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I would say 7 followed by ten for me after that they just started to throw censorkip.gif to gather. have beat all of them except for 13 and 14 will not play them for how bad 12 was.

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You can't really say you dislike a game if you haven't tried it. All games have their fans and their criticisers, but you don't know which one you are until you have played the game.


I didn't think I'd like Portal or Skyrim. I tried them and it turned out I really enjoyed playing them.


On the other hand, I thought I'd like Soul Sacrifice but I found when I played it I hated it.

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How about no. FFX-2 has the best battle system of the entire franchise, it was the pinnacle of the ATB system and to claim that that aspect of the game sucked is nothing short of ridiculous. Criticize the plot and characterization all you want, because those are legitimate complaints, but there is PLENTY in the game that is quite fun and challenging, it isn't all bad by any stretch of the imagination. I have to wonder how much of the extensive content people have actually explored when they try to make out like FFX-2 was crap from top to bottom.


SO excited for the X/X-2 HD remasters. Gonna preorder it next week when I get the money. I've heard mixed opinions about the changes thus far, but mostly I'm just SO incredibly happy I'll finally get to play the International version, use the expert sphere grid, fight the Dark Aeons, and so on. So, so, so pumped for that.

What's wrong with the plot/characterization?

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I would say 7 followed by ten for me after that they just started to throw **** to gather. have beat all of them except for 13 and 14 will not play them for how bad 12 was.

I fail to see how FF12 was bad. o-o

Out of every Final Fantasy game, 12 had me playing it the longest. It had a lot of stuff to do, a lot of marks to kill, and for once, there was a politically-driven plot, which was pretty refreshing. Square/Enix doesn't do a political plot very often, so it's nice when they do (at least to me). Ivalice is a huge world to scamper around in.

Besides, Balthier is fab. So is Fran.

FF7 is still my favourite out of the whole franchise, but FF12 is my second favourite.


ANYWAY... I got this fabulous bundle of fun yesterday, which brings my collection to over half of the original games actually owned physically. I'm totally stoked. My brother ran off with 9, 10, and 10-2 when he moved out, so I still have to get those again...>v>"

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I'm playing FF XIII-3 (LR) and I'm really enjoying it. There are still a few parts that are confusing, but I'm getting there smile.gif

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What's wrong with the plot/characterization?

I don't have much of a problem with it, but plenty of people claim FFX-2's radical departure in tone from FFX 'ruined' the impact of the original's plot and was a disgrace, etc. I love FFX-2 just as much as the first game so I don't agree, but I can see how people could think that. There are a few pretty jarring departures in characterization in the second game (Isaaru being a quiz show host at the Zanarkand Ruins, anyone?) but honestly those things make me laugh more than piss me off. The game doesn't even take itself too seriously, I don't know why the fans continue to...

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I don't have much of a problem with it, but plenty of people claim FFX-2's radical departure in tone from FFX 'ruined' the impact of the original's plot and was a disgrace, etc. I love FFX-2 just as much as the first game so I don't agree, but I can see how people could think that. There are a few pretty jarring departures in characterization in the second game (Isaaru being a quiz show host at the Zanarkand Ruins, anyone?) but honestly those things make me laugh more than piss me off. The game doesn't even take itself too seriously, I don't know why the fans continue to...

Well. That's a really stupid argument.


The point of X was "change happens now". Breaking out of the spiral of death (the world is literally called Spira like did they miss the whole "stuck in death" thing or). X-2 was a realistic portrayal of the aftermath of such a huge shift: how some people don't like it and try to hold on to the old ways, how people take advantage of the unsettlement, how some people capitalize on it, how some people get left behind or eradicated, the reliance on military power to enforce peace/settle discontent, etc.


Yes, it's a lot more humorous, but I don't see how that's a bad thing. And a lot of it is skippable if one isn't going for 100% completion.


Issaru. Issaru, Issaru. Not wanting to be pulled between old ways and his own sense of justice again so completely avoiding the factions? Sure. Still wanting to be close to Zanarkand, to protect it, for spiritual reasons or out of respect? Sure. Growing out of Yevonite prejudice against Al Bhed enough to partner with Cid? Sure. Tacky quiz? Probably Cid's idea to bait people into buying the clues and I think maybe the English VA had. A little too much fun doing it? But if it made people entertained, why not?


Also, I love Leblanc and will fight like hell for her.


Sometimes it feels like a lot of X-2 hate is just misogyny, thinly-veiled or not.

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There were really only two things I disliked about FFX-2. First was all the hoops you had to jump through to get 100% I was never able to manage it.


Secondly, I wasn't too keen on Paine. I just couldn't take to her and I disliked having her in the party. Would rather have had Lulu.

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Coming from you, Fortune, that's kind of hilarious (<3)


I liked Paine, and think it's sad she's usually only viewed as "the badass/stoic one". Lulu wouldn't have worked for a few reasons, I liked the role she played on Besaid.

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I know why Lulu wouldn't have worked and why they needed a new charcter to fill the last part spot, but Paine just didn't click. It wasn't her personality as such as I felt that she contributed little to the actual plot or character development.

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Well. That's a really stupid argument.


The point of X was "change happens now". Breaking out of the spiral of death (the world is literally called Spira like did they miss the whole "stuck in death" thing or). X-2 was a realistic portrayal of the aftermath of such a huge shift: how some people don't like it and try to hold on to the old ways, how people take advantage of the unsettlement, how some people capitalize on it, how some people get left behind or eradicated, the reliance on military power to enforce peace/settle discontent, etc.


Yes, it's a lot more humorous, but I don't see how that's a bad thing. And a lot of it is skippable if one isn't going for 100% completion.


Issaru. Issaru, Issaru. Not wanting to be pulled between old ways and his own sense of justice again so completely avoiding the factions? Sure. Still wanting to be close to Zanarkand, to protect it, for spiritual reasons or out of respect? Sure. Growing out of Yevonite prejudice against Al Bhed enough to partner with Cid? Sure. Tacky quiz? Probably Cid's idea to bait people into buying the clues and I think maybe the English VA had. A little too much fun doing it? But if it made people entertained, why not?


Also, I love Leblanc and will fight like hell for her.


Sometimes it feels like a lot of X-2 hate is just misogyny, thinly-veiled or not.

I pretty much totally agree, and yes, there's always been a startling amount of misogyny present in many tirades against the game.


The Isaaru thing WAS made waaay more awkward-seeming because of the completely odd voice acting (by Quinton Flynn, IIRC? Who is a good VA, so I assume the direction is at fault there.) That whole mission still feels off to me though, I think the scenes could've been written in a more emotionally mature way. That subplot ends up resolved in an appropriate way, and I LOVE how campy the game is overall, but the beginning of the Zanarkand Ruins subplot steps over the "TOO campy for this moment" line IMO. It could very well be the translation/dubbing making it seem worse than it is though. That closeup of Rikku goofily shouting "MONKEY!!!!!!" with the voice not matching the lip flaps still makes me cringe in embarrassment. Probably the honest-to-god worst moment of the game to me outside the creepy massage scene. Now that I really think about it, there are many other instances of questionable voice direction too...


My biggest complaint about FFX-2, its one truly unforgivable flaw, was its reusing old character models even when it made no sense and hindered the scene comprehension. It just smacks of laziness and even of arrogance, especially combined with the fact that they also recycled NPC models from FFX to use as more important side characters in the sequel, most of the time not even bothering to palette swap them. I mean, really? Elma, Lucil, Clasko, O'aka, Shelinda, and nearly everyone else STILL have not changed outfits, even when they're wearing uniforms/armor associated with prior lost jobs/positions? "Fat" Wakka looks identical to his FFX self and is inexplicably still wearing his Aurochs uniform? And most horrifically, PREGNANT LULU IS NOT ONLY NOT PREGNANT, BUT STILL WEARING A FREAKING CORSET?! I can't. I just cannot.


I love the insane amount of crap you have to do for 100% and the intense micromanagement the minigames and sidequests and the dressphere system encourages. It all appeals to my obsessive-compulsive tendencies, there's ALWAYS like 10 things to do, and you can camp on one screen grinding for AP for hours if you want... ahhh, that's heaven for someone like me.


As for Paine, I like her, but I agree that she never really felt integrated into the plot the way the other characters were. A huge tragedy of this game is that a GIGANTIC chunk of important backstory and development is hidden away in the extremely missable Crimson Spheres, and the even more missable Den of Woe dungeon (one of my absolute favorite parts of the game, Youtube these scenes if you haven't seen them, peeps!) These are essential viewing for fully understanding not only Paine's character, but a large portion of the factions plotlines, and it's a shame that so many players probably never got to experience it due to not having a guide to help them do what's necessary to see these parts. It should've been unmissable material and part of the main story progression.


I, too, love the Leblanc Syndicate, so I'm right there with Nix willing to fight for them. Leblanc is hilarious, and Logos and Ormi are two of my favorite minor FF antagonists. I also ship them, which many people have expressed horror about... cool.gif Pretty much the only new character in FFX-2 I didn't like was Nooj. His character arc never went much of anywhere. It's almost like the dev team forgot he existed until the last minute, then didn't have time to make him or his story more interesting.

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Omg yes the freaking Crimson Sphere subplot was way more important and should have been in the main story.


Totally agree with everything else (except the massage game COME ON THAT'S SO GREAT I don't get the hate for it I think it's hilarious whatever I'm weird), especially the NPC models.


I don't think I ship anything non-canon in the FFX 'verse ha scratch that Auron/Rikku is a thing. Damn look at all this heteronormativity


I think Baralai, Nooj, and Gippal were just ineffective? Like, they do the CS, then become leaders of the ~*shining hopeful new world*~ then completely screw that up by running off to fight, leaving the people they're supposed to be looking out for. The only group that doesn't fall into chaos is the Machine Faction, which can basically be attributed to them being Al Bhed (per the commsphere); also the Leblanc Syndicate, because ladies get stuff done.

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I feel horrible. I've been a fan of Cloud Strife for a good while now and yet I know next to nothing about his past or any of the games for that matter. All of my knowledge of FF comes from a little bit I've read online, the Advent Children movie and the brief role he got in the Kingdom Hearts games.


I have one question. The original FF7 game. Did they ever remaster it for the PS2?

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I have one question. The original FF7 game. Did they ever remaster it for the PS2?

Nope. Although they did make the original version available on the PSN network.

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Nope. Although they did make the original version available on the PSN network.

Aww, That's a shame. Imagine what the graphics would look like with Square Enix's graphics today?


I had wanted to play it years ago, but it was the block-like characters that kinda turned me away. Now that I'm not the ignorant young teenager anymore I've been trying to track that game down.

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If you have a PSP, PS Vita or PS3 you can download it on to one of them. If not, good luck. New that game is worth £70.

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Has anybody played a realm reborn? It's the redo of the original FF14, which was a disasterous flop, and its absolutely incredible.

It's the only mmo I willingly pay for.



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I would but I can't afford the monthly payments. I know it is not much, but it's more than I can currently pay.

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If you have a PSP, PS Vita or PS3 you can download it on to one of them. If not, good luck. New that game is worth £70.

Not surprising, considering its one of the most popular games out there. I'll keep that in mind when I manage to get a PS3.

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A small bit of advice for anyone else who may be playing or intending to buy Lightning Returns. Hoard your Ethers! You'll need them.

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Only if you want to fight the two optional bosses. Ether isn't really required for anything, it can all be done without it... but it'll be easier to fight those two bosses if you have it.

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I just beat both optional bosses (both unlock a trophy). Burnt though my enite supply of Ethers and X-Potions rolleyes.gif

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I've beaten Final Fantasy VII and really enjoyed it! smile.gif Haven't had a chance to play any of the others yet, but I would love to have an opportunity to do so in the future.

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......FF6 is the best. FF7 gets to much hype dry.gif

Edited by ToaofPonies

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