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2021-10-25 - Halloween Event Begins!

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Im behind on the event. Clicked on the crops and they disappeared. >.< I forgot to harvest tool them. had no money since it was my first set of crops and id spent it all.  Went back and refreshed, and i have 3 coins now. so i guess its time to try again.

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I really wish the color-differences between 'watered' and 'needs to be watered' crops was a little more obvious when selecting the watering can. I keep losing track of my seeds because they blend in with all the weeds and everything else

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Man that eye stalk is sure taking long, even though it's already massive...can't wait to see its final form and how much coin it gives.

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3 minutes ago, 0x08 said:


I'm so glad I came up with this cat placement. XD




I thought I was so original rofl

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4 minutes ago, MissK. said:

I thought I was so original rofl

It's different enough! ;)

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6 minutes ago, MissK. said:




I thought I was so original rofl

So did I! Mine is in the EXACT same space XD well, it IS the best place.

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2 minutes ago, Firebirdwyvern said:

I seem to be missing the axe tool? is that common or do I need to purchase it from the store?

You get it at level 20 automatically.

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I watered my garden after being away from it for several hours, and suddenly all my plants literally grew right before my eyes. XD


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1 minute ago, Willow_Whispers said:

Can you move or remove a decoration?

You can't move them. If you have the pickaxe you can remove them, but you lose the money you paid for them.

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1 hour ago, 0x08 said:

In other news, acorn squashes are the real MVPs...

I was wrong. Cabbage wins. 🥬

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1 minute ago, 0x08 said:

I was wrong. Cabbage wins. 🥬


Well, it depends. Cabbage costs 1coin more than the squash, and gives 2 less coins at full harvest, so it might be more profitable to do more squash. But squash takes up more space at full-harvest... I guess if you have a ton of space planting tons of cabbage will be better, but if you have limited space just a few squash would do.

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4 hours ago, natli said:

I officialy love this event ! I' m into gardening IRL and the only problem I see is that it will last only 8 days.... Phlease make it last longer ❤️

I also hope we will be able to do this a while longer. I really enjoy it, but don't have too much time. I wanna see all the plants though and I need pumpkins and cats everywhere :wub:

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On 10/25/2021 at 2:53 PM, HeatherMarie said:

I'm loving the treats this year (as always!), I love how many different things we get each year and how we can see different spriter-skills at work. My very favorite so far is

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1nz6hwm.png   this adorable Nessie!!!!



I'm glad Nessie is enjoyed :'D

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12 minutes ago, saltywench said:

How do you get rid of rocks?


You get a pickaxe at level twenty (and an axe for log/stumps at thirty).

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11 minutes ago, LevelsOfViolence said:

Doesn't seem like you get anything new at 41.

Do you get 'the answer' at 42? ;)


I've decided I like parsnips.

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I am level 50 and haven't gotten anything new since the obstacles etc at level 30 just so everyone knows. 


Edit: okay my eye stalk is finally ready to harvest and I'm officially creeped out lol. Very cool looking 

Edited by MissK.

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my Trick or Treat bucket is taking me to an error page 😕


I'm only at Lv 7 on my farm due to a spacing error. But I can't wait to get higher and start decorating it properly!

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6 minutes ago, Aniia said:

my Trick or Treat bucket is taking me to an error page 😕


I'm only at Lv 7 on my farm due to a spacing error. But I can't wait to get higher and start decorating it properly!

Same here. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.

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3 hours ago, HeatherMarie said:

I really wish the color-differences between 'watered' and 'needs to be watered' crops was a little more obvious when selecting the watering can. I keep losing track of my seeds because they blend in with all the weeds and everything else

Here's a trick - switch between sickle and watering can quickly; whatever you see brightening when you go to the watering can and dimming when you go to the sickle needs watering. The change in brightness makes it easier to spot than just with the brightness. Presumably doesn't work for the high-level plants which are both harvestable and waterable, but at least it'll help spot the itty bitty saplings?

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