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2015-12-25 - Happy Holidays!

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Just to clarify on this, the change from "Christmas" to "Holiday" was officially noted on April 6, 2015. The previous description used to be as follows:

"Christmas dragons are a very mysterious breed. They are only seen during winter, and even then it is hard to catch a glimpse of one. They are responsible for the general cheer that spreads during the holidays. In essence, they are the 'Spirits of Christmas.'"


I'm not on anyone's side here, just clarifying that. Also, I think the change may have been made because most of the world seems to be moving towards saying "Happy holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" anymore due to a lot of people who don't celebrate Christmas getting offended/annoyed by the statement. I've noticed this in particular over the last few years working in retail, and how management tells us to greet/approach customers now. I presume the change must be coming around due to some level of globalisation? Either way, I don't think it's "lying" in any way, but more of a transition of the phrase/language itself, kinda like how gay used to mean happy (more often than not) and now it refers to homosexuality (more often than not).

I need to clarify the lying comment, it seems. In GENERAL you are correct. What I meant was that in the specific context of DC, it is dishonest to describe the Christmas dragons as 'holiday' dragons with the intent of 'inclusivenes' because the designs and themes of all but three (Mistletoe, Aegis, and Solstice) are blatantly CHRISTMAS and nothing else. The many red/green/gold/white dragons do not represent any other holiday but Christmas and to represent them as if they do is dishonest. If nothing else it's a form of self-deception.


My point was that if the goal is inclusion, then we need to make some real, fundamental changes. Like having actual hannukah or kwanzaa or etc. themed dragons. And not having the winter event always rotate around Dec. 25th. Just scratching out 'Christmas' and writing in 'holiday' isn't going to do it. And also that what seems like a simple word change introduces gameplay consequences that may not have been considered. Again, for example, will they continue to sort as 'Christmas' or will it be changed?


EDIT: *sigh* I try so hard to be clear and still it never works. I can't speak for anyone else, but for myself, to be crystal clear, I am NOT DISCUSSING THE GENERAL ISSUE OF 'HOLIDAY' vs. 'CHRISTMAS'. I am talking about the change to DC DRAGONS and how it impacts the GAME. I ask again - if this thread is an inappropriate place, then where SHOULD I air these concerns?

Edited by Lurhstaap

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I need to clarify the lying comment, it seems. In GENERAL you are correct. What I meant was that in the specific context of DC, it is dishonest to describe the Christmas dragons as 'holiday' dragons with the intent of 'inclusivenes' because the designs and themes of all but three (Mistletoe, Aegis, and Solstice) are blatantly CHRISTMAS and nothing else. The many red/green/gold/white dragons do not represent any other holiday but Christmas and to represent them as if they do is dishonest. If nothing else it's a form of self-deception.


My point was that if the goal is inclusion, then we need to make some real, fundamental changes. Like having actual hannukah or kwanzaa or etc. themed dragons. And not having the winter event always rotate around Dec. 25th. Just scratching out 'Christmas' and writing in 'holiday' isn't going to do it.

Eh imo I see what you're saying but meh, I see it more as a development of the site and it's lore, more than any general want for "inclusivity (which isn't a word? idk lol)."


The site used to just have Christmas because because, and valentines, and halloween. But it makes sense, with the encyclopedia, more biomes and such that we switch from "Christmas" to "Holiday" or even "Yuletide" since the feel I get from the site is that very old-timey-ness. So instead of changing things because PC. I think it's more changing because DC is changing and has a lot more inclusive lore than "Mints are small, pinks/purples are only females. Guardians guard. Waters live in the water." And by switching from a known very specific holiday to something more general they open a lot of doors in terms of holiday dragon designs. (Because lets face it, you can only do red/green/gold, and maybe silver so many times)



Edit: wut, lol, you're right. They sort as "Christmas"

Also, it really, really bothers me that all of the Christmas/Holiday/w/e dragons sort together, but the Halloween dragons, and Valentines dragon's don't sort together huh.gif (or, if they do, that's new)

Edited by Anz96

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Since the topic of this thread is the new holiday release the discussion of holiday vs christmas doesn't really belong here. However the discussion could continue in its own thread. If their isn't a thread already in general discussion for holiday vs Christmas one could be started. I did look in site discussion and didn't see one for the specific discussion of the DC switch from Christmas to holiday so one could be created.


edit: There is this thread in general discussion - https://forums.dragcave.net/index.php?showt...22&hl=christmas > "Happy Holidays" vs "Merry Christmas", Tis the season for kindness & tolerance

Edited by rubyshoes

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It does say that now, NotBambi, but that is new. Before now, it said Christmas. That is the change to which I refer. If it weren't a change I wouldn't care or be commenting on it. But I clearly remember it saying Christmas before now and I know I'm not alone because others have remarked on it. You may notice that if you sort your scroll by breed, the Christmas dragons sort under C, not H. That's because before this year they were Christmas dragons.

What change are you talking about?


I pretty much always call them Holiday Dragons. It is the Holiday Event. The URLs for old events have always said "holidays."


They may have initially been called Christmas Dragons, but that hasn't been the case for at least four years--look at the thread from 2011.

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I don't think it matters. These fellas are hella pretty. I am going to see about breeding one to Penk soon.


Also solstice dragons are literally solstice dragons. There is no reindeer theme.

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I don't think it matters. These fellas are hella pretty. I am going to see about breeding one to Penk soon.


Also solstice dragons are literally solstice dragons. There is no reindeer theme.

Eep, thank you/sorry mods ohmy.gif


I know they are just Solstices and that's what they represent, but they give me a sort of Stag/deer vibe (not necessarily reindeer) and I think that's what I love about them. Just my thought on it, though.


These guys are just so regal though so I love your "hella pretty" statement tongue.gif Couldn't agree more.

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I don't think it matters. These fellas are hella pretty. I am going to see about breeding one to Penk soon.


Also solstice dragons are literally solstice dragons. There is no reindeer theme.

They would look so beautiful with Penk omg... o:

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SPRITER'S ALTS!!!! I wanna see the Alts!!! Alts!!! Alts!!! laugh.gif

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Sqeeeee mine grew up YAY i am so happy and i did it they have the same amount of views. I was just seeing if i could get the same amount of views for both of them it was like a contest just for me to see if i could do it or not. biggrin.giflaugh.gif

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Aww, man! I missed the party! My stupid brother had to get arrested and have family drama consume my day, so now I don't get my badge. Seriously bummed.


Ah well, it's not like I don't have a bunch of other incomplete badges on my scroll. (Something that I hate hate hate *sigh*). At least I managed to get at least 2 of every holiday dragon for this season, since I had 0 to start out with. And the Aegis Dragons are my new fave! I've never liked red and green and I just don't like gold in general, so I like the Solstices and the Mistletoes a whole bunch as well.

Edited by lilbunniesdragons

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I like that the code for the dragon on the right is "NOICE".

Wish I got cool codes. ._. But TJ likely does that on purpose.

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lol, I didn't really want to do the event and soo... didn't finish. Sorry! the art and everything was great, but tasks a little tedious especially when I had my 3DS laying around. tongue.gif

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Oops my post went weird. But to discuss the whole what are we celebrating and when issue, there is a thread already - here.


I need to clarify the lying comment, it seems. In GENERAL you are correct. What I meant was that in the specific context of DC, it is dishonest to describe the Christmas dragons as 'holiday' dragons with the intent of 'inclusivenes' because the designs and themes of all but three (Mistletoe, Aegis, and Solstice) are blatantly CHRISTMAS and nothing else. The many red/green/gold/white dragons do not represent any other holiday but Christmas and to represent them as if they do is dishonest. If nothing else it's a form of self-deception.


My point was that if the goal is inclusion, then we need to make some real, fundamental changes. Like having actual hannukah or kwanzaa or etc. themed dragons. And not having the winter event always rotate around Dec. 25th. Just scratching out 'Christmas' and writing in 'holiday' isn't going to do it. And also that what seems like a simple word change introduces gameplay consequences that may not have been considered. Again, for example, will they continue to sort as 'Christmas' or will it be changed?


EDIT: *sigh* I try so hard to be clear and still it never works. I can't speak for anyone else, but for myself, to be crystal clear, I am NOT DISCUSSING THE GENERAL ISSUE OF 'HOLIDAY' vs. 'CHRISTMAS'. I am talking about the change to DC DRAGONS and how it impacts the GAME. I ask again - if this thread is an inappropriate place, then where SHOULD I air these concerns?

Chinese New year is very often red and green, to name but one. Hanukkah too, I believe.


But still - while many of us have asked for otherly slanted holiday dragons, the fact is that all over the world there tends to be holiday time off work etc at this time of year. Having Kwanzaa dragons around Dec 25th would work for me - anyone else ? Moving the holiday around for holidays like Diwali (the one I REALLY want) which also move anyway would be a scheduling nightmare. But if this is all inappropriate here, there IS a whole thread about changing it all - I'll try find it.


ETA: It's here.


I do feel (and I am a non-Christian, so have no agenda at all) that the date should stay the same, for convenience of players simply knowing when it is. And also this IS TJ's site and if he celebrates Christmas with it, we can surely go along with him ?


I thought they sorted as Holidays though ?

Edited by fuzzbucket

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The lunar new year is typically red and gold, fuzz.

Edited by Lythiaren

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Idk I don't think this is really the place to argue Christmas vs holidays things. It's not really topical for the thread and not really appreciated

As I say - please do go here and revive:


Change Holidays

Edited by fuzzbucket

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I wasn't supporting your argument.


Chinese New Year is the lunar new year. It's not red and green. And white is out of the question because it's associated with death.

Edited by Lythiaren

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I've never been thinking of how religious themed dragons are for every Christmas event, not even when it comes to their colors. In my opinion, regardless of what holiday each of the players celebrates, because I know there are so many different traditions that each one of us practices. The point of "Christmas" dragons isn't really about if one matches Catholic or Orthodox Christmas (which are barely any different, just a thirteen day span), Lunar New Year, Hannukah and so on. It's about getting a dragon that looks festive and joyful, and that it makes people happy. wub.gif

Somewhere this event is in red and gold, somewhere else it's red and green, somewhere blue and silver and so on. Following that logic, any color could work pretty well with holiday dragons. My family decorated the Christmas three with purple and gold this year and it doesn't make it any less festive than a classic red and gold combo.

What I'm saying is, colors show happiness. Christmas and analogous holidays in different cultures are about happiness, giving it and getting it. Whatever color the dragon has, as long as it brings happiness to everyone on the site, it is appropriate for the holiday release. I, myself, wouldn't mind a purple and gold dragon for next Christmas, regardless if it matches traditional decorating or not. No one should feel neglected or forgotten if their holiday color theme isn't used for spriting a new dragon. We have creative spriters on this site, and they are working like crazy to make every release worth collecting, both for holidays and through the entire year, and their creative side never fails us. Possibilities are endless and I am sure that each new release will be as gorgeous and loved as the ones we had so far.

With all my heart I hope that this site lives through thousands of more holidays, Christmas, Valentine's day, Halloween and so on, so there is plenty of time for all kinds of new dragons in that period.

Besides, that reminds me - Halloween isn't traditionally celebrated all over the world even though the modern concept includes masked parties and so on, but no one complains about it. Everyone participates in the event equally, everyone stalks the site for tricks and treats, everyone collects as many new release eggs as possible on the last day of every October, why should this be any different just because not everyone shares the same tradition? smile.gif

Edited by *Silver Fox*

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I think SilverFox is very sweet and has some very nice thoughts and posts. I appreciate you enjoying the holidays and encouraging everyone to the spirit and intent of the fun and holiday. And I think there was certainly a lot of joy and hard work put into this, as it is every year, and I think that is pretty telling of the "intent". Holidays are for joy, and I am glad that most people really liked the new stuff, and It was really neat to see the game offer new stuff and show that you never know what's coming and to never take a particular celebration for granted.

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I wasn't supporting your argument.


Chinese New Year is the lunar new year. It's not red and green. And white is out of the question because it's associated with death.

Oops; fair cop. Editing out. But still, as a separate issue entirely, I never get why one holiday can "take over" a colour. It's like when Benson and Hedges tried to copyright the colour purple they use in their ads (they didn't get to...)

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You know what I REALLY like about Christmas/the Holidays?


Giving gifts smile.gif

Edited by herk

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