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Do you have nothing better to do? Honestly, grow up or go somewhere else because I'm tired of the B.S.

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You've got to be kidding. We're running out of time before Halloween, you jerks! We've still got the Black Marrows and Shadow Walkers left to test pair, and zombie fodder to collect, and an extra Celestial to pick up as a just-in-case measure, and here you two go and decide to be picky?! AGAIN?! If you continue like this I swear you'll go without mates and babies this year! How'd you like that?




Rant-y opinion about a common part of fan fiction ahead

No. NO. You do NOT get to steal achievements from canon characters for your own half-baked OC. Unlike your character, they had to work hard for that achievement, it was their crowning moment of glory; it meant something significant to the characters and the story. This Hobbit was "just a comfort-loving Hobbit" and yet went and did some marvellous things no Elf, Man, nor Dwarf could have done. And YOU want to steal it just so your own cardboard character can look cool effortlessly because they have absolutely nothing else going for them.


And for censorkip.gif's sake, if you have to put down every other character just to make your own OC look good, then your OC is just a bully. Not cool. If the overall standard needs to be lowered just to make the OC look decent, then there's obviously something off about the OC - NOT the already existing world. Needs more work if you want us to like them, and for them to actually be awesome in what they do, not what you TELL us they are.


Grow some bloody creativity of your own and stop stealing someone else's genius!

Edited by Ripan

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Why is it that I never get invited to anything? We had half-day at school yesterday. Everyone I know went to the mall or ice skating or whatever but I don't even get an INVITE. And when I'm like, hey, can I come with you? they're like, um, sorry? No more...spaces? And they just make up some pathetic excuse. 'You don't even know how to rollerblade!' 'You don't like small spaces, right? There are elevators in the mall!' 'You never finish your food, I don't want to be seen with you at a restaurant!' So I sit at home and watch people bully me on Instagram for not having friends, and it's horrible because what they say is true. I DON'T have any friends.



People I used to trust look at me weirdly when I show them something funny, then when they show the same joke to their friends they burst out laughing like dying whales. When I sing they say, 'Ugh. Shut up. That song's weird. I don't want you to 'put your arms around me'...' and then I hear them singing the exact same song. And when i bring it up, they forget it ever happened.



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Dude, we try our best to fulfill our roles flawlessly. Unless if you want our roles, just piss off and be quiet. Okay?


You infuriate me on a regular basis. censorkip.gif despicable prick. I'm so tired of you...

Edited by JolteonTails

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For goodness's sake, think about how you act around kids and younger people. Don't impact your anger, fear and frustrations on them. They are going to look much more to you than to any news source on this issue, so you are going to need to be the adult, reassuringly calm, collected and strong. Rather be honest about not knowing where things are going than start installing more fear into a child who already is terrified.

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lmao, for future reference, arguing that we should plan for the literal apocalypse is not going to win you any logical reasoning points


just, y'know, an fyi lmao

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Yes I know, you like to make characters outside of the game's lore. But, nobody will want to roleplay with you if your character succeeds battle attempts every time, stops every fight, and cannot be killed(not just with permission, invincible.)


You build from other games and skyrim and whatever and it's annoying. You preach about God to people who really don't care, including me, and I've told you I just don't believe, so please don't talk about it. You whine and you beg, and you tell me gross things that I have absolutely no need to hear, it's absolutely disgusting when you talk about that. You're single yeah, but I don't want to hear about your ex's and how violent you want to be. It's wrong, you may be joking, but what you say is very risky.


you've done nothing but use me for stuff. You drag me to dungeons I want to run, and take the stuff I've been dreaming of getting, without asking me. You get cranky when stuff doesn't drop and laugh at the dumbest glitches that everyone has found. Every secret area, I've discovered, and you treat it like you found the secret to life.


You've done a lot, you've acted like a child. You're 27, please act your age. I don't want to hear your whining, but you guilt trip me back into being your friend. You got angry recently because a character who, by lore, is a natural jerk who is not afraid to get aggressive, and you READ that so you KNEW, and now you won't talk to me, you're making boohoo broadcasts, and cut off all of your characters from mine, as if that hurts. I never wanted to be your little servant with helping you, I never wanted to interact with your sucky characters, and I'm not going to sit here and get ignored by an ADULT who didn't get what she wanted, roleplayed how she wanted, or cared for like she oh so desires.


I'm so done with you. Everything I bring up about you with any friend I've had was always negative. Try to mature a bit, and then talk to me in a few thousand years.

Edited by NoraNora

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Stop adding my Scroll to Click Sites! mad.gif

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No. NO. That must have been a bot. I have great connection, and I was on that egg the second it turned to 35, lightning speed, and still missed it. I don't usually call foul, but I'll be damned if that wasn't a bot. It was unreal.

Really, I'm not so upset about missing the egg, it happens often, but how. Something definitely didn't seem right there.

Edited by Ripan

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Good Grief. The first day out of my sick bed and that ignorant old fart has to victimize me. Some people are just so miserable they have to try to make other people as miserable as they are.

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Because that's what I sound like. It's pretty much the vocal version of a resting censorkip.gif* face. I try to be mindful about it, I always do. I'm not angry, I'm just annoyed sometimes, just like everyone else in the world when an unnecessary hindrance shows up, but as soon as I show that I am annoyed you immediately start shouting that I'm "always angry" and tell me to just go away, and that makes me angry for real. You have called me a "****ing psychopath" once when I raised my voice to make myself heard from the other side of the house when you asked me a question, because apparently I sounded angry again. You've known me for years now, how can you not have noticed it by now, even when I've outright told you how it is.

And I know, maybe I fire up too quickly sometimes. Especially back when I was a teenager. I've got to be mindful of others. Got to watch how I sound or what choice of words I make. I edit myself a lot, change my wording in the middle of a spoken sentence. People say that I'm quiet, and that's because I can't show my relaxed self among most people. And I often go back to rewrite my sentences. I clam up and try to stutter out what I think people would like to hear, because in actuality I may be a rather blunt and sound gruffer than I mean to be. But it can't always be my fault when an argument breaks out. Annoyance can pass quickly, I can swallow that back. Especially if the problem is dealt with right away. Then I may even be particularly happy that we could some up with a smart solution. But it gets worse; you add to the problem by a personal attack. I don't think I'm in the wrong to get angry for real then.

Edited by Ripan

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Kay dad first off all.

I don't /want/ to go to the play

we've seen the Scrooge plenty of times, why see it live?

My throat is scratchy and the fight with the cold is slowly taking over, but i'm trying to stop from getting sick.


I have a black shirt, with pretty lacey white skulls on the shoulders. How is that disrespectful? The movie isn't about God as far as I care, he got scared of dying and said "oh better be nice", that's how I view it, because I don't believe in God.

I can wear a sweatshirt over it but no, it MUST be changed, right? You said it'll be warm in the theatre, how about when church is packed and YOU'RE STILL censorkip.gif COLD. So

let me cover it up instead of change into some cross covered outfit, tyvm.

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I just missed a cb silver because I was overburdened. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. FFFffffffffffff!!!

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Yay. I just learned that my dad is monitoring my email by READING MY FREAKING EMAILS. Stuff that if private. Stuff that wasn't meant for anyone except for me and the person I'm emailing to see.

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And just to be properly petty, I timed exactly how long it took for me to dig up this information: 2 minutes and 26 seconds. This is the information age, and based off what I know about you, you have absolutely no excuse for not being able to perform that search on your own. dry.gif But nooo, you want something to be mad about, and if it draws attention to you it's all the better, isn't it? Spending an hour to write an angry article throwing mud at a candy company is so much more fun than to put less than three minutes to checking if your point holds any water at all.

Edited by Ripan

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Playstation. I've been loyal to you for years. So WHY ARE YOU GIVING ME SUCH TROUBLE?! I just want to download the patch. I want to download it so I can play the normal version everyone else can. I want the shop in the car, I want the extra cut scenes. I preordered the thing months before it was released and even paid extra for the special version. So WHY! STOP SAYING IT CAN'T BE DOWNLOADED WHEN I KNOW IT CAN. mad.gif

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I love you to death, but why did you explode like that? Just because I got annoyed because you unplugged the space heater and I was cold. I had just turned the dang thing on. Excuse me for being human. But just because I close my door because it was pointless to have it open if the heater wasn't on you assume I was angry. No, I wasn't. So why the flipping hell did you need to explode into a fit of psychotic rage? Screaming at the top of your lungs, slamming the bathroom door, punching the walls, trying to pull the shower curtain down? And I had to grab your wrists just so you wouldn't start hitting yourself or do something else that was stupid. Do you realize how badly you could have gotten hurt? And then you don't speak to me afterwards, making me feel like it was my fault when I know it's not. My little bit of expressing my annoyance isn't going to be blamed for whatever made you do that. I know you're stressed, but it's BS that you get to throw a tantrum and get mad and have an attitude whenever the heck you want, but I get mad about something and it's "Calm down!" or "Not so loud!" or "What's your problem?"


I'm ****ing human too! I deserve to get mad and express my anger. But no, everyone else in the house is allowed to get angry and yell and cuss, but let me do it and I'm in the wrong or going overboard. I'm sorry, who's the one who went crazy in the bathroom? Oh that's right, it wasn't me. mad.gif



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sometimes it's so hard to be gay why does coming out have to be a thing why do people just assume i'm straight and then create these uncomfortable situations

now i have to come out to my homophobic roommate to explain to her why i don't wanna room with her next year and i'm literally panicking because i'm forcing myself to do it tonight before she goes to bed and i

i just hate being gay sometimes

Edited by glamoursea2

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I would really like to stop working 12 hour shifts now. This isn't what I signed on for when I applied to work here. It's exhausting, even if I'm currently only working three days a week. I need those other days just to recover! I mean I do like that I'm working full time now, but...ugh, I don't know. I only got like three and a bit hours of sleep today because I was trying to make sure my girlfriend and I would have food for the next few days. The soup turned out great, but I'm worried about my shift tonight...all because I have to leave three hours earlier than I used to, instead of getting a little more sleep. Not sure I could anyway though, I'm all keyed up because of my own dumb life choices, lol.


Alao a self-rant: gdi of you want to participate in rp that badly just do it already for censorkip.gif sake. Don't make excuses to yourself and then feel bad later because you're not tagging more than like once a month. That isn't going to fly any longer and you'll be booted, Silver. Get on it already!!!

Edited by silver_chan

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This is so weird... How can I hate a person I don't really know? We have no contact whatsoever, but even reading their posts makes me go aaaargh. People are the weirdest animals, no doubt.

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I can't understand some people. Why do they say that? Asians are not ugly, they're just different with you.

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