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Dr. Paine

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So someone just abstained from my copper dragon description. All because I said he wanted to twine around the Statue of Liberty! I do not see ANYWHERE that says that DragonCave is not situated on an earth like planet. Also who is to say that there isn't an alien race with a 'statue of liberty' of their own? -.-


Who ever wrote that and the person who rejected it? Yeah they can explain themselves to Tarnished Copper Draconian!


Would it be better if I thee and thoud it like a friggen Shakespeare play?



*throws hands up in disgust and walks off* might as well go and change it to him living on the planet bibbledegook in the wibblewomble system -.-

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So someone just abstained from my copper dragon description. All because I said he wanted to twine around the Statue of Liberty! I do not see ANYWHERE that says that DragonCave is not situated on an earth like planet. Also who is to say that there isn't an alien race with a 'statue of liberty' of their own? -.-


Who ever wrote that and the person who rejected it? Yeah they can explain themselves to Tarnished Copper Draconian!


Would it be better if I thee and thoud it like a friggen Shakespeare play?



*throws hands up in disgust and walks off* might as well go and change it to him living on the planet bibbledegook in the wibblewomble system -.-

The official Description Guidelines can be found here:



From the Guidelines:

Use the Correct Setting

This site takes place in a medieval setting. Therefore, it wouldn't make sense to describe your dragon as enjoying flying alongside airplanes. If in doubt, avoid all era-specific references.

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The official Description Guidelines can be found here:



From the Guidelines:

First off the Statue of Liberty is not that 'modern' and second off I'm particularly pointing out that the commenter said that DC was not Earth when it says nothing about refraining from using earth as a setting in the comments. But fine ill just undescribe him and leave this 'This dragon had a description but nitpickers hated it so this is what you get instead' Bibbledegook in wimmblewomble.

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First off the Statue of Liberty is not that 'modern' and second off I'm particularly pointing out that the commenter said that DC was not Earth when it says nothing about refraining from using earth as a setting in the comments. But fine ill just undescribe him and leave this 'This dragon had a description but nitpickers hated it so this is what you get instead' Bibbledegook in wimmblewomble.

While it may not be 'modern', it's certainly not medieval either. You could create an equivalent for your dragons that wouldn't be out of place in a medieval setting, but as Dragcave is set in the fictional setting of Valkemare, not Earth, it wouldn't make sense to have an American icon present.

I've seen descriptions that adapted modern icons to the fictional setting - as long as it's not too close to the original, you should be fine. (You can't say it was given to your dragons by the French, but you could say it was a large metal statue built by the dragons to symbolize freedom or equality or some such.)

I hope this helps - it'd be a shame to scrap the entire description.

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First off the Statue of Liberty is not that 'modern' and second off I'm particularly pointing out that the commenter said that DC was not Earth when it says nothing about refraining from using earth as a setting in the comments. But fine ill just undescribe him and leave this 'This dragon had a description but nitpickers hated it so this is what you get instead' Bibbledegook in wimmblewomble.

You aren't supposed to use real-world places either.


I've reviewed several descriptions that mention real world locations. I've always been under the impression that real world places don't apply to DC, but can't find anything about it in the guidelines. Can we get a call on this?


The only real world mentions I let slip by are when people say "___ means ___ in whatever language", otherwise I try to catch real world mentions/places and replace them with something else. :3


You could probably still use the Statue of Liberty but word it differently. For instance: "The nearby village has a large statue in front of their gate which symbolizes their liberty from the adjacent village, who used to treat the people horribly." Or something of that nature. I have a couple descriptions based off of real places. I just made the references obvious enough to be sort of obvious to the reader without just outright saying "He lives in Lake Cumberland, Kentucky." I changed that around to Cumberland Lake in the land of EG's Cave.


If you leave a sentence talking to the readers or being rude or if you put just nonsense, your dragon will be killed. I speak from experience. One of mine was killed when I accidentally left part of a description still in the box when I decided to erase what I put.

I put that in bold because I see it's a CB Copper. I doubt anyone would want that one to die. It's pretty rare.

Edited by Earth Gurl

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It's all good the DC chat helped me rename the Statue of Liberty into a medival term. Introducing the copper statue of Queen Libertia biggrin.gif that's so one can (hopefully) picture what I did to describe my dragon as I did.


Also in my Fever Dragon's description I mentioned human scientists and the Black Death. Now I'm assuming there could be a Black Death on any world but...should I change the word 'scientists' into alchemists or something like that?

Edited by Vampyre

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It's all good the DC chat helped me rename the Statue of Liberty into a medival term. Introducing the copper statue of Queen Libertia biggrin.gif that's so one can (hopefully) picture what I did to describe my dragon as I did.


Also in my Fever Dragon's description I mentioned human scientists and the Black Death. Now I'm assuming there could be a Black Death on any world but...should I change the word 'scientists' into alchemists or something like that?

There were definitely medieval scientists. You're all good there. If you wanted to change it to anything, I would say you could change it to physicians because I think that's what they would have called someone dealing with issues of the human body.

But there definitely were medieval scientists.

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Also my black dragon, Dutchkiller, I said in his description that unlike my friend that he was named for he merely wishes he was Dutch. Is that a no no? Cause if so I'd have to rename the dragon which would sadden me AND my Dutch friend :'(

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Also my black dragon, Dutchkiller, I said in his description that unlike my friend that he was named for he merely wishes he was Dutch. Is that a no no? Cause if so I'd have to rename the dragon which would sadden me AND my Dutch friend :'(

Well, as my dad says.. You're not much if you're not Dutch. (I'm also Dutch). But I don't think your dragons can be Dutch. sad.gif

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On Trotsky's Xenophobic Cheese:


Somehow mistaken for a xenowyrm when he was a hatchie, Xeno now has an intense fear of the wyrms themselves. As a hatchling, he was forced to spend time with them while they matured; now, as an adult, he keeps as far away from them as possible. Lagie claims her error of identity was due solely to the darkness of blackdragon71's caves but Xeno isn't so sure and will never risk it happening again.


Accept: The seventh, rarest type of Xenowyrms: Cheddar! Masters of cheese mana! ~Storm



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Picsar is one of the newest writers for Roaring Lion Productions, brought in to fill a newly-discovered niche. Enough adult dragons were bringing hatchlings to the plays that Apevket decided that Roaring Lion Productions should offer plays specifically designed for hatchlings. Picsar's plays are wildly inventive stories of living toys, friendly monsters, and heroic insects, as popular with grown dragons as with the young.


Accept: After reading this I immediately thought of Pixar, and then saw your dragon's name. Coincidence much?



(No coincidence - she was named based on her code and described based on her name. The Pixar references are very deliberate.)


Jyvan Thuwed would seem to have quite an easy job. After all, Stoneheart Weyr is primarily composed of librarians, so being leader ought not to be particularly difficult. Jyvan Thuwed knows the truth, though. Mediating classification disputes has by itself taken decades off his life.


Accept: *giggles* So true! And people think librarians read books all day.




Vykad wanted to help solve one of the biggest problems facing a library, even one as well-guarded as Stoneheart Weyr - stolen books. Rather than apply defensive spells to every book, she decided to enspell the books to defend themselves. Unfortunately, the books she enchanted can't distinguish between a thief and a legitimate patron, so they bite anyone who tries to open them.



Accept: Heh! Attack of the books? -ET


Intrepid Billina has never met a road she wouldn't cross. The grass might not be greener on the other side, but at least the view will be different. She especially likes to convince Zephyrus Couriers to carry her along with the mail, so that she can go where no chicken has gone before (and never mind why).


Accept: Say hi to Dorothy for me! ~Storm

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Accept: After reading this I immediately thought of Pixar, and then saw your dragon's name. Coincidence much?



(No coincidence - she was named based on her code and described based on her name. The Pixar references are very deliberate.)




Accept: *giggles* So true! And people think librarians read books all day.







Accept: Heh! Attack of the books? -ET




Accept: Say hi to Dorothy for me! ~Storm

xd.png the attack of the books comment was me. I really liked it.

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Accept: After reading this I immediately thought of Pixar, and then saw your dragon's name. Coincidence much?



(No coincidence - she was named based on her code and described based on her name. The Pixar references are very deliberate.)




Accept: *giggles* So true! And people think librarians read books all day.







Accept: Heh! Attack of the books? -ET




Accept: Say hi to Dorothy for me! ~Storm

And mine was the librarian one! xd.png

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I hatched and froze 16 hatchlings from the Neotropical flood, and gave them all identical descriptions, apart from the name, to describe how they all came to be on my scroll. 15 have commentless accepts, but not #12.


One summer there was a massive wildfire that swept through an area of jungle used by wild Neotropicals to raise their young. The adults all fled, leaving hundreds of eggs in their wake. While the dragons of the AnselaJonla flock managed to put out the fire, they were left with more eggs than they knew what to do with.

Gradually the Neotropical mothers returned, having only fled far enough to escape the flames. Most reclaimed their eggs, but not all the mothers had escaped unscathed, and some had lost their lives in the inferno.

Doce is one of those orphaned Neotropicals. Their eggs hatched as soon as they arrived in the flock's hatchery, and the caretakers were left with far too many hatchlings to care for. Their plight was noticed by a passing Chrono, who "helpfully" froze the newborns in their infant state, removing them from the care of the hatchery caretakers (and making them the problem of the frozen wardens instead; they did not thank 4uuMZ for this).


Reject: You have to describe the dragon, not write a narrative. Keep this in mind. smile.gif

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I hatched and froze 16 hatchlings from the Neotropical flood, and gave them all identical descriptions, apart from the name, to describe how they all came to be on my scroll. 15 have commentless accepts, but not #12.




Reject: You have to describe the dragon, not write a narrative. Keep this in mind. smile.gif


I have a couple dragons that have narratives. You just have to mention the dragon and what makes them unique from the others. As long has you have a description of the dragon, it should be okay. I wouldn't worry about it too much.


Example of one of my narratives that was accepted by a mod:

One day, a young man checked his mailbox to find a paperback book amongst the mail. Downtrodden, he extracted it and read the note attached. "Sorry, we're not interested in publishing your book. It's lacking in certain areas. If you wish to be a paperback writer, we suggest you take classes. Thank you." The young man crumbled the note and threw it down onto the sidewalk believing it to be a cruel joke.

Later that very day, a warlock was on his daily jog through the town. He came across the crumpled note trodden onto the sidewalk and gingerly picked it up. With a flick of his tongue, and a few speedy spells, the note altered into a twirling paper dragon. With a chuckle, the warlock continued his jog, leaving PaperbackWriter to soar into the breeze.

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One of my approved descriptions is a narrative. I don't think that will be a problem for yours. smile.gif

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Zewiss is a member of the Rose Garden Collective, a group of arsani dragons dedicated to magical study. Her specialty is light magic. She likes to work with Arcanju, contributing her knowledge to help solve the problem of lighting the Collective's cave system.


Accept: and one more rose garden member - I think I've reviewed 6 of them now xd.png All very nicely described.



(Congratulations. You found about a quarter of them. If you think that's bad, wait until all of Crossroads Weyr hits the queue. With over 1500 dragons left to describe, I've had to resort to templates to make even a small dent in the number.)


Urigav Heartwander is sometimes considered to be one of the Year's Children, but he is adamant about not being associated with them. He shares some of their powers, yes, but he refuses to steal away hatchlings, even indirectly. Instead, he and his companion Yiri Heartmender travel Valkemare trying to mend the families Marissia helped destroy. The love he specializes in is familial love, and the dragons he brings together are parents and their lost hatchlings. He can't always win against Marissia, but views every reunited family as a triumph.


Accept: Now I'm curious who Marissia is - your description would be even better if you included a small hint about that smile.gif



(On the one hand, I probably should. On the other hand, in time he'll be sorted with the rest of the Year's Children (and Marissia).)

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for a Thalassas Xenowyrm called Silent Tsunami

Approach the shores carefully, as below these waters lays the ocean-born Silent Tsunami. From the lapping waves to the tides and currents, the waters are his rule. Don't be fooled by the calm demeanour or make the mistake of thinking him kind. What lays below that calm surface, is a temper so swift, silent and unforgiving. Don't mess with the power of the sea, lest that power should opt to mess with you.


*Reject: Find it a bit "over-powered" - like somebody is trying to keep small kids from coming close to the water


^that's the vibe I was going for unsure.gif

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STARTS WITH M AND ENDS IN ICK is a dragon chock full of sass. He enjoys entertaining other dragons deep below Cumberland Lake with his strange and erratic dances. In these dances, he moves his body in a jerky fashion, almost as if he is prancing through the tides.

He is rather loud with a giant mouth. He is also extremely sweet and loving toward others. His best friend is a Tsunami dragon named David Bowie, and they have splendid adventures together, dancing amongst the waves.


Accept: Mmmm... miskick? matchstick? maverick? meterstick? -DT



This made me laugh a lot more than it should have.

This Guy is also a good guess.

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Alright, this one again


Nameless, he wanders. Voiceless, he walks. Lonesome, he treks. Silent, he cries. Grieving, he trudges slowly away...


Reject: sounds like Tolkien's Wind riddle



Dude, you just totally killed my buzz.

Edited by EmmaD333

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Macavity the Mysterious inherited his mother's elusiveness, but not, unfortunately, her ethics or sense of honor. He is, unfortunately, almost purely evil, capable of committing ghastly crimes with no sense of remorse. By the time his latest victim is discovered, he will be miles away with the perfect alibi for the last few days.


Accept: He's called the Hidden Paw...



Dr. Dju claims that the electricity he generates has healing powers, but other dragons, especially other healers, remain skeptical. If there's any healing effect, it's due to how good it feels when he finally stops zapping his patient.


Accept: It is said that when someone is violently crazy, hitting them really hard on the head and spinning them 'round calms them down... -DT




Crossroads Weyr is located wherever the majority of its residents (all shadow walkers) happen to gather. All are united by the desire to leave a mark on the world - something that will last after they fade back into the shadows. Arelowe collects seashells and leaves them where beachcombers will find them in the morning. It might not be much of a good deed, but it gives her the chance to be part of the community.


Accept: Ah, so that's where all the shells come from!



Crossroads Weyr is located wherever the majority of its residents (all shadow walkers) happen to gather. All are united by the desire to leave a mark on the world - something that will last after they fade back into the shadows. Toeyis judges a pumpkin-carving contest every year at Goldenfield Village. One advantage to his breed type is that everyone is just intimidated enough not to question his decisions.


Accept: But... but... my pumpkin was better!




Picsar picked up:


Accept: ...racing carts, talking fish, a headstrong princess, un-retired superheroes, an old man and a boy... smile.gif -DT


Billina picked up this:


Accept: But WHY did the chicken cross the road?

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I just got a comment on one which made my evening. XD


A rather stoic, calm, and cool dragon of her species as seen by Kim, Foxx is a member of the EBA Clan. She, along with her cohorts Starr and Missy, handles the most extreme of cases usually.

Besides being incredibly good at cheering, little is known about Foxx (much like with the rest of the EBA Clan). It is unknown if Starr is her real name or if it's just a codename used for her. However, that remains a secret between her, the EBA Clan, and Kim, and they probably won't be telling anyone anytime soon.


User Comments:

Accept: Funny pictures of a tangar, striped, and hellfire dancing in sync going through my mind. :P -DT


X'D I was kinda hoping that would happen. Then again, I'm surprised someone caught the reference right away (then again it isn't quite as subtle as TBM's is XD).

Edited by Kimoko_the_Dragon

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I just got a comment on one which made my evening. xd.png


User Comments:

Accept: Funny pictures of a tangar, striped, and hellfire dancing in sync going through my mind. tongue.gif -DT


X'D I was kinda hoping that would happen. Then again, I'm surprised someone caught the reference right away (then again it isn't quite as subtle as TBM's is xd.png).

Hee hee hee. When the name of the game is in the descriptions, and especially if the characters' descriptions match up, it's not hard to notice. biggrin.gif I wish they released a sequel.

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Accept: He's called the Hidden Paw...





Accept: It is said that when someone is violently crazy, hitting them really hard on the head and spinning them 'round calms them down... -DT






Accept: Ah, so that's where all the shells come from!





Accept: But... but... my pumpkin was better!




Picsar picked up:


Accept: ...racing carts, talking fish, a headstrong princess, un-retired superheroes, an old man and a boy... smile.gif -DT


Billina picked up this:


Accept: But WHY did the chicken cross the road?

xd.png Three of those are me. biggrin.gif I'll leave you to work out which ones. wink.gif

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Z'Do the Hokey Pokey (red):


Hokey likes to put his left foot in, take his left foot out, put his left foot in, and shake it all about. He then repeats the process with each of his other feet, his tail and his head, all the while humming some very ear-catching music to himself. The other dragons give him a wide berth when they see him doing this as they really dislike having that song stuck in their heads for hours after.





Thanks, Tabs! Now it's stuck in my head... tongue.gif

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