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The Allure of Neglected Dragons

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Yes. I just played around with it and as far as I could tell it worked fine for me.



You have PM..... xd.png

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You have PM..... xd.png

For those wondering, we played around with the generation checker and both had problems with a particular very long lineaged dragon. Which is strange as I've had longer ones work fine but it might just be a temporary problem.


edit: this 19th gen one worked fine http://dragcave.net/lineage/bX9U but when trying Rovlf we would get problems loading the page

Edited by rubyshoes

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Have you used the massview option? That thing is broken since it will refuse to show dragons from hidden scrolls. TJ09 changed that at some point in February and now you can fetch those dragons only using single code lookup, massview will exclude those, although you have specified the code. Stupid behavior, but I guess we'll have to wait until he fixes that bug.

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Have you used the massview option? That thing is broken since it will refuse to show dragons from hidden scrolls. TJ09 changed that at some point in February and now you can fetch those dragons only using single code lookup, massview will exclude those, although you have specified the code. Stupid behavior, but I guess we'll have to wait until he fixes that bug.

We are just trying to see the total generations for a particular egg which isn't hidden (and neither is the scroll) so we shouldn't be having that problem.

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Have you used the massview option? That thing is broken since it will refuse to show dragons from hidden scrolls. TJ09 changed that at some point in February and now you can fetch those dragons only using single code lookup, massview will exclude those, although you have specified the code. Stupid behavior, but I guess we'll have to wait until he fixes that bug.

Does it really? That's dumb. Maybe that's why the cleaner's been having problems lately, in that case.


However, massview isn't used for the lineage viewer, so it's not likely related to ruby's issue. For that, there are a few potential options that I haven't had time to fix. Is there a fully-numeric code somewhere in the lineage? That sometimes break things. If not, could you get me a list of all dragons (by code) with at least one deceased parent? There are some DC-side bugs in there, too, so I could at least check if that's the cause or not, even if I don't have time to create a workaround right now. And then there's the simple (if frustrating) option that maybe it's just too big a lineage. It may not be as long, but if it's more full (fewer stairs, more EGs) than others which have worked, the sheer number of dragons may be more than the server will accept, and I have never found a way to force it to stop quitting early, so if that's the cause, we're out of luck for the foreseeable future. sad.gif

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Mailed with TJ today, and yes, the massview is kind of broken right now. It's not eggs from hidden scrolls which refuse to show though, but dragons which are currently in the AP or the AP backlog. For now you must test if the returned result matches the request and consider any missing dragons as abandoned and not yet picked up. There is also a slight caching issue which might cause it to return results which have been outdated for a few hours, so you need to trick it by randomly shuffling the request to bypass the cache.


But if that isn't even used for the lineage viewer, uhm...


Did you do the same thing as EATW, caching lineage relations in your own database? Or do you fetch them all every time someone requests a lineage? Or possibly the worst combination: Do you cache the whole lineage for a single dragon?

Second and third option might be vulnerable to API hickups. That actually happens quite often, with about 0.5-1% of all requests. In case you don't have any retry logic in it, consider adding it. I found that trying the same request up to 3 times as well as reducing the number of individual API requests (consider doing a real broad search using massview rather than doing depth search using single codes) leads to almost 100% reliability. In case 3 subsequent requests fail, abort. The cave is most likely having a lag then. Also consider caching all parents in your own database, it might cause lineages not to stop at dead dragons (not sure if ingame lineages do), but it will help a lot, especially since most longer lineages have a lot in common.


Don't worry about limits on the massview option. If you are going to do it with a library which supports http chunks, you can request up to 1.000 dragons per request and the server will return them within less than a second. If you try to fetch them one by one though...

Edited by Ext3h

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Mailed with TJ today, and yes, the massview is kind of broken right now. It's not eggs from hidden scrolls which refuse to show though, but dragons which are currently in the AP or the AP backlog.

That's more what I would've expected to cause problems, though it still seems like it shouldn't, ideally.


There is also a slight caching issue which might cause it to return results which have been outdated for a few hours...

I have definitely seen this happening before, too -- and it hasn't been limited to massview, either. At least a few times it's happened with just the basic single-code request.


In case you don't have any retry logic in it...

I definitely have that. A few different ways, even, since the site came about during one of DC's worse lag episodes, and it was one of the few that remained functional throughout.


Also consider caching all parents in your own database, it might cause lineages not to stop at dead dragons...

Caching has nothing to do with the lineage issues. Some dead dragons aren't properly dead on DC's end, and return faulty results. I could add in some assumptions to bypass that, but I haven't had time.


Don't worry about limits on the massview option. If you are going to do it with a library which supports http chunks, you can request up to 1.000 dragons per request and the server will return them within less than a second. If you try to fetch them one by one though...

And likewise, the time taken for the request also is (rarely) the issue. There's something messed up with AoND's host's server and its timeout settings that causes the too-many-dragons failure. A friend's small-scale, low-power server blows through all of the problematically-huge-to-AoND lineages (such as one with nearly 11,000 repeat dragons in it, and who knows how many unique ones) I've ever come across without a second thought, so the code works, the API requests work, everything I can control works. The inner workings of my site may not be the greatest ever, given that it's where I taught myself to code and I haven't had time to go back and clean it up, but it is entirely functional.

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It's just the default 30 seconds timeout. Have you tried calling set_time_limit(0) to turn off time limit?


Besides, I'm not surprised that your script runs into the time limit. API calls actually ARE your problem since they consume a lot of time. If you want, I can give you an alternate script for rendering lineages which will do dragons like Rovlf in less than a second (<100ms if just checking for inbreed status, not rendering the lineage), including inbreed check on all (including invisible dragons), generation counter, (better) hidden cells (not just hidden per CSS, but excluded, just like TJ09s original script), indicator where the lineage has been cut of and serverside caching. It can show up to 14-15 generations before page load times get nasty. Only deceased are not handled properly yet, but thats only because i originally didn't knew how to detect them and names are not shown yet because I didn't store them in my database.

Edited by Ext3h

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Do you love using AoND? Then help keep it alive!


The server and domain renewals are coming up once again, and unfortunately, the revenue I tried to generate through limited ad use did not work. I still can't figure out why not, since the same code works in other places. I haven't taken it off AoND in case it starts working again, but in the meantime, I'm forced to come asking for more direct help. We do have some money left from last year's fundraising, but it is not nearly enough. If you can afford it, please use the "Donate" button to help us cover the costs -- I would hate to have to take the site down due to lack of funding!


The details:

  • Domain renewal date: May 20
  • Server renewal date: June 16
  • Desired renewal duration: 2 years
  • Cost of a two year domain subscription: $21.98
  • Cost of a two year server subscription: $359.76
  • Total cost (with taxes): $384.10
  • Starting funds: $69.16

Agrona is still kindly hosting AoND, so any questions you have about the hosting costs should be posted here or directed to her. The progress bar gets updated manually, and won't show new donations instantly, but Agrona and I will try to keep it as current as possible.


Thanks, everyone. biggrin.gif

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Is AoND seriously the only thing running on that server? blink.gif

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Awe!! I love to donate but I can't sad.gif If I could I would because I love AoND.

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Donated a little. Can you contact whatever ad company thing you're using to figure out why that's not working, though? >___<

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To answer your question ...

There is an old forum, last post made on it was DC related Dec 13th 2011.


More numbers to throw at you ....

AoND averages close to 6K page views per day and during new releases and holiday events that number triples. Due to all of the page refreshing when using the NDER we had to upgrade the server to handle the bandwith in 2011. Those who remember using the site before the upgrade can remember how much the site would crash.

In Oct. 2011 bbik and I decided to place a single ad on the site (at the bottom) to see what type of revenue we could bring in from that. We did not actually mention the ad to anyone until 2012.

During the months it was there with no one aware it made a massive $0.15

When we finally mentioned the ad last June we saw that amount increase. In June alone the ad generated $46.42 and for a second we thought "Yay, the ad should be able to fund the entire renewal next yr."

Unfortunately, once we had reached the 1 yr server costs and the "Help AoND" message was removed the monthly income from the ad dropped as well. From July til Feb. the ad averaged $3.95 a month.

... Between Oct. 2011 and Jan. 2013 the ad has generated $74.23 with 1,190,345 page views and 182 clicks ...


We had hoped that the ad would be able to help with some/all of the costs for the server and for a while it looked like that would indeed come close. However, Google only pays once you have reached $100 and since the end of Jan. the ad has not appeared on the site and Google still holds the $74.23.


This ad problem could be a broken code that was overlooked during a tiny cosmetic change. Bbik has given me permission to have a friend look at the code this weekend to figure out why the ad works on a test page but no longer shows on AoND. Maybe we can have the ad back up soon. I will let you guys know when the problem is fixed.


The server, if we paid for it monthly, would cost right at 15$ a month, which is not bad. I am hoping (crosses fingers) that we can get the ad issue fixed and between now and 1215 when the next renewal is due the site/ad will have generated enough income to cover it in full.



/me runs off to update the progress bar.

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I wish I could donate, but like others, I can't. I'm disappointed to hear that the ads don't work for you (and do for others...? blink.gif) and hope that you'll be able to get enough money to support the site.


Good luck and I hope things turn out well! <3

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Well, I did donate a little.

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I donated a little bit. May is a tough month for me, or I'd have given more.

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Donated some too. Crossing my fingers that the ad situation will be fixed soon.

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This ad problem could be a broken code that was overlooked during a tiny cosmetic change. Bbik has given me permission to have a friend look at the code this weekend to figure out why the ad works on a test page but no longer shows on AoND. Maybe we can have the ad back up soon. I will let you guys know when the problem is fixed.

There is no problem with the code, the frame loads fine. You are just not getting served any ads.


Most likely reason: Due to the bad placement of the ad (ads should ALWAYS be placed in such way that they are inside the viewport on page load!) you have dropped to a CTR (click trough rate) of ~0. Google will disable ads for domains where the ads are shown (and you have quite some impressions every day), but never clicked to protect themselfs from "hidden" ads.


You must generate a new banner, place it in a more visible place and you will be fine. Consider placing 1-2 728x90 banners on prominent pages like "add scroll" and the tools section, embedded into the content, you can expect about 100-150$ per month.


Do NOT ask your users to click on the ads, not even with phrased like "support us by..." or you will be banned from Google Adsense as soon as a Google employee performs a random check on your site.


Placing ads on the bottom of the page will only EVER work, if you have several pages which are small enough so that the ads get into the viewport. But thats not the case for you since you decided to place autoviewers on all those pages, moving the ad out of sight.

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i have no job so cant donate to anything. luckily i get assured income but i need most of that to pay bills ect and the little bit i do get is for me going out with friends essential hygienic stuff ect. i wish i could

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