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worst injury ever happened to you

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I'm kind of a sheltered derp so the worst injury I've ever gotten was slicing open my leg right beneath the knee in my swimming pool. The walls and floors of our pool is made of this rough stone stuff, and we have one of those little shallow end platform thingies in our pool and I tried to climb on it aaaaand I hit my leg on it and slice.


I still have a little scar.

Edited by Switch

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When I was younger I was trying out the monkey bars (Someone had dared me to, but I really hated them) I fell and had this extremely weird feeling in my back and my breath had been knocked out of me. I couldn't move for thirty minutes so my highschool friend had to pick me up and take me back to the camp counselors.

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There are two injuries that rank as my worst injuries.


The first was when I broke my elbow in kindergarten. I was only 3 at the time but I remember the incident clearly. I was in school and my teacher took us outside for recess. She brought some bubbles with her and a few of us started chasing them. It was a lot of fun! However, I got so caught up in trying to catch one particular bubble that I didn't realize that I was on uneven ground. I jumped to get the bubble, landed on the edge (where the sidewalk drops off to the parking lot), and fell really hard. My arm hit the pavement followed by my head. I hit so hard that it stunned me and caused a clean break in my arm. Took pins to set the bone correctly again.


The second injury I had was me being silly. The 2nd house I ever lived in had this really neat iron stove in the playroom. It was meant to heat the house. Well, while I was living in this house, I got an Easy Bake oven for Christmas. One day I realized that it wasn't baking properly. My thought was because it wasn't getting hot on the bottom. Enter the iron stove. I took the Easy Bake oven over to the stove and set it on top, thinking that would help. I was a bit clumsy though. As I pulled my hands away from my Easy Bake, I accidentally lowered my right arm, touching the stove. It wouldn't have been an issue if the iron stove hadn't been lit. I ended up getting a nasty 2nd degree burn on my arm that took nearly a month to heal.

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I've had quite a few injuries over the years but here goes nothing


I've had stitches in my index finger twice, once because I sliced my finger open with a serrated edge butter knife and the other time with a pair of kitchen shears


I've had stitches in my left eyebrow because my brother swung the dryer door into my head when I was emptying it


I broke my collar when I was 6-7 years old, I fell over a rack at a store and was stuck in a figure eight for I don't know how long.


then a some years later I think I was 10-11 my brother cut me off when I was riding my bike and clipped my front tire, I watched it stop and was thrown over the handle bars, I did a somersault and skidded down the road on the side of my face when I stopped I sat up and looked around thinking that wasn't so bad a least until I tried to get up then searing pain shot through my left leg, I went to the hospital and found out I had a hairline fracture all the down to the growth plate but not through it thank god, they said I'd be stuck in a regular cast for at least 6 weeks but I was in a walking cast in 4


I've also had multiple concussions


so apparently I'm accident prone

Edited by Aislein

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so apparently I'm accident prone

Wow, you certainly get around, don't you? I've actually never broken a bone, although I've had some bad injuries so you can't say I've lived a sheltered life.



- I've fallen off of, been stepped on by, and hit in the face by a horse more times than I can count. Yes, I've been hit in the face by a horse. If you ever stand next to or in front of a horse, know that it *will* thrash its head around if panicked. One time as a kid I was leading a horse over ice (some reason this is always the source of my pain) and it slipped, stomping a huge hoof on a dainty foot. The nail on my big toe turned black & blue and that part eventually had to be cut away.


- I was pushed off the top of a slide when I was in daycare and fell on my face. Good thing there was a nice bedding of woodchips down below. One chip cut me on the outside of my right eye, where I believe I had to get stitches. Just inches over and I might have gone blind. It left a cute little scar though, and it makes for a nice story, LOL.


- I went through the phase of always having scraped knees while learning to ride a bike. I was also covered in scratches nearly my entire childhood from having three cats. unsure.gif


- Not an injury, but I've had 12 baby teeth (separated between two extractions) pulled as a result of being a late bloomer. The days that followed each time were pure misery.


- I'd say one of my most painful injuries was done at a ski resort. I was around 10 years old and my dad wanted to take me down the massive inner tube ice slide. This thing was huge, I'm talking 30 feet long, downhill, pure ice with lanes that slope up towards the sides. The first few rounds went alright, but at one point, we went down together (which was allowed, I might add). This was a big mistake because the lanes are only so big and one of us would get pushed up the slope. Me, being the lightest, of course was the one to get pushed up the slope and I flipped over. I was thrown out of my inner tube and started rolling down the sheet of ice. After a few seconds I attempted to stand up while still in motion, took a few running steps, tripped, fell, and started rolling yet again. At the bottom I brushed myself off and declared myself embarrassed and cold but not hurt. Who wouldn't put on a brave face around their dad, who happened to be my hero?

Now, you know cold numbs pain, which is why I didn't realize how bad I was hurt. Once we got back to the warm car, I started to feel it. I realized that the ice had shredded up my face, hands, and a large patch on my hip. My face and hands healed in a few days, but that hip lingered for months. Of course, constant picking at the scabs that kept forming made it worse, but hey, I was 10 years old. Still have the scar too, a nice faded reminder. sleep.gif


- Oh yes, and I mustn't forget the time I crashed my top gums and teeth into the hard floor at school. I had actually forgotten this incident until 3 seconds ago.

It was the end of the day, and I was in maybe 4th grade. This meant I had a long walk down the hall to the bus, so I would have to run occasionally. One time, I knocked into a kid and he pushed me face first into the ground. My teeth grated against the ground (grates against my nerves to even think about it) and sliced up my gums. Thankfully I did not chip any teeth, but my gums were a nasty sight for a few weeks. For some reason I felt the reason to hide them from my parents, so I would eat dinner with my head down and my lip down over my gums. xd.png

Edited by HollyTheColliegirl

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I just remembered, in addition to spraining my ankle of a trampoline, I sprained my pinking trying to pick up a rolling volleyball once, and then we went on a field trip an hour after. I had to hold a cold paper towel to my pinky the whole time. It was ever so pleasant. :I

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I've had quite a sheltered life. The only ones I can think of were twisting my ankle (which messed it up for the rest of my life) and almost having the top half of a bunk bed fall on me. It fell onto my mouth and I needed to get stitches for my upper lip, so now there's a little scar.

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I've personally never broken a bone. Knock on wood, yet, but I have had cracked ribs and of all my injuries that one is the worst.


When it comes to a list of injuries I've had a lot happen to me due to my current job and some of the people I either work with or how trailers were loaded before they got sent to us.


I've nearly had both my wrists and ankles broken, I've busted my left hip and had cracked ribs. I've had both of my knees smashed between a box and a wall I had built in a truck because the manager we had was new and didn't know how to alter the flow and I got hammered with too much at one time with no room left to place anything which left me trapped in my trailer til he came and got me out. I've been cracked in my head by furniture and trailer flaps too. And that's all within the past year.


When I was kid I had a screw go into my wrists and I have a scar from that when I was 4. I busted by right knee when I went out to my dad's rig to get under the bunk for my mother's bag when we had gotten home seeing as she had forgotten it. I forgot to lock the bunk in place and it came back down on my knee as I leaned on the edge. I've also fallen through a glass coffee table and slashed a tendon in my left foot and now my one toe doesn't bend properly anymore and both of those happened when I was 9.


I've had a lot of injuries throughout my life aside from just the ones I've mentioned and yet I'm still going. You wouldn't believe how many people constantly ask me 'how'.

Edited by wintermoon

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I cracked open my chin and had to get ten stitches.



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Ok, I'm going to have to give this a bit of backstory, otherwise it seems like gravity just reserved itself tongue.gif


I was around 11 at the time, and was driving along a motorway. With a caravan. The caravan went off balance and the car flipped over.


I was sitting in the back seat, playing a snowboarding game on my phone. Was winning as well -.- Then the car started rocking, so I dropped my phone. That was when the car decided to flip. So this phone, which was falling downwards, suddenly changed direction. Right. Into. My. Head.


Ironically, I was in the brace position, but it managed to land just above my right eye. When we got to hospital the doctor was convinced I had concussion tongue.gif I just had a nasty bruise/black eye...but it hurt for weeks.

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I've had many injuries over the years. One recently stands out above all others because it was the worst pain I have ever felt!


Apparently I have diverticulosis which turned to diverticulitis very quickly.


Diverticulosis is the presence of pouch like growths in the intestine/colon, diverticulitis is when those pouches become inflamed usually from something in a persons diet. Once they become inflamed there is a big risk of those pouches popping and killing the person from the bodily waste that has a new exit point lol.


Luckily the Dr. caught it in mid transition from diverticulosis to diverticulitis so only a small perforation had opened. That was the last time I ate sesame seeds because that was apparently what caused the injury in the first place.


If that doesn't count as an "injury" (I looked up the definition and it seems to fit to me) my second worst injury would've been in grade 5, it was the last day of school and we had a "Hot dog day"... I had just finished eating a bag of Salt & Vinegar chips and decided to go play on the jungle gym. I jumped off one of the platforms and grabbed onto the first bar of the monkey bars. When my body had swung completely forward instead of swinging back my hands slipped from the grease of the chips and I fell 5 feet breaking my arm above the wrist in 5 places AND pushed that little bone that juts out by the wrist up my arm.


For such a severe break I apparently healed up quickly, was told I'd have the cast on for 4-5 months and ended up getting it taken off at 2 months because it healed so nicely.


@Ashes The Second: I did that too! Both doing the exact same action, jumping up and down in a pool near the edge trying to get my father to watch me do something and came down cracking my chin open on the pebbly edge.

Edited by Lord_Kishin

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I broke my ankle...


By falling off of a school bus.


I was on an FFA trip in Oklahoma (I live in Arkansas) and was getting off the bus to eat lunch when all of a sudden, I was on the ground. Really sucky part is, I gave my other ankle a sprain when I broke the left. Suckiest bus ride home ever.

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Oh fu- Reading some of this makes me cringe. Like, literally actually cringe. Jeez. >_<

I can honestly say I've never broken a bone, but I am all scarred up from childhood shenanigans / chicken pox / surgery. I'm not really proud of them, to be honest, being ugly lookin' and all that.

I can't say if this counts as an injury, but I had to have my ghoul bladder removed. It took me a long time to heal (thanks to diabetes), but I'll never forget the nausea I felt, and the pain...Just...ugh! I was basically out of commission for an entire month; I hated moving around. ._.

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As a child, I was swinging on the monkey bars with two friends and I broke my arm. I was crying because I arm hurt like hell! I had it in cast (it was pink btw) for like a week until my arm got better.

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I've never broken a bone, and I have had a lot of strange injuries in my life, but I am going to name my absolute worst one as happening when I was two years old.


Grandpa was mowing the yard and he turned loose our german shepard, which normally wasn't a big issue, except that great-grandma was visiting and our shepard hated her little mutt. So here I go toddling out of the house, I turn the corner to play with the mutt, but the shepard beat me to him and they started fighting. I got mad at the shepard and swatted his butt! I still remember watching his fur push up between my fingers right before the world went black. My next vision was the shepard's paws and then the long scar on grandpa's stubbly cheek as he carried me to the house. I even remember the brown washcloth mom washed my face with.


What happened? The shepard thought I was another dog and picked me up off the ground by my head. I still have 3 scars along my left eyelid, one scar on my cheek that turns into a dimple when I smile, and 2 or 3 scars behind my left ear. Mom said that everywhere I have scars, I had stitches and that the whole family was scared I was going to loose my left eye. I still have my eye and and it works as fine as anyone who is born near-sighted with astigmatism. In fact I see slightly better out of my left than I do my right.


Don't hate the dog though. Grandpa said that as soon as dog realized what he had in his mouth, he dropped me, gently and started whining. Normally he was my protector and my family said the dog seemed depressed until I finally came home from the hospital and was able to pet and play with him again.

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I was playing soccer and was planning to slide tackle the ball away from the edge as the other team was about to take possession, and in the process I bent my right arm opposite from the elbow by having my arm behind me while I slid. Needless to say it broke, and I had to get a cast. To this day, if I move it weird my elbow will make some sort of "crick" sound, like cracking your knuckles. tongue.gif

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I accidentally dropped a metal bar about 10 pounds on my big toe...


The nail snapped in half and grew back weird. Even know it's about three times as thick as a normal toenail should be.

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I accidentally dropped a metal bar about 10 pounds on my big toe...


The nail snapped in half and grew back weird. Even know it's about three times as thick as a normal toenail should be.

OUCH. That reminds me...


I dropped a five kilogram weight on my big toe about five years ago. It left a dark mark on my toenail, which gradually moved down until earlier this year when it came down about three quarters of the way and finally broke off.

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I once passed out in the nurse's office in 2nd grade and put a good-sized dent in my head, but the worst part was when I had to get staples for it. They didn't even give me any medicine to numb the horrid pain either. >_>

And when I was about a year old, I was wandering around the house and hit my mouth on the bathtub, effectively taking half of my first tooth off. tongue.gif

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About when i was in 3rd grade, all the children were outside for recess, I was wearing my new crocks (theyre shoes) and i went to play kickball. Everyone was cheering me on because we needed one more point to win. I ran and went to kick the ball with ALL MY MIGHT, but I missed and my foot rammed into the concrete. I was wearing crocks so there wasnt much cushioning on impact. I couldnt move my foot at all. When we went to the hospital, it seemed that on my big toe, the nail jammed far to the left and dug a few cm into the skin. Not being able to get rid of it at the time, we waited. Waiting made it worse. The nail grew into the side of my toe, digging in the skin even more. When we finally went to get it out, they needed 4 injections into my toe to numb it, and they had to peel back the skin to get it out and cut it with a scalpel. We're hoping it wont grow back like that again seeing how the skin hasnt healed.

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I feel so lucky that my worst injury that I can recall is a sprained arm from being stupid and falling off the monkey bars (I dunno how that even happened).

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I got mauled by a dog when i was seven and couldn't see for three weeks

But i'm fine nows! xd.png

Wow! That sounds terrifying.

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