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2017-02-14 - Valentine's Day!

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I've never played these sorts of games before... how do I travel the path? Ive tried travel, walk, climb, enter, exit, cut, etc...

Try Follow path

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Poor me, I couldn't marry the spider, we just had a brief affair  ^^"

Well at least you had a passionate affair, the kind you will always cherish for the memories, the kind you will tell stories about to make your current lover jealous because all of the stories are about how great and better looking the we're.

The kind that will occasionally start fights because you just won't stop talking about that spider and it's unintentionally causing your current lover to feel inferior to that spider


...wait that's not in line with valentines shmoopyness, that's a bit dark actually



Uhhhhmmm...Yay love?

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Is there some way to be stuck at the last choice? Because once I get to pick and type "STAY WITH YOUR DATE", "STAY" or any variaton, there's always the same "There doesn't seem to be anything to do that with."

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Is there some way to be stuck at the last choice? Because once I get to pick and type "STAY WITH YOUR DATE", "STAY" or any variaton, there's always the same "There doesn't seem to be anything to do that with."

Just type in the other choice biggrin.gif and you will get the ending.

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That's wonderful!


Now everyone who found 'true love' can have a badge too!


Speaking of badges, I made one last badge, but for people who are or were trapped by the BRAMBLE BUSH OF ENTRAMPMENT! (+Taunting Squirrel)


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Anyone else have badges? I'll add them to the guide.


Edit: adding a phrase

This is the only badge I've been tempted to add to my signature--and I might tongue.gif that bush was frustrating!

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how do you have an affair with the spider? I'm at the spider part, i've given it the box, but now I don't know what to type.

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I believe it's > Date Spider?


Edited by Lagie

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While there were times I was very frustrated with the game, overall I thought it was an interesting and clever event.


I loved the comments on some of the commands. The funny bits made it all worth it.


The art was lovely too!

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how do you have an affair with the spider? I'm at the spider part, i've given it the box, but now I don't know what to type.

Pretty sure it's "GO EAST". Above where it said the spider was crying it gives you a direction so in case it's not east just check that. xd.png

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Pretty sure it's "GO EAST". Above where it said the spider was crying it gives you a direction so in case it's not east just check that. xd.png

That's how to leave, not how to date the spider. ;3

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That's how to leave, not how to date the spider. ;3

Wait wait wait, you can DATE the spider? x'D Now I feel bad, I just ditched it after giving it a box. x'D

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My updated game guide found here.


- NOTE: Check "Other Guides" for the Horse scene, Spider scene, and Bramble Bush scene help!


(Edit: NOTE! Day 2 stuff is NOT an extra day! It's just additional things you can do that weren't there yesterday.


Also, if you do not want to read the guide and just want a list of commands to follow, please check the "Other Guides" section. It shows a variety of lists that you can use to complete the game as well as some specific help.


And, Thank you everyone involved in this event! It was fun!! biggrin.gif)



First off BADGES!


Made by Shokomon:

A badge representing everyone's frustration with the game:

- Transparent background: user posted image


- Scroll background: user posted image



A badge for getting to the end of the game. (Well, what we know is the end so far.)

May all of you have found some kind of love, be it platonic, romantic, or just plain weird. xd.png

- Transparent background: user posted image


- Scroll background: user posted image



Lastly, one last badge for people who are or were trapped by the BRAMBLE BUSH OF ENTRAMPMENT! (+Taunting Squirrel)

- Transparent: user posted image


- Scroll background: user posted image



Made by Others:

---- Bush Party Banner Made by Cygnis:

- Banner Link: Bush Party!

- Banner: user posted image



---- Bush Party Button Made by AceLizard:

- Original: user posted image


- Bigger Buttons: user posted imageuser posted image

- Bigger Button: [IMG=http://piskel-imgstore-b.appspot.com/img/df76868f-f406-11e6-a976-974da715d879.gif]
- Biggest Button: [IMG=http://piskel-imgstore-b.appspot.com/img/05dac75e-f407-11e6-aafe-974da715d879.gif]


---- "True Love" Valentine's Day 2017 Made by dragonwinxzodiac:

- Button: user posted image





Shokomon's (not so) Quickie Guide

(Highlight for Spoilers; Gray because kinda spoilers.)


Day 1 Hints


For the Nest


1. Try investigating around the NEST. "EXAMINE NEST"

a. You may be able to investigate and pick up some things. ex: "EXAMINE SKELETONS" or "TAKE COINS"

b. You should look at your PLANNER. "EXAMINE PLANNER"


2. To leave the NEST, you gotta try to leave. "LEAVE NEST"

a. You should be specific on how you should leave the NEST. "CLIMB DOWN" OR "CLIMB BRANCHES"


For the Mountain Path, Path Fork, and Cliff


1. Follow the pathway. "TAKE PATH" or "GO <insert direction>"

a. Don't forget to collect stuff! "Take Armor"


2. Eventually, you will be blocked the TREE.

a. You could try to remove the tree. "USE AXE ON THE TREE" or "CHOP TREE WITH AXE"

b. Or you could just take the fork in the path on the LEFT. "GO LEFT"

c. If you take the fork, make sure to investigate and pick up stuff. ex: "TAKE ARMOR" or "EXAMINE PICKAXE"


2.If you take the fork, continue forward until you are at the CLIFF. "GO FORWARD"

a. You will see a horse.

b. Engage the horse. "EXAMINE THE HORSE"

c. There are reports of people being unable to engage the horse. Do not worry if you cannot engage the horse. It doesn't affect the game right now.

D. Reports have come about the CLIFF, instead of the HORSE. Maybe you should look at that?  "EXAMINE CLIFF"


3. That's it. You have to turn around and GO BACK to the pathway with the TREE. Then, you gotta get rid of the TREE. "USE AXE ON THE TREE" or "CHOP TREE WITH AXE"


4. Once you get around the TREE STUMP, you will reach another dead end.

a. There are a couple things you can investigate and collect there. ex: "EXAMINE STICKS" or "TAKE ROCK"

b. You will see a pile of dead LEAVES with something shiny inside! Be sure to check them out. "EXAMINE LEAVES"


For the Caverns/Tunnels


1. Now, you are in a new place, so might as well investigate and take a memento. ex: "EXAMINE ROOTS" or "TAKE LEAF"

a. There are two TUNNELS to explore! Pick one! "EXAMINE TUNNELS" and "GO EAST" or "GO SOUTH"


2. The eastern tunnel ends in a strange grotto.

a. Be sure to investigate. ex: "EXAMINE WALLS" or "TAKE LANTERN"

b. There is an ALTAR there, too. Maybe you can OPEN it? "OPEN LID"

c. Go back and check the other tunnel. "GO WEST"


3. The south tunnel leads to a cavern full of crystals.

a. Maybe you should investigate and keep one.  "EXAMINE CRYSTAL" and "TAKE CRYSTAL"

b. There are two dark tunnels attached to the cavern of crystals, one going SOUTH, and one going EAST.

c. You can explore the those tunnels. "GO EAST" or "GO SOUTH"

d. However, you can't to explore the tunnels without a light source. "EXAMINE INVENTORY" and check if you have the CRYSTAL.


For the Spider:


1. If you have run away from the SPIDER, then you need to explore some more. Try exploring the other tunnels. "GO <insert direction here>"

a. If you find the LAKE, you should see a SKELETON. Make sure to investigate it. "EXAMINE THE SKELETON" and "TAKE THE BOX" and "TAKE THE SWORD"

b. Don't know what to do with the FUNGUS, though you take a look at the LAKE, and maybe take a swim? "EXAMINE LAKE" and "ENTER LAKE"

c. Now you can go back and face the SPIDER!


2. If you are stuck at the SPIDER and you don't know what you have, you should take a look at your stuff. "EXAMINE INVENTORY"

a. Maybe, you should try asking the SPIDER what's wrong. "TALK TO THE SPIDER"

b. If you have the SWORD and you don't like spiders, maybe you should try using the SWORD. "USE SWORD ON THE SPIDER" or "ATTACK SPIDER WITH SWORD"

c. If you've talked to the SPIDER, you'll know what's wrong with it. Maybe you should give it something if you have the BOX. "GIVE BOX TO THE SPIDER"

d. Side note: If you love spiders so much, maybe you should marry it.After talking to the spider, "ASK SPIDER ON A DATE"


For the Forest Cave and Forest


1. To enter the FOREST from the Forest Cave, you literally have to enter the FOREST. "ENTER FOREST" or "ENTER THE FOREST"

a. But before that, you can investigate the FOREST too! "EXAMINE THE FOREST"

b. There is some stuff lying around. You can look at that stuff as well. ex: "EXAMINE GOLD" or "TAKE GEMS"


2. Once you are inside, you should a RIVER and a BRIDGE connecting to a GAME TRAIL.

a. Investigate your surroundings and then follow the RIVER. "FOLLOW THE RIVER"

b. The GAME TRAIL and BRIDGE are new. They will be covered in Day 2 stuff.


3. If you follow the river, you'll encounter a friendly WOODSMAN.

a. The prompts here are fairly self-explanatory. You can either help him. "INSIST HE TAKES YOU"

b. OR ditch him. "IGNORE HIM"


4. If you ditch him, you'll end up in at an old, abandoned MILL.

a. You investigate the area and go inside. ex: "EXAMINE WATERWHEEL" or "GO INTO MILL"

b. If you check out the mill, try investigating. You may find something. "EXAMINE DESK" and then, "TAKE RECORDS" and "TAKE PAINTING"

c. You can also follow the Path next to the MILL.


For the Beaver King


1. You will end up following this part of the story regardless if you help or ditch the Woodsman.


2. The prompts are fairly self-explanatory. Just follow the capitalized words.

a. Hint: BEAVERS don't know mercy.

b. Hint: Insults to character, insults to moms, and implications of compensation are generally frowned upon.

c: Easter Egg: The painting...THE PAINTING!


For the Battlements and the Village


1. You can see the GATE. You should make a break for the GATE. "RUN TO THE GATE"

a. It turns out there IS something else you can do; since this dragon is so obsessed with music making, maybe you should give it a taste of your own voice. "SING TO THE DRAGON"

b. THEN, you can make a break for the gate. "GO TO GATE"


2. If you didn't scare away the dragon, once you are in the village, the dragon will follow you and try to get you to listen to him.

a. You could give him a taste of his own medicine. "SING TO THE DRAGON"

b. Or you can toughen up the STREAMERS that are on him from crashing into town. "CAST SPELL OF RESILIENCE ON THE STREAMERS"

c. Once the dragons gone, you can go to the cafe! Meet your love! "GO TO CAFE"



Day 2 Hints


Everything is the same for day 2, except there is a new section.


For the Forest Detour


1. If you made it to the Forest, you will have noticed the BRIDGE extending to the GAME TRAIL on the RIGHT.

a. Take it. "GO RIGHT" or "CROSS BRIDGE"

b. If you follow the RIVER, you may miss this section. I'm not sure.


2. You may find yourself in a bit of pickle with a BRAMBLE BUSH

a. There are some items around. Investigate them. ex: "TAKE ACORN" or "TAKE MUSHROOMS"

b. You won't be able to leave until you free yourself from the BUSH. "CUT BUSH WITH SWORD"

c. Make sure to repeat for good measure. "CUT BUSH WITH SWORD" again

d. You can go back to the river now or continue forward. "GO TO RIVER" or "CONTINUE ON PATH"


3. If you continue forward, you will run into another dead end with an oak tree.

a. Try investigating and maybe pick up something. ex: "TAKE MOUNTAIN"

b. There isn't much else to do. Head back to the RIVER. "GO BACK"


4. I found out when you can assault squirrels! You can assault them when you are stuck in the BRAMBLE BUSH. "THROW ACORNS"

a. Throwing them once calls them; them twice scares them.

b. Once you free yourself from the BUSH, You can also follow the squirrel to the oak tree dead end with the MOUNTAIN of ACORNS. "FOLLOW SQUIRREL"

c. If you didn't scared the squirrel away, you can also engage squirrels. I haven't confirmed this though. "PET SQUIRREL"


From then on, the story progresses as is from yesterday.


NOTE: If you are stuck in the BRAMBLE BUSH, and tried everything above and cleared your cache, then you can report the problem here.

- Others have had the same issue.

- The BRAMBLE BUSH OF ENTRAPMENT has been reported, and it seems like people are becoming free now.




- Feel free to correct me if any of these are wrong. I'm going from memory. Anyone is free to add more tips.




OTHER TIPS (Highlight for spoilers)


1. EXAMINE <insert creature/person/object here> or EXAMINE THE <insert creature/person/object here> ex: EXAMINE THE ROOTS, EXAMINE THE SKELETON

- usually helpful in investigating stuff

- doesn't work on everything


2. TAKE <insert object here> or TAKE THE <insert object here> ex: TAKE THE COINS, TAKE THE ARMOR

- you will use this a lot

- you can use it on random things too

- collected items will be added to your inventory EXAMINE INVENTORY

- Can also be used to take paths


3. USE (THE) <insert object here> ON (THE) <insert object/person/creature> ex: USE AXE ON TREE

- good for using items

- make sure you indicate what you are aiming at, or it won't work


4. GO <insert direction> ex: GO BACK, GO FORWARD, GO UP, GO EAST

- it will help you get around

- it doesn't always work

- it's often situation specific


Easter Eggs:






CHOP TREE WITH AXE/USE AXE on TREE (after already cutting down tree)

ATTACK SPIDER WITH SWORD/USE SWORD ON SPIDER (after attacking the spider already)

CUT BUSH WITH SWORD (after you freed yourself)


GIVE PAINTING (to Beaver King at the Beaver Court)


TAKE SKELETON (at the lake)

SING TO DRAGON (after dragon leaves)



And that's it for Shokomon's quicky guide. Feel free to modify.



Other Guides:

1. WoLfgIrLyS' Possible Day 1 Walkthrough

2. LaHaine's List of Actions

3. Raindear's List of Actions

4. Kovia's List of Actions

5. Bugzilla's List of Actions

6. A Possible Day 1 List of Items

7. Shadowfang's Possible Day 1 Walkthrough

8. quack0709's Possible Day 1 List of Items

9. Varekis's Possible Day 1 Walkthrough

10. Arwen17's Possible Day 1 Walkthrough

11. VixenDra's (+VioletWhirlwind's) Possible Day 1 List of Items

12. Alternate Inventory Commands

13. Aurigena's Possible Day 2 Walkthrough









And that's it for now. If I missed anything, feel free to add it.


I will add new day stuff after I actually play the new stuff.


Edit: Finished updating the guide! It's not really a quicky guide anymore, but oh well.

Edit2: Adjusting the guide some more.

Edit (2/16): Adding badges and updating guide

Edited by Shokomon

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My updated game guide found here.


- NOTE: Check "Other Guides" for the Horse scene, Spider scene, and Bramble Bush scene help!


Thank you for updating your guide! Since I lost a day while stuck in that shrubbery, was there anything new on day 3?

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Nothing new popped up so far, but people are posting lovely easter eggs every once and awhile.

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I totally forgot it is still winter and blinked at my leetle tree changed back to an evergreen with snow xd.png

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Once you've started dialogue with the spider, is there any way to go back if you don't have the box? Or is fighting it your only option?

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Weeee! I finally got the Spider ending! x3 and the horse easter egg! (wtf????)


Just a question, how did you guys find there was a squirrel? blink.gif just trying commands?

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Weeee! I finally got the Spider ending! x3 and the horse easter egg! (wtf????)


Just a question, how did you guys find there was a squirrel? blink.gif just trying commands?

By getting stuck in the bush and start throwing acorns around.


Ya have to do >throw acorn after crossing the bridge in the forest.

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Oh my gosh, love these. xd.png

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This event has some great moments.


I almost forgot about this guy


user posted image

Edited by Ashywolf

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Maybe a new easter egg^^


Text below is in white.

In the NEST


COINS of many currencies and denominations are scattered about.


You pick up a handful of gold COINS off the ground, hoping the DRAGON doesn't notice.


You've already taken some of the COINS. Let's not get greedy now.


You've already taken some of the COINS. Let's not get greedy now.


COINS of many currencies and denominations are scattered about.

There is a noticeably empty area, devoid of coins, because you took some.


Okay, that was at least new to me.


And another one:

Mountain Path


You look at one of the rocks. It is indeed a rock.


You put the rock in your pocket. If you believe hard enough, it is a lucky rock.


It doesn't look like you can do that with the ROCK.


Did you know that some birds swallow bits of gravel to help with digestion?

You, however, are no bird

Edited by Tigerkralle

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Am I the only one who is dissapointed that if you choose to insult the beaver king's mother you don't call her a hamster?

...and your father smelt of elderberries!!!


I've finally made it out of the brambles and finished the game for a second time. I will not start over again, I was unfamiliar with this kind of game and find it extremely tedious and pointless.


I very much enjoyed the location pictures and the tongue-in-cheek writing made me laugh more than once but actually getting there just annoyed me.


I know we've had Halloween events that were similar but I liked them much more.


After the christmas event that I couldn't play on mobile devices at all (same as the christmas event before that) I have to say I've not been enjoying events very much as of late.

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