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Pokemon X and Y

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Woopwoop! I feel like I should get in on some of the conversation up in here. But I don't actually know a whole lot about IVs or what 6IV means or anything like that |D


I can say I have a collection of shiny eevees and am only slightly obsessed with hidden abilities. Currently working on getting my dex completed and I am in need of someone who will help me trade-evolve some of my pogies.


Anywho, my friend code is 2122-6910-9622 and y'all should PM me with yours if you'd like to add me.. so we can be buddies. And also friend safari. (I need to know what my FC's setup is x3 )

Edited by ParticleSoup

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Most likely it will be tricky to pull off, lol. I would rather if they did a "Z" title rather than "X2" and "Y2". B2 and W2 confused me greatly.

Yes, this


I would love sequels, as long as the names aren't like that


The character import thing sounds cool, but unrealistic. I think doing another memory link would be just fine

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I'm probably in the minority here, but I would much rather prefer Downloadable Content to expand the game (Episodes?) rather than a whole new game. I feel like XY just came out and the actual game content was rather lacking. I was never a fan of the idea of Black2/White2 either. I feel you should make a whole new game or just add on to the current one. With today's technology there is absolutely NO reason why this couldn't exist.

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I wouldn't mind downloadable content, as long as it didn't halt the development of new games.Though, I wouldn't want them to be extremely short. Skyrim DLC length would be good.


With the next installment of games, I like the name "X squared" or "Y squared". But I'd rather it just be a standalone "Z" title, even though it doesn't sound as cool.


Hey, did anyone expect Greninja to be a newcomer for smash? I didn't. I thought for a gen 6 Pokemon, it surely would of been Hawlucha.

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Once had X but I've lost it at a friends house. I'm working on buying a new one once I get the money.

Are you sure it was lost? Maybe it was "lost."

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Ignore this, some kind user on another forum helped me and I completed my Vivillion Pokedex entries! Shiny versions on the other hand I won't even bother with xd.png.

Edited by Storm_Dragoon

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Anyone here have a friend safari with Sandile/ Krokorok? I need one so I can get the hidden abilities.

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I.m going to try for all shiny Vivillon, once I have another game to reset a bunch for regions

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I'm replaying my Pokemon Y version in French. I can't understand most of the words people are speaking. Not to mention the attacks dry.gif

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Just finished super training my brand new roserade today that i bred last night!


ROSERADE "WaroftheRose" Male

Nature: Timid


252 spA, 252 Speed, 4 hp

Ability: Natural Cure

Moves:, Weather ball, sleep powder, sludge bomb, leaf storm

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I'm looking for someone willing to trade their charizardite Y for My Charizardite X, Anyone interested? uwu

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Looks like we're finally getting the Pokeball patterned Vivillon!


According to Serebii:

"Pokémon X & Y - Special Vivillon Distribution

A new event has been announced. Making its first appearance worldwide, the special PokéBall Pattern Vivillon is to be given at the Pokémon Center in Paris from June 4th to June 21st. This Vivillon is Level 12 and comes with the moves Stun Spore, Gust, Light Screen and Struggle Bug. It is unknown if this event will make it out of France."

Hopefully the rest of the world will get it soon as well. biggrin.gif

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Would anyone be willing to help me? I would like to transfer a Blazikenite to my game when I restart it but Pokebank doesn't accept items. If someone would be able to do this for me I can give them a 5IV Pokemon (got several that I am not bother to transfer) as well as any item they want. I have all of the megastones and Masterball still, only thing I don't have is Leftovers. If you can do this shoot me a PM so we can swap FCs smile.gif Or I might have you already added.

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Can someone who does not have an American or British game do me a quick favor? If you do, I'll give you a 5IV Pokemon with egg moves!

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What would that favour be? Belgian game, here.


Or do you mean language?

Edited by Rhynn Collins

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What would that favour be? Belgian game, here.


Or do you mean language?

Can you breed me at least a 3IV female Lickitung with IVs in at least HP, Defense, and Special Defense?

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Can you breed me at least a 3IV female Lickitung with IVs in at least HP, Defense, and Special Defense?

I can try :V Gimme a moment while I run back and forth a lot xd.png

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From Serebii:

It has been revealed that the next special form of Vivillon has been announced. This form, the Fancy Pattern, is to be distributed when over 100 million Pokémon have been traded on the GTS and is to tie in with the fact that Vivillon is the most traded Pokémon. The number is currently sitting at 85 million so only has 15 million to go. It is said that the distribution will be worldwide. The actual means of distribution has yet to be confirmed but we'll post as soon as it is


Looks like we can finally have a complete Vivillon collection! biggrin.gif

Edited by ranger X92

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Anyone have Fire Pokemon on their friend safari? Specifically Vulpix/Ninetails and/or Growlithe/Arcanine?


I haven't beaten the Elite Four yet, but I'm working on topping off my lower level Pokemon in my group. I made some switches on my main line up, so they have a few levels of catching up to do. Anyway, point being is I can't get to the Safari thing yet, but just asking ahead so I can try and get them ASAP once I get to Kiloude.

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Anyone have Fire Pokemon on their friend safari? Specifically Vulpix/Ninetails and/or Growlithe/Arcanine?


I haven't beaten the Elite Four yet, but I'm working on topping off my lower level Pokemon in my group. I made some switches on my main line up, so they have a few levels of catching up to do. Anyway, point being is I can't get to the Safari thing yet, but just asking ahead so I can try and get them ASAP once I get to Kiloude.

I know someone with a ninetails I can go and catch some for you if you need, message me.

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