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I like wolves well enough, they're pretty cool. I find it a little disappointing that most "wolf fans" seem to only like the fantasized or unnatural versions of them, rather than the real thing. For example, their packs aren't some military-esque group with ranks named after Greek letters(alpha, omega, etc.), they are a family unit made up of parents and their offspring(who eventually leave to start their own family).

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Wolves are my favorite animals. I just like the way they look, their intelligence, individualism, and how the hunt in packs. But also how they can survive alone if they need to.

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Wolves are my favorite animals. I just like the way they look, their intelligence, individualism, and how the hunt in packs. But also how they can survive alone if they need to.

Not for that long, really. Most wolf hunting is pack related, lone wolves don't tend to make it that long.

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I like animals that are misunderstood like bats, pitbulls, etc. But wolves are cool too. But they are kinda overrated...

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Exhibit cam, live streaming wolf watch cam from the International Wolf Center.  The four wolves of the exhibit pack were quite active just a few minutes ago.



Also, I see they're active again this morning. smile.gif

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I really like wolves. They're not like my favorite animal, but I do really like them. I'm fond of canidae in general really. ouo I think they're cute.

Edited by Switch

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I find wolves like totally awesome! And they are very beautiful in Color and smart because they hunt in a pack and not alone.

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I really am kind of sick of the many obscure "Save the wolves" group. I'm not saying that I don't appreciate their efforts though. I just think that there are many other species of animals that face far greater threats of extinction than wolves do. But it seems no one really cares about them.

Yeah, I guess wolves are severely overrated, used to love them in my child years though.

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I really am kind of sick of the many obscure "Save the wolves" group.  I'm not saying that I don't appreciate their efforts though.  I just think that there are many other species of animals that face far greater threats of extinction than wolves do.  But it seems no one really cares about them.

Yeah, I guess wolves are severely overrated, used to love them in my child years though.

I'm sure a lot of it is just appearance sake and because everyone's familiarity with them is higher because they resemble dogs so they receive more sympathy but they really are an integral part of the ecosystem. And some hunters really aren't very noble about hunting them which turns sport into slaughter, so they get even more sympathy for having to deal with that.


I don't really understand when people say some animal is overrated. How do you judge that? Survival skills, environmental change adaption ability, resourcefulness, parenting behaviors, social behaviors, etc. Where do wolves lack, exactly? They are alive and only being threatened due to human activity, and not because of something stupid like their main source of food is ridiculously low in calories and nutrition and is a completely unsuitable diet for that animal(pandas, I'm looking at you).


Or is it something as shallow as a case of "Everyone likes ____ so I think ____ sucks."


I doubt wolves have changed since your childhood, so what about them makes you dislike them now if you disregard their popularity? Would you really give up a passion just because other people simply like it as well? I don't really understand that.


I hope this doesn't come off as aggressive, I don't feel that way at all. I just truly do not understand how you can love something less because others love it too. Is it because liking something popular makes you feel more average, while liking things that are unique and uncommonly liked make you feel like you are a unique person?

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In which Syaoransbear describes teenagers and hipsters alike extremely accurately!


I like wolves, but I like every single kind of animal out there. NO EXCEPTIONS.

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I'm sure a lot of it is just appearance sake and because everyone's familiarity with them is higher because they resemble dogs so they receive more sympathy but they really are an integral part of the ecosystem. And some hunters really aren't very noble about hunting them which turns sport into slaughter, so they get even more sympathy for having to deal with that.


I don't really understand when people say some animal is overrated. How do you judge that? Survival skills, environmental change adaption ability, resourcefulness, parenting behaviors, social behaviors, etc. Where do wolves lack, exactly? They are alive and only being threatened due to human activity, and not because of something stupid like their main source of food is ridiculously low in calories and nutrition and is a completely unsuitable diet for that animal(pandas, I'm looking at you).


Or is it something as shallow as a case of "Everyone likes ____ so I think ____ sucks."


I doubt wolves have changed since your childhood, so what about them makes you dislike them now if you disregard their popularity? Would you really give up a passion just because other people simply like it as well? I don't really understand that.


I hope this doesn't come off as aggressive, I don't feel that way at all. I just truly do not understand how you can love something less because others love it too. Is it because liking something popular makes you feel more average, while liking things that are unique and uncommonly liked make you feel like you are a unique person?

No, my interest in wolves hasn't faded because of popularity. I'd say it vanished at a certain point in time of my life probably even before I was a teenager (2nd grade maybe?), most likely when my interest in dragons sparked even higher. As a kid, sure I loved wolves, but I loved dragons even more. Heh, I think I still have my early scribbles of dragons I drew in school.


As for your question in the second paragraph, I mentioned that wolves are overrated because, as stated earlier there are a lot of other animals that need saving too. I also don't understand what exactly makes wolves more "divine, special, unique, etc." than other animals of it caliber. They aren't lacking anything I can assure you. But that's my point, why are wolves always put on a golden pedestal for doing things all animals do?


Even to this day, I still hold plenty of fondness towards wolves, just not as much. I wouldn't call my younger self's opinion as a passion though. More like a stage passing by.

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One reason that wolves get more Save the Wolf groups is because they are a local animal(if you are in the US, though there are wolf species on many continents), and because they are local, the groups are more visible to you. It is easier to care for and to donate time, as well as money, to something nearby, versus a creature on the other side of the globe.

Edited by Nectaris

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Grey wolves aren't in danger of extinction anytime soon. Time to focus on something else.

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No, my interest in wolves hasn't faded because of popularity. I'd say it vanished at a certain point in time of my life probably even before I was a teenager (2nd grade maybe?), most likely when my interest in dragons sparked even higher. As a kid, sure I loved wolves, but I loved dragons even more. Heh, I think I still have my early scribbles of dragons I drew in school.


As for your question in the second paragraph, I mentioned that wolves are overrated because, as stated earlier there are a lot of other animals that need saving too. I also don't understand what exactly makes wolves more "divine, special, unique, etc." than other animals of it caliber. They aren't lacking anything I can assure you. But that's my point, why are wolves always put on a golden pedestal for doing things all animals do?


Even to this day, I still hold plenty of fondness towards wolves, just not as much. I wouldn't call my younger self's opinion as a passion though. More like a stage passing by.

I think it's like I said, that they resemble dogs so people feel more of a bond with them. Big cats receive similar attention without being a hugely spectacular animal.


I think fandoms for things increase when there is resistance as well. Farmers and hunters seem to despise wolves, and I think that kind of hate makes people like them more.


There's also a large amount of wolfdog owners and it appears that all of them support certain save the wolf charities. I don't own a wolfdog but I'm very active in the community, and there's a huge amount of support for wild wolves from them.

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I love wolves, but I think that wolves are the most misunderstood animals. If you study the folk fairytales they all had a bad wolf, because when there was hunger on the mountains wolves went down to villages and were eating the sheeps of the villagers and destroy them financially. In fact I love them so much, that when I take care of small children I slightly change the fairytales in order the children not consider them as "bad" creatures, becausee there isn't bad and good thing in nature but only instincts.

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Wolves are very pretty. I wish the gov would reintroduce them to New York, but then farmers would get all grumbly about it. Understandable.

I also laugh when people say they're overrated.

If you like an animal, like them, what does popularity have to do with it?

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I like white wolves and black wolves the best. I wish we could keep wolves as pets. Although you could have some problems with trying to train them.

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I like white wolves and black wolves the best. I wish we could keep wolves as pets. Although you could have some problems with trying to train them.

More than just "some."

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I like white wolves and black wolves the best. I wish we could keep wolves as pets. Although you could have some problems with trying to train them.

You can keep wolfdogs as pets depending on where you live, and the really high content ones are often hard to tell apart from real wolves. Some breeders are doing a good job of creating high content wolfdogs that are less nervy and are more trainable and social while still keeping the wolfy looking appearance in their lines.


If you just want a dog that looks like a wolf with no wolfy behaviors, the Alaskan Noble Companion Dog is one breed in the making that is trying to fill the void for people who want something that resembles a black wolf but acts like a dog.


user posted image

(This picture belongs to a girl called Kootenaywolf)

They certainly don't resemble high contents, but they look pretty wolfy for dogs with 0% wolf content. And they are straight up gorgeous.

Edited by Syaoransbear

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I rather like wolves because of my general obsession with fuzzy things/creatures. However I'm not a "wolfaboo" or anything and I don't care if wolves are overrated.


I still love birds the most. The best floof.

Edited by Light Concorde

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