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2021-10-25 - Halloween Event Begins!

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12 minutes ago, Nocturnal_Horror said:

how exactly is farming supposed to go? Having difficulty figuring out what they mean by 1x2 or 2x2, ect. Ive been playing around with it while i can but i still feel a bit lost, does anyone have a visual for me to look at so i can adjust my crops better? Keeps saying their too cramped despite setting some 2x2 between eachother.


The red area is 2x2, the green 1x2
The plants that need an area larger than 1x1 will always say they "may need more space", regardless of how much space they currently have as a reminder so you do not accidentally plant something next to them

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15 minutes ago, Munin said:

The red area is 2x2, the green 1x2
The plants that need an area larger than 1x1 will always say they "may need more space", regardless of how much space they currently have as a reminder so you do not accidentally plant something next to them

Thank you thats been the most helpful ;v;<333

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Pretty bummed about the removal of one of the treats :( It was the first one I got and one of my favorites as well. Kind of hate that it was caused by a simple misunderstanding of the rules because it just overall sucks that a genuine mistake is capable of ruining someone's day, and I've been there as well so I know how that feels. As much as rules are rules, I'm really gonna miss the little dragon and I hope the spriter can get a chance to shine again in the next ToT or FoE.

On a more positive note, my activity in the event has kind of dropped lol. My attention is getting divided between this, Pokemon Shield, and other stuff. But all the same I'm enjoying the treats this year and I think I'll probably plant my garden full of corn lol.

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I'm still LOVING the farm game! I find that it's best just to visit it on breaks from other things - if you hover, you set yourself up for frustration.


It doesn't bother me that I've had to figure things out as I go along. I see it as part of the game, and if I do something that doesn't work, I chalk it up as a learning experience.  I'm also not trying to fit in a bunch of organized crops. Mine are kind of a mish-mash of this and that.  I tend to be a clutterer.


I get a kick out of the eyestalk plants! I'm very glad that they aren't a real plant, though ...*shivers"


The treats have been fantastic, creative, SPLENDIFEROUS! (I don't guarantee that last word is spelled correctly ..*LOL*).  So far I have three years of treats, and a single black cat for the next year. Finding them is great fun, and I've really examined each one and marveled at the creatIvity. I NEED to do that next year. Twenty years ago I was pretty good with Photoshop, how different could it be now?? *ROTFL*


Time to go chase treats or catch dragons or ...umm...water something?? So many fun choices!

Melanie in "really getting colder" Alaska

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3 hours ago, MiaLily said:

That would be great. And I would like the option to layer stuff, like putting a pumpkin on a piece of grass path. And the biggest thing for me would be to be able to put the fence all around the playing field. *sigh*

yes it totally would! another thing is that I'd like to get more energy with higher levels for example 2 per 5 minutes with 20 then 3 for 30 4 for 40 5 for 50 or something like that
I now have lots of coins but no energy to do anything ...
:) suggestion :)

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8 hours ago, HeatherMarie said:

Clarification question: TJ's OP post says the event will 'continue through November 1', does that mean we actually have *8* days for the event? Does it mean 'through' as in 'until the end of the 1st', or does it mean it will end when the 1st *starts*? 

When midnight artives at the end of the day on Oct 31st, it all stops. :( It would be cool if we could continue a bit longer.

*puppy dog eyes at TJ again* Please?

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I am REALLY happy about getting the treats from the past years. I've completed 2021 and 2020 now, and I've got seven from 2019 and I loooove them 🥰

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44 minutes ago, Maru-chan said:

I am REALLY happy about getting the treats from the past years. I've completed 2021 and 2020 now, and I've got seven from 2019 and I loooove them 🥰

Me too! I missed out between 2015 to 2020 so being able to go back and grab ones I missed has been lovely.

I believe I now have some treat/banners for 2013, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020 and then all of this years treats.


EDIT: *SQUUEEEEEEE!* I finally got my Omen Wyrm and Pitfire! I now have at least 1 of every Halloween dragon until the new release! WHOOOOO! 

Edited by IzzyCat91

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I also want to add to the chorus that having more energy for the farming would be really nice at higher levels.  

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@Library_gremlin They are indeed!


I think I'm almost done with Halloween breeding for this year, there are just two pairs that are on cooldown til tomorrow (I very wisely bred them just before the season). Pretty much everything was unplanned. Why I always do this! 😹 But there would be far too many beautiful pairings to fit on one's scroll, anyway, so I'm sure I will be enjoying the ones I got this year.

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1 minute ago, Glaciarie said:

How to I remove stones??

once you hit a certain level (I think 10) you unlock a pick axe and can remove rocks/stones/tombstones

I have no clue how to remove trees/stumps yet though

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22 minutes ago, IzzyCat91 said:

once you hit a certain level (I think 10) you unlock a pick axe and can remove rocks/stones/tombstones

I have no clue how to remove trees/stumps yet though


ah thanks! to you and Stromboli

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2 hours ago, Joya said:

yes it totally would! another thing is that I'd like to get more energy with higher levels for example 2 per 5 minutes with 20 then 3 for 30 4 for 40 5 for 50 or something like that
I now have lots of coins but no energy to do anything ...
:) suggestion :)


Yeah, I feel the same. We've only got a few more days of the event left, and I've only just been able to start decorating... And of course with decorating comes the need to move stuff around or remove things when you realize you put something where you don't want it. I didn't realize that paths couldn't have objects placed on them, so now I'll need to dig up a bunch to put in more decorations. And I had to tear down a bunch of fences because they weren't looking the way I wanted them to. And partway through my initial decorating spree, I changed my mind about how I wanted things to look, and now I'll need to wait four hours or so for energy to build up enough for me to undo a bunch of what I just did. We've had decorating games before, but I don't recall any requiring energy to change stuff around. If it wasn't for that, I'd probably spend hours playing with designs, but instead I'll just have to wait for energy, finish my current plan, and call it good. :(

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What level do you get a cauldron? I thought level cap is 50...  I'm at 50 and not progressing, but I don't have a cauldron in my shop ???  NEVER MIND i see it now


Chiming in with the wish to extend the game a few days (another week would be great!) and/or increase the rate of energy replenishment, because wow it is slow.


Edited by Laura-Borealis

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I have to agree, i'm still at lvl 13 and i'm starting to worry if i'll be able to lvl up fast enough and have enough time to decorate before the end of the event with other things 

in need of my attention, but judging from previous events they usually either remove all the limitation or massively increase currency/time generation near the end of the event, from what

i've seen with the castle building games.


so i'm hoping for that XD

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It is admittedly a bit of a nightmare to have to wait 10 minutes to make just one move... I'll echo the others' sentiment and say that it would be nice to scale energy regeneration by level, perhaps something like this:

  • Levels 0-9: 1 energy every 5 minutes
  • Levels 10-19: 2 energy every 5 minutes
  • Levels 20-29: 3 energy every 5 minutes
  • Levels 30-39: 4 energy every 5 minutes
  • Levels 40-50: 5 energy every 5 minutes

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8 minutes ago, 0x08 said:

It is admittedly a bit of a nightmare to have to wait 10 minutes to make just one move... I'll echo the others' sentiment and say that it would be nice to scale energy regeneration by level, perhaps something like this:

  • Levels 0-9: 1 energy every 5 minutes
  • Levels 10-19: 2 energy every 5 minutes
  • Levels 20-29: 3 energy every 5 minutes
  • Levels 30-39: 4 energy every 5 minutes
  • Levels 40-50: 5 energy every 5 minutes



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24 minutes ago, 0x08 said:

It is admittedly a bit of a nightmare to have to wait 10 minutes to make just one move... I'll echo the others' sentiment and say that it would be nice to scale energy regeneration by level, perhaps something like this:

  • Levels 0-9: 1 energy every 5 minutes
  • Levels 10-19: 2 energy every 5 minutes
  • Levels 20-29: 3 energy every 5 minutes
  • Levels 30-39: 4 energy every 5 minutes
  • Levels 40-50: 5 energy every 5 minutes

Agreed! Once you start trying to decorate and farm at the same time your energy disappears quick!

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