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So nice 😍 i have a pending trade for a thalassa and in one hour i can try myself for a Gaia 

But then i'll have to stop till after valentines... It will be hard to restrain myself =/

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4 minutes ago, Ninjakittee said:

Little Leaf Caterpillar


She is still just a smol wyrm but I love her and wanted to show her off haha

Awww so cute! :wub:


With regards to breeding, my two cents is that it would be fine to breed on either date as long as there will be someone ready and willing to accept the eggs! I voted yes for 6 Feb, but I just realized that I'm actually not on any wait list, so my vote is a little moot. :wacko: Sorry! 13 Feb is the time when most people's scrolls would be packed with Valentine hatchies, so I personally wouldn't vote for a breeding on that day. 


I'm really fascinated by the Valentine special pairings though. I'd be all over that! :wub: Especially if the offspring can only be bred once a year. I'd totally save a spot on my scroll for that!

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If we do special pairings it won't be going to people on lists if will be for a raffle status more than likely. 

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@Rekha So would these be Valentines dragons from the King/Queen and their children? Does it include their paramours?


Also, does anyone need or want a Paper? I reflex snatched one and cbf trading it haha

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Yes they would be Valentine's dragons. This would be a rare once a year breeding. Not sure if we would breed more than one egg each. I know I've got some plans for valentine's breedings so don't have that many available to breed with. @Ninjakittee

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10 hours ago, Mow said:

@Mochi I voted yes for breeding on the 6th, but i myself wont breed during the valentines period. I think it won't really be a disatvantage, cause there can only so many people to get eggs as the starting pair will breed, so its just decided who gets one and who waits for two weeks, i think 🤔 


I need a Gaia too for my little Comte but its hard to get one sadly =/

That is a good point. I totally forgot about that. Probably shouldn't have done this right before I went to bed and half-asleep XD

Gaias are so hard to come by. I've managed to get everything a set of every xeno but them. 


10 hours ago, Ninjakittee said:

Little Leaf Caterpillar


She is still just a smol wyrm but I love her and wanted to show her off haha

Little Leaf Caterpillar 
Omg that's adorable lool

I really hope I get a gaia from the royal pair.


3 hours ago, Rekha said:

If we do special pairings it won't be going to people on lists if will be for a raffle status more than likely. 

I am so down for a raffle! Raffles are fun even if my luck it...XD 

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1 hour ago, Mochi said:

I want to donate a CB egg/hatchie!

Name: Mochi

Scroll Link: xxlonewolfxx

Court I belong to: King

Transfer Link: Send dummy here

Breed of egg/hatchie: Pryo Hatchling


@Mochi Dropped an offer, but can I have the dummy egg back? I like the 'KFC' code :P

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On 1/22/2018 at 9:54 PM, Rekha said:

My Court Offspring has taken a mate! (Marriage announcement)


Scroll Link:

Court I belong to:



On 1/22/2018 at 9:54 PM, Rekha said:

I would like to announce a birth from a marriage


Scroll Link:

Court I belong to:

Lineage Link:


On 1/22/2018 at 9:54 PM, Rekha said:

I would like to introduce an Offspring from a marriage


Scroll Link:

Court I belong to:


Name of Offspring:


On 1/22/2018 at 9:54 PM, Rekha said:

I have earned Francs for the King!


Scroll Link:

Francs earned: (If you are unsure, leave blank and someone will calculate for you!)

Reason no.: 



These should help you! Go ahead and fill them out to the best of your ability, if you don't know the francs earned then leave it blank and one of us will calculate it for you.

Edited by Rekha

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Just now, Rekha said:







These should help you! Go ahead and fill them out to the best of your ability, if you don't know the francs earned then leave it blank and one of us will calculate it for you.

Oh, thanks :P

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You're welcome. I did my best to grab all of the forums you need. If I missed something I hope someone else catches it, or if something feels off like you aren't able to announce something then let me know and I'll see what were missing.

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I would like to introduce an Offspring from a marriage

Name: Mak0

Scroll Link: Scroll

Court I belong to: King’s Court

Lineage: Lineage

Name of Offspring: Dauphine Fayette Beaumont


My Court Offspring has taken a mate! (Marriage announcement)

Name: Mak0

Scroll Link: Scroll

Court I belong to: King’s Court

Lineage/Proof: Lineage


I would like to announce a birth from a marriage

Name: Mak0

Scroll Link: Scroll

Court I belong to: King’s Court

Lineage Link: Lineage

I have earned Francs for the King!

Name: Mak0

Scroll Link:Scroll

Francs earned: 14(I think, hopefully I did this right)

Reason no.: 

 +2 offspring matches one married parent's color, carrying on the family ranking

+4 for a prince or princess (2G) that completely match a parent (color + gender)

+2 for marrying a CB the same color of their shared-gender parent

+4 for marrying a CB partner of the same color
+2 offspring matches one married parent's color, carrying on the family ranking

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7 hours ago, Rekha said:

If we do special pairings it won't be going to people on lists if will be for a raffle status more than likely. 


Raffles sound awesome!! 


My little baby has grown up and will soon be taking a mate! I need to head out, but I'll post up the forms when I get back later. 

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@Rekha Valentines sound amazing, I would love to have an exotic Dauphin/Dauphine (wait, it'd be an affair so I suppose they'd be Prince/Princess) to show off to the Court. I'd need to pick a very special mate for them though!


Also @Mow Do you still need a Gaia? Because I won the Gaia off Mink's lovely Kitty Raffle (so hype for the Kitties omg), but I have all the Xenos I need currently. (Although knowing me I'll end up going hunting at some point haha).


Also still got that Paper if anyone wants it

Edited by Ninjakittee

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Ah hah the spreadsheet is now fully up to date everyone and yes it would be an affair. That silly Queen and all of Her Lovers! Guess you all will just have to wait and see who the Queen takes as an affair and what their offspring shall be!

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3 minutes ago, Ninjakittee said:

Aaaaaaaa @Rekha Our signatures are so alike (great minds!) that I keep mistaking your posts for mine


I have done the saaaame thing! Oh my goodness! I think its so funny. I have to double check on my posts and your posts but but I can't just change it I love it as is. I need balance in my signature, otherwise I am like grrr. 

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2 minutes ago, Rekha said:


I have done the saaaame thing! Oh my goodness! I think its so funny. I have to double check on my posts and your posts but but I can't just change it I love it as is. I need balance in my signature, otherwise I am like grrr. 


It's just so aesthetically pleasing the way it is. I feel bad that no one can tell what Court I'm in without asking but MMMMM those graphics just reflect each other so well

(and now we're just posting a conversation to confuse everyone XD lol)

Edited by Ninjakittee

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2 hours ago, SaberToothMC said:

I'm... not entirely certain how to announce this stuff... or even if I've done anything right... but I've produced two Xeno's, and made pairs, but... Yeah can someone help me out here?



Oh hon I just noticed something, while your babies are adorable, and very sweet. I love them I really do, but they are not babies from the King/Queen or the King/Affair or the Dauphine/Dauphin so alas those are not actually going to be worth any points. I do find them rather cute though! I am so sorry to say this, I only just now noticed it, actually someone else noticed it and brought it to my attention. I am so sorry to inform you of this my friend.



12 minutes ago, Ninjakittee said:

It's just so aesthetically pleasing the way it is. I feel bad that no one can tell what Court I'm in without asking but MMMMM those graphics just reflect each other so well

(and now we're just posting a conversation to confuse everyone XD lol)


Yep of course we are and yes they are. Its hard to tell which side I manage too but they just look so good paired with each other.

Edited by Rekha

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