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oh geez sorry for the late reply. i got sick and spent the weekend resting


@Aqub i sent a friend request on discord!


@Rally Vincent i've thought about it, yeah. i'm not sure if there are any message boards that are still super active, there might be some discord servers for my interests maybe? i've thought about looking around for some so i might try that!



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This is going to sound really petty, but it makes me really angry when people give me gifts I can tell they didn't put an ounce of thought into. Especially when I see them give nice, thoughtful gifts to other people. It's not about the cost. Honestly, I don't care. But I wish they would take two seconds to actually think about it.


For our birthday, my sister got personalized coffee mugs. Not anything elaborate, but it was something my parents had to take some time to think about and put some effort into. It has one of my sister's favorite pictures of herself on it. I got a copy of a CD I've already owned a copy of for more than half of my life. My parents have heard me play it before. It was one of the first things I wanted on Itunes back in the dinosaur days when I got my first I-pod. For Christmas my dad was planning on getting my sister tickets to see her absolute favorite band. Because everything has to be the same, apparently, he got me tickets to a show. But he picked an abridged, kiddie version of an opera and knowingly bought tickets on a day I have work, and just demanded that I take the day off. Didn't ask. Just said "Tell your boss you won't be there this day." I already asked for other days off that week because it's Christmas, and I'm going to need to ask for time off the following weekend, too. And even aside from that, yeah. I like opera. But they aren't all interchangeable. This is an abridged, translated version literally designed to appeal to children. It says so in the description of the show, so I know my dad didn't even bother to look at what he was actually getting tickets for. He just saw opera and went "eh, I guess that's good."


I probably sound like an ungrateful witch. But I wish my parents would bother to take even a little interest in my life and the things I care about instead of just looking at things and going "Eh. It's probably fine." Especially when they take the time to look for really nice, thoughtful things for my sister. Talk to me about composers I like. Or ask about my other hobbies. I do have them. Maybe ask me about my plants instead of having an absolute fit over them being indoors for the winter. Or talk to me about my cakes. I'd be happy to talk about it if they mentioned it without immediately pressuring me into going to pastry school. Or ask me about my singing lessons. I don't know. I know I'm the odd one out. No one in my family is all that interested in the same things as me. I know they don't really understand my passions and my sister's easier for them to relate to. But I feel so insignificant all the time, and things like this make it worse.


They also bullied me into being my sister's maid of honor, even though I said multiple times I didn't want to. I was trying to talk to my dad and work through some of my feelings about it, and he basically told me I was being a self-righteous witch. Now I hear about the wedding literally all the time. I can't talk to either of my parents without them pressuring me into going back to school for pastry. When I mentioned even wanting to take a class at a local community college for the subject I'd actually like to go to school for, my dad blew up at me. I wasn't even talking about a degree. Just a class to do something I enjoy. I tried going to school for a subject that appeased them. That's how I ended up in graduate school for history--majoring in history was more palatable to them than what I was originally studying and so I just stuck with that. Obviously that didn't end well. Pastry is just the new more palatable option for them.


I don't know. I just feel like the sun rises and sets on my sister. I'm the inadequate oddball no one understands or even really knows. My feelings about the wedding didn't matter. I have to be part of it, regardless of how much she's hurt me. And things like birthdays and Christmas just make me feel even more insignificant. Again, I'm aware I probably sound really petty, but I just want to feel like someone can be bothered to take an interest in me, for who I actually am now instead of who I was 10+ years ago, or who they want me to be, or what I can do to make everyone else in my family happy.


And I tried venting to my sister about being upset that our dad just assumed I could get off work that day and stuff, because even if it is petty, I just wanted someone to talk to because I was upset. She immediately started texting my dad about it and making things worse. I told my dad I'd tried to get off and left it at that. I wasn't going to say anything more because there's just no point. I just wanted someone to listen to me and my sister can't even do that. Meanwhile I have to support and participate in her terrible decision making and the fact that I wanted to think about my own mental health first made me a horrible human being.


Meanwhile I'm also pretty sure I'm super depressed. A few days ago I just broke down sobbing on the drive home from work because I couldn't stop thinking about how much of a train wreck my life is right now. But I don't have the time or money for therapy right now, and last time I took medication for depression it turned into a massive fight with my mother, and I also don't have the energy to have that argument again. And I only have one friend locally and I work odd hours, so I hang out with a friend maybe a few times a month. Most days I barely talk to anyone except customers because I wake up after my dad's left for work, my mom doesn't really bother talking to me about anything, and then I go to work and get home after they're both asleep. I go to choir and voice lessons, but my lessons are only every other week and choir is just one night a week, so it's not like I get much interaction with anyone who actually cares whether or not I'm alive. Honestly it would mean a lot to me if my dad bothered to just say "Hey, I was looking at what they're showing at the Met this season. Do you know anything about [insert opera here]?" Or if when I get home from my voice lessons or choir, my parents would ask me how it went or what I'm working on. Or even just ask me about work without immediately pestering me about going back to school so I can get a different job. I just want them to make an effort instead of constantly making the disconnect between us so painfully obvious all the time.

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Not doing so well right now. My grandma (not the one I posted about recently, but the grandma on the other side of the family) is in the hospital. She fell and broke her hip yesterday. It was so shockingly sudden, one minute everything is fine and then a phone call that shatters everything. She fell and broke her hip, which is never a good thing to happen to a 90 year old, but my grandma has seemed really ill lately anyway, and since she has extreme dementia, she doesn't take care of herself. She refuses to eat, drink, or bathe beyond the bare minimum she needs to survive and is very stubborn if you try to help her with anything, so she's very unhealthy in general. Now she's in the hospital, she doesn't understand what's happening, doesn't know where she is or even that she has a broken bone, and it's really heartbreaking to see so I could barely stand being there today. She's having a hip replacement surgery tomorrow and I'm really worried she won't make it through the recovery or even the surgery, considering the condition she's in. I'm just so heartbroken, she looks so terrible laying in the hospital bed, and I guess being away from home really makes it obvious how bad her dementia is and how far gone she is. I don't know what I should/need to do to support her, I don't even know if it matters, if she won't remember anything I say to her or will forget I was even there to visit her after 10 minutes have passed? At least she isn't in any pain right now. Not sure how coherent any of this is but I just wanted to type it up to try to feel better. 

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@Aqub Sometimes writing it all down can help some; well done for that. The awful thing is the worry and knowing there is nothing you can do,. isn't it.


My sister in law has dementia. She knows you are there while you are there, even though she will forget afterwards, and I'm sure knowing even that much will help your grandma. Just visit when you can bear it, and don't if you can't - it's not unreasonable of you if you can't cope. My mother is 100, and very confused, though not demented. I can't cope with seeing her a lot, so I don't. You have to think of yourself too. Big hug.


(and tell me, would a "like" or a hug emoticon have helped much ?)

Edited by Fuzzbucket

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Thank you very much, Fuzz. :) It's so sad how common dementia/Alzheimer's is and I'm sorry that you have to deal with it in your family as well. 


My grandma did make it through her surgery yesterday, but afterwards she was very upset and combative as the medical staff put it. She was yelling and screaming at the nurses (still doesn't know where she is or what she's doing there) and pulled the IV port out of her arm twice before they decided they couldn't put one in, but she wont drink the water because she claims that it's poisoned. She was also really mean with my mom and uncle, telling them to shut up when they offered to help etc, and knowing all this I'm kind of relieved I made the decision not to go see her yesterday, because I don't think I could have watched all of that. 

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Yes - it's awful when they cannot understand that people are trying to help - that they HAVE to help. And the poisoning thing - my mother does that too - and she isn't even demented, just increasingly paranoid (another of the joys of ageing !) Everyone is stealing from her and the rest. Sadly dementia does tend to change the personality; my father got thoroughly racist towards the end of his life....


Just carry on doing what you can for her, and don't fret about what you can't - let the people who can handle that stuff do it. Where does she live - is she in a care home ? I do think that's the bets thing - the staff know how to deal with everything awful, and you can just visit and listen to your relative complain about everything. The hygiene thing is unpleasant, isn't it...

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15 hours ago, Aqub said:

Thank you very much, Fuzz. :) It's so sad how common dementia/Alzheimer's is and I'm sorry that you have to deal with it in your family as well. 


My grandma did make it through her surgery yesterday, but afterwards she was very upset and combative as the medical staff put it. She was yelling and screaming at the nurses (still doesn't know where she is or what she's doing there) and pulled the IV port out of her arm twice before they decided they couldn't put one in, but she wont drink the water because she claims that it's poisoned. She was also really mean with my mom and uncle, telling them to shut up when they offered to help etc, and knowing all this I'm kind of relieved I made the decision not to go see her yesterday, because I don't think I could have watched all of that. 

Since your grandma suspects the water of being poisoned - do you think it might help if you go and get her soda cans (or whatever her drink of choice is) that she has to open herself? This way, she should be able to "check" that it isn't poisoned.


This kind of logic can work surprisingly well with people with Alzheimer's, as long as they still understand spoken language and have some modicum of "logic" left.

I've once had a lady with Alzheimer's tell me to go to her apartment and get her keys so she could go back home. I was tempted to tell her, "Lady, you live in a retirement home and have been living here for 3+ years. Your apartment isn't yours any more, it undoubtedly has new tenants." But that wouldn't have done any of us any good. Instead, I told her I couldn't get into her apartment (to get her keys) because I don't have any keys in the first place. She had this contemplative look on her face, then decided that this was a sound reasoning. Didn't stop her to make a similar demand the next day, but the argument kept working in my favor. :) 

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Thanks again for the responses. :)

I've been going with my mom to visit grandma the last few days, more because I think my mom needs me there. She's been taking it pretty hard how "gone" her mom is, and gets really frustrated with grandma refusing help. One day grandma talked more than I've ever heard her talk, nonstop nonsense about stuff in the past, like asking where her (deceased) husband is or talking about plans to go to her (deceased) brother's house for Christmas. We would just kind of say whatever we had to to go along with it. With all the stuff that's been going on, my mom says she feels like she already lost her mom years ago, and apologized to me several times for if she ever got like that. :( 

Grandma was fighting the nurses for a few days. This weekend she got moved to a medical rehab center, so she's not in the hospital anymore, but couldn't go home yet. She kept absolutely refusing any kind of help from the staff there... She was even hitting their hands away from her at one point, and when my mom told her they needed to help her so she didn't die, grandma said she didn't event want to be alive anymore.

Olympe, we did try out giving her bottled water or offering other drinks but she still refused, she is pretty far gone and I'm not sure she does have the logical thinking skills remaining for logical arguments like that to work with her. Same with taking her pills, telling her that if she cooperated with what the doctor says she needs to do, she can get better and get home faster didn't seem to do anything. And Fuzz, she still lives at her house, but one of my uncles lives there too to take care of her. He was there when she fell, so she got help right away. We have suggested she live somewhere else, and after this she might have to, but she really doesn't want to be away from home, and being at home must be comfortable for her and makes the dementia not as bad, or seem not as bad? 


So, skipping to the present...Yesterday, grandma went to sleep for about 2 hours, woke up, and suddenly had a different personality. She still didn't know what was going on of course, but was suddenly kind and pleasant and actually started cooperating with the rehab staff, eating, taking her medicine, etc. I didn't end up going with today, but hopefully for my mom's sake she's still like that now. 


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The best thing you can try to do is to get her to talk about the past. They tend to remember that better and they enjoy it - my mother (who I realised is not demented, but has terrible confusion and it frightens her when she gets going)  will go on for ages about her childhood, but can't remember how to use the phone. You grandma will go from one extreme to the other - often. Get used to the idea and enjoy the good days. She might end up happier in a care home, as they know how to sort things out when their residents get muddled. But as long as your uncle is prepared to look after her....

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Just wanted to drop in and say that even though I don't have much helpful to add, it is helpful for me to take in this conversation regarding dementia/alzheimer's. My aunt-in-law is probably going into a home soon, I'm not the legal handler of that but I'm watching the whole drama, because I'm worried at some point I'll face the same situation with my own mother (she doesn't currently have any dementia, but she does suffer from some mental illness and confused/lost memories), and lives on the other side of the country.


Tangentially - dementia seems much more common these days, anyone know if that is true or why?

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It is diagnosed more than it used to be - but also - people are living longer. AND we also have much more unhealthy lifestyles.

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My grandad died this afternoon, and although I new this was sadly going to happen, as  he has been I'll for a few weeks and was given days to live a few weeks ago but he meracuasly perked up, before getting very I'll last night, it just doesn't make it any easier.


He was my last grandparent I feel like a whole generation has now gone from my family, and a hole has been left in its wake, i feel sad hurt and numb in places I didn't know I could be, and even thoughn ive lost family members before the pain just doesn't get easyer, I wasn't as close to him as I would of liked or as close as I was to my other grandparent who died a couple  of years ago, but I loved him non the less, he was still my grandad, and I'm going to kiss him.


 And today I had to carry on at work after receiving the call that he was gone whilst working, and carry on, and I know this sounds bad but I had to carry on with all the sad cases at work, help people who themselves were distrought people who were loosing their pets or worried about there Ill pets and I had to try and comfort them in there time of need, i had to help treat sick dying animals, and I love my job and profession I really do but I feel so guilty as all i wanted to do today was brake down myself, to not have to put on a brave face, I feel bad that for once I didn't want to be there for others, to inform and comfort I just wanted to run off home and cry and I hate that feeling the feeling I've not given my all at work  but it was so hard, so hard to be emotionally there for everything and everyone around me, I did all I could at work today my emoshinaly exaoursted  best but I feel like my whole heart wasent in it I feel like ive let everyone down because of that and that adds to the sadness the sadness that I let my own loss effect me emoshonaly at work but to cope with personal loss and the sadness and loss of others on top of that is a lot to handle, it just added to my own and made me feel ten times worse, there was just no getting away from the sadness it was all around me in one way or another, and I had to be there in the middle and act like I was ok


I know that's daft as I know i did my all at work and i know I've had a big loss today, with my grandad i just feel so sad about it all, today is just not a good day


I guess all i can do is carry on and let time make me feel better and take comfort in the fact my grandad is no longer suffering its al just so emotional and I really wish I didn't have a night shift on top of it all as well as being on full shift and a long shift tommorow I feel so drained


Sorry for all this but writing it down has helped and helped me get it all out so I appreciate this thread for that 


Edited by Bloommist

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I'm so sorry, Bloommist. It's so hard when the last of a generation departs. I know you've got to work, but make sure that in your off time you take some time for yourself, and let yourself process the grief and sadness. That's the only way to get through it, its not weak or shameful to curl up with ice cream and just feel bad. If it were me, I'd want to ask for some time off, but I've met other people who say that keeping a normal work schedule helps them get through it, so do whatever you feel you need to. Just remember you're not alone, and that its okay to pause your life a bit to take care of yourself and tend your grief. *hugs*

Edited by Twimm

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Thank you @Twimm those are lovely words it means a lot and thank @Aqubyour words are lovely to, both your support and thoughts are very much appreciated, I really appreciate your sentiments so thank you


The advice as well is very good sadly work wouldn't give me the time off even if i wanted to but I guess the weekend is soon so I can relax and retreat a bit then


Once again thank you I really appreciate it 

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This partly belongs in the "Dreams you've had"-thread, but I need to get this off my chest.

I have an older brother who I haven't seen in well over a year now, haven't really talked to him either but my mom keeps me updated on his situation. My brother has struggled with depression almost all his life, and my mother and I are worried sick about him. He lives in a different town far away from us.


Last night I had a dream about him, we were both in some building together, standing in an elevator together and chatting about this and that. I ask him how he's doing, and he told me "I haven't been well in recent times, but now things are getting better again."

I called my mom and told her about all this and asked if she has talked to him recently, but he hasn't replied to her messages for around a week now. I hope he's doing fine. Hoping is all we can do since he's refusing to talk to us.

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Some people probably wouldn't consider this as dire as the other problems in this thread, but all emotions are rather dire for a socially anxious HSP like me.


I made and bought some Christmas gifts for the guy I've been crushing on all year. (I say 'crushing,' but I'm actually head-over-heels in love with the man, and it's very scary. I've never really been in love before.) I actually wasn't sure if he'd be able to pick them up, but he just messaged me saying he could swing by my house tonight. And then my heart fell out my butt. Mostly because expressing emotions that let someone know you have feelings for them is entirely foreign to me, but also because an upper respiratory infection has turned me into a pimple-faced, red-nosed, mucus-hacking ugly thing who hasn't done physical activity in a week, and my crush is going to see me like this on Christmas Eve.



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6 hours ago, Sesshomaru said:

Some people probably wouldn't consider this as dire as the other problems in this thread, but all emotions are rather dire for a socially anxious HSP like me.


I made and bought some Christmas gifts for the guy I've been crushing on all year. (I say 'crushing,' but I'm actually head-over-heels in love with the man, and it's very scary. I've never really been in love before.) I actually wasn't sure if he'd be able to pick them up, but he just messaged me saying he could swing by my house tonight. And then my heart fell out my butt. Mostly because expressing emotions that let someone know you have feelings for them is entirely foreign to me, but also because an upper respiratory infection has turned me into a pimple-faced, red-nosed, mucus-hacking ugly thing who hasn't done physical activity in a week, and my crush is going to see me like this on Christmas Eve.



Aww, you'll be fine! Happens to the best of us. Just continue to be aware of your feelings and don't mind how you look. Acknowledge your feelings, it will help you calm down and relax.

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4 minutes ago, georgexu94 said:

Aww, you'll be fine! Happens to the best of us. Just continue to be aware of your feelings and don't mind how you look. Acknowledge your feelings, it will help you calm down and relax.

Thank you! It actually went really well. I only care so much because he diets and works out, and I'm just a genetically skinnythick girl who powerwalks to stay that way. I think it's reasonable that he would want a girlfriend who's at least somewhat active. My worries are a little overblown, but based on a rational concern. I've also, ahem, never had a boyfriend in my entire life and might be a touch afraid of rejection. But yeah, my life might finally be more like a Hallmark movie now.

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I'm only posting this here to conceptualize when I'm going through emotionally rn because I'm asking myself more often than not these days if some of my feelings towards my dad even make sense. I don't expect anyone to read it but kudos to you if you do!



My dad came from a broken home and for as long as I can remember he's always been very difficult to get along with. I only know how to describe him as emotionally abusive and angry person who dosn't really know how to show that he cares. Some examples of this are blowing up in my face over extremely trivial things (like how he yelled at me and threw my lunchbox across the room when I was in 5th grade, simply because I didn't eat my lunch), belittling me for my acne in high school, threatening to replace my bedroom door with a curtain cause I wouldn't let him in, calling my younger brother stupid to my mother's face (he was both mentally and physically handicapped and has since passed away.), calling me a little baby for telling my mom why he upset me, and the list goes on. He has NEVER been physically abusive and I think that might be at least partially why it's difficult for him to understand how he could possibly be hurting me and my mom. As a result of all this I've increasingly grown repulsed by him, but sometimes we still talk about stuff we're interested in when he's in a stable mood because I've been trying to keep some peace between us since I don't really have a choice right now but to live under the same roof as him. He's also never been in great health since he was a kid, getting sick all time and becoming disabled as a result (I think he also said at one point that he has PTSD from his childhood but I'm not 100% certain), so I can understand where some of his anger comes from in that regard, but that's never given him ANY excuse to bring down everyone around him just because he's feeling miserable, and he's always been that way..... taking it out on me and my mom and acting like he's the victim.


But today, I've decided I'm no longer going to pretend like the 2 of us are "ok" and have causal chats anymore. His health has been deteriorating these past few weeks and he keeps falling, sometimes unable to get up, which of course makes him even more pissed. Just yesterday he claimed that me and my mom were being abusive with virtually no argument to back it up other then we were coming off as passive aggressive and didn't respond to him immediately (?????). He has a history of being a hypocrite, but I feel like he's really crossing the line now, especially after he told my mom to shut up and  "You don't know what you're talking about!" when she backed my claims while he was getting angry with me. Then he turns around and says that I don't respect him enough??? (I mean I've said things I'm not proud of but at least I apologize when I realize I've hurt someone).


I'm just so tired of him acting like he's always right and losing his cool when he realizes he dosn't have control over us. But he's also been there for me many times in my life even if he does come across as overbearing, and it's not like my childhood was traumatic because of him. I've read many posts from people with abusive parents explaining how their dads would hit them, were alcoholics or drug addicts etc. and while I DO know that just because some people having it worse than me dosn't invalidate my feelings, I still wonder if I'm being too harsh sometimes. Was I right to call him emotionally abusive and have him lecture me about how I apparently "don't know what real abuse is"? Am I right to still be angry about things he's said and done years ago because he dosn't seem to have improved since, or am I just holding on to old grudges and letting it fuel my resentment? And most of all, am I right to feel that I don't love him and be completely numb towards the idea that he might die soon, despite all the things he's done for me growing up? I'm just............so tired.

Edited by Reignhart

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@Reignhart Yes, you have every right to feel angry at your father and feel what you feel towards him. I know I'm just a stranger on the internet, but the way you describe your father in your post just made me feel like he doesn't deserve you at all. You don't have to love him just because he's your father, a person who's that abusive towards you and your family doesn't deserve your love at all. Hang in there, friend.

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So... everybody's experience with abuse is different. Physical abuse is awful, but what you're going through is also abuse. He is damaging you by being so controlling and manipulative. My advice is that you can do one of two things: 1) Confront him honestly about how he's been treating you. This might not improve things, but use your own judgment in that. In general, if you think it won't help, it probably won't, especially if he's being irrational. Or, 2) Distance yourself emotionally. You said you still have to live with him, but when he gets in an abusive mood, disengage from the situation however possible, even if it means leaving. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty for this. He has no right to treat you like this, and you need to protect yourself before you can care for others.


You said he came from a broken home himself - that is very unfortunate, but it is a reason for his behavior - not an excuse. Don't let anyone dismiss his behavior or your suffering because of this. He's had his whole life to deal with these issues, and its too bad he hasn't. That's not your fault, and it doesn't mean you have to put up with his attitude. Remember you can't control his behavior, only your own.


In some ways, emotional abuse is more insidious than physical abuse, because it affects your own psychological behavior in ways that can affect you for years after the abuse has stopped. Don't discount it as lesser. I don't know if family therapy would be helpful to your situation or if your family would be willing, but for your own sake it might not be a bad idea to talk to someone about this awful situation.


Source: I went through many years of emotional and sometimes physical abuse due to similar but un-diagnosed mental illness in my parents. Finally working through it ten years after moving out. If you want to chat more, feel free to PM me. I'm no expert, but I can try to share what I've learned from my experience. Up to you, no pressure.

Edited by Twimm

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I am at a loss right now. 

I grew up with two people who should have never been parents. One was neglectful, and blows up at any criticism, I never got taught key things growing up and am now extremely scared of confrontation. I learnt most life skills through parents of friends, or on my own accord. The other was emotionally and physically abusive, but had times of niceness where we bonded.

I have forgiven both, but have very little connection to either, as the one I did bond with even a little ran away. I still remember asking when they would come back, just not knowing why they were gone. The other parent ran away a lot, threatening suicide, but always came back. Or was found, I really dont know. I guess I didnt think it could be different for them, it was the first and last time they went away for reasons outside of long working hours. 


They are both mostly strangers to me, which is odd when you live with one of them. I feel like an orphan, as my siblings were essentially my parents. 


Now, I am stuck in quarantine with one parent and a few siblings. Of course, one sibling I was close to. They were experiencing problems, and thus I sought to be there for them. But, they are becoming just like dad. And I fear that I am their target; they were one sibling who basically helped raise me.

My suspicion started when I confessed that the bad upbringing was causing me mental problems. But, when I started talking, they cut me off to say that I was in a relationship, thus I can work those out. And that their issues were worse. I get that they are bitter that I got it ‘better’ than them. But they forget that I too had things thrown at me, fingers slammed, and was screamed at for things a normal kid does. So for then I bit my tongue. This happened multiple times. 


I found myself really sleepy, barely able to concentrate on work after hanging with them. 

The main event was what caused me to back away from them fully. 

I was in a position where I couldnt go anywhere. And they keep insisting that I put myself in that position. It was normally ok, even pleasant. Due to the current world situation, I have made a rule that I dont wish to discuss it unless its important. And its been stuck to, mostly.


They say, “oh you wont see your bf for ages. Probably the longest time you will not see them for.”

I gently remind them of the rule, then they stop.


Next time, they bring it up again. Now, that alone is upsetting. But when they do, and I retaliate saying again it puts me in needless stress and sadness, they say “aw your sad.” In a weird mocking tone. And smile. That smile, to me was sinister. They are getting a kick out of me suffering. Clearly.


I dont know what to do aside not talk to them. But its not that easy. They have noticed that I pulled away, and keep trying to talk. I really dont wanna buy what they are selling. My trust and respect died because they didnt respect my wishes.

Its really damn easy to just not say something! Especially if you know it will hurt someone needlessly. And yes this is needless, they just said it for the sake of it. And I told them not to do that once before. Even if they wanted to make sure I was ok, they could have just said I am worried about you is everything ok. They have asked in a nice way before, so its not like they dont know how. 

I just feel like I cant trust them anymore. They dont respect me. And idk if I am

kooky for thinking that way over this. Now I worry for myself as the lockdown just never seems to end, as well as them. Their mental health is poor, and I fear that if I continue to stay away, they will do something. But if I talk, they will act like this again. I fear if I tell them, it will just feed this behaviour, like it did before. 

I kinda feel like I am going crazy, because it feels like I am maybe interpreting this wrong. They are usually so fun and nice. But then get all like this. Its killing me inside because I love them and I want to trust them. But I really dont know what to do, who to tell or even how.

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I always thought I had a good relationship with my mother (59). My brother and I rented out an apartment for a year and just recently moved back in to our parents place. My brother is a highly functioning autistic adult and we were supposed to be moving to Florida together; which we discovered that we didn't want to live with each other anymore. I work for Walmart over in Online Grocery Pickup and it has exhausted me in recent months due to the pandemic (just made 6 years a couple days ago). 


What basically happened was was that I was asking my mom about possible jobs that I can apply to and both her and my stepdad are livid at me. Only my mom talked to me saying that I don't do my best to make myself decent, that I have the patience roadrunner to my brother (I ended up losing a lot of my patience due to him being able to conplain and grip about his work and i couldn't do the same back- he always barged into my room without knocking first and basically I got tired of him playing Fortnight); not to mention that she said I became very bitter and self centered during this past year. While it's true that they had to fight me to get to do chores in my teenager years- 6 years later as an adult and it's hard to do chores when working at Walmart.


My mom said that I became the person that they thought our oldest brother was going to become later in life and that she was very disappointed in me. She said that the past year was a complete failure and that it wasn't my brother's fault (implying that I'm the failure). She hates that I am always on Discord talking to people that I can relate to and talk in my free time because I'm always too tired to go anywhere. 


I don't really know what to do at this point or where to go. I really just want to avoid them but... I can't in this current situation. 

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