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Quorran thought he could at least try to console the hatchling who was definity crying at this point. "Hey, don't cry, he'll come back eventually, I mean, if you've known each other for--see I told you."


Irah ran over to Sky and tried to wrap her tiny wings around him. "Please don't run away again! I'll make it better, I promise!" she said tearfully before letting go and wiping her eyes. "And your new friend can come if you want." she said clearly referring to Zeditha who appeared to be leaving at this point.

Edited by Booo

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Sky Shiner said nothing as Irah attempted to hug him. He merely tilted his head curiously at Irah as she cried to him. His expression softened just the slightest bit as he watched her.


"...I'm sorry," he finally muttered gruffly, not quite looking at her. Just because he didn't want to be a coward like he used to be, it didn't quite feel right to sound snappy with Irah like that. "You've got to try harder, Sky...you don't want to be that runaway idiot you were before, right?" He turned to Zeditha.


"So, are you coming with us or not? Because if you don't, Evil Crusher could get you and rip you apart. But if you do, we could use an extra pair of eyes to help find what we're looking for."

Edited by Dream_Dragon

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Zeditha sighed. She had hoped to escape without being noticed, but oh well... "I'm actually very good at hiding when I want to be," she said, annoyed. She landed back on her branch. "But I'll come with you. I heard you were looking for crystals, and I have many of them in a cave. Somewhere. The question is; are you willing to fly for a few days? That's normally how long it takes for me to find it."

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Sky Shiner stared at Zeditha without a word. Hadn't she heard what he had said earlier? They could not fly! "Relax, she's never encountered Evil Crusher. Maybe what she needs is first-hand experience..." Frowning inwardly, he pushed the malicious thought away. All the while, he stayed silent, his neutral expression on his face never changing.


"We'll see what Crusher thinks," he replied after a silent moment. He paused, as if thinking.


"And you know, I never really said that we were actually looking for crystals. I said that maybe we were looking for crystals," he added, sounding snappier than he meant to. Sky clamped his jaw shut, feeling guilt pinching away at him. After she had been so nice to him...that was how he spoke to her? "Stop talking. You keep snapping every time you speak."


"...Let's just go..." Sky broke his stare and turned around, walking towards the forest's edge, which was quite near to the little group.


<OOC: Asgdfhd, Sky, stop being so snappy!>

Edited by Dream_Dragon

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Zeditha smirked. "You don't need to be embarrased; I get snappy sometimes too. I mean, if someone was hurting all my friends and I thought it was my fault... Well, I wouldn't care. I never have friends anyway, probably because I don't care. But if they cared, anyone could be snappy." She shuffled her wings. "And I didn't say you had to follow me, or even that I had to go to my cave... But I have to fly to get there. It's a question of whether or not you're willing to risk it, but either way, it looks as though I'm sticking with you guys for now."

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If Sky Shiner wasn't the quiet dragon he was, he would have scoffed. Embarrassed? Really? Did he honestly look that way? He only felt guilty about his tone of voice because she had been nice to him earlier and speaking like that to her made him sound ungrateful. "Yeah, yeah, but didn't she say she doesn't care about friends? Why should you?" Sky just kept on slithering towards the edge of the forest, his only response being a flick of his ears.


He wasn't looking forward to his apology towards Crusher, though. Sky couldn't quite predict how the adult dragon would react but he was sure that the Magi would be mad. Who wouldn't, after taking damage for some wimpy dragon who wouldn't listen to the simplest of rules? "I'm worthless, aren't I?" Sky thought bitterly.


"Yes, you are."

Edited by Dream_Dragon

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Zeditha shrugged, and let Sky walk away. "So, what should we do? I can take you to my gem cave," ((This will involve a lot of random and aimless wandering, so a timeskip is advisable)) "Or we can just sit here. I don't mind, either way. But going to the gem cave will require flight."

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((Ah crap, how did I delete this? Well here it is again...))


Irah simply hugged Sky again in response to his blunt apology and walked alongside him.


Quorran didn't know what to think of Zeditha. He didn't have many friends either but the ones he did have played a big role in his life on the streets in the city. "No friends? That's a completely different attitude from where I come from." he said, trying not to judge her for saying that. Someone might have hurt her pretty badly for her to think that way and being abandoned at a young age he could relate to that feeling of lingering resentment.

Edited by Booo

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As Sky Shiner slithered on, he could feel the presence of Irah beside him. He didn't really know why but it was oddly...comforting. He wondered why Irah had wanted him to stay with the group. Other than the fact that he wasn't much use, he was usually a stuttering idiot and didn't talk much. There were also times when he was thoughtless and blunt with his words and either snapped at the others or ignored them, acknowledging them with a stare or a flick of his ears. Why would Irah want a quiet, snappy, and moody hatchling like him to be with them? It was something he couldn't quite comprehend.


As they exited the forest range, Sky stopped suddenly. He could see Crusher, who wasn't that far away. Yes, the Magi was indeed wounded, though it looked like Scratch and Artemis were already on it. The familiar feeling of fear swept over Sky, causing him to backtrack slightly. No! This wasn't supposed to happen! He wasn't supposed to be afraid! "What are you doing? So he could scold you or yell at you. Big deal!" That was just it - it was a big deal. He just couldn't face Crusher and listen to him saying how ignorant he was, even if he already knew that. He couldn't, he couldn't, he just couldn't...


"I can't. I just c-can't..." he whispered under his breath, unaware that he was saying it over and over.

Edited by Dream_Dragon

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Zeditha shrugged again. "I just tend not to care," she said. "Nobody is ever nice to me, so I stopped caring what anyone else thought. At least if I was nice to myself, that made one." She held her wings in the air, in a gesture of not caring. "Nobody has ever wanted to be my friend... And nobody I've met yet has been anything like one. I kinda isolate myself a lot though, so I rarely meet others. Maybe if I'd stayed behind with the other dragons, I could have saved them?" She sat back and pondered her past. Her voice became a muttering whisper. "I found them all. Most were still alive, barely, dying slowly... Well, maybe five of the twenty or so of them were actually dead. It had only been an hour... I killed them. I am the murderer." Her voice became a self-mocking hiss. She shook her head. "I thought it would easy my conscience, putting them out of their painful misery. But no, it just made me into a killer.Why would anyone be friends with a killer?" She smirked, and curled into a small ball on the wide branch.

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Quorran could only make out some of the words she was whispering but what he heard immediately made him wary of her presence. "Anyway..." he said, turning to follow Sky and Irah. "To answer your previous question...flying isn't an option for us right now. You'll see why in a second." He then went back to the cave, expecting Zeditha to follow.




"Yes you can, I'll come with you." said Irah, her voice back to normal. "He can't get too angry with me around. He's my dad, remember?" she said with a slight chuckle.

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((You were kinda meant to hear all of it. Never mind, as long as Quorran got the gist of it...))


Zeditha uncurled herself, flying deftly through the myriad branches, keeping track of the dragon ahead. After a small distance, she dropped through the air and landed on Quorran.

((Not a large dragon. I think she was meant to be a mature hatchling, so I'll leave her like that.))

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Artemis wiped off some blood that had stuck to her tail before replying to Scratch. "He goes by "Evil" Crusher. He wields immense power which he stole from a friend of ours and now we're on a quest to find a way of retrieving it." she said heatedly, checking herself over in case there was more blood before continuing. "As long as he's in control he'll treat us like we're his playthings."


Irah caught a glimpse of light that flashed from a nearby tree and ran toward it. She stopped when she heard Quorran calling her. "I think I saw something climb into that tree there." she called back, pointing at Sky and Zeditha's tree.

((I am so terribly completely sorry! I post more often from now on.))


This was beyond Scratch's understanding. What would drive a dragon to mock another in this way? He was 'Evil Crusher'. Did they have a history? And what dragon could be so despicable as to call itself evil?


Scratch had lived by the definition that evil and good were not real. They were just two sides of the same conflict. But this... Tyranny over a group of dragons is a horrible thing.


"Artemis... This dragon could have killed Crusher. It's not as if there is much we can do; most of us are hatchlings. Wouldn't it just be easier to leave?"


That was the logical course of action; leaving the area for a better place would be the best way to stay alive.


He was somewhat tempted to follow the other hatchlings, but he had to know what was going on. He had lived his entire life trying to stay alive, he was not going to risk it on some delusional quest without knowing exactly what he was dealing with.

Edited by Coryn02

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Sky Shiner immediately became quiet when Irah tried to reassure him. It wasn't that he was afraid of Crusher's anger, he was just...afraid. For what, he wasn't sure. "There you go! You're afraid for completely no reason, you coward!" Sky flicked his ears, irritated with himself. What was wrong with him? What, exactly, was he frightened of?


Although he did not know it, he was, in fact, afraid of being unaccepted. He was afraid that Crusher might send him away from the group. Even though he adamantly believed that the only reason he hung around the group was only to help them defeat Crusher so as to be able to regain his freedom in the skies, deep down in his heart, he liked being around with them, no matter how snappy, moody, or awkward he was around them. They had done nothing but help him ever since he hatched, after all. How could he possibly not grow fond of them over the time he had spent with them?


"...If you say so..." he muttered, not even bothering to turn and look at Irah. Without another word, he continued to slither on towards the cave. As he slithered near enough to get into earshot, he heard Scratch's last few words.


"...be easier to leave?" Sky didn't say anything nor did his expression change but his heart just about flipped over when he heard that. Leave the group? After everything they had done... "That doesn't mean he has to follow us."


"Leave if you must but I won't abandon my friends..." muttered Sky, his voice again almost inaudible unless someone were to be listening very closely. Friends, huh? He didn't think he'd feel that way about them so he was quite surprised at himself when he said that. Once again, he pushed the thought away. "No. I'm leaving once this quest is done. I have no reason to stay with them afterwards."

Edited by Dream_Dragon

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Welcome to the once peaceful land that humans once had settlements and life everywhere. The land used to be a testing grounds of a sort for hatchlings of all shapes and sizes. It also used to be a place for them to group up and enjoy themselves. Now that time has passed.


Evil has taken a darker form. Its not just humans making trouble, but other dragons as well. Some not as kind of easy going or right in the head. A new head of evil has risen. Expelled from his own universe and spat out in ours. Others rise and fall. He shows and leaves. But he is never truly defeated. A bone platted vamp, with the physical combat power of many others in one, the power of a GoN at his finger tips. He does what he wants and thinks that no one can stand in his way. Not hesitating to make others suffer, not batting an eye at others pain its mere entertainment to him.


But resistance has risen. A small band of dragons that mostly united as hatchlings and have stuck together through trying times and continue to do so. Many enemy's wish to defeat the,m however, none have. Using each others ability's to fend off foes that have risen in there land, they shelter the weak, train the willing, and fend for each other. Surviving the devastation of there homes, they stand strong. Ready to face off the evils the world sends at them.


Welcome to hatchlings. The story that has yet to end and that still continues. Will you aid the group in there struggle to keep the land free? Or will you aid the forces of evil? Or will you try to defeat both? It is up to you how your part of the story continues on.



Username: <your forum name>
Name: <character name>
Gender: <male or female?>
Type/Breed:  <what kind of DC dragon?>
Power: <what superpower it wields, please describe limits>
Personality: <what is it like?>
Appearance: <how does it look like from the average breed?>
Age/Stage: <refer below the forms :3 >
History: <how did it come about?>
Extra: <anything else you might want us to know :D >




1. No God-modding ( Killing or controlling other's character without permission )

2. No Power-playing ( Acting super powerful )

3. No spamming or double posting ( Posting a post after another post )

4. No flamming ( Using bad words or insulting )

5. You may use romance but don't put it in graphic details.

6. All characters should be posted in the OoC thread located here: http://forums.dragcave.net/index.php?act=ST&f=9&t=106769

7. (And the most important ) Have fun.


The current Characters:

((Note: This is not currently up to date. I will update it hopefully soon.))

Rainface's Characters

Name:Shiel (Not currently being used)

Age/Gender: Female, adult

Type: White

Power: Healing



Age/Gender: Female, adult

Type: Black

Power: Has a different form than other black dragons, and can create small black spheres of an unknown force. But the spheres take lots of energy, so she cannot do them often.


Name:Jax (Not currently being used)

Age/Gender: Male, adult

Type: Swallowtail

Power: Not really a power, he is simply very good at fighting, and has good speed and agility. But when it comes to hunting or healing, he is very clumsy.


Sharlykng's Characters

Name:Shardas the Gold

Age/Gender: Female, matured hatchling (frozen)

Type: Gold turned Vampire

Power: Expert alchemist


Name:Krashath Silverwing

Age/Gender: Male, adult

Type: Silver

Power: Blends into shadows for a short period of time. It also works on others.


Little Lost Dragon's Characters


Age/Gender: Male, matured hatchling

Type: Stone

Power: Instead of fire, Stoneza shoots stones from his mouth.



Age/Gender: Male, matured hatchling

Type: Vampire turned Magi

Power: Developed a ability to be able to hide in shadows (E.G he hides and you can't see him)



Age/Gender: Female, Adult


Power:Power of earth elements its self.


((If you were inactive and want to re-enter your character, I still have the forms, so fear not, your character is not completely lost.))

Excuse me, but my dragon is still in it's egg stage since I just got about a day ago. And I wanted to ask how do I put it in a hatchery?

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<OOC: According to the forum rules, I don't think you're allowed to put links to your eggs in your signature. You may put a link to your scroll, though.


As for your question, I think the more appropriate place for you to ask that would be in the Help section. happy.gif


EDIT: @Booo Whoops, thought this was the OOC. Sorry! *Facepalm*>

Edited by Dream_Dragon

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((BRACKETS PLEASE PEOPLE! And this is a rp not the help section.)) Edited by Booo

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((Sorry everyone if I sounded snappy earlier. happy.gif Zeditha: Quorran's not that big either, only slightly smaller than the average person.))


"Enjoy taking others by surprise? This better not be an ongoing thing." Quorran hissed in response to Zeditha landing on him.


Artemis softened her voice a little. "We'll leave first thing in the morning but for now we should rest so we're better prepared for tomarrow......excuse me for one second." Artemis went to meet Quorran and Irah who had successfully returned with Sky Shiner. She first approached Quorran with a smile and twinkle in her eyes. "Thank you for watching her." she said and pecked him on the cheek.


"You're welcome. Now...do you know where I can wash this off?" he asked, looking down at his muddy feet.


"There should be some puddles in the-" Artemis stopped part way seeing something move behind him. "Wait...who is that?" she asked no one imparticular.

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<OOC: That's okay...even though you did scare me a little...>


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Sky Shiner shifted, his eyes glancing quickly between Artemis and Zeditha.


"That's Zeditha. I met her in the woods," he answered quietly, his eyes not looking at Artemis when he spoke. He hesitated, then opened his mouth as if to speak before closing it. He shifted his attention to Crusher, his expression somewhat apathetic. "What's he going to say now?"

Edited by Dream_Dragon

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((I'm so nosy, I have to copy - paste everything too small to read into the posting box... Lol. Anyway, Zeditha is about cat-size. Or did I say something else earlier?))


Zeditha skipped off of Quorran almost as soon as she landed. "Sorry," she shrugged. "I thought I was a bit smaller..." She floated deftly, keeping their eyes level. It was the most comfortable position for conversation, not as if she has anything to say.

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(How is this?)


Scratch nodded. He would put his arguments to rest for now. It was probably best for him to travel with other dragons, anyway.


Artemis greeted Quorran and Irah (from what he could tell), who came back with Sky. They all appeared to be unharmed. It would seem Evil Crusher only targeted Crusher. But another dragon was with them.


The new dragon seemed to be a hatchling as well, unless its breed was normally this small in size. The dragon was mostly purple in color, with a few bright stripes of blue on what appeared to be its wings. Being a hatchling, they were not large, but for its size its wings were very wide in span.


Sky introduced the dragon as Zeditha, and when it spoke it sounded as if it were female.


While he was intrigued, he did not feel like giving this newcomer a hard time. He still wanted to get a better look at it, so he tapped into his magic once again.


As his peripheral vision blurred out of recognition, he got a clearer view of the new dragon. She had two small black horns on either side of her head. She seemed notably different the other dragons, and bore more resemblance to Sky, with the exception of legs. Unlike dragons of her general shape, she seemed to have front legs as well as hind legs.


Scratch was slightly unsettled, but tried to put the other dragon out of his mind.

Edited by Coryn02

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((Only 2 hours of sleep does things....sorry again. Btw Crusher isn't part of the convo.

Coryn02: Excellent as always.))

Edited by Booo

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((Except for one thing. Zeditha doesn't have horns {yuk, they get in the way} and she's a Nhiostrife wyvern. So, she doesn't have front legs. Or rather, she does, but they're the wings. Lol, I'm such a nazi about getting stuff right, it doesn't matter too much.))


Zeditha shivered slightly as the touch of magic fell on her. She skipped to the side, then hovered, wings fluttering in a blur. "You could ask that I come closer for inspection, rather than using magic," she squeaked slightly as she spoke. Then her wings slowed down to visible, and her voice lost its new squeak. "Anyway, what are we all doing?"

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((But you said she had four legs? Anyway I'll write something soon I've just been rather anxious lately.))

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((Wait, what? Oh well, either way. It doesn't matter too much, either way. And I've been busy too - in fact I expected to be missed, but it seems everyone has just got on with life as normal. I'm both glad and annoyed. But mostly glad.))

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