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Dreams You've Had

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I had a dream where I shared the same history class as my sister. Our teacher made us play a game where we closed our eyes and dragged a sock on the wall, and whoever was done last won. My sister and I finished at the same time. The prize for winning was an iPod, but my sister got it rather than I did. I SERIOUSLY need a new MP3 player, but my sister doesn't. She decided that she would keep both her MP3 AND the iPod to herself. I was really mad. Then, suddenly, we were home and my mom was trying to decide what to do. My brothers came in and we went down this dark alleyway that lead to this cool, dark place where we took light guns and we played a laser-tag type of thing. It was fun.


Then my sister woke me up >:B

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xd.png now reading this I've had a sudden flood of old dreams... here's one.


Ok I'm in the front seat of my family's old Honda Civic with my dad driving it. We're on the 401 supposedly but it really looks more like the Trans Canada does out west in Saskatchewan and Alberta than Ontario, but I digress. Toronto, was quite visibly ahead of us. Then suddenly, Toronto erupts in a massive nuclear explosion, with a big CGI looking mushroom cloud and I'm of course like "oh censorkip.gif" because I know we're close enough to get swept up in it. But then suddenly weird censorkip.gif starts happening. I know there were at least two things that happen to tip me off, but the only thing I can remember is running over a miniature Lesser Demon (an enemy from Runescape, and not the new ones either with the massive green eyes and dangling tongues, but the old ones with black eyes and no visible mouth, pixilated and everything), and right after that I thought "OK, now I know I'm dreaming" and then I woke up.


Also, I often have these dreams where I literally dream of waking up and getting out of bed, then sud denly I realize I'm still asleep in bed and I actually get up... only to realize a few minutes later that I didn't actually get up again and that I'm still in bed. This repeats itself 4-8 times until it becomes absolute torture and I finally REALLY get out of bed. I know I'm not dreaming anymore when I actually make it out of the shower.


Then there's the time I dreamed my family was on vacation in some mountains somewhere, driving down a windy road. The scenery is incredible - great towering stone arches reaching over the highway, massive lush valleys, random waterfalls and rainbows in the mist. Every surface is covered in green, whether it be massive trees or just moss. Then suddenly we miss this turn and slam through the guard rail and go plummeting down into the valley, landing in a shallow pond at the bottom. Amazingly I'm just fine, but I turn around to my sister and to my horror see her exposed brain, as her skullcap had been ripped right off by the impact. Here's the kicker though; her brain wasn't pink or even red. It was all the colours of the freaking rainbow, and the colours freaking shifted like some sort of animated tie-dye t-shirt. Nonetheless, I woke up crying.


Might as well get off a few "themes" that come up frequently in my dreams while I'm at it.


One is a common one - flying without a machine. Hell, I never even have wings. In one dream all I had to do was flap my arms like an idiot and I'd slowly but surely lift off the ground. In others I fly inches from the ground simply by falling forward, zooming down my street, my face nearly brushing the pavement. (which means going downhill, since my cul-de-sac is right on top of a hill).


Another wierd aspect is that often I'll sleep while I'm asleep meaning I'll doze off actually inside my dreams. If that isn't mind boggling enough for you, I don't know what is.


Perhaps the most prevalent reoccurring aspect of my dreams though are tornadoes. rarely a night goes by where my dream doesn't include one. If there are clouds in the sky in my dream, they are sure to spawn a tornado no matter how ridiculously small they are. Sometimes they seem to chase me, other times they just sit off in the distance. Sometimes I escape, sometimes I don't. And this can happen in any dream that happens outdoors, at total random. And I always know when one is about to form. In fact, they won't form if I don't think about them.


Weeeelll that's enough for one night. I think I'm going to go to sleep now and have me some more dreams smile.gif this topic might have inspired me to keep a dream journal for the remainder of the summer.

Edited by Jimera0

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I finally had a lucid dream after weeks of trying so here it us


i was at sonekind of amusement park and aliens in cloaked ships were about to attack so me and about thirty other people were waiting for the attack. I was dressed as a rebel from half life 2 and I did the classic "am I dreaming" test and looked at my hands, I hade six fingers, which told me that I was dreaming. Anyway the ship got close and dropped the cloak and started shooting at us. Aparently my new friends had military ordnence that they did not tell me about and opened fire on the ship. Someone hit it with a rocket and it crashed. When the smoke cleared someone yelled hold fire. The top opened and a bunch of T-Rex came out and started to eat everyone. I got into a nearby mini van without one seeing me. My best friend, my girl friend and my friend from work were there with me. My best friend gave me the keys ( note this car did not have seats other than a driver's seat) and I started the car. Now there was only one T-Rex left and it heard it start up. My friend from work popped the back and started shooting it with a shot gun. I did some crazy driving and lost it. Someone said we needed to hide so I drove into a haunted house ride. I for sone reason asked my girl friend if she wanted to do something when this was all over then I woke up.


That was a strange one


And also has anyone ever had a fever nightmare when they were sick? Mine is always me at my old house trying to get away from a man with a decaying donkey head (replacing a human head) that wants to kill and eat me. I still have that nightmare everytime I run a fever


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I have a re-occurring dream that dumbfounds me. Imagine a theme park that is like a gypsy carnival from the 20s meets disney world meets sea world. I walk around enjoying myself on crazy rides and talk with cool and interesting people. Then all of a sudden I am in one of the tanks *changed between whales, dolphins and of all things sharks* And everyone is after me, I try to escape on a Ferris wheel....of all things to try to escape on...just weird....I have been having this dream randomly for years.

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I have always had a recurring dream in which my teeth fall out; which I considerd wierd until recently, when I learned that my dream is actually quite common.

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I have weird dreams...


I can't remeber all of any of them, but certain moments stand out.


Once, I was at this really strange zoo, with loads of unusual animals, and I rode an Orca down a giant water-slide. That was very random.


I was travelling on a boat down a river in a jungle and there were weird fish and glowy things, and then I ended up in an underwater kingdom in the sea. I was being told how to act before the Queen to get accepted into the community. And then there were people singing with glowy trails.


I was on a Quest to find some magical items to defeat this evil Warlord in red armour. I cant remember much, except that one of the items was a metal snake which turned into a chain or something, and that in the middle of the dream, all of the 'good' characters stopped to have lunch in a random restaurant and I kept swapping person. And we were in a desert.


I also had a dream where I was browsing through some really good jokes on the internet, but I can't remember any of them.


I also have some recurring dreams, but I can't remember any right now. They keep coming back until I complete them.


I used to have two recurring nightmares, but I managed to befriend the big scary dragon monster (I was young, don't laugh) in the first dream, and it's been years since the last time I had the other.


Once I had a nightmare that my sister disappeared and no one but me remembered her. I woke up crying.

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...Think I had a dream last night that involved having to sleep with someone in order to not be killed or trapped forever or some stupid thing like that.


The more dreams I have like this, the more I believe I need a boyfriend.

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There were ghost dogs in last night's dream that felt so real I was startled awake by the sensation of something climbing onto the bed.

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I had a dream this morning, that I'd gone back in time to the days that my parents first bought their dance school.


What was weird was that I was my 16-year-old-self, but everyone else saw me as being 8. My Dad was trying to convince me to come out of the office (in a jokey way) and I was like "NIENN!" (which is how I'd reply these days) and Dad gave me a weird look as if to say "When did you learn German?!"


And this woman who was coming to visit the school gave me some money for sweets and she said

"Oh, maybe you should put it in your piggy bank?" and I said,

"I'll just keep it in my real bank when I get one. After all, I'll need this money in 2010 so I can afford to go to Australia."

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i have weird dreams usually I'm like falling either off a brick building or just randomly my most memorable was one where i was being chased by a blob and hid under a table and it was in black and white and i was three at the time don't know why but its the only one i remember odd and of course i laugh at it now i also have a lot where something is happening or I'm seeing something but i can't move or speak or i speak and its gibberish or no one can hear me

Edited by darkangel_3

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Wow, where do I start?


The most recent involved a cat-demon (in the same sense that Inuyasha is a dog-demon) who killed demons. With a katana. I don't remember much besides that, which makes me sad, because it would have made an interesting story-seed.


Then there was one in which I was running from some people who wanted something I had. I wasn't sure what it was, but I had it, and they wanted it. Oh, and they were also my family. I wound up taking refuge with the crazy-inventor friend of my family, who had a secret workshop where he let me hide. Unfortunately, the "secret" workshop had a window (logic? it's a dream, who needs logic?) through which my family saw me when they came looking. Then I ran, they chased me, I lost them, came back to crazy-inventor's house to hide, et cetera. This continued until I woke up.


THEN there was the one in which I was being chased by two guys (one of whom was a darkness elemental). I was with another guy, who was a yellow-light elemental. Don't ask. I forget why they were chasing us, but we wound up hiding in the top of church. Then we were attacked by the Bats in the Belfry (again, don't ask) and fled down the stairs, pursued by ominous chittering. We got out of the church, the Bats left, but then the two guys who were chasing us were there. We ran, got separated, I hid behind a pillar, and clonked the human one over the head. Then I found my friend and ran. We wound up hiding in the crowd at a restaurant/bar-type-place, which had an abundance of nonhuman species, some of whom were very, very odd-looking. I was in the back, talking to someone--I remember they were bright yellow, and another was a darkish shade of lavender; non-human, at any rate--and the yellow light elemental was up at the front. Then I saw the human guy looking at me with this evil smirk, and then I noticed that there was a commotion up front. The darkness elemental had captured my friend and was dragging him off somewhere. Cue Say My Name moment, and then I woke up. It was a sucky place to wake up, let me tell you.


The train dream--I was living at an orphanage. One day, they took us all down to a creepy old playground in the middle of the woods. I was digging through the woodchips, as is my habit--I tend not to get accepted easily into normal games--and I found rusty old train tracks underneath the playground. I called everyone over, and they were confused, as was I. Train tracks have no good reason for being underneath a playground. We followed them to the edge of the wood chips, where they ran out into the grass and then into the woods. We spent a few minutes daring each other to follow them, the adults giving ominous warnings. The last thing I heard was some kid saying "You don't have the guts!" and then I woke up.


The next night, I was /back/ at the playground, exactly where the last dream had left off. I declared that I would follow the train tracks; astonishment all around. General consensus of "Hah, no, she won't do it, she's not brave enough." I really didn't want to--the tracks creeped me out for some reason--but I wanted to see where they went, so I stepped out to follow them--and then I woke up. I was hoping I'd go back the next night, but I didn't, and I never found out where the tracks went. My wake-up timing sucks.


The banana dream--I was a news reporter. I was also a banana with eyes and a face, and rather stickish arms and legs. I was standing on top of a skyscraper, reporting on the attack of a very large gourd monster a la Godzilla. Then the Gourdzilla started chasing me, so I climbed down the skyscraper--the outside--don't ask how, and began running around frantically on the ground, trying not to get squished. That pretty much took up the entire dream.


My subconscious is a very interesting place. What can I say?

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Last night I had three distinct dream "segments" if you will worth recounting.


The first I remember, I was on a large jet airplane with my family. The plane had just taken off and was trying to gain altitude but couldn't seem to, and when we came to this really big bridge over top of this river we went under the bridge rather than over it so I knew something was wrong. The door to the cockpit of the airplane is open and looking out my window you can see the river getting closer, and then I hear from the cockpit a computer voice saying "Pull up, terrain! Pull up, terrain!" which I know from the Discovery Channel show Mayday means we're about to crash land, so I brace for impact in the water... which is strangely a very soft impact. But I have another problem. Some "safety feature" of the aircraft has cause this massive blanket or something to drop on top of me and I can't find the edge of it so I can get out of the airplane. Finally I find the edge, but just then my dream goes into like omnipresent view and there's this military voice talking about this squad of the Pokemon Salamence coming to destroy our downed aircraft (which for some reason is now lodged in an iceberg) before we can get out. I can see the triangular formation of goddamn Salamence coming toward the plane, flying through the night sky. Then the military voice says they're sending some sort of other Pokemon that looks like Gyarados to try and intercept the Salamence (I see their formation, which is also this triangular formation) but they're too late and the Salamence Draco Meteor our plane before the Gyarados-like things can reach us. Apparently I'm still inside the plane, but since I've been viewing this from an outside perspective for a while, I don't experience the whole blowing up thing, but I still wake up anyway.


It's still early so I go to sleep again and some time into the dream I walk into this McDonalds and sit down in this section with this snooty looking young couple there (why were they at McDonalds? I dunno). For some reason I make some smart allelic comments (can't remember exactly what) and this ticks off the young woman and so I keep going and she starts throwing small coins at me, which I ignore. Then shortly later she gets up and leaves with her boyfriend or whoever that guy with her was and I see some kids waiting in the line and I play with them for a bit. The one is scared and I'm like talking to him making him not scared. Then after a bit I decide to actually order something and I go to the back of the line, but I see near the back of the line is, get this, some freak dressed up in a Captain Falcon costume, except they're wearing a Spiderman mask instead of Captain Falcon's helmet. I immediately come to the conclusion that this nutter is here to rob the joint, so I boot it out of there. Then as I'm walking away this pimp looking black guy comes running out yelling "heeeey you forgot your change, why'd you leave like that?" and I'm like "That Captain Falcon dude was going to rob it! And omg wow you got me my change? you're like so nice!" (its the money that girl threw at me, which at this point I've totally forgotten isn't mine, or maybe because it's a dream I think it is mine now because she threw it at me). So yah I'm like all buddy buddy with this pimp dude for a few minutes then he heads back in to the McDonalds and I head away. After this it's not really interesting for a while...


Much later though, I'm at this university campus where apparently I'm going to be staying, and this 2nd year student is showing all the new 1st years the residence we're going to live in. I go in and the place has like really old looking, whitewashed wooden walls and I find myself wondering if there's any insulation in them and if it gets cold in winter. But after a bit I stop noticing and we go to the recreation room where some guys are playing some classic sonic games on two TVs at once, which is pretty cool. Then we go to the kitchen where there's another TV and someone is playing another game on it. Then we go upstairs, and he opens this door that leads to this staircase to the floor below, only instead of stairs there's a freaking SLIDE. Like, it's just this smooth white surface stretching the narrow corridor the staircase would normally be in, which is shaped like your typical slide is. But I never get to go down it, because it's at that point I wake up sad.gif

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Last night I had a dream I was at this restaraunt with last year's class and then we were teleported to these extremely shaky metal stairs then my Kindergarden teacher(Dunno why it was her) made marks on the stairs with like a knife or a pair of scissors or whatever and they made gripping the stairs with my feet easier. Then I was teleported to my house when we finished going down the stairs.


I decided to play my Gamecube, but for some reason when I turned the TV on a screen from one of my games popped up. I quit it, but when I started looking for a new game to play, the introduction to this fake supposedly teen-rated surgeon game and I turned it off then took the CD(Which was something I never saw before and it had numbers like 00810 for a name) And then I woke up right when I gave it to my dad to dispose.


For some odd reason in the restaraunt and at the bottom of the stairs was my ex-crush.

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My friend ate me and then violated my remains. (Thanks to my friend).

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Hmm things I dreamt about in the last week

A soap opera where all the characters are attacked by mutant fur balls

a musical where all the singers are eaten by a mantas

people crying and grabbing me while asking me for help (a common recurrence)

All my teeth falling out and being replaced by a series of fangs

me floating through the sky( common)

A golden lady who told me something in a foreign language that I could understand and was very important which I could not remember

and bugs crawling around in my bed


Note : My cat woke me up from all of these by giving me a bath

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Last night, I had a dream that there was a mini dinosaur in my backyard. Someone next door thought it was a snake (O_o), so their husband came over and was going to kill it. I had it in my hand and was pretending to move something to hide the fact that I was holding it. The guy walked away.


But then, I got bitten by a vampire (the fangs were on the upper lip, though, not in the mouth) and the vampire group and I all wore capes, hiding from everyone. Then I got caught by the news crew and they were asking me strange questions that I can't remember.


It was very weird.

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I had a dream this one time relating to something like the end of the world...

I was smiling and laughing at my sister then I went to my room. I grabbed my teddy bear and twirled. Then I went to the window and saw everything getting a firey-red color and I looked up. There was an asteroid about to hit the earth. I clung to my teddy, ran under my bed covers and stayed there. I heard, yes actually HEARD, loud noises, but after a moment, everything was a dead silence. I got out from under my bed covers and saw that my room was intact. Window, doors, everything. I was still clinging to my teddy bear and went to my bedroom door. I opened it and looked outside. Everything in site was gone. Houses, trees, grass, and the bayou. There was nothing but hot earth and my bedroom.


I woke up after that gasping and clinging to my sheets. I was utterly terrified! D:

But it was a weird dream.

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I had this messed up dream where one of my friends (here, his name is Scotty, this is not his real name though) and I were kidnapped and brought to Canada to work for this messed lady person who ran a granade plants field or something. So anyway, Scotty and I were plucking granades very carefully off vines and trees. Back in where I left, my boyfriend (I shall call him Dragon here) was sobbing his eyes out that I had been kidnapped. Back to Scotty and I. So anyway, we where on guard duty and the person who hired the lady person came over for the night. Scotty and I looked at each other, went to the car, saw it had the keys still in, and high-jacked the car. We were in the middle of dogs attacking the car when I woke up. It scared the heck out of me.

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I haven't had a nightmare in such a long time, not since I stopped doing things I found morally wrong to fix them. I'm not sure why I had this one.


I was at Royal west, which is a separate campus from the university that has less people in the classrooms. It's basically dumb kid university, imo. I had just finished a class and I was getting outside. For some reason I had my dog with me, and right away he found another dog and I let him play with that dog until it was late at night. Then he found a cat, and usually he just sniffs them and licks them, but this time he picked up the kitten by it's neck and shook it. It tore the skin and blood sprayed my face. The cat seemed okay though, and it ran off to hide in an oversized gopher hole.


It was dark out, and I couldn't find my car. I stumbled through the forest-like parking lot for hours. People were milling around me, smoking cigarettes or doing drugs. I used the unlock/lock button on my remote entry but that only made other vehicles lock and unlock themselves. I was getting frustrated and couldn't deal with my dog getting into more trouble, so I put him inside of someone's car. Eventually, I decided that my car was stolen.


My cell phone was dead, so I couldn't call my mom to pick me up and I couldn't call the police to report a stolen vehicle. A very nice lady, the lady who's car I put my dog in, said that her daughter was near here and she could get a ride with her daughter and I could borrow her car until I got things sorted out. I thanked her graciously, and then she got a call. Her daughter was in an accident, the car was totaled, and she was in the hospital. I remember seeing the car being towed away by the building I was at, and the whole side of it had these weird dents in it. They were all the same depth and size. They were smooth like a ball, but oval and tilted diagonally. They were about 3 inches deep, and they were the same distance from each other.


The mother drifted away to be with her daughter, understandably. It was raining, I was cold, wet, and in desperate need of the bathroom. But every bathroom I found was boarded up. Everything around me felt like a haunted house. The people were ugly and deformed, the trees were leafless and clawing towards me in the wind, the cars were dark, hidden, and intimidating.


I found Cole, my ex-boyfriend, in the parking lot. He was text messaging. I begged him to let me use his cell phone, but he seemed embarrassed and defensive. He offered me a $10 bill to go use the payphone, which only accepted coins. I threw the bill at him and said "fat lot of good that'll do me, ass."


I remember that I had a tiny bit of spare change in my wallet. I checked in the coin compartment, and among the pennies, dimes, and nickels there was a quarter. A glorious, life-saving quarter.


I put it in the payphone, but all the options came up in spanish. I didn't know what I was doing, but the first thing I tried to do was dial my mom's number. All of the numbers weren't in the correct order, so the automatic voice was yelling at me while I was pausing to find the right numbers. I finished, and looked up and the number wasn't the right number at all. I hung up, hoping that if it didn't connect I'd get my quarter back. Inside, a beef patty slid out of the change slot curved like a boat, and into my hand. I threw the patty and screamed in frustration. I just wanted to go home. I just wanted to pee. I just wanted to report my car as stolen. Why were all those things so impossible?


The payphone laughed at me, possessed. I begged cole again to use his cell phone, but he refused out of shame. He gave me a quarter and tried to show me how to use the stupid payphone. He put it in, and numbers, letters, and images flew up like a slot machine. He explained to me that you had to beat the game first before you were able to actually use the payphone. He finished the game that appeared to be in some sort of elven language, and this time I dialed the number for the police. I was sure I had it right. How hard is 911?


I got the operater inside of the police. I stumbled out that I wanted to be connected to the police. A creepy feminine voice said, "I'm sorry, we can't do that right now." and hung up.




I called the police again. I got one of the dispatch officers. I said that I needed an officer sent to royal west campus, on 81st street. The lady replied, "oh I'm sorry, we can't send you a police officer. A hotel is flooded and we sent all of them there."


I was so angry. Water restoration was not part of their job. I started yelling.


"I AM WET. I AM NAKED. MY CAR IS STOLEN. I HAVE NO WAY OF GETTING HOME. I NEED AN OFFICER." Only then did I realize I had no clothes on. Someone came and lovingly put a blanket over my shoulders. It was some generic female I didn't know.


The lady on the phone paused, before saying that she'll see what she could do and then she hung up. I became aware of how light it was, which seemed odd because a digital watch I had on said it was 1:11am. My ex informed me that it was 6:14am. School would be starting in a few hours.


I walked around naked with a blanket covering myself. I found a lovely piece of artwork on the wall. It was a thick canvas painting 8 feet long and 6 feet tall. The two humanoid figures on it were angels, and their faces and bodies were covered with 3 inch deep, oval punctures exactly like on the car of the woman's daughter who tried to help me get home.


A sinister face just off center of the painting was left untouched. Its psychotic smile seemed burned onto the canvas instead of painted. Beyond the blood shot eyes, the dark circles, and the twisted smile was the face of Syaoran. I woke up shortly later.

Edited by Syaoransbear

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Yesterday night, I had this dream about Team Rocket(Pokemon) and they were at this battle stadium place and when James lost a battle to this young boy, a light beamed down from the ceiling and the young boy got beamed up. James did too. Then the boy disappeared and James was in this like, spaceship room and then he found some keys and opened the door, which was locked.


A stream of wierd evil guys came in and one said his name was Empress(Um?) something, I don't remember. Then James started laughing uncontrollably and the man-Empress motioned to a guy with a bazooka to point it at him. Then the man said,

"What do you know about the Rune/Enigma Stone?(I don't really know it just came into my dream)"

Then James put his hands up and said he diidn't know anything, he sweared.


All the guys walked out of the room then I was my own self, with this hard paper oragami figure in my hands. I was fiddling with it when someone came up to me and asked what is it and I interrupted her rant saying, "It's an Enigma Stone." unwillingly. Then I woke up.


Isn't it wierd most of these things are connected to pokemon?

Edited by rainpeltstar

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Last night I had a really weird dream about me and my mom going to a village. We were both in the car and a very nice guy came and gave us some cheese.

Then I wanted to go the bathroom at his place and he allowed me to. Inside there was a teen party and I went to the bathroom, but I couldn\t close the door. His kids, 2 boys, followed me and dragged me out of the bathroom, looking at me with hateful expressions. LIKE... HATEFUL. And they started yelling: 'Your mom keeps on saying that you are so smart, but we think you are extremely stupid! You are a retarded biatch' Then, they pushed me around, out of the house to the yard and one of them pulled out a straw doll and looked at me once more then casted a curse upon me and my mom. A deadly curse. He was saying: 'You should die. And you WILL die soon.' I knew that they were serious

I got out of their property and saw a pope, beating up my mom. She was lying on the ground and he was kicking her hard. The scene was heartbreaking. My next thought was than he killed her, I tell you. Told him to stop and he did. He said that she is sinful and she should be punished. Then, he let go of us.

A second weird dream was about witnessing people getting tortured by being tied to wooden doors, then someone was needleing them in the hands, the feet and the eyes as well. I know after they left them bleed till uncosciuosness, they dropped them into bags full of dust. Later I\ve learned that inside those bags of dust there were lots of tiny snakes sucking the blood of the victims till they die.


I don\t often get dreams like this. sleep.gif I\m grateful for that.

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couple months ago, I still remember it strangely enough- I had a dream that I was chasing a pie, then I ate it. After I ate it I found myself falling for some odd reason, into a thing of ice cream and for some reason all of my favorite book/movie/singers etc. were there doin' stuff. I forget what, but all i know is that it must have been something weird cuz after I woke up I looked like I just got out of the nuthouse and was walking aimlessly about the house wondering why the heckers did I have that dream.


i also remember one from when i was six i think. i had watched a movie with killer crocs in it and you know, had a nightmare, involving me falling, giant crocodiles, Steve Irwin and some awesome kung fu moves brought by jackie chan. i don't know, but it was weird.


i also had one a couple nights ago, i forgot most of the details, but i know one thing, i will never be able to look at my favorite things the same way again o.O

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Last night I dreamed I was in the Vladimir Tod books... only it was different. My elementary school was there too, and there were werewolves and tons of cats everywhere. All I remember is standing in front of Vlad's house at night, trying to figure out how to get in because I was being stalked by a crazy vampire.


I think I need to lay off the vampire books...

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Last night I dreamed about making a movie about a teenager that just moved to a town. Her name was Rachael. The whole movie was through the eyes of Sam, who had moved there months prior. Sam has 2 friends, Sara and Jorden(female), who suggest that Sam and the new girl, Rachael, are very similar after having a talk with her.

Sam decided to not befriend Rachael as she was too similar to her and she didn't want her stealing her friends away.


A weeklater, there happens to be killings, murders. The funny thing is the killings and murders were all mysterious and the victims were killed in interesting and weird ways.

Sara and Jorden told Sam that it was probably Rachael, seeming she was new and all, and that the town never had murders for 46-years.

Sam told the two girls not to be silly.


After a few more weeks, there were more killings. One of the victims was Sara this time. Mourning over their loss, Sam and Jorden decided to bunk up together to keep each-other safe. Jorden suggested that Sam brought her boyfriend over as well, so he wouldn't have a terrible fate either. Sam shook her head, telling Jorden about how he can take care of himself.


After a whole month of Rachael being in the town, Jorden decided to pursue her and she if she was really the demon killing people. Jorden decided not to tell Sam as she would go ballistic.


As soon as Jorden found out where Rachael lives, she went straight there. After Jorden knocked on the door, a man answered. "Who are you?"

Jorden began to tell him that she was a friend of Rachael's and she wanted to see her. "Sorry, Rachael is out right now." the man said, then shutting the door in Jorden's face.


Jorden thought Rachael went on another killing spree, et cetera.


2-months later, Sam and Jorden are sitting in Sam's home, watching the news, looking in shock as the body count was well over 600 on the news.

"How come we haven't been killed yet?!" Jorden asked fearfully.

"Luck and loyalty..." Sam said quietly.

Jorden's mouth dropped, slowly turning to look at Sam. "YOU!!" she said.

"You killed those people!! YOU, YOU, YOU!!"

Sam smirked a little, still watching the T.V. "Maybe."

"No, not maybe, you DID!" Jorden paused a moment before continuing.

"You killed Sara... and your boyfriend..." Jorden said quietly.

"Jorden, my boyfriend cheated on me with Sara, like no duh I'd kill them." Sam said, almost laughing.

"...you could of told me..." Jorden said.

"Why? And let you turn me in? Hell no."

"Sam, I wouldn't...you're my friend...you could of killed me!"

"Jorden, you're a loyal friend. Every person I killed...600... were censorkip.gif***s to me. This is how things start. I hate censorkip.gif***s."

"And Rachael--she was a coincidence?" Jorden said, confuzzled.

"No, she was in it with me..."

"You two are so similar; you even look alike!"

"She's actually my sister. Mom and Dad divorced and he took Rachael."

"So the man I went and saw was your dad?"

"Probably. You're damned nosy aren't you?"

"I didn't mean to......."


then I woke up xd.png

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Once I dreamed this insanity:


I was running down the street, and so I go into a house and hide in a kitchen cabinet. He look out a little and see, I'm being chased by three people in hocky masks. One with a machete, one with a knife, and one on rollerblades. And I just hid there until I woke up.


I also had this dream a long while ago:

So these three yellow blobs go on a picknic. They are eating sandwiches. Then one drops his sandwich. Well the biggest one eats it of the ground, like just eats it, doesn't pick it up. Then a little purple blob shows up, and the biggest one chases him around trying to eat him.

Edited by Mrmrkohl

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