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A dragon trading thread V2! ~trading~

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Holly_hatchling.png  z-code, Messy, SALTy,  Dusk Dorkface Thuwed holly. lineage

Wrapping-Wing_hatchi.png     2g wrappingwing from Valentine, XXXXX code. lineage


Want: Offers. Will check later tonight (roughly 9 hours from this edit)

Make an offer on my eggs/hatchlings!



h:  Glystere_hatchling.gif 3g even double Salt Glys with deepsea and amarignis lineage

w: Offers, see wishlist. 

Make an offer on my eggs/hatchlings!

h: naughty-ish code NR, want to swap it for a nicer code hopefully from alpine

Make an offer on my eggs/hatchlings!

Edited by mishii

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Gifting, Just bred: 


Please take if you like them:


3EG Winter x Enraged Aegis Claim my eggs/hatchlings!


4EG Winter x Enraged Aegis: Claim my eggs/hatchlings!


Also gifting:


3EG Winter x Mistletoe: Claim my eggs/hatchlings!


3EG Mistletoe x Silver, influenced female: Claim my eggs/hatchlings!

Edited by missy_

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Forum Name: AngelsSin
PM Link: PM 

can breed Honest Heretic My (M) CB Bronze Tinsel to any mate you want
Also have 2G B.Tin from Garland hatchie
2G B.Tinsel From Garland

2G G.S. from M Autumn -Shimmer only
pm me to work out a trade/let me know what you want in return

List of X-mas Dragons I can breed: 

Tri-Wing SA

List of X-mas mates needed

3EG Holly from G. Shimmer can breed bloodswap This with This

3EG Ribbon from Silver Shimmer can breed bloodswap Sib to this

3EG checker Solstice/Silver Shimmer

3EG checker En Aegis/Silver Shimmer 

3EG checker Glystere/Bronze Shimmer



X-mas mates needed

Edited by AngelsSin

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Gone, thanks!

Edited by KageSora

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2g Light Weaver from Pharos Xeno, one named parent

2g Light Weaver from Blusang, named parents

2g Light Weaver from Blue/Gold Astrael, one named parenr



2g Pryanost from Mirisia Amphiptere. Named parents would be much appreciated!


Offer here!

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CB Silver_egg.gif  silver (precog F)






I'm looking for non-holiday mates to breed to all the cute holiday checkers I got this year. Spreadsheet link is HERE. Please see the note in my sig if you can't breed them immediately!




offer here, pm me or add me on discord (shae#7416)


Silver_egg.gif  Make an offer on my eggs/hatchlings!

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Have: CB Ribbon Dancer egg with 'Law' in it's code and 3rd gen Pryanost egg (ER) from Spirit Ward x Pryanost pair.


Looking for: Literally any Light Weaver of any lineage! Missed it last year and couldn't catch a CB one this year again and the AP is being brutal to me, LOL, so I am just looking for one to own! Thank you so so much!


Edited by Jenneta

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Can split/combine, or negotiate! Pls pm!


offer please!

Glystere_hatchling.gif3g stair with pyra and lw. XXXXX zcode. want: offers.


offers on holly and wrappingwing (ER)

Holly_hatchling.png z-code holly (Dusk Dorkface Thuwed SALT)

Wrapping-Wing_hatchi.png 2g XXXXX wrapping from Val w: offers, wishlist on forum. can split.


offer on solstice checker

Solstice_hatchi.png3g checker with blue wing from Aquil. XXXX# Zcode. want: offers



Yulebuck_hatchi.gif5g even checker from crimson royal. Want offers, see wishlist on forum.
Glystere_hatchling.gif3g xxxxx stair glys from elux and abyss
Ribbon_Dancer_hatchi.png3g checker from green neb / w
: offers. wishlist on forum
Wintertide_hatchi.gif2g from Obidar xeno. w: offers. wishlist on forum
Solstice_hatchi.pngeven 3g xxxxx, want offers.
Solstice_hatchi.pngeven 3g, want offers
Edited by mishii

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Yulebuck_hatchi.gif 3G Yulebuck x Silver Tinsel, from Penk and Hershel | Lineage Link



— 3G holiday saltkin checker swap

— Other offers are always welcome!


Make an offer on my eggs/hatchlings! or PM to discuss.

Edited by Rhikasa

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Edited by Edenello

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Edited by KageSora

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2G Garland from Silver Shimmerscale https://dragcave.net/lineage/VT5fg

2G Garland from Bronze Shimmerscale https://dragcave.net/lineage/LjfnX


Willing to trade both of my prizekin for one:

2G Yulebuck from Silver Tinsel

2G Wintertide from Silver Tinsel 


or I can also breed offspring from a CB male bronze shimmer, CB female Silver Tinsel, or CB Alt/Black sweetlings.  Please PM to discuss. (Valentine holiday sweetling offspring are already taken)








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2nd gen Gold Tinsel egg (precog F) from Gold Tinsel (M) x Christmas 2014 (Mistletoe, F)



CB or low-gen nice lineage Christmas 2019 (Wintertide)



Accepted, thank you!

Edited by panthera1

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Gifting these to anyone who has Tri-Color Snow Angels on their scroll:

Offer a dummy egg to claim:


4EG Tri-Color Snow Angel x Gold:

Offer dummy egg!


4EG Tri-Color Snow Angel x White Striped:

Offer dummy egg!


3EG Tri-Color Snow Angel x Vine:

Offer dummy egg!

Edited by missy_

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Posted (edited)

Priority for all trades: Currently looking for Rose Wing Solstices to use as progress towards a mate for this 5th gen - will take 2, 3, or 4gs. I also have this 3rd gen, so anything unrelated to either!

Also interested in lowertime BSA eggs/hatchlings, any lineage.

CB's from wishlist. Male CB gold auto.

Can combine or negotiate per sig, pls PM! 


Have: Solstice_hatchi.png 3g checker from royal blue lineage

Make an offer on my eggs/hatchlings!

Have: latest?cb=20181227053336 3g checker from Gold Iris Floret lineage

Make an offer on my eggs/hatchlings!


Have: Glystere_hatchling.gif 2g from Peach Pied lineage

Make an offer on my eggs/hatchlings!


Have: Yulebuck_hatchi.gif 5g checker with royal crimson lineage
Make an offer on my eggs/hatchlings!


Have: Solstice_hatchi.png 3g checker from Heartstealer (egg time indicated rose) lineage

Make an offer on my eggs/hatchlings!


Have: Glystere_hatchling.gif xxxxx code 3g stair with Abyss and Elux lineage

Make an offer on my eggs/hatchlings!


Have: Solstice_mature_hatchi_rosy.png Even 3g with purple neb/purple ridge, Carina, and Royal Blue lineage

Make an offer on my eggs/hatchlings!


Have: Garland_hatchling.png 2g Garland from purple lineage

Make an offer on my eggs/hatchlings!


Have: Yellow-Crowned_hatchi.gif 2g PB Yellow Crowned, XXXXX code lineage

Make an offer on my eggs/hatchlings!



Edited by mishii

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Posted (edited)


Even generation holiday/Christmas checkers


One or more 2G Holly hatchlings, a 2G prizekin preferred but will look at any holiday pairings, must be correctly precogged/gendered

Make an offer on my eggs/hatchlings!



2G Holiday pairings


2G Holly prizekin, correctly precogged

Make an offer on my eggs/hatchlings!

Edited by missy_

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