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2018-05-21 - Dragon Cave's 12th Birthday!

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Happy birthday to DC! The updated sprites and new eggs look really good and the market and trading idea is cool :)  I'm not 100% on exactly how the market works yet, but it looks like it'll be handy!

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1 minute ago, owlion said:

Happy birthday to DC! The updated sprites and new eggs look really good and the market and trading idea is cool :)  I'm not 100% on exactly how the market works yet, but it looks like it'll be handy!

Trading Idea is amazing!!

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6 minutes ago, Ruby Eyes said:

Nope. The Red hatchie looks completely different now.


Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sure you're right with that. I only looked at the adults. If the hatchies got relevant changes that's rather a loss to keeping the spirit of the breed.

Edited by Lantean_Pegasus

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I filled myself up and got two of each of the four.

I am very excited over the fact they seem to be Harry Potter-themed. *-*

I am glad I am not the ONLY one that thought this!


HA! I have caught myself two Gryffindors ( red eggs) two Slytherins ( the green!) and two Ravenclaws (blue) plus one yellow hufflepuff.... which, alas, locks me for now...

Edited by JavaTigress

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11 minutes ago, Fuzzbucket said:


Just enjoy them for what they are. If HP inspires spriters - more power to HP. I have NO IDEA what all the Zyus are about - and I don't care.


I used to watch Power Rangers as a kid but I totally didn't get the Zyu references until someone pointed it out. I've seen one HP movie but I don't understand any of the 'house' stuff... To me they are just cool dragons. I honestly would've never known about any similarities to HP if people hadn't mentioned it.

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This is all awesome.  I have two of each new egg, and they're gorgeous.  I love the updates, especially the market, though I'm curious about all the ways we can earn money.  Breeding and raising eggs, yes.  I wonder what else qualifies?  But it's a great idea, for sure.  🙂

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To anybody upset about dragons potentially referencing pop culture, please remember that we've had reference dragons since the beginning of the game--Dinos are Yoshi references. We've also had further breed references since at least 2009--Trios are a reference to Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres (I believe)--and have had tons and tons of other reference dragons since then, some publicly disclosed and others not. Something inspiring an artist or a release being themed for something shouldn't take away your enjoyment if you don't like that fandom; just take the sprites at face value and enjoy them as you would any other breed. And if you enjoy the thing a dragon references, then there's something a little extra for you to get out of that breed!

Edited by PieMaster

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14 minutes ago, Lantean_Pegasus said:


Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sure you're right with that. I only looked at the adults. If the hatchies got relevant changes that's rather a loss to keeping the spirit of the breed.


Woah ! Ok I REALLY like the red hatchies. I was always mildly irritated that the Holly hatchies seemed to be the same one recoloured to fit.

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12 minutes ago, PieMaster said:

To anybody upset about dragons potentially referencing pop culture, please remember that we've had reference dragons since the beginning of the game--Dinos are Yoshi references. We've also had further breed references since at least 2009--Trios are a reference to Articuon, Zapdos, and Moltres (I believe)--and have had tons and tons of other reference dragons since then, some publicly disclosed and others not. Something inspiring an artist or a release being themed for something shouldn't take away your enjoyment if you don't like that fandom; just take the sprites at face value and enjoy them as you would any other breed. And if you enjoy the thing a dragon references, then there's something a little extra for you to get out of that breed!

XD I can safely say I am not upset by it....more amused at it, than anything.


I can't wait to see what these Hogwarts pretties look like as adults!

Edited by JavaTigress

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43 minutes ago, Whirlaway said:


I’ve got no idea what Zyus are based off either, haha! I think something called Voltron? Or Power Rangers??

I'm mostly sure the mighty Zyu's are based off of Super Sentai and/or Kamen Rider (predecessors to Power Rangers.) EDIT: I forgot to add in they were called Zyurangers which is a big giveaway oops


I don't know anything about HP so a lot of the talk is super confusing but I like the Alpine one the most

Edited by Chronomaly

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I'm a tiny little bit sad that Seasonal hatchlings have lost their dimorphism, but otherwise I absolutely love the sprite updates! Not gonna lie, I wasn't very fond of how both breeds looked. I mean, it's not like they were particularly ugly, they just looked... dated.


All the new breeds look great, too! I admit that I didn't catch the reference at first, but I'm okay with it. As for people who don't particularly like HP - please remember that it's only a reference, otherwise the dragons are beautiful on their own. It's like with Zyumorphs - you don't have to be a huge fan of Power Rangers/Super Sentai to appreciate all those badass sprites.


I was surprised by the addition of the trading section and the market, but it was a pleasant surprise. Better to trade via DC than to use the same feature on some third party site. The shards are great, too - now we'll be able to get our precious super rare eggs even if we have crappy connection, it'll just take a bit of being active and saving up for an egg. Great idea!

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I will say that I'm so glad the reds got an update - their sprite was just very much showing its age. They look amazing now!

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Seasonal hatchlings do still have dimorphism though. One has three prongs on the head, the other five. They just don't stick out at a wide angle like they used to.


Edited by Stromboli

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Well... I was just thinking not long ago that Reds and Seasonals (among a few others) could use updates, so I appreciate the effort put into them... but the new adult Fall Seasonal, adult female Spring Seasonal, and adult female Winter Seasonal sprites are very ugly to me. I'm still deciding whether to kill or release the ones I have, or just not collect anymore of them.


That said, all the hatchlings look cute to me, and I expect I'll come around to the adult Reds, adult Summer Seasonals, and adult male Winter Seasonal before long.


And I'm thrilled with the market and trading updates! Excited to see what the new dragons look like once they're grown, too.

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As a non-Harry Potter person, could we have a little roundup of what each egg stands for in the HP universe?  I think it would be just a cool bit of info to associate what it all means.


BTW, I'm very happy about the updated Reds, especially since I obtained this little special coded "incubator"




Yep, he's a fan of that rockstar guitarist like I am.



Edited by jerzeeshadow

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Wow, I never thought the market would actually become a thing. I love how optional and passive it is - you can't get anything you can't get by other methods, and you'll gain shards just by normal activity, even if you aren't very active. The weekly limit also seems to prevent super active players from abusing the system. This is a fantastic alternative method to obtain CB rare dragons, stalking the cave gets horribly dull and both systems reward patience. Will definitely be saving up for a Gold. :] Though I'm surprised Magmas cost more than them - are they really that rare?!


The trading hub looks awesome on first impression, especially now that EATW is down.


The Ravenclaw hatchling looks like such a cute little bird, I'm glad since that's my house. :D Excited to see them grown up. Seems odd that the Hufflepuff will be the only one with dimorphism though.


I like the sprite updates! Those are always hard to get used to, but I think they remain faithful to the old sprites, especially the Seasonals. The Red's pose looks a bit unbalanced to me, but honestly they always looked wonky so I suppose it's in character. XD

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Happy Birthday Dragon Cave!! 


I was able to get

Two green and silver egg. In the Coast. 

One red and gold egg in the Volcano

Two blue and bronze egg. In the Alpine. 

Then I become egg locked so I did not get the last one in the Forest.


I am looking forward to using the market and the trading. Thank you TJ.

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15 minutes ago, jerzeeshadow said:

As a non-Harry Potter person, could we have a little roundup of what each egg stands for in the HP universe?  I think it would be just a cool bit of info to associate what it all means.


They correspond to the four houses of the school. Each symbolizes different values, check the wiki link for more info. Alpine is Ravenclaw, coast is Slytherin, forest is Hufflepuff, and volcano is Gryffindor.


Edit: While I think it's cool to have HP-based dragons, I do hope people who haven't read the books don't feel too left out. Especially since this is a special release and not just a normal monthly one. It's still surprising, Hogwarts dragons have been suggested for as long as I've been here but I always thought it was too proprietary to actually happen. But then again, we did get Power Rangers dragons. XD

Edited by cbussiere

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I’ve noticed that on the text for the new golden mature easterns, it says “[...] And look! It&rsqup;s gotten more colorful! It must be close to maturing.” Looks like a little bug happened with the text?

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2 minutes ago, JAK2002 said:

I’ve noticed that on the text for the new golden mature easterns, it says “[...] And look! It&rsqup;s gotten more colorful! It must be close to maturing.” Looks like a little bug happened with the text?


This has been reported, no worries!



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10 minutes ago, cbussiere said:

Edit: While I think it's cool to have HP-based dragons, I do hope people who haven't read the books don't feel too left out. Especially since this is a special release and not just a normal monthly one. It's still surprising, Hogwarts dragons have been suggested for as long as I've been here but I always thought it was too proprietary to actually happen. But then again, we did get Power Rangers dragons. XD


This is the first "themed" release I have understood AT ALL. And I didn't feel left out before...

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12 minutes ago, cbussiere said:

Wow, I never thought the market would actually become a thing. I love how optional and passive it is - you can't get anything you can't get by other methods, and you'll gain shards just by normal activity, even if you aren't very active. The weekly limit also seems to prevent super active players from abusing the system. This is a fantastic alternative method to obtain CB rare dragons, stalking the cave gets horribly dull and both systems reward patience. Will definitely be saving up for a Gold. :] Though I'm surprised Magmas cost more than them - are they really that rare?!


The Ravenclaw hatchling looks like such a cute little bird, I'm glad since that's my house. :D Excited to see them grown up. Seems odd that the Hufflepuff will be the only one with dimorphism though.

Right? I'd say it levels the playing field!

As for Magmas - nope, compared to Golds or Silvers they are almost common. :P


(And Ravenclaw is the closest to being my house as well, haha. As for Hufflepuff - well, it's a house that doesn't get a lot of love, so I'd say that the relevant breed deserves some extra oomph. :))

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@TJ09 I love you..Will you marry me??? Oh wait I forgot...We're miles apart, I'm probably too old for you , and i'm already married... But oh my gosh the new features are amazing!!!! New sprites are so awesome, Trading all spiced up and don't get me started on the Market thing ❤️ Plus 4 new eggs!!! HP inspired too ??? I think i can go cry out of happiness now 

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Sigh I finally went and looked at my spring / fall lineages and really don't like the look as much. I do see the technical improvements, and for the sprites I wasn't already as attached to it's quite impressive... but for those I'd worked with the most, every little change of pose and highlight sticks out like a sore thumb. I feel the fluidity of the falls' previous poses was lost especially. :( 

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