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Apiphobia: fear of bees. I'm always afraid they're gonna sting me, even though I know they only sting in defense. blink.gif

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I'm a little scared of heights because I don't feel secure when in high areas where I know that anything could happen. I'm also somewhat scared of the dark, because when you stare at one place in a room that's almost pitch black the darkness seems to spread (probably because my eyes get tired of staring tongue.gif). And then my eyes start tricking me into making up shapes and whatever. I'm also afraid of failing the finals every year and that I wouldn't be able to go to the next year while everybody else could continue (same with every test/graded assignment the teachers give out). Just afraid that one day I'll be a total dummy and make a mess of everything.

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Hemophobia - I have always had a a severe phobia of blood. Not just the sight - even just a vivid description of it. ..Honestly, not even vivid.. just saying something that made me think or picture it too clearly. I would.. literally faint. I did so 3+ times and generally avoided blood of any sort - I even had to leave class a couple times when it was being discussed. However! I am proud to say.. this phobia is gone! I'm still squeamish about my own blood, as I sort of panic like.. 'omg I'm gonna bleed to death!!!!1111!'.. but I don't mean like.. a little tiny scrape or anything.I really am disturbed about like.. blood under my nail or something though.

I basically -forced- myself through this phobia. We got into parrots - and my one parrot is very, very.. well.. stupid. Our other large parrot is much more intelligent. Anyway, Holly, the parrot.. among many other things.. she did not know how to tend her pin feathers properly. She broke the blood feathers -constantly-. I had to learn how to pull a broken blood feather. No one else was going to do it and the larger ones weren't going to stop if I didn't do it - nor did we have a reliable vet around. Apparently I used to be ghost pale and unwell looking when doing so! XD Luckily she had learned how not to break them and I have not needed to do so for.. probably a year or so. But.. then our Maltese ended up with a broken leg recently, that needed pus and blood drained from the incision several times a day for a few days, according to the vet. Guess who did it without even a bit of sickness or dizziness? x3 The moral of my story: phobias can be conquered! ..Except for all these other phobias I have.

Arachnophobia - Why yes, I conquered my Hemophobia! ..Wait.. spiders? Nope! Bye! ..Seriously, I'm terrified of them. I don't even dislike them, I just.. fear them. I blame my father, who was always terrified of them. I've literally known a spider was dead, reassured myself it was dead, and shrieked when I finally looked at it. I do try to be nice to them - I saw a giant one stuck in a dog water dish last summer and stuck a cup over it, carried the dish to the end of the yard, then gently.. nudged it over with my foot and allowed Mr. Spider to be free and not drown.

Aquaphobia - Nopenopenope. Water bad. I'm alright with showering, washing my hands, etc. But.. don't make me go near the edge of a pool or other large water source. I can't swim, so there's a fear of drowning of course, but.. overall my fear is pretty irrational I think. I don't know where it came from; I wasn't bothered by water as a child. It's only large things of water. Not puddles and such. XD;

Nyctophobia - Yes, I'm afraid of the dark, too. More so what's -in- the dark. It's literally an irrational.. monster under the bed sort of fear. Though, considering my house, it may not be as irrational as I feel it is - but that's a topic for a ghost-friendly thread XD. In darkness I literally.. feel like something is going to get me. I used a nightlight until we got parrots - the parrot cages have birdie nightlights that light my room in a nice blue glow. Turn that off? I need to bury myself under a blanket and cuddle to my dog or stuffed animal. ..Keep in mind.. I'm eighteen. ^^; And yes, I still feel my blanket will protect me if I hide my entire body and head under it.

Anthropophobia - ..Fear of people. Yes, I am literally afraid of people. Even people I've known years.. I have difficulty speaking and thinking because I totally panic. Meeting a new person? I might as well be mute. I can't speak, I can't keep eye contact, I can't think, I stutter, I blush.. and I just want away. Online.. I have nearly no fear of people: I've been told I'm mature, charismatic, and very skilled with others. I've even been mods many places. But in person.. I just shut down.

Coulrophobia - ..Well come on, clowns are people. With weird makeup.

Belonephobia - I literally.. start sobbing hysterically at the sight of a needle, be it injection or taking blood. Actually.. I have to say I've gotten a lot less fearful with this. The last time I have blood drawn I felt like I was going to die, but I don't think I cried at all. I was a wreck.. but I managed. XD

Glossophobia - I almost pass out from speaking in front of people. Especially large numbers. Please see 'Anthropophobia'. XD;;

Apiphobia - I'm pretty afraid of bees and wasps. Not as bad as spiders.. but.. I just sort of am.


..Yes, I think we can conclude I have a lot of phobias and may just be a paranoid spazz. >><<;

Edited by Delillah

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Ok I admit it

whats the fear of dying?

I am scared of dying cause of my encounter with choking on ice last year. I managed to swallow it but was soooo scared *shivers*

I know its pretty lame but I'm only 13!

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I fear aliens and ghosts because I watch them on tv and I want to scream

Well, I don't know, when I was still little, I used to fear them. Now, whenever I watch them, I even have a sadist moment because it's not happening to me, and sometimes sympathy moment, anyway, I'm glad it's not happening to me. In real life however, I want to meet friendly ghosts/aliens or anything out of the ordinary. If they're not friendly, then well, ADVENTURE! We get to fight them or bargain with them.

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Alright! I'll admit it. I was once hydrophobic as well. Now, I thought the idea of having fear of water very ridiculous. That's why I'm asking anyone who's hydrophobic to explain. I think it has to do with drowning. Yet again, it just might be the chlorine since I was only afraid of the swimming pool but didn't fear the sea at that time. *shrugs* Yup, probably the chlorine. Blame it all on the chlorine.

Phobias are, pretty much by definition, irrational. I know my phobia is very ridiculous. That thought does jack towards helping me stay calm.


In general I don't really feel like people understand phobias very well or what makes them different from a regular fear...

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Phobias are, pretty much by definition, irrational. I know my phobia is very ridiculous. That thought does jack towards helping me stay calm.


In general I don't really feel like people understand phobias very well or what makes them different from a regular fear...

biggrin.gif Thanks

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Oh God - Parasites. I can barely hear the word said aloud without panicking. I am completely terrified by them. I watched a full episode of a certian TV show called Eaten Alive, and if I so much as hear a snippet of talk about these creatures, I won't be able to sleep for days.

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Oh God - Parasites. I can barely hear the word said aloud without panicking. I am completely terrified by them. I watched a full episode of a certian TV show called Eaten Alive, and if I so much as hear a snippet of talk about these creatures, I won't be able to sleep for days.

Eeewww, don't blame you. A while back, I kept waking up with a few itchy bumps. Usually, they were on my arms or legs, so I was afraid it was bed bugs.


Actually, I'm slightly afraid of getting bit by a mosquito.

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I have Cynophobia, which is the fear of dogs.


I'm not scared of them to the point that I will faint, but I will definitely avoid them and even run away from the area they are present in.

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I have Spheksophobia--fear of wasps. Bees make me nervous as well, but not on the level that wasps do. I'm terrified of them. When I was younger a wasp got tangled in my hair on a windy day and I didn't notice it until I saw it crawling up a strand of my hair...in front of my eye...an inch away from my face...

I've had other close encounters with wasps and that's just made me hate them more.


My second biggest fear isn't *quite* intense enough to be classified as a phobia, but I am afraid of falling backwards. It's probably because when you are falling backwards you don't know what's below you.


Also, here's some food for thought: hydrophobia, pyrophobia, acrophobia, and achluphobia (fear of the dark) are some of the most common phobias for a person to have. Some scientists theorize it's because of the remnants of the instincts early humans had--water, fire, heights and darkness all posed serious threats to our survival.

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I have Spheksophobia--fear of wasps. Bees make me nervous as well, but not on the level that wasps do. I'm terrified of them. When I was younger a wasp got tangled in my hair on a windy day and I didn't notice it until I saw it crawling up a strand of my hair...in front of my eye...an inch away from my face...

I've had other close encounters with wasps and that's just made me hate them more.


My second biggest fear isn't *quite* intense enough to be classified as a phobia, but I am afraid of falling backwards. It's probably because when you are falling backwards you don't know what's below you.


Also, here's some food for thought: hydrophobia, pyrophobia, acrophobia, and achluphobia (fear of the dark) are some of the most common phobias for a person to have. Some scientists theorize it's because of the remnants of the instincts early humans had--water, fire, heights and darkness all posed serious threats to our survival.

I'm really scared of wasps and bees to! I've never had a close encounter with one, but bugs in general have freaked me out since I was a baby ohmy.gif


ETA: Ok at first I didn't add this because it's so pathetic, but I've decided to say it anyways:

Calxophobia, the fear of chalk dry.gif

I am pathetic

Edited by kiyye

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ETA: Ok at first I didn't add this because it's so pathetic, but I've decided to say it anyways:

Calxophobia, the fear of chalk  dry.gif 

I am pathetic

You're afraid of chalk?! I'm sorry, but that's just too much. laugh.gif Could you at least give a reason why? happy.gif I might understand.

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You're afraid of chalk?! I'm sorry, but that's just too much. laugh.gif Could you at least give a reason why? happy.gif I might understand.

Phobias are, pretty much definition, irrational.


Obligatory once a page or so "A Phobia is not a fear" point.

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Phobias are, pretty much definition, irrational.


Obligatory once a page or so "A Phobia is not a fear" point.

I don't quite understand what you're trying to say here.

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I don't quite understand what you're trying to say here.

They're just saying that with phobias there isn't always a reason behind them, they're irrational. Kiyye probably isn't afraid of chalk, she's just got a bit of a phobia with it. And there may not be a solid reason for it.




I have a fear of loud, unexpected noises. And by extension, anything that could possibly make a loud and unexpected noise. I get very uncomfortable around guns, balloons, and I despise scary movies or any bits in movies that make you jump because they're so loud/sudden.


The only loud things that I don't really have a problem with are fireworks, since I've usually got a decent warning before the BOOM. tongue.gif

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No irrational fears here! :3

then why did you post?


fear of drowning/small spiders.

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They're just saying that with phobias there isn't always a reason behind them, they're irrational. Kiyye probably isn't afraid of chalk, she's just got a bit of a phobia with it. And there may not be a solid reason for it.


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Most people really don't seem to get the concept of a phobia in general, and confuse it with a regular fear.

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Arachnophobia - Oh dear Ghu, NO!! I don't care if they are little or big, poisonous or not.


NO NO NO!!! Tiny bodies, too many legs.....(shudders).



And Acrophobia. It's a wierd relationship with me. If I feel secure, I have no problem. But put me out on a ledge, or rope bridge, or near a sheer drop, and I freeze up. Literally. Cannot move.


I can look out a high rise building, and admire the view, or be in a plane and marvel at the sights. But something about being too near a ledge or in danger of falling....nope.


The Grand Canyon is a love/hate thing with me. hehe.



Those are really the only two things have irrational issues with.

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I have Trypophobia. It's horrible, just horrible sad.gif

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I have a phobia of locusts, and a fear of earwigs and balloons popping/unexpected loud noises.


According to my mother, the "loud noises" one came about when I was an infant and Dad started up a chainsaw right next to me. Fun fun fun.

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When I was little

Played with stapler, skin got torn

Now I fear staples


user posted imageuser posted imageuser posted imageuser posted imageuser posted image


I dislike sharp blades

I always get sliced by them

Result: open wounds


user posted imageuser posted imageuser posted imageuser posted imageuser posted image


Oh needle, needle!

You're useful but dangerous

I thought we were friends

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So, I have a HUGE arachnaphobia. Like, I will cry if I think about a spider for too long.


I -just- woke up to my cat making odd noises. He's normally pretty quiet (with the exception of his rather loud rumbling purr). I look over at him, say his name. He meows quietly, mrrs, and looks at what he was looking at again. After he continues, I get up and see him batting something around.. about the size and shape of a mouse. (Note: not afraid of mice, cockroaches, etc. Just spiders. )


I got to turn on the light, and ITS A SPIDER. holy efffffff it's a spider. I immediately put a large piece of glass over it, (like a candle holder) and trap it.


My handsome boy, protecting me. He's so proud. I tell him he's a sweet hunter and he puffs his chest out.


I now cant sleep. There might be more in here. Oh god. Cant sleep.




vaguely related: i read that with a true phobia, your brain actually sees it larger than someone without the phobia. It amplifies the risk. Which can make it worse.


But seriously, this spider was the size of a mouse.

Edited by girlgamerjen

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I shouldn't use haikus too much. They are overrated. Easy. But overrated. Maybe... a sonnet! tongue.gif

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