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2023-05-21 - Dragon Cave's 17th Birthday!

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3 minutes ago, LadyDraco said:

Happy Birthday Dragon Cave..

Hmm 7 egg, I  have  forgotten how long do we have  to gather as many as we can?


These are a permanent release, so they'll always be in the cave for you to find :) The initial "flood" of eggs for new releases generally lasts around 10-15 hours from what I've seen over my years of playing, though that can vary a bit (and sometimes it's easier for to catch things after the flood, depending on rarity).

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20 minutes ago, D-wing said:

4 eggs in desert and pygmy = F/M not the same,  need 2 = 4, the other have 2 eggs = adult are same, need 1 of each = 5. If I remember right?

So unfortunately seem like we need as least 9 space to collect every varieties. And the blue sonatas are back, so if anyone didn't catch them in the previous times, the egg slots would be very inadequate.


OK you refer to dimorphism. Fair enough - but there's always the market to fill those spaces. And blue sonatas will be back regularly, too.

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1 hour ago, D-wing said:

Red stone: 0-1 coast, 1-2 forest, 2-3 volcano, 3-4 jungle, 4-5 alpine, 5-6 desert(?)

5:25 cave time, and I've seen red dot/stone in forest, not desert .3.

Edited by sunshine_ley

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2 hours ago, Rainsparlke said:

Happy birthday drag cave!!! First birthday release I've been active for since I joined in 2009. It's been so much fun getting back into this game and truly understanding what I'm doing now 😅. Glad there have been so many dragon breeds added and that we have such awesome artists. 


Oh and egg theme theories: low hum visually reminds me of the Alien egg/pod things. glows vibrantly I think of Tron (shock). bright flecks Matrix. red stone originally I was thinking Terminator, but I like the Borg idea far more! The other 3 no idea so far.  Oh oh pygmy could be the Unity life form from Stargate, though @AzureZeroX has a great theory for it with Kyber Crystals as it's red and blue where Unity is just blue.


It seems like the "crystals are growing around the shell of this little egg" are referring to the red crystals growing from the blue egg. So my only point against Kybers would be that red kybers aren't grown, they're made from 'bleeding' regular kybers. 


I was thinking Hal for the 'red stone' ones, but the warp capabilities of the Borg fit its multi-biome pattern 

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This Sunday happens to be a flag flying day in my country. How great! And yes, of course we are celebrating Dragon Cave. 😸


Happy birthday and many more to come! 🌼

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1 hour ago, D-wing said:

Don't worry, at least we still have the market! And there have 9 varieties so everyone need to give up one of them. I give up the 2nd desert because seem like only a few people here when no NR. For me, nightmare difficuly to catch something in alpine/volcano or don't know where it go. Maybe forest/coast are good choice (to give up) too. I hope they're not rare like copper. But I support if they like DND NR and last three days. XD


And... maybe it's another good choice to trade for newer because everyone need as least 1 space more, thair value might become higher in the first few day.

Well, when I looked again, it's on of the four egg species, so it may well end up being a happy accident 🙂

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13 minutes ago, bloodyneptune said:


It seems like the "crystals are growing around the shell of this little egg" are referring to the red crystals growing from the blue egg. So my only point against Kybers would be that red kybers aren't grown, they're made from 'bleeding' regular kybers. 


I was thinking Hal for the 'red stone' ones, but the warp capabilities of the Borg fit its multi-biome pattern 

Somebody in the official discord has a dead pygmy egg and both the red and blue parts look like crystals then, which is why the Kyber Crystal made sense after seeing it.


I've never seen Space Odyssey so no clue who Hal is. Right that multi biome pattern is really interesting.

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3 minutes ago, bloodyneptune said:


It seems like the "crystals are growing around the shell of this little egg" are referring to the red crystals growing from the blue egg. So my only point against Kybers would be that red kybers aren't grown, they're made from 'bleeding' regular kybers. 


I was thinking Hal for the 'red stone' ones, but the warp capabilities of the Borg fit its multi-biome pattern 

That is a good point. However, if they're just a neat reference, they don't need to completely adhere to Star Wars lore of Kyber crystals. Especially since we have yet to have an artificial dragon (as red Kyber Crystals are synthetic) which as some have mentioned would be odd in the setting we have, so the red crystal could be adjusted to better fit Dragon Cave.  Since the reds are "growing" around the blue egg, maybe just like red kybers need the regular kyber to exist, there could be some similar process occurring in the main blue pygmy egg to generate the red colored crystals. This is assuming it even is based on that, which it may not be. 

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3 hours ago, Rainsparlke said:

Happy birthday drag cave!!! First birthday release I've been active for since I joined in 2009. It's been so much fun getting back into this game and truly understanding what I'm doing now 😅. Glad there have been so many dragon breeds added and that we have such awesome artists. 


Oh and egg theme theories: low hum visually reminds me of the Alien egg/pod things. glows vibrantly I think of Tron (shock). bright flecks Matrix. red stone originally I was thinking Terminator, but I like the Borg idea far more! The other 3 no idea so far.  Oh oh pygmy could be the Unity life form from Stargate, though @AzureZeroX has a great theory for it with Kyber Crystals as it's red and blue where Unity is just blue.

Update based on hatchie descriptions: low hum never read/seen Dune but that sounds like a sandworm to me. washed up still no clue. glows vibrantly still gonna say Tron as the description is a duplicate. bright flecks still going Matrix though maybe Bladerunner? red stone okay can we just appreciate it's description of liking to explore and the egg changes biome? blue stripe no clue. crystals now has me thinking tribbles wanting food hahah think I just have a focus on Star Trek 😜.

Edited by Rainsparlke

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Happy 17th, DC! 🥳 ahh im loving the discussion around the new eggs 

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Some offbeat ideas:


The low hum - music of Close Encounters of the Third Kind?


The red stone - Hal from 2001: A Space Odyssey 


This egg glows vibrantly - Alien? or ... Cocoon? ... or ... Queen of Blood? (1966)


Washed up on beach - The Abyss


I'll work on the rest later!

Edited by missy_

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40 minutes ago, alyelle said:


These are a permanent release, so they'll always be in the cave for you to find :) The initial "flood" of eggs for new releases generally lasts around 10-15 hours from what I've seen over my years of playing, though that can vary a bit (and sometimes it's easier for to catch things after the flood, depending on rarity).

Thanks , I  didn't recall if the  BD drops were a tad  longer than a  normal drop. But shorter than a Holiday drop..:) 

I  have  been very side tracked with life ..


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3 minutes ago, Rainsparlke said:

Update based on hatchie descriptions: low hum never read/seen Dune but that sounds like a sandworm to me.

It sure isn't Alien like we thought! I never have seen/read Dune either. We're getting hatchlings now though so we will have more to work with. 

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13 minutes ago, AzureZeroX said:

It sure isn't Alien like we thought! I never have seen/read Dune either. We're getting hatchlings now though so we will have more to work with. 

No joke! Sometimes they aren't as helpful as I want but I'm so excited to see the art

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1 minute ago, sunshine_ley said:

5:25 cave time, and I've seen red dot in forest, not desert .3.

lol... it chance randomly? or no desert? fun! XD


Red stone:

0-1 coast, 1-2 forest, 2-3 volcano, 3-4 jungle, 4-5 alpine, 5-6 forest, 6-7 jungle.


3 minutes ago, Fuzzbucket said:


OK you refer to dimorphism. Fair enough - but there's always the market to fill those spaces. And blue sonatas will be back regularly, too.

Yes! Market is the saviour for everyone who is not good as catching! I think the only reason for people must be catch in 6 biomes is some special breeding project/collect first day release dragons. XD But it's good to know how to allocate the egg slots to have higher chance to get them all when it's more then 8 eggs too! XD My suggestion is give up one desert/forest/coast egg and the blue sonata ( as least wait until 100% blue if anyone insist on it!)


ps. I catch them in biomes because of fun + paranoid(x) + save shards + testing the catching difficulty to decide the trading value. Although I always used high prices to swap for 2G dragons for freeze.  :p 


6 minutes ago, Quinney said:

Well, when I looked again, it's on of the four egg species, so it may well end up being a happy accident 🙂

Good news!

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They look cool 😆


Happy Birthday DC!!!

Edited by a101401014

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6-7 where is the migrating egg now?

The Tron egg drops more (is taken less?) in the Alpine compared to the crystals. 



I agree, the desert egg is Dune. Red stone - 2001 Hal. But then, which one would be the Star Trek egg?(If there's one?)

The Matrix egg's hatchling isn't so Martix-y. Might resemble a Sentinel drone.

Edited by Darth Krande

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Erm, it appears that the hatchling from the Tron looking egg from Alpine has the wrong description.


"Its six red eyes are always focused on movement around it."


Same as the hatchling from the bright flecks volcano egg (Matrix?)...which does actually have multiple red eyes lmao. Woops?

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The ( kyber) crystals dragon's alphabet sorting suggests it is called Pygmy Something rather than Something Pygmy. And the hatchie description reminds me of Master Yoda in ESB :)

Edited by Darth Krande

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8 minutes ago, Darth Krande said:

6-7 where is the migrating egg now?


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8 minutes ago, Darth Krande said:

I agree, the desert egg is Dune. Red stone - 2001 Hal. But then, which one would be the Star Trek egg?(If there's one?)


It would make sense for Hal as well, but... The Red Stone egg hatched into a little one who "loves to explore new places". If it does so boldly I'd say it has to be the Star Trek one. 😉

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