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Dreams You've Had

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I just love reading about dreams, they're always so interesting…


So yeah, I had a dream last night and it just proves how realistic they can feel. I'll skip most of the oddity that was the beginning as most of my dreams are LONG and get to the good stuff.


Last night I dreamt I was in a large building (Which my mind called a hotel so let's go with that) and everyone, including myself, was in a pool area which had a pool of baked beans. This also caused some swimmers to clip into the pool grounds and swim there. I don't even know anymore. ANYWAYS the dream went on a bit and it came to me following my grandma down this odd staircase which couldn't possibly fit in the small closet looking room it appeared to be in. (For some reason this reminded me of Alice in Wonderland, more specifically the cartoon version. Think of something like that.) My grandma eventually got to far ahead of me and I turned to odd people standing in the nothingness that was the walls. I think the dialogue I want to take away from this dream is:

Odd Guy: "This is all just a dream…"

Dream Self: "Pffsh, no it isn't…"

(I think my own mind got to involved and somehow thought all of this was reality… Might I mention I just swam in Baked Beans and that caused people to clip into the ground like a broken video game…)


I eventually reached the bottom and there was I could only assume what my mind calls a queen. She really wanted to turn this odd dream into a nightmare as she tried throwing bizarre creatures at me. My dream self tried explaining to her that my mind skillfully changes nightmares into nothing. (Which is actually true. It's been years since I had a proper nightmare!) At that my alarm clock woke me up… So, yeah… I don't know how to interpret or even how to respond to that…


But I do have visuals who do actually care about this and read it. Those little creatures looked something like this:

user posted image

I wish I could draw every last detail my mind had created, but this is what I got.

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Lately I've been having some really weird dreams. I think there's something wrong with me.


A few nights ago I dreamed I woke up in my room (felt very realistic) and in the corner near the door was a creepy child with no hair or clothes and a solid white body spouting out a bunch of numbers and twitching.


The day before yesterday I dreamed I woke up in my room (this just makes everything so much worse and realistic) and walked out to my kitchen for breakfast. But I stopped and looked in the living room and my precious harmless sweet little kitty was cut up and dead on the floor.


Yesterday I dreamed I woke up in my room (this is getting very repetitive) and heard scary moans coming from my mom's bedroom. I went out and checked her room and she came running towards me like some hungry zombie. I ended up trapped in the bathroom hiding in the tub with a plunger as my weapon and horrible pounding noises from outside the bathroom door.



It would all be much easier to handle if it wasn't so realistic and based in my room and house. When I dream about being in school or some other place, I can wake up and be like OH it was a dream cause I'm in my room, but when I wake up in the same place all that creepy stuff went down, it's virtually impossible to go back to sleep. Not to say it's any easier staying up. The past few nights when I've woken up I've turned on a bunch of lights, closed the curtains, and checked ridiculous places like my closet and under the bed. I already have an over-active imagination, I really don't need my dreams to be doing this to me.

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I had a recurring nightmare when I was 7-8.


Me and a bunch of people I don't know were in a skyscraper. The walls were filled with little shelf-windows, and all I could see out of them was an endless, featureless plain. There was also a huge pile of laptops.

Evidently, there was a monster approaching. The only sight of its arrival was the ringing of bells, which got louder the closer it was. If it got past the skyscraper it would destroy the world, and the only way to stop it was to get as many laptops as we could and put them in the window-shelves. They had to be running and open, with the screen facing out.

I never found out if we stopped it.

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Just last night I had a weird dream that seemed a little different from my other dreams. Probably because it had one thing in it that was clear cut and the dream seemed to revolve around it.


From what I can remember, I was at some sort of place with some people who I didn't know; I think we were on a trip in the desert. I was wandering around, looking at all the rugged plants and chunks of rock, when I found an owl. It was just sitting there, staring at me, and I remember calling over one of the people and they pet the owl. The bird didn't show any resistance and just kept staring at me.


The owl looked like a cross between a barn owl and a burrowing owl, with the barn owls white face but burrowing owls large eyes and body.


Anyway, the others called me and the other person back to the car we were traveling in (a huge green jeep) and I left the owl.


The dream kind of skipped parts and I was in the right back seat of the jeep, the window down, while the jeep was going over the desert terrain. One of the others was talking to the driver, while I was just looking outside.


Suddenly, the owl flew out of nowhere and landed on the door where the window rolls up, fluffing up its feathers and looking around. I tried to tell the others, but they weren't impressed and continued talking to each other. I then tried to pet the owl, but it only let me touch its back before it flew off.


The dream skipped again and I was in some sort of back yard with the others, as if we were done with the trip. I wasn't talking to anyone, just looking around (at the fake grass), and the owl appeared again. It caught the attention of another person and they went over and pet it. The bird allowed it, just looking at me, and then person went off to do something else. I then went over to the bird and, this time, it allowed me to pet it.


The owl did nip me when I tried to touch the top of its head, but it didn't hurt and I think it was just warning me.


It was a really weird dream. Not as bizarre as a few others, but I never had a bird appear in my dream before.

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My dream last night was rather odd compared to my regular weird dreams.

My dream was about that I was in collage a long with my younger sister. She tried to push me in doing things that I'm rather afraid to do... Like public speaking and joining a team of some sport.

Then I got in to an argument with her and told her I'm going to tell on her on our big brother. She laughed and said all these things she were doing was all his ideas and that he was some sort of master mind in making the middle child life complicated.

And that was about it.

You guys might think what is odd about that is but its odd to me cause I'm in real life is an only child.

It sounds kind stupid but a dream like that to me is just O.o

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Just last night I had a weird dream that seemed a little different from my other dreams. Probably because it had one thing in it that was clear cut and the dream seemed to revolve around it.


From what I can remember, I was at some sort of place with some people who I didn't know; I think we were on a trip in the desert. I was wandering around, looking at all the rugged plants and chunks of rock, when I found an owl. It was just sitting there, staring at me, and I remember calling over one of the people and they pet the owl. The bird didn't show any resistance and just kept staring at me.


The owl looked like a cross between a barn owl and a burrowing owl, with the barn owls white face but burrowing owls large eyes and body.


Anyway, the others called me and the other person back to the car we were traveling in (a huge green jeep) and I left the owl.


The dream kind of skipped parts and I was in the right back seat of the jeep, the window down, while the jeep was going over the desert terrain. One of the others was talking to the driver, while I was just looking outside.


Suddenly, the owl flew out of nowhere and landed on the door where the window rolls up, fluffing up its feathers and looking around. I tried to tell the others, but they weren't impressed and continued talking to each other. I then tried to pet the owl, but it only let me touch its back before it flew off.


The dream skipped again and I was in some sort of back yard with the others, as if we were done with the trip. I wasn't talking to anyone, just looking around (at the fake grass), and the owl appeared again. It caught the attention of another person and they went over and pet it. The bird allowed it, just looking at me, and then person went off to do something else. I then went over to the bird and, this time, it allowed me to pet it.


The owl did nip me when I tried to touch the top of its head, but it didn't hurt and I think it was just warning me.


It was a really weird dream. Not as bizarre as a few others, but I never had a bird appear in my dream before.

Maybe the owl was your spirit animal?


I had this dream where I was in a zombie apocaylpse, and I was the leader. In my dreams, the setting is never a place I've been to. Anyway, we had to go to the edge of the city to get supplies of some sort, and we entered a lift filled with hay. As the doors closed, some bandits started talking on the intercom and said that we had to put all our current supplies on the ground, or they'll use this device to ignite the hay in the lift and kill us all. I don't remember what happened next, but it was pretty cool.

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I hate this dream that I usually have:


Im sitting on the edge of the pool, its is so so thin, probably a foot or two wide. The pool water was so deep and purple so I couldnt swim. The problem was that the places with land were so small and everyone was either in my way or in the deep end.


I don't know but I always have a feeling that when im in deep water, I can't swim back. But i'm a strong swimmer... 0.0

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I dreamt that I was in a library with the Tenth Doctor and a bunch of other people. THe library was a wreck and it had all this frail corpses lying around. I went up to one of them with its back against a bookshelf and it suddenly sprang up and grabbed my shoulders and tried to bite me. Then I woke up.


Scariest dream I've had so far. BUT I WAS WITH DAVID TENNANT.

Edited by BeardedKumquat

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Recently (actually, yesterday) I dreamed that I was in a store, and on the floor crawled many cockroaches and centipedes. Strangly enough, I rarely paid them any attention, though in real life I am terrified of those things. There was also another person in the store, and the person was wearing a costume and talking in a creepy voice. The middle of the dream I do not remember, but at the end, I was home in bed. Before I could sleep, a wave of arthropods crawled into my room, and no matter what I did they kept crawling towards me. It was rather nightmare-ish now that I think about it, and thankfully I was interrupted by the alarm clock.

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Last night I dreamed I got a slot on the Thuwed list. I was so excited! And then the egg appeared on my scroll, and I was so scared, and then it got sick, so I hurried to fog it, and all my other babies were getting sick, so I fogged them, but I was panicking.... It was scary. o.o Then I woke up and realized it was a dream. laugh.gif

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I've had a dream where I fell asleep on the hammock and woke up in a jungle. The jungle was full of My Little Pony dolls hung on the branches, and the whole thing was in a giant cavern. There was a hole that I climbed out of and ended up in my backyard, and then my brother was there and there were giant gummy bear wolves that tried to kill us. Then I woke up.

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Okay. Has anyone of you seen 'Inception'? I think so.


Last night I dreamed ... stuff. Then I woke up. But I still dreamed. I woke up again, and thought: Thank god, now I'm awake! But then I was floating in the air, and I thought 'Wait a sec... That can't be real!' So I woke up again. I stood up from my bed, walked around a little bit and spoke to my sister. Then I woke up. This time for real.


It was a dream in a dream in a dream in a dream - and very confusing


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I've often followed little roads, just to see where they go, same as my parents did when I was a child. A LOT of my dreams are based on conglomerations of these backroad places. However, I've tried to find some of the real places again, and while some places have changed greatly, others are pretty much as I remember, but some, they are just gone, hillsides, roads, rock formations, just not there. Did I dream them as a child, and remember them as real? blink.gif

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I had a dream last night that was a little confusing, but seemed to have a story to it.


I think the beginning was in London (though I've only been to the UK as a baby and don't remember anything) and I was basically playing as a man. I was tall and had an evil villain mustache and I think I had a top hat. The man looked like one of those scrawny, cowardly evil guys. I had a friend, a tubby guy who I guess was my minion, who had a habit of smiling and was going bald. I think he had a hat as well.


Anyway, me as the bad guy was snooping, I think it was some sort of mystery or maybe I was just nosing into other people's business, but I followed someone into a brothel (the word popped into my head when I was spying on them). My minion wasn't there, I think I told him to stay outside, and I was watching this fat lady, the owner of the place, talk to the guy I was spying on. She looked like a gypsy, with a lot of purple colors and jewelry.


Anyway, something happened that caused them to notice me spying and I had to run away, with my minion following after me. I had to jump on houses roofs and over fences to get to a harbor.


Let me explain something before I continue on. For some reason, my minion and I were able to use this 'magic'. Later on, I even called it magic and my minion did as well. I had this pouch in my pocket that held this sparkly powder and I could take it out to basically 'wish' something to happen. Some wishes were permanent, while others were very short. The powder was not infinite and I had to use it sparingly. I think before the dream started, the guy I was had wished for some sort of ability for jumping and climbing. I'm guessing this because I was able to jump all the way up to the top of very tall houses, with my minion kind of doing the same with a little more difficulty (he had to climb up sometimes). I could leap over things with ease whenever I was running from something.


Alright, back to the dream. When we got to the harbor, I sneaked onto a very large boat with my minion, with the intent on getting away without being caught by the people I was spying on.


The dream skipped the stay on the boat and I got back at another harbor, this time in the United States (I don't know where). I remember running around for a bit, looking at the shops with my minion and thinking about what happened in London.


At some point, it got dark out and I jumped up to a roof with my minion following. One this roof, we found this little girl in a pink dress balancing and singing some sort of tune to herself. I guess I accidentally scared her and she lost her balance and fell.


I didn't like that and jumped after her. I saw that I was going to be too late to catch her, so I pulled out the pouch with the 'magic' powder and somehow used it to catch up next to her and catch her in my arms (bridal style). I had to use it again to stop myself from splatting against the ground and got back to the roof. The only way I can describe catching up to her while falling was how, in the game Dishonored, the power Blink worked.


Anyway, I got back to the roof with my minion still up there watching and I said something to him, though I can't remember. My minion answered me and the girl seemed to disappear. I remembered the event and her, but she just faded from the dream.


My minion seemed to have forgotten that I was the only one with the pouch of 'magic' and he wanted to get down from the house. So, he just jumped off.


I think I rolled my eyes and got a little irritated when he fell, but I climbed down after him. I guess he had accidentally killed himself, but I didn't feel anything but a little exasperated.


Once I got down to his body, I pulled out the pouch and did some 'reviving' thing, like a video game, and, after a few minutes, he got up. I did kind of yell at him to watch what he was doing, that I didn't have much of the powder left, and he said sorry, then we went off again.


The next place we went to was a park and it was morning, with a lot of random people about. I remember some of the people, like there was a baseball game going on that somehow had my stepbrother playing in it and there was a lot of teenagers with skateboards around, but my minion and I didn't do much but people-watch.


It kind of skipped again and it was starting to get dark, with the baseball players (all middle schoolers) ending the game and just hanging out with each other. I specifically remember that we were on a bench watching the cars go by, just thinking.


Someone came up to us then, I can't remember what they looked like, but they handed me a letter. It was in red ink and was from the lady who owned the brothel. From what I remember, it was a threat letter, about how if I don't go back to London, then she'll send assassins and kill me and my minion. I didn't want that, so I told my minion that I have to go back to London and that he has to stay here. He didn't like that and tried to argue with me, but I got him to promise to stay here.


The next part of the dream was a little shaky, since it was very different from the realisticness beforehand. Basically, I went to the harbor with my minion and found this huge dead shark. It was big and had a bunch of weird creatures (bugs, crabs, snakes, abominations, you name it) trying to rip its skin up and eat it. For some reason, I decided that this was my boat and shooed all the creatures away and pushed the shark up so that its face was half in the water. I climbed on, waved to my minion, and somehow go the shark to come back to life and get going. I'm guessing that I used the 'magic' powder again.


The rest of the dream was when I was the minion, wandering around kind of depressed and, at one point, talking to my stepbrother, who was still at the park in his baseball uniform.


Then I woke up. There's a lot of weird constant things that appear in my more story-like dreams, like someone important who is bald or people in top hats who are tall, but I kind of like it.


Oh, one more thing I forgot to say. In the part after I saved the girl and resurrected my minion, I remember realizing that this was a dream. In using the powder, I was able to make things happen, like I was lucid. I remember thinking that 'hey, I can look at my hand, count my fingers, and control my dream', but, after looking over to my minion (who was brushing dust off his cloths and apologizing to me), I decided not too. After that, I forgot I was in a dream.

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one of the scene I remember from dream yesterday;;


I see censorkip.gif in toilet, I flushed. And I saw my phone flushed away.

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I had a dream where this colorful weird bird landed on my hand, but it wouldn't wrap it's talons around my arm properly. So it just like, sat with it's talons together. ON TOP of my arm balancing. It was weird. And then some stuff that I forgot happened, but the absolute best part of the dream was this point where I had the 3D Maneuver gear from attack on titan, and I was swinging around while singing the song out loud. It was awesome. I remember the gear jamming and not working after a while, and professor mcgonnagol from harry potter was staring at me like I was embarrassing myself. Weird dream, but I got to play with a bird and use the 3D maneuver gear, so it was pretty much a great dream.

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I've definitely been playing too much TF2. Yesterday, I dreamed I unboxed an unusual from a robo-crate. I still have a few in my inventory, and I'm really tempted to buy some keys now...though knowing my luck, I would get nothing. ._.

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I go to school. It was high-school building, but it looks like one of oldest building in campus(in real life, it uses ivory color brick, but that one use red brick.) I went to classroom. There were only three students. I see attendance sheet and most of students name were written with English and deleted (ex. Sukho Kang). And I remembered I was one of survivor from that disaster. (in dream) Most of 1st grade student died at field trip. There was big fire in inn where 1st grade student sleeping.(in dream)

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I had a weird dream where I went to rescue some of my friends from a desert boarding school / prison filled with Arabian-Scimitar type people, and I managed to break them out and then we all rode off into the sunset on camels.

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I have a lot of weird dreams... I've posted several of them here before, but I'll post three of them here anyways. tongue.gif


I can't remember much about the first one, just that me and my brother were sitting on the kitchen floor with my mom's iPhone, and every now and then an alarm on the phone would go off, and it would scare me so much that I couldn't move or speak


in the second dream, I was somewhere with Kirby, Meta Knight, Tiff, and Tuff (From Kirby; Right Back at Ya) and someone threw MK's sword into a canyon, and he jumped after it. Then, I was somewhere with a bunch of random kids, and we were apparently supposed to fight off an army using things like foam bats and water guns. After a while, we started wondering where the heck the army was, (They hadn't shown up yet) so me and another girl went to where the army was supposed to be, and for whatever reason they weren't there. That's all I remember.


The third dream was one of the worst nightmares I've ever had. It started out with me watching a cartoon or something, and in it, a gigantic evil Palkia was trying to destroy a city with a huge tidal wave.

Then, the point of view switched, and me, my brother, my dad, and my two little cousins were in my house, with the huge tidal wave approaching. For whatever reason, we were incapable of evacuating, and no one was coming to get us. We decided to hide in the living room, and everyone sat on the couch and curled up into a ball, which was supposed to somehow help us survive the tidal wave. I was too slow, and the tidal wave (Represented by a bunch of purple tendrils) reached our house. Then I woke up.




*Performs thread CPR*

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I had a dream last night where in one part of the dream apparently Gray, Stone, Brute, and Frostbite dragons were all being discontinued… I think I might need to get off of Dragcave for a bit, as apparently my subconscious wants to play too. xd.png

(There was also an egg that looked like it was patched together kinda likeuser posted image)

Hiphop1234's sprite

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It doesn't help that I have my first final in 45 minutes.





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Utsuhi, I'm sure you'll do fine!,


Last night, I dreamt I had to pet a spider for a lab experiment. Eeeesh!

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I dreamt that. I was naked and I walked on the street,I was worried about that but nobody else cared about it.

Pretty weird. tongue.gif

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Last night, I dreamt that I was walking around in this bakery. The lady at the counter gave me a free slice of apple pie. Right before I was about to eat it, I woke up. I also had another dream where I just bought the last of a new kind of pastry at the high school kiosk. Again, right before I was about to eat it, I woke up.

... Why must my dreams torment me so?


Another dream I once had involved three daughter-mother families being stalked by this killer clown. It ended up with only one girl remaining thinking that a toy duck was her mother. It was weeeeiiiirrrd.

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