further. Did you really take up hunting just to shoot from your back porch? And you don't want to be shooting/eating a deer that's infested with bot larvae.


The problem, I meant, I guess, is that if you allow the responsible, knowledgeable owner to get one, how do you KEEP evry idiot and their cousin who happen to want one from getting them too? There in liss the complication


In order to get an exotic animal keepers' license, you have to apprentice with a zoo or wildlife rehabilitation station for several years and pass a test.

Then you have to have your facility inspected by the state government, and they will come back unannounced to inspect until the animal you're keeping dies a natural death (hopefully — you're in big trouble if it doesn't).

Edited by Xocowolf

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Such as —?


If you're talking about ranching, that's already been discussed. But the Siuslaw and Umpqua watershed forests in Western Oregon don't have a whole lot in the way of ranching, it's National Forest and tribal territory. There's the Lorane Valley, that has lots of livestock, but how much does a guard llama or two cost? Anatolian shepherds, Great Pyrenees dogs, etc. Further up the valley, there's a lot of sheep farming but it's also very settled, lots of cities. Wolves tend to avoid cities.

If you're talking about hunting/fishing operations, which is the other primary use of the Western Oregon forestlands, I maintain that wolves and human hunters aren't competing for the same resource. A human hunter will take one (probably healthy) elk, deer or bear a year — very incidental attrition to the wolves' use of the same herd.

"Less game to hunt!" Psh. Wuss. Walk into the woods a little further. Did you really take up hunting just to shoot from your back porch? And you don't want to be shooting/eating a deer that's infested with bot larvae.




In order to get an exotic animal keepers' license, you have to apprentice with a zoo or wildlife rehabilitation station for several years and pass a test.

Then you have to have your facility inspected by the state government, and they will come back unannounced to inspect until the animal you're keeping dies a natural death (hopefully — you're in big trouble if it doesn't).

No you don't. Perhaps in your state, but each state has different regulations, and some have hardly any at all.

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Don't have any idea as to what you're debating, but wolves are beautiful and one of my favorite creatures. Hope to work with them somehow when I get older.

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*stays away from the debate*


Where I live, you can own wolf-hybrids if you have a special permit. My best friend has raised wolf hybrids since before I was born.


I know that *wolves* are wild animals, but from everything I've learned and experienced, wolf-hybrids aren't much different from pit bulls. They get a bad rep because you hear stories of them turning on their owners, biting, etc etc, but if you raise them correctly from the start it's not much of a problem. These hybrids that I love so dearly are definitely not "wild". Their parents and grandparents weren't wild. Domestication is all they've ever known and I really see no reason to think that they would sudden "turn" or become wild.


That said, they are big and powerful animals. Like any such animals, it requires a little bit of common sense to be around them. Just like it's usually a bad idea to rough-house with a guard dog, it's a bad idea to rough-house with a wolf hybrid. But if you use common sense and let them get to know you, they really can be wonderful companions.

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I know that *wolves* are wild animals, but from everything I've learned and experienced, wolf-hybrids aren't much different from pit bulls. They get a bad rep because you hear stories of them turning on their owners, biting, etc etc, but if you raise them correctly from the start it's not much of a problem. These hybrids that I love so dearly are definitely not "wild". Their parents and grandparents weren't wild. Domestication is all they've ever known and I really see no reason to think that they would sudden "turn" or become wild.


Their genetics, in fact, do play a part in their temperament. First generation hybrids will still have prominent features of the wolf, and their instincts have only been slightly tamed. Yes, training does help, but there's only so much you can do. It's like, you can train a dog to reason beyond "I'll get something good out of doing this". They think in their own way.


That said, they are big and powerful animals. Like any such animals, it requires a little bit of common sense to be around them. Just like it's usually a bad idea to rough-house with a guard dog, it's a bad idea to rough-house with a wolf hybrid. But if you use common sense and let them get to know you, they really can be wonderful companions.


A bit more than common sense. A third-generation hybrid is much safer than a first-generation, therefore you must know what makes a wolf tick because you must be much more aware around a 1st gen. than a 3rd gen. but you still have to be aware around a 3rd generation. Dogs were domesticated over thousands of years and clearly are still not 'perfect'. Do NOT expect a hybrid to be just like a dog. Ever.


They're animals, and no matter how much you love them, they will not think the way you do. I just wanted to warn you.

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To me, wolfaboos kill wolves more than hunters do.

I understand what their trying to do for wolves, but I mean seriously, you don't have to go around the world going "MWAAH WOLVES OMGFAEW I WANT TO PET ONE AYBGDS". No. I LOVE wolves a lot, same with other animals, but wolves aren't the rulers of the world. Some wolfaboos are even crazy people. They think that they are decended from wolves and even say that they are wolves. Why do I say this? Because of YouTube. I see at least 4345674532 comments a day saying something about wolves being so perfect. What about tigers? What about sharks? Waht about horses? What about dogs, even? Wolfaboos think that wolves could kill ANYTHING. Okay, I even saw a video called "Tigers vs. Wolves" or something. At the end of the video it says that the wolf wins. They I see about a million comments saying that wolves pwn tigers. One of the comments were "A wolf eats 12 tigers." Untrue. Tigers have more power than wolves, and that's why tigers are solitary hunters. So I guess I have to sum this up: wolfaboos, wolves aren't as amazing as you think they are. Sure, they're totally awesome and majestic, but no, Wolf's Rain isn't giving any facts about wolves. You're not a wolf, and you're not decended from one either. It's not gonna do any good if you keep wolves as pets, either. What do you think wild animals want most? To be running free, or to be kept up in a crappy little cage? And most important of all, if you really want to end wolf hunting, then get off of damn YouTube and start working on it.

Here's a video of where some wolfaboos are lurking (look at the comments and you might find something!):





There are millions more. I just didn't want to put any of links.


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Did you know that wolves, even though they eat other stuff, are carnivores? They are called facultative carnivores. Look it up if you don't beleive me.

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To me, wolfaboos kill wolves more than hunters do.

I understand what their trying to do for wolves, but I mean seriously, you don't have to go around the world going "MWAAH WOLVES OMGFAEW I WANT TO PET ONE AYBGDS". No. I LOVE wolves a lot, same with other animals, but wolves aren't the rulers of the world. Some wolfaboos are even crazy people. They think that they are decended from wolves and even say that they are wolves. Why do I say this? Because of YouTube. I see at least 4345674532 comments a day saying something about wolves being so perfect. What about tigers? What about sharks? Waht about horses? What about dogs, even? Wolfaboos think that wolves could kill ANYTHING. Okay, I even saw a video called "Tigers vs. Wolves" or something. At the end of the video it says that the wolf wins. They I see about a million comments saying that wolves pwn tigers. One of the comments were "A wolf eats 12 tigers." Untrue. Tigers have more power than wolves, and that's why tigers are solitary hunters. So I guess I have to sum this up: wolfaboos, wolves aren't as amazing as you think they are. Sure, they're totally awesome and majestic, but no, Wolf's Rain isn't giving any facts about wolves. You're not a wolf, and you're not decended from one either. It's not gonna do any good if you keep wolves as pets, either. What do you think wild animals want most? To be running free, or to be kept up in a crappy little cage? And most important of all, if you really want to end wolf hunting, then get off of damn YouTube and start working on it.

Here's a video of where some wolfaboos are lurking (look at the comments and you might find something!):





There are millions more. I just didn't want to put any of links.

While I agree that the 'DUDE, WOLFS ARE TEH BESTEST, THE PWN ANY ANIMAL, THER SO MUCH BETTER THAN HUMANS' is obnoxious, a lot of the comments going against the wolfaboos in those videos are just as bad. =/ Especially in that first one of the wolf howling.


I love wolves. I'm certainly no wolfaboo, but I love canines. Wolves are beautiful and the fact that they work together to survive like they do is just so cool.


However, when people use arguments like 'wolves aren't gods, they're killers, you shouldn't love them so much' against those who admire wolves, it really irks me. So it's wrong to like any animal that kills for its meals? It's wrong to be a fan of sharks/tigers/whatever? That doesn't make any sense.

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While I agree that the 'DUDE, WOLFS ARE TEH BESTEST, THE PWN ANY ANIMAL, THER SO MUCH BETTER THAN HUMANS' is obnoxious, a lot of the comments going against the wolfaboos in those videos are just as bad. =/ Especially in that first one of the wolf howling.


I love wolves. I'm certainly no wolfaboo, but I love canines. Wolves are beautiful and the fact that they work together to survive like they do is just so cool.


However, when people use arguments like 'wolves aren't gods, they're killers, you shouldn't love them so much' against those who admire wolves, it really irks me. So it's wrong to like any animal that kills for its meals? It's wrong to be a fan of sharks/tigers/whatever? That doesn't make any sense.

Uh this.


Those comments were horrific. And definitely not 100% true. If they are going to call an animal a killer, they forgot about mankind. (I say mankind because not everyone kills their own food) Surviving does not make you a killer. Killing to protect yourself does not make you a killer. Killing because it pleasures you to kill makes you a killer. In my mind of course, that is how it is. I'm sure others could counter that.

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Wolves are beautiful animals although they can be pest sometimes.



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There are lots of half wolf dogs around here... sweetest things you'll ever see, just as loyal as a German Shepherd and twice as protective. At least from what I've seen.

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I think wolves are just so pretty and smart. They can be any color from white to brown to black, they have their own social system, and they take turns baby sitting! Aren't they amazing? laugh.gif

Yes i love wolves!They are awesome!

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I think wolves are among the most beautiful and smart creatures on the planet. They are my absolute favorite among real-world animals (with the dragon being my favorite mythical one). I think my love for them has to do with my Native American background. I've discovered that the wolf is named as my spirit guide and there's a lot about their personalities and features that makes sense to me in that regard.

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I used to love wolves a lot. They were my favorite animals and I drew them all the time. Then I discovered the internet and...wolfaboos.


Sparkledogs, wolfaboos, and the general 'SPESHUL SNOWFLAKE' attitude surrounding wolves just ruined it for me.


I love a whole bunch of animals, too, and now that I've been saturated with 'DARK AND EDGY' wolves around every corner on the internet, I don't like them as much. Besides, they're not as super-endangered as people think in several parts of the world, especially in places like Yellowstone. In fact, humans had to step in and control the wolf population in Yellowstone because the elk herds have been declining at an alarming rate, and wolves don't always hunt for food. Many of them are know to hunt in excess, without eating the animal they kill.


I do love animals, though! I wanted to be a zoologist when I was little. And I do love canines, especially jackals. I love the mythology surrounding jackals and coyotes, as tricksters and gods in the animal kingdom. I also live maned wolves, which don't get that much attention, and hyenas. Bats are awesome too, and I love reptiles and birds of all shapes ad sizes.

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I love wolves. I don't care that they may be overrated. Their beauty, grace, and free spirits will always make me a wolf lover. One issue where I live is about the Mexican grey, which was reintroduced somewhere here in the past few years, i believe. I'm not sure, so don't quote me on that. I love how wild and free they are. For me, wolves represent freedom and running wild. :3 Plus, they're beautiful-their range of pelt colors is amazing.


I hate the way governments see them as pests and the way farmers view them the same way also bothers me very much. The farmers and ranchers are actually sometimes encroaching on wolf territory, and the wolves of course are going to hunt on the territory they still claim, and if they prey is easy to get like a cow, of course they're going to go for that prey first. I think farmers and ranchers should look into the wildlife around before moving or making a farm or ranch into a certain area. That's just my opinion, though, and no, I don't hate farmers or ranchers.


I totally agree. U guys should go to wolf park in Battleground, Indiana.

U would LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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I love them. I sometimes wish I was one of them instead of being a human.... It must be fun to hunt with the pack.

I agree with you so much. tongue.gif


Ever since I was, like, six I've wanted a wolf-malamute cross for a pet. I still do. sad.gif

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I hate the way governments see them as pests and the way farmers view them the same way also bothers me very much. The farmers and ranchers are actually sometimes encroaching on wolf territory, and the wolves of course are going to hunt on the territory they still claim, and if they prey is easy to get like a cow, of course they're going to go for that prey first. I think farmers and ranchers should look into the wildlife around before moving or making a farm or ranch into a certain area. That's just my opinion, though, and no, I don't hate farmers or ranchers.


Wolves don't just threaten domestic cattle, though. Mexican wolves might not be causing a lot of problems right now, but gray wolves in Yellowstone park need population control at this point or the elk herds in the park will be in danger. Wood beetles infesting the trees in the park have depleted the elk's food supply, and when you combine starvation with wolf sport-kills, they're in way more danger than the wolf population is.


I agree that wolves are wonderful animals, but they're still animals and they don't really deserve this elevated status a lot of people seem to have given them.

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I love wolves, and found some rather interesting information on radio-collared wolves in northern Minnesota's Superior National Forest. Here is a list of several past and present radio-collared wolves and from here you can choose to view the status of any/all radio-collared wolves in the study. You don't need to do step 2 (download files); just select "all" and a start date (say, 12/01/11) and then click the 'search' button. Thought some of you might enjoy this, I know that I do.

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Grey wolves are my favourite. I think Wolves are just very very primal animals they are incredibly beautiful and its strange to think that our dogs come from these creatures... strange and terrifying.

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