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Increase the raffle winners pool

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Lets take this one at a time


Improving breeding ratios => more shinies for winners => more trading power


Also equals trade lists completed, gifters can gift more, possibly even more AP drops from those that dont care. Again, you assume all prize owners are greedy hoarders than only want all the CB metals and NDs in existence. Once again its your assumption not a fact.


Boost BSA => more shinies for winners => more trading power.


This would work like the above mentioned, improve the ratios which again would benefit those with lists and those who gift. Stop lumping all Prize owners as trading hoarders~


Multiclutch BSA => better chance at shinies (up to four chances at a shiny instead of one, especially useful when breeding to commons)


Yes only if they choose to, but would you like me to force a certain game aspect on you that you wouldnt like for my personal benefit? this creates the compromise of those who really wanna multiclutch and dont care can. Those whom it bothers and dont want to dont have to. Why is that so wrong?


Letting prizes multi-clutch naturally? "Oh no, I wouldn't breed my prize any more because I don't want to see my precious eggs go to some ingorant player!" - "No, I want to keep full control over what's MINE. No fair! I won't breed any more if that's going to be implemented!" - "But that's not how prizes were envisioned! If that's going to be implemented..." - "I don't want to see someone find a sibling of my hard-earned 2nd gen in the AP without having to pay an arm and a leg for it, too!"


I love how you assume that that's what all prize owners want. White baron might not want their eggs going to random users, and if you were breeding something special for someone you might not either. Because it deals with prizes though, we should not be allowed to choose how we breed or play because if its prizes thats wrong?


Coal prizes: "But my prize wouldn't be super-duper-mega-über-special any more! Noooo!"


TJ himself nixed that suggestion so don't come yelling at me about it. Either way, I mostly would'nt care but don't think a consolation prize would solve the issue of not having a gold shimmer or silver tinsel, there might be some slight trading advantage but not enough to solve the issue so the suggestion of that was kinda moot. The rarity and special aspect of a prize wouldnt change with a coal though, so idk where you got that idea.


Restricting prize trading to a single thread: "Personally, I hate only being able to post in one thread - once that's buried, that's it until the next day... "


All but one person disagreed. everyone else seems on board so again you are assuming things that arent there.


Prizes as cave drops: "But my prize wouldn't be as special any more if everybody could have one!"


At this point this is a moot point. If they were meant to be cave releases, they would have been released as cave releases. If I give you something special then turn around a few days and give it to everyone else, then its not special. Given yes, there would have been that you won it first thing but if I wanted that "I got it first" feeling then I could get that from getting a CB the day it drops in the biomes. I would have been the first to get it on that day. Great. It doesnt make it special, it just makes it nice.


Plus thats not taking into account if the spriters would agree to having them be a cave release. Maybe they created and planned them to be special, rare, and semi exclusive (I say semi because they can be won through the raffle so they arent completely unobtainable). So all of those need to be put into account before one says "Just drop em in the cave."

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A larger prize pool would definetly help lessen the pressure of prize owners and the price of lower gen prizes in general, but as noted the users who don't win anything will complain no matter what changes are made. As long as some users get to own something special while other users cannot, there will be complaints and there will be drama.


And as a response to all the users who believe you need tons of CB metals in order to gen prize, I myself have five second gen prizes, but guess what? I'm also not a user who is able to readily catch metals whenever I need. Once in a while I may manage to snag a Copper, and I've only caught one CB Gold the entire 3 years I've been here. Yes there are users who haven't even caught THAT much, but the point is by no means am I able to offer 4+ metals on a trade.


One of my second gens didn't require a trade, but the other four I have did. I can say out of those four, three wanted offers that required no metals or anything that would be extremely difficult for the average user to attain. What ended up happening was I told them what I was able to offer, explicitly saying I wasn't able to offer hoards of CB Golds or Silvers, I didn't have low gen prizes to breed, ect. The owners were able to request a trade that was within my capabilities. Yes, there are prize owners who are only trading offspring for ridiculous prices like metals and second gens from Spriter's Alts and NDs, but there are also many who do not wish for those things. The main issue in my eyes is that people are sitting around thinking that someone will come along and be nice enough to drop a second gen prize in their lap. I have news for you, the chances of that happening are very slim. This sort of goes back to how some users feel it is their right to have a second gen Prize, rather than being patient and working for it.


I worked hard and waited a long time to be able to get on prize lists. Some lists I watched for over a year before there was another opening. Do I feel bad that I have multiple second gens while other users have none? Absolutely not. I put in the effort and perseverance to get my second gens. I went out and found prize owners, I kept track of the breeding status of each one I found, and offered when appropriate. People need to understand that this isn't something that is going to come easy to you, you need to put in the work in order to enjoy the fruits of your labor.


Yes, I understand how there are too few CB prizes to produce second gens to keep up with the demand of the community, but as of now I would hardly consider getting a second gen impossible for the vast majority of active users. It is surely more difficult and requires a lot more patience, but by no means it is not possible. People seem to equate something that takes a long time to be the same as unattainable. tongue.gif


I'm not opposed to increasing the number of winners, but it won't solve all the problems that usually surround the raffle. And if the Prize pool were to stay the same, I for one wouldn't complain. You're now free to pelt me with cabbage.

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Do people seriously think that segregating Prize egg trades would actually help?


There's really only one place, the Trade thread, where people can put up multiple egg types and ask for multiple different things they might need as it is, and the more limited we make things, the more we limit ourselves.


That's a fast-moving thread compared to others, though, and you may wind up posting parts of your trades, if not a parcel, elsewhere later, where they can at least still be seen.


But if any portion of that trade happens to be a Tinsel or Shimmer, in this suggestion, you now can only post it - and probably only the Tinsel or Shimmer itself, without the rest - in one thread, not only to have it buried right away, but surrounded by more desirable Prizes and more than likely with nobody looking to trade whatever you're looking for, as they might in the regular trading thread.


A lot more of us breed longer gens than short and and are not looking for Gold, Silver or jewels.



Think about finally having that beautiful 2nd gen (like others, I was gifted mine - can happen!) and wanting to swap a 3rd gen baby to increase your breeding pool - would you think that you wanted to be 'elite', or that you wanted to conduct a bloodswap so that you would have another shorter-gen to breed?


Would you feel that you 'shouldn't do that in public'? laugh.gif




Another thing is that if you try to have everything that bothers you hidden away so you don't see it, you never come to terms with it, you never attempt to rectify any equities which may be connected with it - behaving like an ostrich in such cases never makes anything any better, you just get sand in your eyes. Seriously.




Just to mention, although I can see why a quote from me was included, I'm actually not a Prize winner, nor was I thinking of it from a perspective of 2nd gen Prize trading.


The problem I personally have with being restricted involves things like the Rare Trading thread not accepting Prizes/metallics over 4 gens, while the Metallic Trade thread, for obvious reasons, only accepts metallics, the Even-gen thread for equally obvious reasons only even-gens, Cave Born trading only CBs, etc, so that if you want to offer a variety of less-valuable dragon types for a mate for something or whatever, the Trade thread is the only place for it - and you have no idea what anyone else who might have what you want might be interested in return, although there, if necessary, you can also ask for a variety of dragons you might need, to expand the possibilities.


Start adding restrictions into that last bastion of trading freedom, and there goes that...


I think this would suck.


Not so much for those trading 2nd gens, but for the rest of us.




No large group is ever going to be happy about everything, but we really do need at least some increase in CB Prizes and breeding results to alleviate matters.


All we can do is to try to make things more equitable in any way we can, even if it's only posting ignored suggestions and opinions on a thread that the site owner regards as being subject to deletion.


Adding more restrictions so that 'the public' doesn't have to look at people trading Prizes of any gen solves nothing, and creates problems of its own.


And why are people so concerned with people posting unhappiness or complaints?


Is Tinkerbell endangered by this or something? laugh.gif

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Letting prizes multi-clutch naturally? "Oh no, I wouldn't breed my prize any more because I don't want to see my precious eggs go to some ingorant player!" - "No, I want to keep full control over what's MINE. No fair! I won't breed any more if that's going to be implemented!" - "But that's not how prizes were envisioned! If that's going to be implemented..." - "I don't want to see someone find a sibling of my hard-earned 2nd gen in the AP without having to pay an arm and a leg for it, too!"


Coal prizes: "But my prize wouldn't be super-duper-mega-über-special any more! Noooo!"


Restricting prize trading to a single thread: "Personally, I hate only being able to post in one thread - once that's buried, that's it until the next day... "


Prizes as cave drops: "But my prize wouldn't be as special any more if everybody could have one!"


See a trend here?

Sadly that's the truth.


I'm not expecting a change to the raffle or prize dragons because of reactions like that. They obviously don't want anything changed, since every suggestion is just slapped with "but that's not how it's supposed to work!!", not even giving it a chance. I'm not talking about prize winners, many non-winners also share those opinions.


But whatever happens with the raffle, for me it's cool. I don't think the raffle should have ever been implemented, but now there's no way to turn back.

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I don't think the raffle should have ever been implemented, but now there's no way to turn back.

Agreed. Actually, if the choice was mine, the CB Prizes would be exclusively owned by raffle winners for one year, so they could enjoy all the "trading benefits" but should drop on the cave afterwards. But I already know the horrified reactions of prize owners :-)

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Sadly that's the truth.


I'm not expecting a change to the raffle or prize dragons because of reactions like that. They obviously don't want anything changed, since every suggestion is just slapped with "but that's not how it's supposed to work!!", not even giving it a chance. I'm not talking about prize winners, many non-winners also share those opinions.


But whatever happens with the raffle, for me it's cool. I don't think the raffle should have ever been implemented, but now there's no way to turn back.

Don't know why there is no turning back.

It's as easy as saying; ok, this was a nice experiment, now lets drop these buggers in-cave as rares, like golds and silvers.


Will there be drama? Sure, there would be drama but, when isn't there drama? You can't barely breed a terrae without causing some sort of drama. IMO, I'd rather go through a protest march that'll burn out eventually (as it happened with the Snow Angels) than keep the current drama ongoing for four more years.

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ROFL. Remember some reactions to "Request: No new Prize breeds, please!, Keep Tinsels & Shimmers as the Prizes"?

Bloody stars, you'd bring that up! xd.png


There were some truly epic fail posts in that thread, that Name calling is not okay.. Not all, mind! But many of them.


I'm, frankly, shocked we haven't seen those sorts of epic fail posts in this thread.


And while olympe is right about how many people have reacted to the various suggestions, its not just prize owners doing it. The biggest headaches in the Boost and Multiply threads are not Prize owners. Actually, the two Prize owners (who I recognize as such) who've been posting in those are for the BSAs!




Edited by SockPuppet Strangler

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Agreed. Actually, if the choice was mine, the CB Prizes would be exclusively owned by raffle winners for one year, so they could enjoy all the "trading benefits" but should drop on the cave afterwards. But I already know the horrified reactions of prize owners :-)

I'd actually be okay with a longer time period (2-3 years, maybe even a bit longer) as long as they'd come out in cave eventually. That's a very long time to enjoy celebrity status (if they seek it out) and unprecedented trading power. I don't think it'll happen, though.


Really I just wish DC would get rid of all exclusives (make past CB Holidays available to everyone, return Frills and Old Pinks, let CB Prizes be in cave, let everyone get all Snow Angel colors...) because to me a game--especially a fairly laid back game like DC--is at its best when everyone can get whatever they want provided they put enough time and work in.


Right now, neither time, sweat, nor tears will let anyone obtain any of the above, which is personally my biggest sorrow regarding the game. Obviously people disagree, as per this endless argument, but that's how I feel.



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This thread has had several pages of off-topic discussion in it. Please remember separate ideas belong in individual threads. Trade thread ideas, trading section rules, no new prize dragons, multiclutches, etc. all belong in their own threads and some of those already have their own threads. This thread will end up closed if the majority of discussion turns more to general discussion of raffles than discussing the suggestion in the original post.


Also a light poke that TJ has posted on this that this type of discussion is fairly useless without knowing the actual numbers, so perhaps discussing what we expect from the raffle (ie, most people winning vs. special and rare prizes), which would determine what we expect from prizes, may be good to include in discussion.

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Don't know why there is no turning back.

It's as easy as saying; ok, this was a nice experiment, now lets drop these buggers in-cave as rares, like golds and silvers.


Will there be drama? Sure, there would be drama but, when isn't there drama? You can't barely breed a terrae without causing some sort of drama. IMO, I'd rather go through a protest march that'll burn out eventually (as it happened with the Snow Angels) than keep the current drama ongoing for four more years.

I think at this point its a tad too late. Like with anything the respective prize creators would have to be contacted to see if they would mind, second, it would have to be stated ahead of time. Honestly at this point it feels moot to me to throw them in the cave, a bit like you thought you had something really cool and special that only you had but turns out it was a lie and everyone has one. I mean yeah it sounds greedy but if I win something nice there's no point in making it a big deal only to find out everyone has one too. it makes your hype look pointless and it just doesn't feel right.


I don't know to some degree its disappointed. Its hard to explain. I can understand wanting one, I had always wanted one when I saw that they came out, but I never killed my self over not having one or felt it wrong that it was an exclusive. I honestly didn't care. I don't know why this fact seems to just ruin so many. This absolute need to have that sprite as a CB just has to happen or else the world isn't right and the world is gonna end.


That's just me though. I've never really cared about having things out of my reach because (aside from being short) I've been raised with little. I learned to see that just because I didn't have that shiny toy billy had wasn't mine didn't mean I had to kick and scream for one. I accepted it. Those school raffles where something nice or cool like money or gift cards were awarded. I didn't win, oh well congrats to those who did and hope it serves them well. If they wanted to take me out to eat or something with their prize bless their souls but if they wanted to squander it on Pokemon cards or candies then that's their money, who am I to force them not to or make them lend me a dollar.


I never really understood this overwhelming need to have everything that everyone has. Some have it. Some don't. Some share, some don't. I mean I'm not gonna die just because I can't have a CB Alpine Pyralspite or I can't have an ND. If I can't have one oh well, I keep moving. Again though, that's a personal confusion about how some people just cant seem to live without having everything everyone else has. This need that eats away at their sanity unless they have one of everything CB or otherwise. Its... confusing from my perspective. It may sound greedy or you could all say "Well you have a prize" But prizes were around since before I got mine. and even then I wansn't bothered by their existence. I wasn't loosing sleep over not having a 2g or a CB. I wasn't killing my sanity over it. I worked for my messy Metals, I negotiated through many of my rares. I worked hard and earned what I have with what little I could scrape together, and it worked.


An increase in prize winners would be so great. I've never been against having more winners. The more that can share in the happiness of a random win is always nice. I mean really how can more winners be a bad thing. I like the raffle, I think its fun, mainly because these are held hand in hand with fun events. Even if I hadn't won, I would still participate, not entirely for the chance to win, but for the chance to have fun. That there are people who loose sleep over not having every nice thing in existence on this site that due to their lack of sleep must be sour apples, is simply a side effect of it all and it kinda saddens me.

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Also a light poke that TJ has posted on this that this type of discussion is fairly useless without knowing the actual numbers, so perhaps discussing what we expect from the raffle (ie, most people winning vs. special and rare prizes), which would determine what we expect from prizes, may be good to include in discussion.


At the risk of repeating myself, I don't consider prizes to be more than what they are right now; special exclusive dragons which are given to a limited number of people. The dragon in itself is not made exclusive, which was a very smart move from TJ (someone commented these be made unbreedables, I believe that would have caused an even greater drama). They used to be such prolific breeders it was hard to gift them at gifting threads. Mostly everyone today has a prizedragon.


What is exclusive is the CB. That's where the drama stems from, for several reasons.


Some people have made some very good points already. While increasing the winner's pool is a tempting idea, it wouldn't be more than a badly placed patch. It won't solve the issue in itself which is basically the limitation of CB and the almost impossibility of aquiring a 2nd gen (I wouldn't know how hard it is as I never even tried to get one). It might mitigate part of the issue, but drama would continue because it always has.


I'm not against the proposition. Anything that'll lower drama is welcome, but I have a hard time believing this will solve the issue.


I never really understood this overwhelming need to have everything that everyone has.


I think it's related to the management of resources as a boost to survival. Primitive instincts. We're just animals and thus behave like animals.

In the prehistory, a resource was a specific place at the cave, certain food. We've got those needs covered, our urges focus on different things, but the principle in based on the same instincs. That's how I see it at least.

Edited by DragonNighthowler

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Scarcity also occurs from peoplewho didnt want a prize dragon to begin with as well. So long as people keep trying to over breed and the demand for them continues to run so dang high, I dont think this issue will be solved.


More winners will indead patch things up but it will not remove the fact that only a small few will have them. Though more winners again is not a bad idea.


A combination of things have to happen from both user and prize owner attitudes to ratios, to possibly multi clutching and the sort. All of those could help alleviate some of that frustration and disappointment in many over time. Immediate fixes will never exist, but with a little patience and understanding things can slowly beging to get better.


I still think that rather than separating this it should be allowed to be made into one to discuss all ideas as a whole to further improve on them. There is only so much that can be done on an individual scale. At some point it all has to converge and be dealt with as a whole. At minimum be allowed some sort of discussion thread so we can bring all these points under one roof.

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Scarcity also occurs from peoplewho didnt want a prize dragon to begin with as well. So long as people keep trying to over breed and the demand for them continues to run so dang high, I dont think this issue will be solved.


More winners will indead patch things up but it will not remove the fact that only a small few will have them. Though more winners again is not a bad idea.


A combination of things have to happen from both user and prize owner attitudes to ratios, to possibly multi clutching and the sort. All of those could help alleviate some of that frustration and disappointment in many over time. Immediate fixes will never exist, but with a little patience and understanding things can slowly beging to get better.


I still think that rather than separating this it should be allowed to be made into one to discuss all ideas as a whole to further improve on them. There is only so much that can be done on an individual scale. At some point it all has to converge and be dealt with as a whole. At minimum be allowed some sort of discussion thread so we can bring all these points under one roof.

Actually, those who know better correct me, but from what I'm seeing, the demand is mostly centered on very low gens. When the first prize dragons came out, people were willing to pay anything for a tinsel, no matter the generation. As they became more abundant, people shifted to shorter generations.


Now there is not such demand as there used to be, although I guess the massbreed of years past did take its toll.

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I've already made my points, and really... I think doubling or tripling the CB Prizes awarded will help alleviate a lot of the pressure in trades, which is where a lot of the problems are stemming from.


Will it fix everything?



Will it ease things?



Other, already existing suggestions (such as Boost and Multiply and a few others) could help on the breeding front. But all of the breeding tweaks in the world won't help if there are only 5 active CBs of a breed that are breeding for trades.


In Summation:

Double or tripling the CB Prizes won't fix the problem, but they will relieve enough of the pressure that other suggestions can come into play with a reasonable chance of actually dealing with the problem in the breeding arena (which is a general cave problem and not just prizes, anyway).




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[Also a light poke that TJ has posted on this that this type of discussion is fairly useless without knowing the actual numbers, so perhaps discussing what we expect from the raffle (ie, most people winning vs. special and rare prizes), which would determine what we expect from prizes, may be good to include in discussion.

After considering several posts, my favorite suggestion would be triplicating the number of raffle winners, being half of those Prizes and half HM.

Yes I realize that means 225 Prizes and 225 HMs.

Edited by _Sin_

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a "drastic increase" would still suck for those who are just not lucky enough to win. I will restate I am not opposed to an increase. I just know it will likely result in the same sadness as we are seeing now.


But as far as reducing pressure - I could see it work to a degree. But it depends on the winner if they feel they want to start a list.

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After considering several posts, my favorite suggestion would be triplicating the number of raffle winners, being half of those Prizes and half HM.

Yes I realize that means 225 Prizes and 225 HMs.




I'd go with that if it were to be rephrased as 400 Prizes and 50 HMs - not only individuals but the community would benefit far more from the increase in CB Prize breeders and at least there would be a reasonable assurance that a fair number would both stay and breed for trade/gifting, pumping fresh blood around the Cave. (Sounds rather messy phrased like that, doesn't it? laugh.gif )


Doubt it would happen, though.

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I'd go with that if it were to be rephrased as 400 Prizes and 50 HMs - not only individuals but the community would benefit far more from the increase in CB Prize breeders and at least there would be a reasonable assurance that a fair number would both stay and breed for trade/gifting, pumping fresh blood around the Cave. (Sounds rather messy phrased like that, doesn't it?  laugh.gif )


Doubt it would happen, though.

I think I prefer _Sin_'s numbres, myself. That gives the HMs enough extras to fill in the (large) number of gaps in the CB Prize ranks, so the redraw would only be for HMs.


Its seductive, i know, to push for even more... But too many in one lump, and we'll get push-back from the other direction.


I think that if Amazon_Warrior's guide is stressed for all new users, and that lists are A Bad Thing, we'll hold onto more breeders for longer. And then next year, we can double up the prizes again, if its still not enough.



This assumes that no new prize breed is released. If a new Prize breed is released.... Well. We're all in for a rough ride.




Edited by cyradis4

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I don't know... I kinda like Sin's numbers because... 20(15)

15^2 = 225

Perfect square. Perfect year.

(4)00. 4 is death...

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I would like to see new prize breeds but hopefully this increase in winners and a steady slight increase from there can even out some of the issues on this site and leave room to add in a new prize.


Also DarkEternity's post made me giggle.

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I think I prefer _Sin_'s numbres, myself. That gives the HMs enough extras to fill in the (large) number of gaps in the CB Prize ranks, so the redraw would only be for HMs.


Its seductive, i know, to push for even more... But too many in one lump, and we'll get push-back from the other direction.


I think that if Amazon_Warrior's guide is stressed for all new users, and that lists are A Bad Thing, we'll hold onto more breeders for longer. And then next year, we can double up the prizes again, if its still not enough.



This assumes that no new prize breed is released. If a new Prize breed is released.... Well. We're all in for a rough ride.






I have to admit that I don't get that 1st part - is it that most people would rather have HMs than Prizes and tend to choose those?



Do you actually think we'd be likely to get that, or close to it?


TJ would have decided on this year's amounts, I suppose.



I'd just like to have at least a little more balance return to the site this year...



Thank goodness for Amazon_Warrior - that guide is a lifesaver, I'm sure!



Have to agree with you on that one, much as I'd like to see a new sprite, (not that I'd likely see one for some time, unless they appear in the WIKI once grown?) but in any such case, we'd need a flood of the older sprites AND of the new to keep the site from absolute, rather than utter, disaster and wouldn't get them, and I so don't want the site to expire and take our dragons with them! unsure.gif



Especially nervous after viewing DarkEternity's 'death' post. laugh.gif


Too tired to type, lol.

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Especially nervous after viewing DarkEternity's 'death' post.


Also DarkEternity's post made me giggle.

;D http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FourIsDeath


Syphoneira I'm mostly joking (though perfect squares reflecting the current year is awesome) but with regards to HMs I'm fairly sure that HMs the most restrictive category because you can only choose HMs whereas having more winners is essentially the same thing as having more HMs because people can downgrade as necessary. In fact, I'd kinda suggest that HM be removed altogether (with prizes a choice between HM or Prize) because it doesn't really make sense considering that the contest is no longer a contest...! HM implies runner up... but with a raffle it doesn't make any sense if a person win is 'honourable', I personally just think that all wins are equally awesome in the case of RNG, really.

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I suggested, around page 9 of this thread, to have only Prizes, with the understanding that the winners could always "downgrade", choosing the sprites that previously could be chosen as HM. But, after reading posts by C4 and Fiona, I reached the conclusion that would be better for the community if the HM existed: more CB Hollies, Frills and such in the breeding pool increase our collective breeding opportunities. I'm half asleep so I apologize if I'm not making any sense. Will retry tomorrow.


Edit: attempt to clarify.

Edit #2: 225/3=75. As in, worst case scenario, 75 Tinsels, 75 Shimmers and 75 new breed. Hopefully not. Going to bed before my few remaining brain cells explode.

Edited by _Sin_

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I suggested,  around page 9 of this thread, to have only prizes, with the understanding that the winners could always "downgrade", choosing the sprites that previously could be chosen as HM. But,  after reading posts by C4 and Fiona, I reached the conclusion that would be better for the community if the HM existed: more CB Hollies, Frills and such in the breeding pool increase our collective breeding opportunities. I'm half asleep so I apologize if I'm not making any sense.  Will retry tomorrow.


It just seems strange to go to all the effort of demoting and promoting between four levels instead of three and downgrading fullfills that need anyway. It feels like an overcomplication.

Edited by DarkEternity

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As much as I would love to have the pools increased, I don't know how much you can "increase" them to really lessen the drama that always falls out and/or benefit the community. I'm not sure unless you give like ... every active player a Prize or HM.... that there will always be drama associated, and the drama sometimes seems to really kill the joy of the raffle.


I love the raffle and am ok with whatever TJ decides. I appreciate that he's willing to hear and consider feedback, but prizes have so much out of proportion value compared to other dragons I'm not sure there is ever going to be a magical number that fixes it. Not that I mind, I enjoy the raffle each year and even if I don't win its fun to keep fingers crossed just in case! I enjoyed the holiday event and had a great time, and I think that really is what matters most.

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