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worst injury ever happened to you

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I cracked my tailbone back in 3rd grade. Couldn't walk properly for a month.

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Hhm, let's see.

9 or 10 years old- Once I was riding a scooter for the first time. I was on a hill. I didn't mean to go down the hill, but I ended up going down. I had no idea how to steer, so I just screamed for my friend (I was at her house). Well, I was on collision course with a stop sign, so I jumped off to the grass. BIGGEST MISTAKE. Fell face first onto the asphalt. Had a bloody nose, bloody lip, bloody forehead, and a bloody knee. No need to go to the ER though. So I just got it cleaned off.


9 or 10 years old- At that same friend's house, I went sledding down a hill. In summer. Fell on a baby pine cone (You know, those little spike balls?) , had a gash on my arm. No doctor visit. Just cried. My mascara ran (I don't wear mascara, but we had been playing dress up right before that).


9 or 10 years old- Was hanging upside down on stairs, like I always do. I fell off for the first time ever. Blacked out for at most 10 minutes. Never went to get checked out by a doctor. Yeah.


9 or 10- I got a pencil stabbed into my hand. I was holing it, and my sister charged into me. It was stabbed in so deep it was hanging on. Seriously, it wouldn't fall out. I had to rip it out. Again, I didn't even go to the hospital. And my sister didn't get in trouble.


So yeah, none of my injuries are really that bad.


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Let's see...After graduating HS about 8 years ago I went in and out of low blood sugars. Head was always dizzy, could barely stand and was skinny as a rail. Most of the time I would sleep for days and woke up in a hospital bed.


Also more recently I went through what the doctors call DKA. It stands for diabetes Keto Acidosis. Have frequent bouts of throwing up, blood sugars are off the scale. ((It's over 9000!!! Sorry. Had to put that in there. tongue.gif)) Couldn't walk, barely talk, memory was oatmeal. I could barely remember what pills I took and things of that nature.


Both of these were near-death situations and I don't wish it on my worst enemy.

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The worst I can remember is smashing my face on the wall of a pool. Got away with a nasty bruise above my eyebrow and a bad headache. I got nothin' on you guys.

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January 2009 - right femur fracture, left radius fracture and a severe brain concussion as a result of a drunk driver hitting me. There was also a big hematoma on my face as well as a broken tooth, but I don't really count that in...


I've also broken a leg myself before, left tibia + fibula, but that injury wasn't nearly as serious as the accident back in 2009, consequences of which affect me even nowadays.

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Ooh here's an even more pathetic one: Three or four years ago I cut my finger while working on a school project. With a craft knife. Bled all over the sink but other than that there were basically no effects whatsoever.


According to my mom even as a small child I just never injured myself. It's kind of weird actually.

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worst thing happened to me? Umm...I can say to there are two user posted image


First worst thing was:

My brother "caught" my finger on car doors >.< Ouch, blue finger, borken nail and a lot of pain...user posted image


Second worst thing was:

I was hit my head on a stone fountain >.< And I HAD TO go on sewing. I have now small-not so much visible scar on forehead

Edited by Anavi_Ivy

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1) Climbing a fence at 6 years old and my foot got caught in a hole. Lost my balance at the top and did a complete 360 flip off of the fence, landing in a pile of rocks. Broke my left arm so badly, my pinkie finger could touch the inside of my elbow. They were surprised the bone didn't break the skin.


2) Sledding down a neighborhood hill during winter break when I was around five. Someone's attack dog got out of the house, ran down the hill after me, grabbed my leg, ripped me off of the sled and proceeded to maul my leg. I was wearing Pajama Pants, Jeans and thick snow pants and it still damaged my leg. Thankfully it didn't break the skin, but it did leave a nasty bruise. One that I still have today (almost 20 years later). Owners claimed the dog "wanted to ride on the sled with me", although these people were known for training attack dogs.


3) I was arguing with my mother, hid behind the door and she quickly pushed the door open. Only my right eye was on the level of the door handle. It smashed into the bone above my eye and shattered a piece of my scull off. Also, when I woke up the next morning to go to school, the skin had swollen in front of my eye, so it looked like my skin was "melting".

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Not quite an injury BUT


Round ten years ago I had my tonsils out. About a week after my stitches burst leading to lots of blood leaking out of my mouth and down my throat. I threw up a blood clot that looked like a kidney.

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When I was 12, I cut the back of my hand (just behind the thumb) on a dog food can. I'm not quite sure how it happened, but I tripped while I was holding it and suddenly there was blood everywhere. My dad took me to the hospital, but it was so crowded that they had to examine me on a bed in a hallway. To distract me from the pain of getting stitched up, my dad read to me from The Two Towers.


Once I was stitched and waiting to be discharged, the doctor came back. He said that he realized that my tendon might be sliced, I had to be opened back up to be sure. And whatdaya know, it was. Think about that. If it hadn't occurred to him to check, I would have gone home and never be able to use my thumb again.


Because it was sliced, I had to go into surgery to get it fixed. The injury then required 6 months of physical therapy to recover.


It was just a dog food can.

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Back when I was a little kid, I swallowed a quarter... that's pretty much all I have ever done to myself.

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I've been lucky in the sense that I've never broken a bone or cut myself deeply or anything. So the worst injury I've had is probably just a bad toe-jam on the coffee table sort of thing. Nothing terrible.

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I was hit by a car when I was 3 years old. It ran a red light and hit me as I was crossing the road - I've always wondered how it hit only me and not my sister who was supposed to be walking me across the road (most likely I pulled away and was crossing in front of her). It basically cracked my collar bone and I had to relearn to walk again but other than that it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I was told that the woman driving said it looked like a rag doll flew up and over on to the hood of her car. The only part of it I really remember is being on a cold hospital examining table - the rest I only know as a story told to me by family.

Edited by rubyshoes

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I've never had anything too horrible happen to me, but I suppose the worst one was getting a bad burn on my hand from touching the hot oven rack. I was just trying to help my mom by pushing in the rack! Haha ouch I was around 4 years old when I did that, and I've been shy of ovens ever since.

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As an older person I have had my share of minor incidents over the years. Stepped on a bee and my foot was swollen two sizes for HS graduation. Hit in the neck with a football at age 12 and couldn't turn my head for a week. One rainy California day when I was seven, I slid down my sister's five and a half foot tall doll house (it was not allowed) in the storage room and landed on a rusty rake and split my foot open. Lots of blood, visit to the hospital and stitches. Painful. I also had my foot turn on me and not support me 2 x. The first time I broke my lower right leg. The second time I ended up with my left ankle bone broken in 3 spots and had to have metal inserted into the ankle to fix it.


Nothing spectacular though. I am just as glad it is that way.

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While working for a greeting card company I was asked to come in on my day off to help out the inventory clerk whose work was falling behind due to the holidays. My job was to open up boxes of returned greeting cards, count them, and then give the company credit who had returned them. (After a holiday was over, companies were allowed to returned unsold greeting cards for 50% credit as long as those cards were in perfect condition. Those cards were then sold in the company's gift shop at a discount price).


I was put in charge of dealing with the South American returns. While opening boxes I was bit on the left ankle by a poisonous spider. Within minutes my foot and ankle went numb. In less than an hour I couldn't feel anything but pins and needles from my upper thigh down.


Several doctors visits, anti-venom, biopsies, antibiotics, and FIVE MONTHS out of work, my leg and ankle are now fine with the exception of some irreparable nerve damage I received to ankle and side of foot. Needless to say I am now super afraid of ALL spiders.

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Hmm... I don't have any horrible ones, but the worst I can remember was recently... I went running at night, and I was doing better then I ever have while I was running (I'm still training) when I fell, scraped my knee really bad, and had to turn around and walk back to my car, limping, in pain.

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I once got a toothpick stuck in my foot and spent a month on crutches waiting for it to work its way out. (Fun fact of the day- wood doesn't show up on x-rays.) The whole thing was surprisingly unpleasant.

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As a child, I got a staple wire accident where the skin of my right middle finger got torn. It bled so badly. It took some time to heal. A very long time. I'm glad that there are no scars left now. It had some scars for after three years it healed.

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My iguana during a February about 8 years ago was still in heat. (I was like 17 at the time) I, being dumb, went to give him a bowl of water. Instead he lunged for my arm, ripped my skin-muscle off (the iguana I swear ate it >_<), you were almost able to see the bone/sinews. I didn't feel anything because, well, no nerve cells in that spot anymore. xd.png.

It gets dumber on my part..lol. This was a school day so INSTEAD of going to the doctor/telling my mom, I went to school. Gauze on my arm, still bleeding. Around lunch I told her that I got bit, she asked how bad, I said "not that bad" (to me..well.. "bad" is when things are broken -.-) So basically I went 8 hours like this. When I got in the car my mom demanded to see my injury. She almost passed out....then drove me to the express care. Then yelled at me for being dumb.

And that is the story of how Blighty got injured. (I have a scar...obviously. But because I didn't expose it to air for a few months, its healed pretty nicely.


Moral of the story; Iguanas in heat need to be left alone.

Edited by BlightWyvern

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Don't know if you can call it an injury, but once when I was in 6th grade, around the time we have fun after FCAT, I got sick for two weeks. I missed out on a lot of fun stuff. The weird part is 1) I rarely get sick. 2) If it happens, it's only 2-4 days.

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I cracked my tailbone back in 3rd grade. Couldn't walk properly for a month.

That happened to my friend in 3rd grade too o.o

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Sometime after I moved down to Louisiana, I was maybe nine years old and I think I got strep throat or something, but I couldn't talk for six whole weeks. That was pretty fun.


In fifth grade, my left middle finger got slammed by a door, so bad that it started bleeding, but it eventually healed and I had a presentation to do that day O.O


I was going to fast the first time I was on a three wheeler, flipped it over and all I got was a sprained wrist (it hurts every now and then, but I feel it has to do something with the weather).

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