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On Friday, we were all at (mandatory) choir, and my friend named Martin accidently locked his knees for too long, so he passed out. And crushed the poor scrawny kid in front of him. Natturally, this made everyone laugh, and our non-fun-loving, I-wish-all-schools-were-military-schools choir teacher got SO mad, she slammed her stick on the stand, and it snapped and hit her in the eye. It was awesome. Now the term 'just desserts' means a lot more to the choir class. biggrin.gif

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One time at lunch, my friend and I smeared a banana peel all over the ground in the isle between the lunch tables, thus creating an oily and slippery texture to the floor, and then we both continued to watch with amused expressions as people walked by and slipping/almost-slipping. It was great, because this one censorkip.gif that everyone hates tripped and spilled her milk.


Alright, that's pretty mean, but really? She was a censorkip.gif to everybody, and I mean everybody.


Also, for the past few weeks, I've been shoving my friend into her crush as often as I can. She denies it and hits me every time I bring something up, but honestly, it's pretty cute :3 I even made a ship name for the two of them (JefRin xd.png) and it stuck, and now she's been trying to kill me ever since.


I've also been subliminally brainwashing everyone to ship them!~ (Via constantly using words starting in 'r' or 'j' xd.png)

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Oh my gosh, ship names. XD All my friends have been, like, coupling up and I'm making ship names for all of them. AND THEY'RE CATCHING ON. Haha my influence spreads :DD /feels special

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On Friday, we were all at (mandatory) choir, and my friend named Martin accidently locked his knees for too long, so he passed out. And crushed the poor scrawny kid in front of him. Natturally, this made everyone laugh, and our non-fun-loving, I-wish-all-schools-were-military-schools choir teacher got SO mad, she slammed her stick on the stand, and it snapped and hit her in the eye. It was awesome. Now the term 'just desserts' means a lot more to the choir class. biggrin.gif

Ohmigosh, that happened when I was in 4th grade. Except it was half the grade and they started dropping like flies. Though the stick snapping... now that is a new one! That must have been hilarious!

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My physics teacher was teaching us about inertia. He threw a dry eraser out into the hallway, explaining that without any forces acting on it it would continue on in a straight line forever. Unfortunately, it landed right at my logic teacher's feet while she passed outside. She picked it up, threw it back at him and threw him a kick. biggrin.gif

Another time, this same physics teacher grabbed one of my classmates and playfully kick-wrestled him out of the classroom after he was tardy for like the millionth time. LOL!

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I got banned from my theatre class for walking a 14 foot ladder (with me at the top) with a few school board officials in the room.


Edit: remembered this one: I was in a dance class for my senior year and during the final performance I was talking to my (gay) male friend who was also in my class. During the whole performance I had girls from other classes come up to me and ask if I was gay. I wouldn't get offended and just answer no. This one junior though asked and after I said no She grinned like a maniac, said good and programmed her number in my phone.

It was great


I have tons more stuff to tell but a lot of it I can't say on here for content wink.gif

Edited by padfoot

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I have a few good ones, I just have to remember them.


Now I'm getting all nostalgic. I'm almost crying. *tears up*

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Well, I had a naughty class at school, once one classmate putted a hedgehog on her chair and she sat on it (ouch!). There are more things but the most remarkable is this.

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Edit: remembered this one: I was in a dance class for my senior year and during the final performance I was talking to my (gay) male friend who was also in my class. During the whole performance I had girls from other classes come up to me and ask if I was gay. I wouldn't get offended and just answer no. This one junior though asked and after I said no She grinned like a maniac, said good and programmed her number in my phone.

It was great


I have tons more stuff to tell but a lot of it I can't say on here for content wink.gif

That actually reminded me of a funny little incident in 11th grade. Small class, maybe 12-15 students. Me and one girl would flirt constantly, because well she was a total flirt anyways and we were best friends. Apparently for an entire 5 months we did that, and then one day I don't even remember what was going on but someone made some joke about me being gay, and this one guy looks at me all shocked and he's like "WHAT?!"


The entire class (including teacher and teacher's aid) burst out laughing, multiple people going "you seriously didn't know? How on earth could you not know by now?" etc etc. To my knowledge, that was actually the first time I'd shocked someone with my sexuality after my decision to "never hide it again" a few years before. It was funny.

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I was at another school one day for APS sport. When me and my friends were just getting ready to play sport when we heard this really angry shout and next second later a chair came flying out of the window right above were we were standing!


I think the kid who through the chair got suspended from his school for about 15 days or something

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I don't have any school incidents due to the fact I never went to a public school tongue.gif But my grandma told me a funny story from her school days.


Apparantly she and the entire class were in a classroom awaiting their teacher. A gust of wind blew the door shut with the key on the inside. All the students just looked at one another and went out the window xd.png

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hahah..oh boy this one was recent



So I got this genius idea I would bring a laser pointer to school and entertain myself with people wondering "Wheres that red dot coming from?" We had just finished some big tests and our school rewarded us with a movie, which was hunger games, now don't get me wrong it's a good movie but I can only watch it once, so throughout the movie I'm shining this laser pointer on the screen hearing people getting upset over it, when they call some kid down who brags about his lasers frequently and they search him, so I get paranoid and clip the laser point on my belt buckle and put the laser in my pants


nobody knew it was me until i told a few people on the last day of school

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One of my favorite ones that I can remember is in Elementary school our teacher was reading a book to us on her stool and then suddenly she feel off the stool cause it wobbled to the side. We all laughed of course because it was funny. xd.png Though a few minutes later after I got back to the room, I saw that she had fell again but this time the stool literally collapsed from underneath her, and it was funny because she was still on it. xd.png

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Okay so here's a compilation of stories about the vice principal of my school.


A little about him: He's normally really quiet and just stands there... Unless you talk to him, you can hold a conversation with him if you know how to talk to him. Nobody really likes him that much thought, so... yeah.


So there's these severe weather drills, and he is the admin for this hallway to make sure we're doing everything right...


So on the first one he says "In a real emergency we'd be using the kids as shields"


On another he says "Lightning strikes the loudest thing around, so you kids had best shut your mouths"

And after that I was getting up from my duck and cover, and this was early in the morning so I was half asleep and also dizzy from getting up too fast, so I immediately lean against the wall, and my algebra teacher is all "YOU AWAKE?" and I said "I feel like a zombie rmskjdkfmkm"


And the vice principal just kinda came outta nowhere and started laughing. I was blushing so hard there...



Then on the last day of school a kid dared me to hug the VP (my friends are messed up and ship me and him... as messed up as that is I just go along with the joke sometiems)


And so I have anxiety issues, right. And I get really nervous around people of authority and just thinking about hugging him almost triggered an anxiety attack so I run up to my friend and I'm just all "I FORGOT HOW TO HUG HELP ME" so I ended up hugging two of my friends like 200 times... and when it came time to hug the VP I muttered something that made no sense and just... hugged him no problem. I think he got what I was trying to say after the hug... I don't even remember what it was that I said...

Then after that I hugged the guy I like and didn't even get nervous...


I have more but those can wait.



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A few days ago a few smart kids in my class and I (not that I'm not smart tongue.gif) went out to Oxford Uni. It was a really fun day, everyone got along and we spent all of our time laughing, but on the way back on the bus, my friend kind of threw up while I was sitting next to him. One hour into a two hour trip. I have to admit, he apologized so many times and he didn't hit me at all, bless him, so I elected to stay sat next to him the whole time :> I actually got congratulated for being mature, it was like "um... what?"


So, yeah, schools tongue.gif treat you like kids even when you'll leave soon~~

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At my school, a kid sold smarties in a plastic bag and called them ecstacy pills. A kid he sold them to started acting high (PLacebo effect) and they both got expelled.

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I like this band, and let's just say their music isn't the most appropriate thing in the world. I always wear my band shirts to school, and about a week ago my teacher stopped me and said he listened to one of their songs. I felt like I was going to die right there.


He said to me "They're really explicit. I was listening to the song and thought to myself: is this what she listens to!? Haha."


I just laughed awkwardly, and now he knows why I tend not to talk about the band in front of adults. mellow.gif

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One time my science teacher threw a marker at my face for no reason at all.


That's all I can think of....

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I once had a science teacher in middle school who was teaching us about combustibility, and lit his arm on fire to show how something like a lab coat can easily catch on fire. He had like three shirts, and a padded lab coat, so he only felt a minor stinging for a few days afterwards.


Back when I was going to school, we still had the overheads. Well one day, my homeroom teacher turned one on, and it had a sickly green light... only for it to flash rapidly before imploding. That was all we talked about during the class.


And this is a rather silly one. I had this minor crush on a girl in the same class as me, and looking back on all our arguments, she felt roughly the same way. Anyway, during self-study time, some class mates of ours overheard one of our petty arguments over, and said we had a 'thing' for each other.


Naturally, since we both believed that these new feelings (we're only about 11 at the time) was simply a new form of annoyance, I had the 'brilliant' idea of challenging her to a staring contest. In the span of three seconds, we went from looking at each other with a harden glare to staring at each other with affection, to quote my class mates. Naturally, when they commented on it we denied it with fury. Like all other puppy love, it didn't last long, and we simply moved on.

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This is really disgusting, but someone went into to the girls bathroom and smeared poop all over the wall. I have a weird school...

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Once in daycare we were going to a fair few on a field trip. Before we could partake on the games and whatnot were given instructions how to act during that time or have something revoked. One of those rules were "Do not ask when we're going on the rides." A friend of mine who arrived just after the annoucements did not get the lecture like we did and asked what did she (the teacher) say when we had arrived. To be honest, didn't think that I was breaking any rules when I informed him (my friend) that we were not allowed to inquire when we will get the chance to go on the rides. The moment I repeated those words, the teacher turns around to say because of me that none of us will get a chance to ride on any of the rides. Being put in that position truly made me feel sorry and bad for ruining everyone else's fun that day, despite them not being mad at me. To this very day, I feel like that teacher either made a bad call, or did it on purpose when all I was trying to do be helpful.


In elementary school cannot recall what grade precise, but I had taken part of the school's safety guards and as a treat during the summer went to this local swimming pool as a reward. After returning from restroom (school) went back to the room where all the safety guards were meeting to find it empty and my bag containing my swimsuit gone. I panic. The next thing still kinda has me scratching my head, but after realizing they had gone ahead without me left the school following the direction I knew where the swimming pool was and got there in ample time to enjoy the rest of the day without nobody being the wiser. I did confess to my mom many years later though.



In middle school there was this one gym teacher who I swear had it out for me. Even during report cards her remarks were nothing but negatvie saying that I could do better having a built of a gymnastic (not true). It was just the middle of passing between classes when I entered the gym's hallway connecting to the room. Technically speaking that the hallway is part of the room having to pass through the gym doors, so I was on time. Moving to my spot on the floor the teacher comes up demanding why I was late. "But I wasn't late. I was here just as the final bell sounded." I replied, course she refused to accept the truth and insisted I was late. Not wanting to fight agreed to go back to my last class for a tardy slip. A tardy slip was better than having to deal with trying to fight her. By the time I got back, she was nowhere in sight. I should explained this was a free period day where we got to simply play what we wanted, but as I was stating by the time I got back she was nowhere in sight. Walking over to her office, which is closed to the students had a fence window tapped on it several times to draw her attention. Not once does she look up or even acknowledge me. Find it hard to believe she didn't hear me calling. After few minutes passed decided that I'd go play with my friends having tried and would give the slip afterwards as it was dated. After the class ended she didn't come out, so I walked with my friend to the next class, it was at that point she came out and asked why didn't I returned to class. Both my friend and I insisted that I had returned to class, she continued to refuse I was not present and will be having me suspended due to my actions. What actions?! At that point I broke down crying afraid of what my mom may say, did my friend took me to the principal to plea my case. When the principal asked if I had anyone other than my friend to prove it, I'd informed him call the gym teacher's entire class and they would vouche that I had been present during that whole duration. As we were talking the gym teacher was checking her mailbox and saw me talking to him (the principal), boy do I still remember the nasty look on her face. But if I am to be suspended from school for awhile, I want for the right reasons and not being framed by a teacher.


High School, I had been the victim of a bully who was a grade lower then me, but was taller. It was not till few weeks before graduation had she talked amongst her friends how I was going to kill myself later that day and they would get the day off when it hit the news. My body shook that entire day that someone would wish something so horrible upon another person like that. After class ended I couldn't move. When my teacher politely informed me that I would be late for my next class glance up at her asking how this entire time she could be so blind what is going on during her class. Even during class had this abuse continued. The next what she said shocked me "What do you want me to do." came out from her words were not exactly the response I wanted. Feeling like I've been let down told her nothing and went about to my next class trying to put myself together. Today, I regret not going to someone else about this, but still wished she had handle it differently.



There is more, but I don't want to go on.

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Oh lawdy. Some people saying their school is ghetto! Try going to my school. We have a ton of low income areas near my school, and then regular housing with ghetto people in them. Here's what goes on at my school nearly everyday.


*Twerking in the halls.

*Weave strung out in random areas in the school.

*Fights between freshman that literally look and sound like slap fights. More bark than bite, I suppose.

*Twerking at pep rallies.

*We have a "pep squad", which is basically a group of girls dressed in tight yoga pants that dance like strippers, but keep their clothes on. It's a little disgusting here. And the principal allows it.

*The n-word heard at least 20 times when changing classes.

*Sex in the halls.

*Sexual favors in the classrooms (yes, I'm serious).

*Catch the smell of weed/other drugs in the hallways, yet the school won't start a search.

*Drug deals. Every. Day.


Now, onto some detailed incidents...


Our principal was convicted of manslaughter a few years prior to working here. She got drunk one night, and was driving. She hit the car of a pregnant woman, and ended up killing the unborn child with the wreck. She was charged with manslaughter, and is now the principal of our school. My mom has the newspaper article cut out somewhere.


On the last couple days of school, a girl got caught doing "things" to a guy...IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS. She got caught and suspended.



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....Walking around with 'YAOI' painted on your forehead in big capital green letters, and then a friend accompanying you with 'YURI' on their head in pink...


And then there was an incident that involved destroying a baby doll, juggling its arms during lunch, and...uh...lots of other things.


Oh yeah. And once during lunch, we were poking bugs with my mechanical pencil (sitting outside). Thus the lead was extended out a lot, yes? And pre-sharpened on a piece of paper for the task at hand. Well, I dropped the pencil at one point, went to grab it, but it hit the table and instead of me catching it, it just went straight up into the palm of my hand. I measured it after pulling it out and it was a little over a full centimeter of lead (graphite). Haha, it was strange. It didn't hurt, just stung like a bad papercut afterwards.


My friends and I stared at it dangling from my hand for a full four seconds or so before I was just like, "Oh." xd.png I still have the mark too and it's really dark (compared to my other pencil-stabbing marks~)



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I still have the mark too and it's really dark (compared to my other pencil-stabbing marks~)


I have pencil lead stuck in my knee! xd.png Wooden pencil lead, and it's about 1/2 a centimeter...I sat on my bed and it pinched into my skin, I didn't even realize it until I stood up and saw the pencil sticking straight out of my leg. THEN it hurt. o.O


Off topic, but wanted to share. ^^

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Jeez, some of these are really dark. I'm still in Middle School, good thing, too, and here are some stories I can remember: (Sorry if it's a lot to read)


Blue Point Elementary: Kindergarten: It was really stormy. My head just switches to this small kid swinging on two chairs. This kid would later become my Best Friend Forever, who remains so after so many years ago. He now lives all the way in Ohio, but we keep in touch. I liked having a friend for once, as my Asperger's seemed to repel everyone but him, who found it fascinating. It started out with a lot of confusion, him trying to become my friend while I had no idea what he was trying to get at. I thought he was teasing me. But, after a while, it clicked, and I tried the best I could to be his friend too. Once, during lunch, he dropped an animal cracker, and I crouched down to pick it up. It fell out of my hand, but then I started to do it on purpose. It ended up flying out of my hand, soaring across the room, until it fell in the trash bin. Brian (His name) totally bought it! We were laughing and joking about it for the rest of the day. Having a friend was very nice. In 1st grade, he ended up in different classes, but we still were on the same bus together, as his house happened to be only a few houses down the street. We sat in Seat 3 of Bus 23, talking, everyday, until he was forced to move to Ohio. sad.gif


Blue Point Elementary: 2nd Grade: It was a cloudy winter day. I brought an inflatable tube to school, as we were all going tubing down the hill the school was built on for PE. After getting instructions and tubing down a few times, I stopped sliding across the nearly foot-deep snow and began to tug it back up the hill. I was the biggest, so I had enough mass to push myself down there the farthest, so it was the hardest to get back up. The heavy snow gear didn't help either. I heard the Gym teacher for me to move over, all I did was look up and see these couple of kids with connected tubes coming at me full speed. My brain just froze in place as I stood still as the tube hit me in the legs. The sheer force made me do a full 360 and landed flat on my face in the snow, legs sticking straight up. I imagined that it must have looked hilarious. smile.gif . As I got up, face stinging and cold, I saw everyone else looking at me, shocked. All I did was grin, and shot my arms up in the air as I said "Thats was AWESOME!" Everyone let out a huge cheer as I jumped up and down, very happy.


Wentworth Intermediate (For Scarborough it goes Elementary, Intermediate, Middle, High): 3rd Grade: Sometime in either October or April, I was outside at recess, drawing stuff on a pad of sticky notes I had in my backpack. A girl named Maddy (Who always seemed to be mad) ran up to me, and without stopping, snatched the sticky notes, and teased "Are you drawing pictures of GIRLS? Hah!" She knew I had Asperger's, but she failed to realize that doesn't mean I have emotions. In fact, you could almost say I have too much emotion. I ran after her, practically playing super-hardcore Parkour over the monkey bars to try and steal the drawing back (It was a picture of a cat, I love cats). After enough time, running almost blind with rage, I hit something warm, fleshy, bouncy, and stupid-feeling. I looked up to see it was a huge fat kid in 4th grade. His name was Trent, one of the meanest bullies ever. "Are you tryed to steal her drawing?!" He said in his obese voice he has. (I still hate this kid). "No, I drawed it, and, and she stoles it!" I replied with my slight stutter. "Liar!" He shouts. "Gets up and fight, you blig baby!" I stood up to go tell the teacher, but he just knocked me over with his fatness. He was like a living bouncy ball. He proceeded to kick me while I was down. After a few kicks, My dad's voice echoed through my head. "If someone is trying to hurt you, you hurt them right back!" Everything slowed down as I shot straight up. I hit him many times in the head, while he uppercutted me in the chin. Being this out of control, I went in to survival mode. Playing The Legend of Spyro gave me a huge advantage on how to make things bleed. Using my unclipped nails, I slashed him across the arm. He fell backwards, and I got on top of him and continued to hit him while he hit me back. Someone's hands took me off of him, and then everything went blank. Next thing I remember, Mrs. Fleming was filling out the Red Slip as she stared at me. This wasn't the first time. I tried to explain how he started it, but she retaliated by saying "Yes, but you made him BLEED. Hard. He will be given proper discipline, too, but you did what you did." When I got home, Muma just facepalmed as she saw the slip, but Daddy was PROUD of me. I felt proud, too, but maybe that was a bad thing.


Wentworth Intermediate: 4th Grade: The first half of 4th grade was just like the last grade, throwing fits all over the place. The 2nd half was very strange for me. Because of my behavior, I was moved into Mrs. Whited's class, who taught SLS (Social Learning Skills). The bad thing was, Trent was there, too. I tried my best not to look at him. The other kids there were Chuck, Charles, Doug, Branden, Richard, Josh, and Stephen. Doug (Who LOVED dragon ball) became another smaller-time friend. With Mrs. Whited's class, my behavior steadily began to ease up, until what I call the "Worst thing that ever happened to me" happened. I became friends with Trent. (Can you believe it?!).


Wentworth Intermediate: 5th Grade: Trent moved onto the Middle school, and Josh and Stephen left, too. The new kids were Jack, Lewis, Elliot, and Ethan. I became friends with Elliot, too. He is still a very nice friend. I called Trent almost every week to "Role-Play" (Which is just him figuratively mauling all my made-up characters to death while I still had no idea what I was getting myself into). He told me all sorts of lies, like there being a girl he knows who is really into the Legend of Spyro trilogy (Of which I am a hardcore fan), there being free lunch, all sorts of lies. Going to Social Work with Ms. Lalib ever since 4th grade has really changed me. I only got ONE Red Slip for throwing something at a kid that year, a HUGE milestone. At the end of the year, I felt so proud of myself, Ms. Lalib said I had become not only physically flexible, but mentally flexible. It was great. Now onto 6th grade to forever fix the mess I made...


Scarborough Middle School: 6th Grade: The moment I walked into the school, I loved it. There really was an all-you-can-eat lunch (But definitely not free lunch). My new SLS teacher was Mr. Del and Mr. Bogart, the first male teachers I've ever had. Lewis and Elliot followed me to the same class, while the older kids were Olive, Lela, Jack, Alex, Iseyah, Catlyn, Zach, and Nate. Nate and Olive had fallen into the abyss of torture that is Trent, while Jack posed as yet another one of these kinds of people. With both Jack and Trent getting at me, I finally realized what I was getting into. It was like I just wasn't the smart, logical, newly-passive and mentally flexible Me anymore. I was a big, mean, evil beast who has a lust for death. This scared me so much. I completely threw another fit against Trent again (Luckily no physical force, just words) and shattered our friendship. At that moment I felt cured of the load I just realized I was bearing. I felt like Me. Finally seeing myself as Me has kept me out of trouble forever. It was AMAZING. I started to do so well that I made High Honors first quarter, and Honors 2nd and 3rd. At the start of 2nd, Mr. Del found out how much the true Me loved science and everything about it, so he moved me into Mainstream Science class with Mr. Libby. He was seen as a big, mean dinosaur by the other kids, but if you pay attention to what he was saying, you can do very well. Mr. Libby easily makes it into the Top 3 teachers list with possibly First Place. Then I did just so well that Mr. Del then moved me into Mainstream Math, where I still had Mr. Libby. My behavior, my performance, my new social skills, it was almost like I didn't have Asperger's anymore. Well, a bit like keeping the intense interests and high mental capacity, but no longer with the anti-socialism and constant fury. For last quarter, after joining Computer Club and making one of the best video games the kids made (Other kid's projects were just screw-around stuff that made no sense and was probably just to impress their friends), Making the best Rocket in sTEM, and having so much willpower as to pass out in Gym while sprinting a mile (I kept going until my legs and head just died), I sat on the floor while they were announcing Student of the Quarter, the biggest achievement you could get. I already got 2 So-Factors (So- for Sokokis team) and was waiting to get the award. The people were called. I didn't make it. I felt so left out, after I made it further than any kid could have made it. But, it turns out Mr. Del and Mr. Libby had a very special one picked out just for me. I had just won a Student of the Quarter award, a special variant that has never been given before! A 10$ gift card to iTunes. I blame the huge budget cuts. But no gift could have been greater then the gratitude and self-satisfaction given by going so far. One small step for a kid, One giant leap for Autism success stories. biggrin.gif

Edited by iluvdna

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