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The Fifth Element

The Fifth Element Lineage

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TJ's dragons grew up this morning. smile.gif


Bolt Dragons are incredibly powerful dragons with the ability to wield lightning magic. They can be ruthless on occasion, but are generally mild unless provoked. Due to their intelligence and keen observational skills, it is incredibly arduous to attack a Bolt Dragon undetected. If threatened by a formidable opponent, Bolt Dragons will flare out their fin-like appendages to make themselves look more menacing.
- drops in the alpine and forest


Storm-Rider Dragons are a coastal breed—though they can also be found in open plains, preferring the violent thunderstorms that usually occur in such areas. It is not known if the dragons create storms themselves with their electrical capabilities or if they simply magnify existing fronts; no matter the cause Storm-Riders can be seen tumbling through the worst of weather as if it were no more than a light breeze.
- bred from waverunner x electric


Bolts sound elemental to me as they have lightning magic. We might want more details as to how they wield this magic as the description only has the bare fact that they have powerful electric magic. Electric magic would put them in Fire.

So I would say at least: 1. Control of electricity 2. Use powerful lightning magic either as offense or defense.


Storm-Riders sound elemental to me in Wind or Fire as they have control over electricity, either creating storms or enhancing them with electrical magic. They play in electrical storms, which indicates a control of weather.

So for these: 1. control electricity 2. control weather 3. ability and preference to fly in violent storms which is something regular breeds would not be able to do.



Also, did we ever finalize the Birthday dragons and decide if Candelabras or Nexus were elemental? I still have them sorted as Undecided.

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I din't think we had an official vote yet, though if I remember correctly I think people were in favor of both of them being added. I haven't seen Lastalda in a month or so, she's probably busy...


Anyway, the Bolt dragons are Birdz-dragons, so I'm sure she'll post more information about them soon. No idea who created the hybrid. I agree with you, however, that they both seem highly elemental. I would like some more information about both before I vote, because the Bolt dragons' info could do with expanding and the Storm-Riders could be in two categories and I'd love to narrow it down.

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Fiona, I agree with you. Both of the July dragons struck me as very Elemental, so I will be voting YES on both in Fire.


ETA: Hmmmm, I'm thinking these guys will make an awesome Storm-themed breeding project with Grey, Electric and Thunder dragons…

Edited by Xocowolf

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"Stun a hatchling, giving it an extra day before dying but preventing it from receiving views for two days."


So, Bolts are 1. Lightning element, which would be Fire, I believe? 2. Control their electricity. 3. Have powerful enough electric magic to stop growth on hatchlings for a day.


Voting Yes on both. Bolts in Fire. I'm torn between Wind and Fire for Storm-Riders but leaning towards Wind due to their control of weather.

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Woah! That's a crazy BSA....possibly helpful in Neglected experiments...?


Anyway I'm going to go ahead and vote Bolts into the Fire category, and I think Storm-Riders are more Wind than Fire, so yes on Wind for them. Since there is no way for us to be sure of how they summon storms for sure, all we can say is they have control of weather, making them strongly Wind imo.

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Do you guys think we have enough people active right now to do an official vote on the four elegible-seeming dragons? I would be willing to run it and tally all the things if people didn't mind, I'd just really love to see them get officially made part of the lineage and all the modly types seem to have flown away (temporarily, I hope!)

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Well, we don't seem to have any official thread mods active right now. Only three or four people seems a bit light but if we don't take things into our own hands we may not get resolution on these breeds. I'd say if we are unanimous on a breed (just we few) it should be fine.


I say go for it. If Pink, Lastalda or others more official come back and protest we can figure it out later.

Edited by Fiona BlueFire

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Alright then, here we go! And I'll be happy to take this down if any lineage admins have an issue, otherwise I'll probably keep it open until August 15th or so.


Opening the voting poll on Candelabra, Nexus, Aria, Frill, Morphodrake, Tarantula Hawk Drake, Bolt, and Storm-Rider dragons!


All members are welcome to vote, but please read the following definitions carefully. Ideally we would like a breed to have 2-3 distinct characteristics to qualify for an Elemental category, so if giving a YES vote please state your reasoning along with it. You may not compare a new release to an already eligible breed. They must be voted in on their own merit.


EARTH - Dragons comprised of, resembling, or able to control rock, metal, and/or dirt, POSSIBLY residing in the earth. For example, a stone dragon is made of stone-like material AND eats rocks. Green dragons live within the caves AND have control over the earth.


WIND - Dragons comprised of gas or with a strong connection to weather or the cosmos. POSSIBLY those that spend a majority of their time in the air. For example, grey dragons land only to rest and eat AND they have control of the weather. Thunder dragons land only to sleep and breed. They get moisture from the clouds and control the weather.


FIRE - Dragons who control or are comprised of fire or electricity. Also those that resemble fire or the sun or which are controlled by or strongly tied to the sun. For example, magma dragons are coated in magma, live in volcanic regions AND are capable of withstanding intense temperatures. Sunsongs control light AND are controlled by the light.


WATER - Dragons who control or are comprised of water in either it's liquid or solid state. Also those that live the entirety of their lives in the water. For example, ice dragons form icicles on their skin, and can freeze a predator with their cold breath.


LIFE - Dragons who rely on or are affected by a very specific part of nature, which must be different than the majority of other breeds. Dragons who possess mana pertaining to magical, mental or spiritual control or consisting of magic in a way that is different from other breeds, or having a significant positive role in the world that is different from other breeds, or having a significant effect on a very specific part of nature, which must be different than the majority of other breeds, including both positive and negative effects. For example, a qualifier can not be that the dragon depends on living in the trees alone. But Pumpkin dragons would qualify because they live specifically in pumpkins AND can only be bred during Harvest time.



Dragon Description:

Candelabra Dragons are a spectacular sight against the dark midnight sky. The glowing orbs that decorate their golden wings can be seen from far away and give them the unparalleled brilliance they are recognizable for. Proudly earnest, Candelabra Dragons will often go to extreme lengths to protect those close to them, even giving their lives to rescue a loved one from peril. However, they do not take lightly the breaking of a promise, and have been known unleash a furious wrath when betrayed.


Additional Info : Found on the DragonCave Wiki:


Concept information



Candelabras are attuned to light mana, and though this, generate lights at the ends of their wing fingers (I know, huge shocker there). These lights don’t actually ever disappear until an individual dies, though they can be dimmed and brightened to suit the needs of each dragon. Though Candelabras are fairly strong, they are not particularly agile, and as such, rely on their wing lights to attract prey for easy kills. The light between their horns glows brighter than the other eight, and can actually be manipulated so that it moves within a small nearby radius, which furthers their ability to lure prey.


The orangey glow to their wings is also the result of light mana; actually a reddish color similar to their maroon scales, the wing membranes are coated in a thin film containing light mana which causes the wings to become a shiny, striking gold when hit with direct light. This effect is also apparent on the backs of their wings, but to a lesser degree.


As mentioned in their descriptions, Candelabras are fiercely devoted to those who have earned their trust, even giving their lives to save those close to them. It is for this reason hatchlings follow around their keepers; they view them as parental figures, and as such, want to remain close to them. By the time a captive-raised Candelabra reaches adulthood, it is almost certain to commit fully to protecting its keeper—unless betrayed, that is. Though generally good-natured, they do not take kindly to promises being broken, and will often respond to acts deemed betrayals with an outburst of rage, sometimes large enough to trigger a permanent shift in an individual’s personality. Speaking of these outbursts, don’t betray a Candelabra. Just don’t do it. You might end up nearly the same shade of red as they are, if you catch my drift.


Mating displays involve elaborate aerial maneuvers with intricate flickering of their wing lights—a sight that’s equal parts majestic and hilarious, since their wings are on the small side (they require a slight boost from magic to be able to fly well).


In terms of personality, they’re actually quite clumsy, and are sometimes considered to be a bit lunkish. Though not the brightest, they're quite loving and affectionate (unless you do a stupid and anger them), and make great companions.




Regarding the lights being used to attract prey (also from the Wiki):


The lights have a weak hypnotic quality. It's strong enough to affect non-magical, less intelligent creatures like birds and deer, but doesn't really have much of an effect on dragons and such.


I didn't mention it earlier, but Candelabras are omnivorous, and prefer to stick to eating insects, anyway--they merely have the ability to lure prey when necessary. However, 'converted' individuals tend to hunt more often, and use thus rely on this alluring quality, which strengthens a bit in response to its heightened usage, like a magical 'muscle' of sorts.





Yes - Fiona (Fire), Cathie (Fire), Snowyicefall (Fire), silver_chan (Fire), MyrrhDarkwing (Fire), Lastalda (Fire), Xocowolf (Fire), rrattts (Life)

No -

Undecided - Lavinia (Fire)



Dragon Description:

Nexus Dragons are massive, volatile beasts surging with magical power. Each half of a Nexus Dragon’s body is infused with fire or ice mana, and it is believed that the unstable nature of these paired elements drives the dragon mad as it grows in size and strength. They are strict carnivores, preferring to feed on dragons and other creatures that naturally possess magic in order to bolster their own stores. As Nexus Dragons age, fire and ice mana crystals grow all over their bodies, enhancing both their power and viciousness.


Additional Info: (From Odeen, linked by Fiona)

My well-ordered, phone-typed bonus info for Nexus Dragons:


- Mana crystals grow out of the dragon's skin somewhat like keratinous horns or antlers. In extreme circumstances these crystals may be chipped or broken, but they always grow back eventually.


- Although fire and ice mana crystals grow in close proximity to one another on the dragon's body, they do not actually blend together at a chemical level. The crystals growing from its chest and tail are conglomerate structures comprised of tiny bits of both mana types, which makes them appear bright purple.


- Each head uses a powerful breath weapon corresponding to its magical alignment which, combined with the dragon's natural strength and reckless fighting style, make it a formidable opponent in direct combat.


- While most Nexus Dragons are born with the same mana configuration (fire on left, ice on right), "southpaw" individuals with the opposite configuration do hatch occasionally. This provides neither benefit nor detriment to the individual.


- Nexus Dragons are solitary, mingling only briefly to reproduce. The female will guard her offspring viciously, even from its sire, until it matures enough to grow wings. Then she kicks it out to fend for itself because she's nice.


- As a rule, Nexus Dragons don't actively hunt others of their own kind. However, they will gladly cannibalize a grievously injured or deceased Nexus to acquire its mana.



Yes - Fiona (Fire, Water), Cathie (Life), silver_chan (Life), MyrrhDarkwing (Life), Lavinia (Life), Lastalda (Life), Xocowolf (Life), rrattts (Fire, Life), Snowyicefall

No -



Dragon Description:

Aria dragons are a brightly-colored and sprightly breed, perhaps most adored for their lyric calls. Their song-like melodies fill the areas they inhabit; their coos resemble those of birds, only more elegant and refined. They have fairly strong magical capabilities, but tend to reserve these strengths for last-minute defense, choosing to live their lives in simple peace. Arias, sticking to the tropics, typically live quite far from human settlements, giving rise to the previously held belief that they had gone extinct.


Additional info: I didn't see any.



Yes -

No - Lavinia, silver_chan, Lastalda, Fiona, rrattts, cathie

Undecided/abstaining - Snowyicefall, MyrrhDarkwing (Life), Xocowolf




Dragon Description:

Morphodrakes are widespread in jungles, where the varied surroundings satisfy their seemingly endless curiosity. These drakes have a similarly varied diet, munching on anything from plants to carrion. They keep no territories and are solitary except for females raising young. Females are somewhat larger than males and are more aggressive, particularly when caring for young.


Additional info: I didn't see any.



Yes -

No - Lavinia, silver_chan, Fiona, cathie, Snowyicefall, MyrrhDarkwing, Lastalda, Xocowolf, rrattts


Tarantula Hawk Drake:

Dragon Description:

The quiet and solitary Tarantula Hawk Drake lives in deserts, digging temporary shallow nests overnight in which to sleep. They feed primarily on large spiders, but will also eat carrion, other insects, and larger prey when necessary. Tarantula Hawk Drakes are typically quite docile, preferring to mind their own business. However, when threatened or provoked, these drakes will attempt to stab the opponent with the stinger on their tail to inject a powerful venom. This sting is at the very least extremely painful, and even if the toxins don’t paralyze the attacker, the pain is likely to distract them enough for the drake to escape.


Additional info: I didn't see any.



Yes -

No - Fiona, silver_chan, cathie, Snowyicefall, MyrrhDarkwing, Lavinia, Lastalda, Xocowolf, rrattts



Dragon Description:

Frilled Dragons are smaller than most other breeds, but when threatened, they stretch out their wings and frills to appear larger. They generally do not like to fight and prefer hiding to confrontation. Frilled dragons live in small groups and often band together to scare off potential threats. Males also use their frills as a way to attract mates, with those displaying the "best" frills being more likely to breed.


Additional info: I didn't see any.



Yes -

No - Fiona, silver_chan, cathie, Snowyicefall, MyrrhDarkwing, Lavinia, Lastalda, Xocowolf, rrattts



Dragon Description:

Bolt Dragons are incredibly powerful dragons with the ability to wield lightning magic. They can be ruthless on occasion, but are generally mild unless provoked. Due to their intelligence and keen observational skills, it is incredibly arduous to attack a Bolt Dragon undetected. If threatened by a formidable opponent, Bolt Dragons will flare out their fin-like appendages to make themselves look more menacing.


Additional info: It has a BSA!



Stun a hatchling, giving it an extra day before dying but preventing it from receiving views for two days.


Found on the DragonCave Wiki:


A few tidbits of basic info for them for those curious:

1. They are easterns.

2. They are Lightning element.

3. Their roars can range from piercing shrieks to a tone reminiscent to low, rumbling thunder. The younger the Bolt, the more high-pitched the roar.

4. Their scales are glassy and smooth like fish scales, and gradient from white on their sides, to blue, and back to white at the end of their tail.

5. ...???





Yes - Fiona (Fire), silver_chan (Fire), Xocowolf (Fire), Lavinia (Fire), Lastalda (Fire), cathie (Fire), SnowyIcefall (Fire)

No -

Unsure - rrattts



Dragon Description:

Storm-Rider Dragons are a coastal breed—though they can also be found in open plains, preferring the violent thunderstorms that usually occur in such areas. It is not known if the dragons create storms themselves with their electrical capabilities or if they simply magnify existing fronts; no matter the cause Storm-Riders can be seen tumbling through the worst of weather as if it were no more than a light breeze.


Additional info: I didn't see any.



Yes - Fiona (Wind, Fire), silver_chan (Wind), Xocowolf (Wind), Lavinia (Wind), rrattts (Wind), Lastalda (Wind), cathie (Wind), SnowyIcefall (Wind)

No -



Keep voting! I think we have enough to decide the birthday dragons, but I'd like more people to weigh in on the newest two, which is why I'm going to keep it open so long. I have to fly off to work now, so if I missed any votes or info fear not, I will fix it when I get home. Just either post here or shoot me a PM. Thanks!

Edited by silver_chan

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Thanks for doing this. I know it's a lot of work. smile.gif


It might be useful to quote the Bolt dragon's BSA description as that adds some insight into the dragon. I know it influenced me to towards adding them.

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Storm-Rider Dragons: YES in WIND. 1) control storms, 2) easily fly through extreme turbulence, 3) preference to live in areas with violent storms




These two are getting stuck for the same reason for me. I think both should be good fits for FIRE but I'm only seeing really one elemental trait for each and can't resign myself to accepting them without another trait, independent of their lightning magic (Bolt) or control of the wing/head lights (Candelabras), that fits the category. Can we get any more information?


Bolt Dragons: UNDECIDED and hoping for more information, because we want multiple reasons a breed is an element so I don't like voting for them on 1) strong electric magic, 2) strong electric magic, 3) strong electric magic tongue.gif I'd go for them if there was evidence of their control of electricity in something other than their magic lightning attacks.


Reposting my previous comments on Candelabras:

Candelabra: NO but I could be convinced otherwise - the only elemental Fire aspect I see is the ability to control light (being self-lit candles I believe is the same thing, as is using their light to attract prey).  If someone can find a different argument for them in Fire, one that is not an effect or restating of their ability to control their wing/head lights, I'd be happy to vote yes.




Thanks, silver_chan for tabulating votes!


There didn't seem enough interest in doing a Christmas in July event, but I'd still be up for getting some sort of gifting event happening when thread participation is back up!

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Fixed votes and added the BSA info! Thanks guys :3


I'd also like some info about the dragons if only because I love finding out lore, but I have no idea how to go about doing such a thing...




Oh by the way, I found some additional info for the Candelabras and Bolts on the Wiki! I think it helps the Candelabras especially, in regards to arguing whether they're elemental.

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@Lavinia: you don't consider Bolt's BSA evidence of a control of electricity beyond their magic lightning attacks? I think being able to stop a hatchling's growth is pretty significant control and a different category than "zap" hunting.

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@Lavinia: you don't consider Bolt's BSA evidence of a control of electricity beyond their magic lightning attacks? I think being able to stop a hatchling's growth is pretty significant control and a different category than "zap" hunting.

Oh, that's an excellent point. Thanks! That will definitely tip my vote over to yes (yay). smile.gif

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Voting is still open! Just...in case anyone was wondering /cough. I still would like more people to weigh in on this, even if we more or less have a consensus about the majority of these dragons.

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Sorry bit late


will vote


YES Storm Raiders Wind

UNSURE Bolt reason being to me only has the one usable element of lightning/electricity unsure.gif

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I am SO SORRY to have vanished like this. Work and private stuff have been thoroughly busy for a while. sad.gif


A huge THANK YOU to silver_chan for taking on the voting!!! You are amazing! wub.gif


Adding my votes to the list:

Yes on Bolts in Fire

Yes on Storm-Riders in Wind


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Good to see you, Lastalda! And it's actually kind of... fun, lol. What can I say, I like lists and organizing things though you wouldn't know that, looking at my house /cough


Votes have been tallied to this point!

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UNSURE Bolt reason being to me only has the one usable element of lightning/electricity unsure.gif

It looks like two to me. One is their lightning attacks, two is their stunning action which halts a hatchling's growth. Administering just the right amount of stun to temporarily stop growth while not permanently harming the hatchlings is pretty serious control in my opinion. Much finer control than what's needed to hunt prey.

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Sorry I've been MIA for most of the summer. Real Life has been rather insane. I probably won't be around much until Autumn kicks in, the Olympics are over, the grandkids are back in school/college, DC and Marvel quit putting out so many movies, and I quit having to do so much outside. Sorry.


Thank you, Silver-chan, for being organizer supreme.




Aria - No

Bolt - Yes (Fire)

Storm-Rider - Yes (Wind)


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Bolt - Yes (Fire)

Storm-Rider - Yes (Wind)


Also..are the one that drops like really rare?? I missed when they were realised *cough* forgot about the site* cough* and now im not really finding the one that drops ;-;

correction I found 1! it took forever (mostly cause i havent been active or checking) and i nearly missed it cause i forgot what its description is but i finnaly got at least 1... wooo

Edited by SnowyIcefall

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Bolt - Yes (Fire)

Storm-Rider - Yes (Wind)


Also..are the one that drops like really rare?? I missed when they were realised *cough* forgot about the site* cough* and now im not really finding the one that drops ;-;

correction I found 1! it took forever (mostly cause i havent been active or checking) and i nearly missed it cause i forgot what its description is but i finnaly got at least 1... wooo

The Bolts have a fairly useful BSA, so they're pretty popular now. But I would deem them decently common since I see them pretty often despite the useful BSA.


Votes tallied to here! I'm really happy that we've got so many people chiming in, thanks for voting everyone!

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I agree that Bolts drop reasonably commonly.



what is the highly practical use of this BSA? I haven't figured it out, yet.

I could imagine it's practical when you're trying to trade a hatchie, to avoid viewbombing while it's in teleport. But aside from that...?

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I agree that Bolts drop reasonably commonly.



what is the highly practical use of this BSA? I haven't figured it out, yet.

I could imagine it's practical when you're trying to trade a hatchie, to avoid viewbombing while it's in teleport. But aside from that...?

That's it, pretty much. But I've seen lots of people say they use it a lot (in the Bolt BSA thread, so obviously most of the people going there are the ones using it). I'm just saying, a good bunch of people active on the forums use it, and probably several who don't comment as much. Anyway, I could also see it being used to prevent viewbombing in general, if you have a hatchling you don't want to hide for other reasons (idk what those might be but anyway) or I was also thinking people could use it in Neglected experiments, if they manage to hatch one out. It might help!


Also I never said it was highly practical, just fairly useful.

Edited by silver_chan

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Ah, ok, thanks.

Yes, I've heard the mention of Neglecteds, but can't see how it would help there. If it was useable on eggs, that would be different, of course, but it isn't.


Anyway, thanks. smile.gif

Edited by Lastalda

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