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Dreams You've Had

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I had this weird ass dream before where I was some little girl.. but sometimes an old man [it was like the 2 diffrent point of views] and I when I was the older man I killed this woman in the bathroom when she got out of the shower and her little daughter was my best friend so I was gunna save her and take her with me then we were creeking around in an airport and stuff... idk.


It was soo awkward. I'm 19 y/o and female.. lol I am not some old pedo dude. It wa def a wtf dream.

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I have too many weird dreams, so I'm going to be posting one I had when I was 8 or 9 years old.

Anyway, my brother and I were playing in the yard of a house we lived in when I was that age. We were just running around the house, having fun. In the side yard we had a whole bunch of Forsythia bushes as a sort of hedge.

On the third lap around the house, one of the bushes rustled, and a deep, accented voice shouted, "Leetle keeds are good to eat!" And then a gorilla jumped out of the bush and started chasing us.


At this point I woke up. I wasn't scared, but I was very confused.

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While not... okay, yeah, it is weird. So it fits.


My subconscious is AWESOME biggrin.gif


First I get cheap books/HL2 notebooks that shouldn't exist. Then I almost get away with not having to pay for them, but I went back in and paid anyway. Then Godzilla attacks and I get to go onto the safe bus with the guy controlling Godzilla, who is really just a massive animatronic puppet.


And this dream managed to reference Freeman's Mind. This made me very happy.


... oh, and I didn't wake up right before the good bit this time xd.png


Awesome, but... seriously, giant Godzilla puppet? Where did that come from?

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I had an amazing dream last night. xd.png When I woke up, I was like, "that would make an awesome story" so I tried to sort out what happened. However, by the time I got my notebook and tried to write it down, the notes amounted to

4 characters ...(names, basic info.)... fight bad guys

Yeah, don't think I'll be getting anywhere with that. :|

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I've been having one of my really weird dream streaks.

Two nights ago, I dreamt that I was living with two of my friends from high school. For some reason we all adopted twins. And for some reason I was left taking care of all six of them.

Last night I had a dream where I was fighting some chick in a way that reminds me of a boss battle from Zelda: Twilight Princess and a scene from Rurouni Kenshin. It was weird. o.O

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Last night was one of the weirdest I've had so far...


I remember that the sun went out and everyone was running around trying to buy food and stuff to survive the apocalypse. I ended up in this candy store and the creepy old woman that owned it kept staring at me. Then Green Day showed up and Billie Joe started making out with me (yessss biggrin.gif )


Then the dream skipped and I was riding on a roller coaster with my friend. And somehow the sun was back...


I wish I could remember more.

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Okay, here's mine.

I have nighmares every night. Its horrible. I had this one two months ago.


So, it starts in I'm in my pop-up camper in my grandma's yard, and one part was blocked off and I'm with my dad in the blocked-off part in a three-foot-deep pool of blood. E.T. was our captor, and I started yelling at him. E.T reaches for me, but my dad yells, "You'll have to go through me first!" So E.T goes outside (luckly you can only lock the door from inside) and we hear this giant FWOOSH!

It turns out the character from one book I wrote two years ago had turned into a fire alien and was standing on a ladder, evil E.T.'s ashes in front of him. Then a bunch of construction workers come in and I hug them, crying, "Thank you! Thank you!"

So when we get outside, my mom is siting in a beach chair my an inground pool (my grandma as a blowup pool on the opposite side of the house) and I get all mad at her for not wondering where we were, and she just says, "Where were you?" and goes back to her pina colota.



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Oh gosh. The weird dream streak continues.

Last night I dreamed that I was weathering a zombie plague with my high school crush in an underground facility that was laid out eerily like my middle school.

Just when you thought sixth graders coudln't get any more creepy, they turn into freaking zombies.

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I had one less than an hour ago where I was communicating with a cat through embroidery on how to save these horses and how we needed help from the dogs. I was also in a gift shop at a science museum while doing this, and there was a toddler pageant going on down the hall. I was also being driven around in a golf cart..... I'm so confused. That cat was wicked smart.

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I had a dream that on the last day of school I was moving to Tennessee and I was saying goodbye to everyone. I said goodbye to my principle and all our friends had our arms around each other while we were walking. I think I had this dream because my Cousin is moving to Tennessee this week. :/

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In my dream last night, I was Nancy and Freddy Kreugar actually managed to keep me from ever waking up again.

Only he didn't want to kill me.

....ಠ_ಠ Any more detail would probably be inappropriate.




.....reminds me, I want that DVD when it comes out...

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In my last dream it snowed really heavily during the night and I was convinced my feet would fall off from the cold. I wanted to put lots of socks on, but none of them matched so I didn't put them on sad.gif Then the doorbell rang and I woke up.

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I was able to fly around and it's like 12 in the night. The lights in the house wouldn't turn on and the house was empty besides me. I flew near the ceiling and saw movement under me. There were gators in the house! Five seconds later the gators were gone and I found my sisters half eaten body in the dark living room...


That's all I scared myself awake. That was the dream I had when I was 6... I was afraid of turning the lights out then. And when I looked into a dark room I would see movement.

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wow... that is just... so... scary....


once, I was greaming that there was a fire in my house at night. I woke up from the fire alarm. I don't know how I did it, but I was suddenly standing outside with the firefighters. I looked for my parents, but I couldn't find them. I aksed one of the firefighters where they were and he pointerd at the kitchen which was still in flames. when I looked throught the window, I saw two skeletons on the ground, hand in hand....


I forced myself to wake up and when I did, I woke up crying...

I had that dream when I was around eight years old.

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I don't know how I remembered this but, when I was little I had a dream that I was in with a tiger that was in the zoo. It was about to chomp me to bits because I turned into a piece of meat(?). There were two people watching the tiger and one of them told the other "Turn her into a lion and see what happens." Then I woke up.


Another dream I had recently was that I was at my house when a bunhc of little kids asked to read them a story about a shapeshifting human that could only turn into Pokemon. I then realized I was in a wheelchair and couldn't walk. I then figured out that it was a dream and changed it into me and my boyfriend cuddling and watching the sunset on the beach.

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My dad, running over people. A lot of people.


We're going on a road trip soon.



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I had a dream someone cut my arm off. Then they flushed it down a toilet.

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Diglett and Dugtrio invasion on the earth.

'Nuff said.

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Okay, long post ahead because I had to rant about these somewhere.


So...I just woke up. And realised my dream made little to no sense, just like several other ones I've had. It began in a normal way...we were in Maths class with the children and teacher from my new school, but in a tiny classroom from my old school. There were German kids with us for some unknown reason, but they all looked Asian and it seemed completely normal at the time. Our teacher was talking first to us in Greek and then to them in German or English...and he gave us a problem to solve. At first I thought I knew how to solve it so I raised my hand and so did a German/Asian girl so we both stood up and I waited by the blackboard while she solved it because I said I had a different way of doing it. And everyone was staring at me. because for some reason I was barefoot and wearing weird clothes and my hair was really short. o_o But when I tried to solve the problem it suddenly changed and I had no idea what to do with it, so I randomly started talking to the teacher about Harry Potter and desert recipies. He seemed quite interested before I woke up from the heat.


But that is nothing to what I saw the other day...apparently it was a sort of sequel of a previous dream I'd had.


There was this maze thing that had tombstones all around and the entrance was next to our neighbours house. In that previous dream I had seen someone else wandering in there, but this time it was me and I remembered it was really dangeous. For some reason I had to collect as many tombstones as possible (I could just pluck them off the ground), but to enter the maze I had to have an adult with me. So I took my dad but explained nothing to him. While we were in there, I could hear an eerie, melodical voice calling out my name, but I somehow knew it was only in my head. So I kept going. At some point I realised it was time to leave because the feeling of unease I had while in there was growing rapidly, so I told my dad to get out really fast. I did so myself and told him to hurry up and not look anywhere else, but he stopped while still inside and looked around and said "Did you hear that?". I was desperate and kept yelling at him to get out fast because I knew what was comming, but suddenly the entrance closed and I could only glimpse a creature in the form of a creepy girl grabbing him. She had taken over his body and would now wait in the maze for the next victim. D: There was a small part after that but I don't remember it clearly...I just kept screaming and stuff and could hear all kinds of noises from inside the maze, and then I woke up crying. ._.


That was the scariest dream I've had in a while and I was surprised it was about losing my dad. If I'm afraid of losing anyone it's my grandpa and my mum.

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I once dreamed that i was lost with some friends and suddenly everyone got eaten by a giant whale( like that whale in pinocchio ) and those who wernt eaten had to climb up Mt.everest and then we suddenly got attacked by wild people who wanted to eat us and then the top of Mt.Everest broke and fell down on the wild people and suddenly everything was bright and shiny and those who got eaten by the whale came back ad everyone started dancing around mt.everest *starts dancing*

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Just had a dream I went to a museum with two of my friends and then the lady yelled, "Everybody run!" And we ran.

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My boyfriend had a dream about the earth being destroyed by a big huge teddy bear that was destroying every thing in it's path.

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I keep having these really strange dreams where I'm on a beach at night, and these really pale humanoids with owl wings, no hair anywhere, and large eyes but otherwise no face, fly down and land around me, and I just stand there while they talk to me in low voices in a language I can't understand, and then two of them grab my arms (one arm each) and the whole flock of them take off with me. We fly for a while, until we reach an expanse of woods with nothing but huge (at least 100 year old) trees as far as the eye can see. The owl people swoop down and bring me towards the biggest banyan tree I've ever seen! I mean, the thing has to be at least a thousand years old! Within the center of the tree, just where the branches begin to fork off, I can see a softly glowing light, and I instantly feel at peace, but I can never find what's making the lovely pinkish light, for I always wake up just as my owl people bring me close to the monstrously huge banyan tree. I've have this same dream at least twice a week since January, and I really wonder what the heck it means...

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I don't remember a lot of my dreams anymore but one was really recent and vivid and more coherent than most I've had before. I was actually going to write it up into a short story but never got around to it. However, I DID write notes on it, and I'm going to go get them now to refresh my memory biggrin.gif




Never mind, I must have thrown out those notes along with the rest of my schoolwork from last year already. Oh well... I remember enough to give the general idea.


Ok, me and my dad are taking cover in some house or basement or something, and with good reason because outside was an apocalyptic wasteland similar to the one in the Fallout series, only somehow seemingly in perpetual twilight. I have some sort of discussion with my dad about how I can go out (not sure why I needed to go out) because I have wicked skills and weapons (... from fallout 3 lol. Lincoln's Repeater specifically came to mind during the dream). So anyway I go out and suddenly these things looking a bit like the twilight beasts from Twilight Princess or the Ing from Metroid Prime 2 come out of this wicked looking blue-black portal in the sky near this decrepit tree and start coming for me but then another, red fiery portal opens up in the sky near by and these massive troll like things wearing spacey but still somehow primal armour come out of it. They have these massive techy looking hammers that they use to smash the twilight ing things to smithereens, telling me to get back in rough voices. Then when they're done, they introduce themselves to me as members of the intergalactic group "H.A.M.M.E.R" (yes from that canceled Wii game, kinda surprising years later that was still wallowing in my subconscious) . They said they were the true defenders of the human race from the galactic scourge (those ing twilight things). They then take me on board their advanced spaceship and show me around and offer to let me join but I say that I'll think about it because I'm not sure I trust them. They then warn me about not trusting these other beings and to report any I meet to them (I can't remember what my dream called them), which I suddenly remembered about in the dream. They're these ethereal beings with no physical form of their own so they posses humans in order to communicate with us. They, like H.A.M.M.E.R., claim to be the saviors of humanity. The next thing I remember (there's a big disconnect here, I'm not even sure where this fits in the time-line up to now, the events I'm about to describe could have happened at any point during my dream) is one of these ethereal beings possessing my dad. He got this cold effeminate voice and blank, dead looking eyes, and told me to follow him or that I would not be saved. I just kept telling the thing to get out of my dad and leave him alone, and being in horror not knowing if my dad was actually still alive or not, whether he was merely possessed or his body had become a meat puppet for this... thing.


And that's about the extent of what I remember. Pretty damn cool eh? I should still write that up sometime, seriously. That is the makings of one HELL of a sci-fi novel.


I got another dream too that's a little more random and weird too.


Loooooong ago, like over a decade, I had this dream where I was at some sort of zoo or fair or something. Anyway there was this display with this jar with a bunch of large slugs, maggots or worms in it, and a sign saying something along the lines of "Flesh eating!" and then somehow the jar ends up breaking and of course the worm things come after me. Suddenly though, I can't run - I can't even run. No, instead I must squirm along the ground like the worms do, moving agonizingly slowly towards the exit (which, totally randomly, is made of the heavy, transparent, plastic flaps like you see at play centers at burger king (I think?) or the entrances/exits to tropical enclosures at the zoo). Even though I don't dare turn around, I somehow know the maggot/worm things are gaining on me... I wake up soon after.


Annnd that's it for now as this post is long enough already.

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