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Warriors: Return to the forest

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[my character analysis:

Demonstar: shaking off wolfpaw (TMD)

Silkstar: ...

Soulborne: ...

Ninja: ...

Timberfur: defending TC against rogue attack (TMD)

Angelsong: ...

Thunderpaw: Silvermist {monica}]

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((Lol, while we're all at this:


Lethe/Moonkit: busy going insane ninja.gif

Starpaw: Busy crying her eyes out to...

...Snowpelt: Busy listening to Starpaw cry her eyes out...

Tigerheart: I'm dead, stupid!

Merlinpaw: Appears to have disappeared into a Wormhole or something similiar...

Foxpaw: Appears to have done the same...


Dude, I'm left wanting another character, but maybe later.))

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((what about Cometpaw? oh and Duskstripe's also defending TC *facepalm* I can't believe I forgot about her but I knew I was missing someone))

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Cometpaw woke up feeling groggy. He sniffed the air, but didn't scent any fresh scents, or see or hear anyone. "Hello?" He mewed uncertainly.


((Lol, big rendez-vous in RC))


Cometpaw decided to track everyone. Maybe that would show them how good of an apprentice he was. He followed the scent all the way to where Windclan territory stopped. He shrugged, and went on; since when did he abide by the rules anyway? He ran faster, feeling elated on his freedom, when he stopped in front of lake, and in the middle, an island. He looked around for a crossing point, but didn't see one. Was this the Riverclan camp? He dabbed the water anxiously, then took a deep breath, and flung himself in. He was almost immediatly thrust off his feet, and was flailing in the water. He bobbed under, and fought determuinedly, but to no avail. He could feel his lungs burning, and his head getting fuzzy when he felt teeth on his neck. He tried to get away, but he was no match. It pulled him out of the water, and he found himself face to face with a stony faced black cat. A small black cat. Was it a kit? Had a KIT saved him? He opened his mouth to say thankyou, but then coughed up a lot of water, and besides, the cat had turned away. Once he could breath again, he followed the cat. "Hey. Thanks for saving me." He mewed, but the cat didn't respond. "I'm Cometpaw." He ventured, worried that he had upset the cat. The cat simply nodded, and turned around again.

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((*sigh* I guess I'll have Sandfur be over there as well))


Sandfur finished eating the squirrel and then decided to go find everyone else. She knew that Starpaw wouldn't be happy to see her but she wanted to know where they had gone. She followed the faint and recent scents of the cats she knew and they brought her to RiverClan territory. She frowned at this and wondered why they would be over here but only shrugged and continued to walk. She saw a familiar cat up ahead near a river and went over to him after crossing the strong current and shaking off her fur saying, "Hey Cometpaw. Know where your father or sister are?"

Edited by Dragonpelt

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(( Its ok sis lol i don't mind I should be picked on for my stupidity besides we all friends tongue.gif ))


Bloodclaw looked at his mate and purred as he started walking to the river his tail thrashing happily behind him. He was so happy to back in good help and to have his mate here with him and her being safe was more important to him then anything. He stretched his jaw's and drunk in the scent of fresh fish as he got closer to the river and sat down at the side and looked at his mate purring. "I hope I didn't forget how to fish" he joked flicking her ear playfully and then turned his head back to the water to make sure he didn't scare his prey.

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((Yuki doesn't know where you last remember... ninja.gif ))


Cometpaw looked up. "No, but I thought I'd go look... I'm not in trouble am I?" He asked nerously, his tail swishing back and forth. "I was going to go find them... I hear voices though." He mewed, running over the hill. Sure enough, he soon saw Starpaw and Snowpelt sitting in Riverclan camp; Starpaw was crying. "What's wrong?" He exclaimed, throwing himself next to her. "Why are you crying?"


Starpaw shook her head unhapilly; Snowpelt explained. "Moonkit just has a bout of amnesia, and he doesn't remember her. He'll probably get it all back soon though." At these words, Starpaw shook her head violently, and cried harder than ever. "Starpaw doesn't believe it though. I don't know why."

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((@ Sinder: k sis happy.gif...@ song: sorry I don't remember where your last post was or what you were doing))


Ashfur purred back in reply as she got to the river's edge a few minutes after he did and licked his ear as he flicked her ear playfully. She giggled a little at his joke of hoping that he remembered how to fish. She sat there quietly and patiently, waiting for a fish to come close to her so she can catch it. A few minutes passed and a fish did end up swimming in front of her. She quickly reached in, caught it, killed it with her paw, and then laid it down next to her.


Sandfur smiled down at him and replied, "No you're not in trouble." She nodded and then followed him to the RiverClan camp. She looked around nervously for she knew that they weren't supposed to be there but she was only looking for her family. She saw Starpaw crying next to Snowpelt and watched as Cometpaw went up to them and heard Snowpelt say what was wrong. She quietly went up to them and didn't say anything in fear of Starpaw snapping at her; however, she tried to offer her comfort by nuzzling her a little.

Edited by Dragonpelt

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[all those posts an i have nothing to reply to? grrr...


does anyone know grade 11 math? specifically adding and subtracting rational expressions?]


[edit: nvrmnd... i'll just ask my teacher tomorrow smile.gif]

Edited by Ladynightstalker101

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((i did and here's a repost:


Silverstreak nodded and then said, "I even love him but now I don't think that it's going to work out. I'd go back but I don't think I'm ready to just yet." Don't want him to yell at me again, she thought to herself. She sighed again but didn't look back up at the stars. More tears fell down her cheeks as she started to cry more but she couldn't help it.
)) Edited by Dragonpelt

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((Man, I wish I knew grade 11 math, it would make grade 10 math easier...))


Starpaw jerked back as she saw Sandfur standing there. Her eyes narrowed, and she wondered why she was there. She seemed to be looking down at her all the time, treating her like a kit, making fun of her... upon reflection, her words seemed small, and childish. Spoken like a kit, she thought bitterly. She relunctantly allowed Sandfur to touch her. Reluctantly. She wasn't really in the mood though, at all. Cometpaw, at least was ok. She sighed, and licked cometpaw's ear. He meant well.

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[urgh... grade 11 math isn't so bad >_< i can't wait until next year when i'm in grade 11 biggrin.gif then we get to study grade 12 math and then in grade 12 we complete a year of university math happy.gif also we take this test in grade 12, and if you score high enough you get a free credit biggrin.gif YYYAAAYYY!!! SAVING MONEYS!]


Ninja looked around the odd camp. He had to cross a river in order to reach the island. Swimming wasn't much of a problem for him, his pelt seemed to naturalyl repel water. Perhaps it was from all the oil and dirt that was on his pelt from the city... What interested hm most was that these cats caught fish. Fish were extremely slippery in his experience stealing from markets, which led him to think that only humans could catch them. Yet here cats caught all sorts of food... Tihs society was a lot more independant and evolved than he initially thought. There was a system to the forest, and it kept the balance. It seemed to work better than the humans', they were constantly arguing over everything... Ninja sat at the outermost edges of the camp, watching the fish squirm and flow in time with the river. This life fascinated him.

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Violet smiled sadly, "Love is a hard thing, if you think it's worth it, go with it will all your being and never dobt your decision whatever happens. If not, then i'm not sure....I had gone with the first option myself. I got a broken hear for my trouble but i'll never say that time was the worst time in my life" she smiled, her eyes looking far away.

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Sandfur looked at Starpaw after she nuzzled her and said, "I'm only trying to give you comfort but if you don't need it from me, just say so and I'll understand. Also, sorry for the bad training session earlier; I guess I should've had you try to scent prey instead of hunting them but we all learn from our mistakes." She then looked away and added under her breath, "Me most of all." She sighed and then headed for the entrance of the camp thinking to herself, If I'm not wanted here for her then I'll just go back to camp. As soon as she was out of the RiverClan camp, she ran back to WindClan territory.


Silverstreak nodded and then said, "I'll just stay here awhile longer. I'm not ready to go back to camp yet." She sighed again and continued to look at nothing in particular. She wondered if she went back now what he would do or say to her. She then shrugged and looked off into the distance.

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Wolfpaw fell to the ground and snarled at Demonstar."Well,if you don't make us warriors,we'll leave!"


Foxpaw gasped."Wolfpaw?!We're not leaving,are we?We've been through all the Clans,and we've found our home not even a moon ago!"she exlaimed.


"We'll never get anywhere being apprentices!"


Etherealpaw padded up to Demonstar and brushed against his pelt."They have been training a lot (two words, not one),sir."she meowed.


Shadestar sneered when he saw Ninja.He appeared near him,hoping he would be different than Soul."Hello,Ninja."

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((oh TMD have Foxpaw go find Silverstreak and talk to her about it happy.gif))

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Demonstar was furious at first, then, as Etherealpaw rubbed up against him, sad. Was that how Wolfpaw truly felt? With a frown, he turned to the young, hot headed tom. "I'm sorry you can't see it my way, but at the moment you are unfit to become a warrior. If you feel that it is best you leave, just know that you are acting like a kit who is whining when it doesn't get its way." he looked at Foxpaw. She seemed a little more understanding. Demonstar sent a sad look her way, trying to convey his feelings towards her, then turned and headed into his den. Before heading into this den he looked at Etherealpaw "If you'd like to train then you can come into my den in a few hours." he said, then disappeared into his humble abode.


[yes, we know a lot is two words smile.gif]


[omg... Demonstar is going through a lot of **** right now o_O

Demonwing: ... if i were demonstar... i'd say "I'm too old for this..."

Me: then die.

Demonwing: >:(

Me: xd.png kidding?]


Ninja jumped and almost slipped into the river. "Who's there?" he snarled, instantly on guard.


[p.s.: ninja is soul's half sister by mother...]

Edited by Ladynightstalker101

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((you mean half-brother instead of sister? you've been saying "he" not "she" tongue.gif))

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((TMD you remember when Riverpelt told Greystorm no cat would die, then the fight with rogues that I read that happened while I was gone? Uh, is that still going on, or is that over? And has Lydia been on? -looks through post but sees no Lydia-))

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((lydia hasn't been on and yes the fight with the rogues in TC is still going on))

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(Erm... can somebody tell me what's going on? ^^' I'm really busy. Oh, by the way, apparently I have to go send the chip thing in my computer to be fixed, so I might not be on for a while, with no warning. Like before. tongue.gif)

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((basically, rogues are attacking TC and Dusktripe saved Ravenwing and Darkclaw from two rogues that were going to attack them; Greystorm's helping fight them off and that's it for TC))

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