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Separate Holiday AP During Holiday Season

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Since all of our suggestions tend to bleed over into each other and drown out the focus of each thread, here's an official thread for this suggestion.  Implement an entirely separate AP for holiday-only breeds during Christmas, Halloween, and Valentine's Day.  This way users can choose to hunt for only holidays or only regular breeds as they choose and there won't be a "holiday wall problem."


To expand on the idea, my thoughts from January: I was thinking the holiday AP would only be present during the holiday breeding season through the last day of CB drops.



Related threads:

Don't Reduce Clutch Sizes

One Line of Non-Holidays in AP During Holidays



Edited by Jazeki

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Even though I don't mind the holiday walls at all, I'm definitely in favor of this to make the game experience better for those of us who prefer non-holidays. (Plus, fewer eggs dying.)

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I would support this. definitely -  an opportunity to grab regular eggs, when one has had a fill of holiday eggs.

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Support. I love the holiday wall but would be just as happy with it having its own AP.

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Oh lol, I thought this suggestion was already a thing! Forgot the other one is just for a single LINE of non-holidays, which I think would make the AP too cluttered.


But yes, support. There’s clearly already a way for the cave to tell what holiday breeds are (because they get sent to the front of the wall), so it should be easy to seperate them. I think the simplest way would be to leave the normal AP alone and add a new AP (maybe /abandonedholiday), linked from the main cave page when there’s eggs in it just like the normal AP.


”You also see a pile of seasonally festive eggs. If you’d like, you can travel there instead.”


Or some such.

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100% agree!!!!! While I adore hunting the AP for more holiday eggs, I'm very particular about what I'm hunting and what I keep. So taking a break sometimes can be essential, and I'd absolutely LOVE to be able to swap between holiday and regular eggs. That way I don't get bored and frustrated looking for what I want and not finding it, I can just swap over to the other AP and hunt there for a while. Getting frustrated during the holidays isn't fun, so anything to reduce that frustration is a BIG win IMO.

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38 minutes ago, angelicdragonpuppy said:

Oh lol, I thought this suggestion was already a thing! Forgot the other one is just for a single LINE of non-holidays, which I think would make the AP too cluttered.


But yes, support. There’s clearly already a way for the cave to tell what holiday breeds are (because they get sent to the front of the wall), so it should be easy to seperate them. I think the simplest way would be to leave the normal AP alone and add a new AP (maybe /abandonedholiday), linked from the main cave page when there’s eggs in it just like the normal AP.


”You also see a pile of seasonally festive eggs. If you’d like, you can travel there instead.”


Or some such.

This! I thought this suggestion might already have been made.


Oh, well. I'll toss my support for it here, anyway. 

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I saw that idea in some other threads and i will support it to 100%.

I dont care if it is a whole seperated site for holidays or just adding a line for non-holidays only in the AP, both ideas are good and we need to stop having eggs die behind a chinese wall made out of Holiday Eggs in the AP.

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I would support this idea, too. While I prefer to keep hunting for holiday lineages while they may be had, I know there are some players who are not interested in holiday lineages and would prefer to continue hunting for other things. Seems like a win:win situation for each segment of players to have an AP available that gives them what they are interested in.


And I am sure there are regular eggs that die behind that AP wall each holiday. The wall is solid for well over a week, so eggs bred around the time it starts would run out of time before they ever get a chance to show up. It seems a shame, as I am sure some of them are lovely lineages.

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While I don't mind the holiday wall at all, but +1 support because I can see this being

useful for people who don't necessarily enjoy picking up and looking at every single

holiday egg they see. XD

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I generally go in for Holidays in a big way, but this won't harm holiday hunting and will help those who don't Holiday hunt, so I support. 



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I really can't see any negatives to this at all (except coding-time, but that's true of any and all suggestions). I'm all about the holiday eggs during their window, but it would be wonderful to have the *option* of seeing the normal eggs that are usually stuck behind the holiday wall, and it'd be almost guaranteed to cut down on the number of eggs that die behind that holiday wall.

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Nudging this alternative for more or less the same reasons as the other: it would be nice to decrease the monotony for those who don't like cave hunting or those who don't work with holidays due to the limitations or or those who like to collect lineaged dragons but are tired of the endless holiday eggs.


Also it would be less cluttered than the extra line, saving space for mobile, and would parallel the new Holiday biome.

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On 1/17/2018 at 10:50 PM, OMGitsKairi said:

While I don't mind the holiday wall at all, but +1 support because I can see this being

useful for people who don't necessarily enjoy picking up and looking at every single

holiday egg they see. XD

This. AND the NICE thing about this suggestion is that the holiday wall'd still be there for those that want it, while allowing more options for the ones that don't!

Win-win, it seems to me!


AND as @Shadowdrake said... it would mirror the extra 'holiday' biome rather nicely. IF holiday eggies get their own biome, why NOT their own AP?

Edited by JavaTigress

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I'd be a fan of a separate AP. I try to stick to only collecting holiday/balloon lines and really don't enjoy searching for them. I would much rather hunt for lower timed cb regular dragons and interesting lineage ideas to fill the gaps between holiday hunting. 

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Again posting my support for this. I know many people worry about regular eggs possibly dying behind the holiday AP wall, and not everyone collects a ton of each breed so I'm sure there are people who simply have their fill of most holidays. I know I've met my scroll goals with a number of holidays this past year, so there will definitely come a time when the holiday AP wall isn't interesting to me. I support any of the suggestions that will let people hunt for regular eggs in the AP during holidays, but this possibly seems the best option?

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Complete support here.  It allows those who've had their fill of holidays to hunt for other things.

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I am definitely behind this. I love browsing the AP during holidays for the good stuff that gets booted, but the walls of holiday eggs make it near impossible. 


"Near the entrance to the cave, there is a huge pile of abandoned eggs. If you don’t want the dragons inside to die, you can take one of those instead.

--A little further down, you notice a collection of festively colored eggs and hatchlings sitting on their own. To partake in the holiday cheer, you are welcome to take one for yourself." 

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While I support this idea, my question is how these two biomes would 'reconcile'.  After holiday season, would all holiday eggs be booted to the regular AP or would it remain until only a certain number of eggs were left?  I do like the idea though, since I rarely find dragons I'd like to keep on the AP and have actually stopped breeding mines so they don't contribute to the clutter.

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8 hours ago, Draconiusultamius said:

While I support this idea, my question is how these two biomes would 'reconcile'.  After holiday season, would all holiday eggs be booted to the regular AP or would it remain until only a certain number of eggs were left?  I do like the idea though, since I rarely find dragons I'd like to keep on the AP and have actually stopped breeding mines so they don't contribute to the clutter.

Yeah, maybe until they all die? I'm not sure how the actual AP works at the moment - like you rarely see stuff in there with say 23 hours left, so I feel like they only appear in the AP for a certain length of time. Maybe until all of the eggs in their have reached that AP-time-limit, the Holiday Pile would disappear?

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I don't see why the holiday AP can't be just open whenever there's any holiday eggs left. They're already treated differently from regular eggs, and it'd be irritating to watch them jump in and out of the regular AP as people dropped or picked up eggs when it's at the threshold.

I suppose I can see some benefit in a time limit, to prevent eggs or hatchlings being forgotten in an out of season AP that everyone overlooks, but it should be like 5 or 6 days after holiday breeding ends to try to avoid the regular AP being flooded.



2 hours ago, RealWilliamShakespeare said:

I'm not sure how the actual AP works at the moment - like you rarely see stuff in there with say 23 hours left, so I feel like they only appear in the AP for a certain length of time. Maybe until all of the eggs in their have reached that AP-time-limit, the Holiday Pile would disappear?

There is no "AP time limit"; you rarely see low time things because they get grabbed immediately.

To illustrate, currently every holiday once the holiday eggs clear out you see regular eggs that can be as low as 1 second because they've been sitting in there the whole 7 days or however long ago they were dropped. Everything under 4 days gets snapped up in the course of a few hours because they're very easy to hatch, which is also why the AP never seems to dip below 5 days: the lower time an egg is, the more likely it'll be grabbed, leaving all the higher times left.

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I don't really see a problem with the holiday AP simply staying until all holiday eggs are gone... It doesn't really make sense for there to be a separate holiday AP if the holiday eggs are just booted to the regular AP eventually. 

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