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2017-02-14 - Valentine's Day!

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On ester egg hunt:


Just a tiny little bit more of informantion:

Forest Detour


You throw the acorns in the direction of the noise. You weren't really hoping for much, and they clatter against a tree trunk without much of an effect.

You hear the noise again and throw your arms up to protect your face as a squirrel hops down and picks up one of the acorns. Typical.


Touching wildlife is not a smart idea, even if it is cute and fluffy.


Touching wildlife is not a smart idea, even if it is cute and fluffy.


There doesn't seem to be anything to do that with.


You throw some more acorns to the squirrel. One of them nearly hits it and it chitters at you indignantly and runs away.


You already scared it off!

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For those of you who found true love:


user posted image


Happy Valentine's Day!

Awesome. May we all use it (she asked cheekily adding it to sig while she waits for an answer wink.gif)

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Did anyone figure out anything with the FUNGUS?

No, I haven't been able to engage it in any way.

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I even licked it - nothing. I kissed it, cut it, took it...

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i finished the game, but it all seemed a bit pointless. i think i missed some parts, but got to the end anyway.

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OMFG I replayed the game, asked the spider on a date, confessed feelings to my crush, then had the option to return to the spider and I did. Omfg.

Wow that was weird. xd.png


I hate spiders btw. xd.png


I liked the text when I licked the tree instead of chopping it down with an axe. xd.png


Now I gotta see what I get when I say let's be friends after going on a date with a spider.


Edit: Nah it's the same result as if you don't date a spider.


Now for finding out if I refuse to go back to spider. xd.png


Result: I literally cannot choose to stay with my human date if I went on a date with the spider. Dammit!

Edited by Sapphira_Majoram

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I think I need help. I am stuck on the forest path, talking to the beaver and nothing I typed in seems to work. I continually get 'unknown command' no matter what I type in the box. Can someone tell me how to go back to the beginning or to start over, please?

Thanks in advance,


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I must say I got tired by this game sad.gif

I was stuck in the bush for a whole day and then, once finally free, I was thrown back to the beginning, with all my inventory gone. And I have no desire to start it again from the beginning sad.gif



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I missed the new dragon :c really wish there was a special breeding week for new holiday releases so that way those who missed out the first round could still grab them without having to wait till next year

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I missed the new dragon :c really wish there was a special breeding week for new holiday releases so that way those who missed out the first round could still grab them without having to wait till next year

Try stalk the AP : sometimes they pop up there

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I think I need help. I am stuck on the forest path, talking to the beaver and nothing I typed in seems to work. I continually get 'unknown command' no matter what I type in the box. Can someone tell me how to go back to the beginning or to start over, please?

Thanks in advance,


Same here, Mr. beaver is making me mad. smile.gif but nothing I type works to get away from him.

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Ugh wish my AP eggs would hatch already, I have some freezing to do, and more AP hunting lol


New purple draggies are lovely, very deer like.

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help what is this flood of heartseekers it's just impossible to find shiny things and speckly things

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Well, I've completed on numerous occasions. (Huge thanks for all the help and spoilers)


What I haven't done is wake Cthulhu (saw someone mention it, don't know what they meant) or seen the ancient one (again, saw it mentioned).


Nor have I met the squirrel as I'm a tad wary of going back there after bramblegate! I didn't even get stuck, either!


Got all the inventory, so not sure what I missed where.


Help, anyone?





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O: Woke up this morning to see a wall of Heartseekers lol. It looks aesthetically pleasing but I was trying to look for sweetlings...

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Only 6 hours until we know the adults. *Poking time gods in the ribs* Come on, move already!

At least my cute little girls grew their wings finally.

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O: Woke up this morning to see a wall of Heartseekers lol. It looks aesthetically pleasing but I was trying to look for sweetlings...

I'm seeing them, too. Took 3, incubated, and gonna freeze them.

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For those of you who found true love:


user posted image


Happy Valentine's Day!

Awesome. May we all use it (she asked cheekily adding it to sig while she waits for an answer wink.gif)

Most certainly! biggrin.gif I'm glad you like it!

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Can anyone help me on what to do when you cut down the tree? D: I've chopped it down but I can't seem to get past it.

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