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-The large adult Ember dragon watched the Moonstone and the Vampire dragon closely and hunches down to a lying position and then sees the Vampire dragon strike then the Moonstone take the hit. She tilts her head to the side and stands into a sitting position watching the two very confused. Her tail wraps tightly around her legs and she sees the Vampire sit and this worried her so she stood on all fours and guarded herself. Her regal positioning though defensive was still beautiful.-



((sorry sorry sorry i cant apologize enough. I have had a lot going on i am trying to be here more frequently though. please have faith and dont give up hope. I love this rp!)

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Crusher decided to go first. In his vamp body this would have been no issue. How ever that all left to normal stuff when he was given the magi one. He went to the small one first. He reared up and hit the bolder then pushed hard. It rolled a little bit out of place. He then pushed it a few more times looking he was getting the feel for it. Then decided to test the bigger bolder. It took longer but it did budge after a fair amount of strain. But it did move a little bit. Not a foot though.

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Zenith approached the smaller rock and started to push against it. He could feel his paws slipping in the wet grass. He then thought about how Crusher moved it, and started doing that, although with less success then Crusher. He finally moved it a small amount and was pretty sure he would not be able to move the bigger one.


Fenix walked through the forest. He was glad for the cover of the tree tops that broke the rain, although water dripped down from the leaves. He would be flying around, looking for somewhere suitable, but his pack tended to be a bit too cumbersome when flying, and he doubted he could keep it on while it was raining. He took a step through a bush and found himself by a waterfall. Deciding this was as good a place as any to stop, he looked around for someplace dry.

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Vadellia went to the laudge rock. She started to puch it, and she puched it for about a foot until she felt to much of a stine on her. She had done this many times with the bolders when she was younger. She giggled when she saw that Zenith nor Crusher had her stranght.


Tetra was unsure, so she waited until Zenith was done before she tried to puch the smaller one. She bearly moved it an inch. She was a great swimmer, probobly could out swim water dragons, but a poor land walker.

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Blanchia looked hard at Scuta and then softened slightly.- "There is far too much bloodshed, it comes too easily...killing. I do not disrespect your practices but Scuta, this is wrong. We should either practice with you or on tree's. If you want to practice using animals then wait for when we need to go hunting. Please, I beg you, don't have us kill needlessly." Blanchia had come up to the dragon who's single tear moved her beyond words, her body was crouched and her head was snaked up to look at him from a submissive point. She didn't want to be agressive while negotiative life but her eyes and calm demeanor showed that she was unmoving with her imposing request.-



(Sorry, somehow I've become addicted to playing Thirst of Night...)

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"Fine." Scuta replied. "I'll find another way."

He blinked to clear his eyes and shook off the tear. His voice wasn't shaky and he wasn't showing any other signs. He quickly banished old thoughts, that was a long time ago. And it wasn't time for emotional outbursts. Not time for pity either.

"We don't need to kill animals, but we still need the challenge. I can't teach you reaction time or reflexs and it would be unfair if we dueled flat out. So how about we simply put the animal in a hold and count it as a kill?"

He thought of his own prestige number of kills, 9758.

Edited by Dusset

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Blanchia reflexively fawned over his change of heart, barely containing herself until he stopped speaking, then nuzzled him affectionately.- "Thank you, Scuta!" -She padded back to the animal and grabbed long blades of grass and some frawns to place over the body. Scavengers would come for it sooner or later, thinking straight, now, she knew it was unreasonable to burry it whe other, starving creatures could make use for it. When she was done she turned back, more determined than ever to live up to Scuta's expectations; so long as she didn't have to kill, or see them kill, unneccesarily.-

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Ren blinked, saying nothing. She sat down, and was about to paw the ground, then stopped herself. She looked at the tree, and stared at it for a while.

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((Dusset, don't forget your other char.


And ViviannWinter posted Chasilin.))


Evil Crusher watched the training go on. He was watching Scuta's group. He came up with an idea to do to the white should he catch her alone. Lots of death right in front her, that should tear her apart. The thoughts made him smile.

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Ren, while looking at the tree, spotted another dragon nearby it. He was watching her group. She waved briefly and quickly, even though she didn't know who he was. He was smiling, so she awkwardly smiled back. She pawed the ground. She looked away, unsure of what to think about what just happened, and wondered who the dragon was.

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Evil Crusher took notice of one of the others smiling at him. She was waving. Perfect. He waved back then turned around and seemed to leave. He turned around once out of sight and then found a spot to watch with out being spotted this time. To add to it he cloaked.

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Ren watched the dragon leave. She just blinked for a moment, pawed at the ground, then looked back at Scuta and Blanchia. She slumped her back slightly, as memories started to haunt her. This time she let the memories come to her.

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-Since the ember didn't seem to understand that Illuminis waned her to move she touched her nose to the dragon's own and established First Contact.- "Come with me, I'll take you to our camp." She explained in a gentle, compassionate tone, removing her nose and facing forward. This time she nudged the ember with her wing by the 'elbow'.-


((Popsicle sticks! I just realized I've been using the wrong colors!!!!


New Color Key: Illuminis Blanchia))

Edited by Chasilin

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-Confused she followed the Moonstone a safe distance. She was unsure of the situation and was cautious.- "Do you not have a voice? Whats wrong with your eyes? Why does that Vampire think he owns this forest? I don't see his name anywhere on it." -She snorted and held her head high and looking around of the surroundings noticing the chipper noise of the forest was a bit too quiet. This she was used to.-

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Illuminis sheltered the dragon with a wing as if protecting her from Crusher despite him not being anywhere near them. Since she was touching the ember, she could reply.- "I have no voice, I am blind and Crusher does not, in fact, own this forest. However, he is a terror to be wreconed with and a dragon best left unprovoked." She smiled to the young dragoness. "I am Illuminis, dear, what might your name be?"

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Fenix followed the cliff, looking for some sort of shelter from the rain. He came across the Home Cave and looked inside. He could smell the scent of other dragons, but could not really see any through the rain. Shrugging, he entered the cave and stayed towards the entrance, waiting to see if someone came to see who he was.

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Stoneza was as still as a stone as a new visitor came into the cave. "Don't be startled. I know I look like a rock." he said uncurling from a corner. Though it really did look like a bolder was unfolding. But with scales "Welcome to home cave. I see you haven't fell victim to our enemy." he said standing up. "What brings you to these parts?" he asked in a friendly tone.


((Dusset? Are you up for hosting the training your posts are a bit few))

Edited by little lost dragon

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Fenix jumped a bit when a boulder started talking and then uncurled into a Stone dragon. "Oh hello there. I was just trying to get out of the rain." He felt comfortable around this other dragon, which was odd considering he had been with humans for the past while and not dragons. He slid his pack off his back and laid it next to him, now that he knew he would not be run out. "You said something about an enemy, what did you mean by that?"

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Stoneza nodded "Yes one that strangly came back really. I'll let.... his counter part as in the one from our time explain it." he said "He's killed and badly injured a good portion of us already. If healers had not dropped by we would be dead." he said "He is a vamp type but has a odd mutaion of bone platting covering him from head to tail. Don't ask me how he moves around but his platting works well for him. Normal combat with him is suicide." he said. "As unless you have a jaws of a few dragons in one, you'll only mark him up. No damage." he explained.

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"Well, maybe I can help you out." Fenix turned to his pack and started carefully opening the pockets and closing them, trying to find the right ones. He found the two he was looking for and carefully emptied the contents on the ground. "Lets see..." He pushed some of the stuff around, looking for something. "Pot, nope. Sewing kit, nope. Bag of spices. How did that get in there? Blade sharpener, nope. Uhh, its around here somewhere..." He continued to search through the pile of things, looking for something.

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-She looked around and shrugged at the Moonstone nodding and blinks before replying.- "He seems so arrogant and pushy. I don't like being pushed but he is intimidating. My name is Smoldaria. Nice to meet you Illuminis."

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-Illuminis let out a gentle laugh like softly playing notes of a magestic flute.- "Indeed, he is, there is a part of him that I can see where everyone else is blind. You must learn that having the ability to see leaves you blind to quite a lot of the world. Perhaps I can teach you something that will aid you should come to have to spar with Crusher someday." -She laughed once more, kindly, though she was worried- "Or some other dragon. I should like to have you apprentice beneath me, would you be willing, Smoldaria?"

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-Smoldaria made and unpleasant as if she ate something foul and then quirked a brow.- "You do know I am a fighter. I feel I should warn you I am pretty stubborn and very aggressive most of the time. I don't like being talked down to and the one you call Crusher has irritated me already. Another thing though, why did you take that hit for me? That was stupid. If he would have injured you more I am sure I would have been to blame."

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-Illuminis only smiled, her wing now simply pressed against the embers flank- "I can tell as much, I don't need the ability to see for that. However, despite your agression and stubborn tendancies, I assure you it's no problem for me at all. Though, I assume, you don't care to hear that." -She walked on in silence for a while, she was checking their route to make sure they were headed in the right direction. Finally, she turned her quarter-moon gaze on the smoldering ember dragon, she was absolutely serious as she answered Smoldaria's last question.- "Well," she said,"wouldn't anyone?"

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((In order to wake up on time for school, I go to bed at 10:00 PM Eastern shore time. I can't control when you guys post when I'm asleep. As well as school for 6 hours, followed by several mountains of engineering homework. So It's a miracle I post as much as I do. I can't control when I'm not here and you guys choose to post three pages. I'm not in front of a computer for eighteen hours straight. Thanks to daylight savings, the post hours are one behind my time.))


Callaina observed them move the the large boulders. She realized they had more power than they were showing. They simply needed a way to show it. Moving a boulder is a need to call upon great strength.

"Now, if you don't mind, south of here, maybe 150 human meters, there is a relatively steep hill. I want you to all find boulder of equal size to the large one, and roll them up that hill. Once you can accomplish this, you should be able to start combat. This will take several days." She told them.


((Think 35 degrees. Hehe, making up landscape is easy when we have a 2d map.))


"Ok Blanchia, there's another buffalo just up the river, if you can take it down we'll move on. If not, Ren I want you to help her out." Scuta instructed. "We'll continue with large animals until I'm content you two can take them down with ease, then, hopefully the other group will catch up and we'll start mach battles. If not I'll have to be creative."


((It's on now.))

Edited by Dusset

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