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I have to say y'all were to see her application....ooooh boy. Very talented, very much so used to a particular OP.......


AS To the chainsaw issue. The idea is original, new and I am quite excited to see how it will pan out. Here's the thing, you are going to have to pick and choose. I hope you don't mind me posting this here, however, we really do pick and choose on each other's applications.


The sensitivity that she has with metal is actually quite a good idea, however you do fall into problems with the metal to a degree. The way that you explained it in your application actually makes sense. Now, the thing that we run into is the electricity. Yes, it makes sense, however she is actually slightly over powered for her not being a legendary character (since we already have a metal legendary in Prince Jahanshah played by LadyNatasha or LN for short).


Here is my argument in your favor however,


The character is 47 years old. She has had breadth and time to learn what she wants. My biggest peeve? A kid (14) being able to do this. The history is impeccable, except in regards to Natura which I will PM you about, and the powers well, considering her age, I can't argue. The only one that doesn't make sense is Wolf's Pounce.......


I'll message you more, but overall, unless someone brings something else to light about the chainsaw, she's in.

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Raka, I have to ask why you think you need steam power or internal combustion to drive a motor when you have a lot of people who can create and control electricity knocking about.


LL, about the Wolf's Pounce: it's a variation on the hovering power in the Journeyman set. Instead of a constant and controlled flight, the lifting power is concentrated into a single, microsecond burst that sends her flying in an arc roughly in the direction of a target. I included it because I wanted to give her a chase skill, but I now realise that the ability to pull metal back is a more balanced chase due to its comparatively tiny range.


Anywho, here's the signup:






Username: colourcodedchaos

Name: Aife

Gender: Female

Age: 47

Looks: Aife is an imposing-looking woman, standing at six feet seven inches, with intelligent, verdigris-green eyes and black hair spotted (much to her private consternation) with flecks of silvery grey. Her face is hard and sharp, with high cheekbones and a slightly pronounced nose, and her skin is oddly pale and luminescent underneath her swirling, dark-blue tattoos. Not that people see them all that often; she's rarely seen out of her legendarily gigantic suit of armour and a thick tartan cloak. The consequence of wearing such a huge amount of metal, even with her Elementian powers, is that her physique is both muscular and slim, though she trains mostly for speed rather than power - there's only so much power you need when a single punch from your half-hundredweight gauntlet can smash through a living oak


At her belt hang a selection of knives and tools, but these weapons are dwarfed by the sword upon her back. As much a bludgeon as a blade, this single-edged, serrated greatsword has a secret - at a thought from its mistress, it whirs into life, the blade splitting and showing the spikes on the blade to actually be fast-moving, chain-driven teeth, crackling with stored lightning and ready to carve through the enemies of the Shadow Alliance. Her mark is on her left cheek, in the form of bauxite ore - representing her dual elements, as bauxite's metal (aluminium) can only be obtained via electrolysis.


This is what she looks like outside of her armour, though older and with more tattoos and black hair. My apologies, but I can't really find a suitable picture of her when she's actually wearing her armour. Women in reasonable armour are a rarity on the internet, and something of a passion of mine. Not to turn this into a rant about how I'm sick to the back teeth of idiotic boob-plates and armour with holes cut in it to see cleavage because WHY THE HELL WOULD ANYBODY DO THAT IN THE HISTORY OF EVER-


Breathe, CCC, just breathe...


This, on the other hand, is a pretty decent picture of her sword. Hers, though, is considerably larger, weighs about half a tonne, has teeth along the length of the blade, and, y'know... works.


Personality: Aife is an aloof and cold sort, possessed of a sharp tongue when the situation warrants it and not given to humour. All she cares about, all she lives for, is the Shadow Alliance and her place as a master swordswoman in lifelong service to Queen Zillah. However, her devotion to the Queen also extends to those in Her Majesty's service; she will fight and die for a commoner armed with a rusty spear and a rotting barrel lid for a shield if they've pledged their service to the Alliance. And she's particularly good at fighting...


History: Aife Shannon, now known simply as Aife, was a little girl girl once. But she was not born to the cities of the Alliance; no lakeside palazzo in Metallum or high-rise apartment in Electra for her. No, she was born in a trapper's hut on the outskirts of Natura to dissenters against Queen Zillah, and for a time, life was happy. Then her powers came.


After the initial defeat of Zillah's forces, there were brutal reprisals against anyone and everyone connected to the Shadow Alliance, however tangentially. While community leaders might have appealed for calm, what they actually meant was "Oh, wouldn't it be terrible if someone where to take the big swords from that unlocked cupboard and ram them through the heart of some poor Metal Elementian who's never even seen a beastman or was born after the war... no, not that cupboard, the one over there, next to the mantlepiece." But while this was commonplace across the cities of the Light Alliance, for Aife it was just a background thing. The mobs came for people who weren't her, until they came for her.


You see, while Natura wasn't the most vulnerable city of the alliance (quite the reverse, in fact), it was the one that looked the most vulnerable to people who don't really know much about military strategy and the defences in place - which was pretty much every civilian in the city and definitely everyone in the tiny... suburb, for want of a better word (subherb?) in which Aife grew up. Think about it from a civilian, non-Elementian's point of view: a metal axe may cut down a tree, a fire may burn it, a lightning bolt may shatter it, and anyone who's been in an old forest will know what dangers may lurk in its shadows. To see a dual Elementian in their midst - and one whose domains were metal and lightning at that - was enough to set the citizens of Natura in a killing mood. Her father, her own father, threw stones at the girl, and the townspeople broke her in every way they could think of and cast her out. Aife Shannon cast off her family's name at that point.


She was eight years old.


The girl took it as a sign that she was evil, and thus she played the part. Travelling merchants took her to the gleaming spires of Electra, where her powers were lauded and her useless legs mended anew, stronger and faster than before. In her convalescence, she was counselled by an elderly man from Metallum whose sister ran an academy for swordcraft and the arts of combat. Aife, who still screamed in the night at the crowd of faces and their sticks and stones, demanded to study there; that night, she made a vow to herself that she would never be defenceless again.


The Metallum Combat School for Ladies of Quality was the happiest place of her young life. Despite being at something of a disadvantage in terms of technique, her raw strength, charge speed, and sheer berserk fury made her a force to be reckoned with and rather popular with the other girls despite her comparatively lowly birth. Her Metal Elementian powers served her well, and by the time she was fifteen, she was taking lessons from the masters of Metallum. Her powers were, like her swordcraft, slow in being tempered, but once they were, she was a true warrior.


Clad in a suit of incredibly dense vanadium-steel armour made by Electra's master scientists as a personal favour to her tutor in Elementian warfare, the master Barys Gigiaru, Aife became an acknowledged master of the element of metal at the comparatively tender age of twenty-four. Her lightning powers, however, required more specialist tuition. Thus, it was with a heavy heart that she bade farewell to the city that had loved her where it felt no others would. However, in Electra's Elementian community, she found a person who did.


Her tutor's other student was the only woman she'd ever met taller than she was, her rangy limbs wrapped in courtly robes and her hair the very purest white. Her eyes glittered with promise and intelligence, and soon the two were courting in earnest. Theirs had been a love to relish... but not everything can last. While Aife was gifted, Aktis Cernunnensis was by far the superior user of the Lightning Element, and she was drafted into the army of Queen Zillah. Forgoing the rest of her training to be with the love of her life, Aife devoted herself to the service of the Queen of the Shadow Elementians, fighting alongside her lover until the two were forced apart by the vagaries of army bureaucracy.


Aife had been planning to rejoin Aktis' unit for a while, and she'd picked out the perfect date to surprise her. Gifts from her old school (in the form of a massive chain-bladed sword for her and a gilded, topaz-studded staff for her lover) were prepared, her armour was packed away, and she set out for Aife's army. It took her a month to get there, but all she found was her Queen surveying the scene of a battlefield and the crow-picked bodies of the dead.


Aife was accorded leave, but she did not take it. Instead, sending Aktis' staff (she couldn't think of it as anything else) to her tutor in Electra, she pleaded with the Queen to be allowed vengeance against the Light Alliance's aggression. Her fifteen years of constant service and high rank led Zillah to grant her request, but she needed time to prepare it. Zillah nodded and decreed that Aife be known as the Iron Wolf, her mighty armour a symbol of the Shadow Alliance's indomitable spirit in the face of Solan barbarism. Now, she throws herself into battle against impossible odds, her sword Greyfang carving through ten knights with every swing as bullets and blades simply bounce off the gravity-forged armour. Now, the war she fights for the Queen who gave her life love and care has a personal, painful edge.


And should she die, she will have served her Queen, and she will see her love again.


Element: Metal:-

Basic: N/A - she can't actually shape metal. Which is a bit weird, but there you are.

Advanced: Metal Pull: While she can't shape metal, she can pull it - useful for catching fleeing enemies and pulling them back into the range of Greyfang. The effective range for her is two hundred yards.

Tertiary: Metal Lift: This is her main power and the strongest one she possesses; Greyfang weighs half a tonne, and in total her armour weighs in the region of four. She uses this to her advantage, smashing aside enemy formations and batting aside those who would stand in her way.

Journeyman: Metal Sense: Her armour acts like a second skin, and through that skin she can feel textures and temperatures, even able to distinguish who touches the back of her armour by the patterns of whorls on their palms.

SPECIALIZATION: Metal Reflect: She is a bulwark against other Elementians, their direct damage impeded. Light Elementians in particular struggle as she turns the weapons of her hated enemies against them.



Basic: Static Body: Since her powers are centred on herself, it comes as no surprise that she is able to infuse her body with static electricity of sufficient voltage to stun, burn, or even maim. It also powers Greyfang's blade.

Advanced: Seal Wounds: It's fairly pointless to shred enemies further when Greyfang's teeth can bite through a fortress' gate. Thus, her lightning developed in such a way that she could heal what wounds she did take with her powers and keep fighting.

Tertiary: Conduit: A variation of the storm-sensing abilities common to Lightning Elementians, this one allows her serve as a kind of range-extender for lightning bolts, redirecting them to targets she can see that the original casters might not. It isn't something she uses very much any more, because she developed it with Aktis while they were in the same unit, just before she got transferred to her last ever unit. So, using that power, well... yeah.


Other: She isn't a tactician; rather, she knows that her place is to be used by them as a terror weapon. However, she also knows that they think her invincible, which isn't the case. She's very vulnerable to being slowed by ice or having her armour melted by fire, and she's equally wary of being sunk and drowned in her own, precious armour by a pissed off Water Elementian working in concert with a Plant Elementian. In addition, she has heard that some Plant Elementians have sided with Zillah; despite this, she refuses to work with them and will continue to loathe them utterly. Her life's goal is to carve down the forest-city where she was born and put all its hateful, barbarian inhabitants to the sword. Only then, she thinks, will the nightmares stop.




BTW, if anyone can tell me the references in Barys Gigiaru and Aktis Cernunnensis' names, they will get many cookies. =]

Edited by colourcodedchaos

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Because even with electricity you still need a motor and a circuit. I'm not sure the fact that lots of people running around with the ability to call down lightning from the sky or emit it from their fingertips logically leads to the invention of the circuit and the motor/gears etc...


Besides, it was WAY more fun to come up with that then to say "just be a lightning elementarian and invent a circuit."


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Circuit is already created through the skin in contact with a surface, I believe.


A motor, though... that's going to be difficult.

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Not really; an electric motor's actually pretty simple to make, since they're basically just an arm with some conductors on it inside a stator made of magnets. It's just a question of converting the electrical energy inherent in a Lightning (or dual Metal/Lightning, as the case may be) Elementian's static-producing powers to mechanical energy and finding a way to dispense with the heat, because seriously, heat buildup is gonna be a problem.


Meh, if it breaks, it's still half a tonne of really sharp vanadium-steel. People don't like being hit with that sort of thing at speed...

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Holy crap, you guys, this thread is blowing up.


Sorry about not posting, I have a module of chemistry to complete and I got pulled into a show again. ^^; I'm working the Spotlight for The Little Mermaid. I will try to get something done sometime soon. I feel hecka bad cause I feel like y'all are waiting on me....

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it's fine silver happy.gif; take your time smile.gif...I'm waiting for L² to post again as Marc so that i can post again as Sky and anyone else can post something before i get my next post up as Ash.

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@ Chaos


I'm not saying that a motor is complicated, not from our standpoint.

But every great invention in history has either been out of accident, or out of necessity (for the most part).

In a world in which people do not have the power to manipulate the elements at will, we invented ways to harness them, electricity to control lightning, explosives to harness fire, wind power to harness the air, solar energy to harness the sun, great dams to harness the power of water etc...


Each of these came about in our world because of a need or a dream to control something over which we had no control.


The problem comes when you remove yourself from a world in which man once worshiped the "god" Baal for bringing the rain, to enter into a world in which making it rain is something one can just do with a thought (weather elementarian).


What reason would they have to create a motor?


But that's not the real question.




The real question is, in a world this fantastic with these new abilities given to mankind, what would the invent that is much better than the motor in order to further harness their natural abilities?


That's what it means to create a story, the new world you create with its own new variables leads to new logical outcomes, fantastic ideas, the realm of science fiction and fantasy. That's the fun of authoring a world or being part of one that someone else created for you.


My suggestion, think outside the box. Stop trying to fit reality into fantasy with a 1 to 1 correspondence. Imagine. And you'll invent something far more useful and fantastic than a motor-powered chainsaw... wink.gif





Spotlight is an awesome job congrats!

I used to run spotlight a few times for the children's theater that would come by before I moved off to college... wow that was a while ago.

Don't get burned! laugh.gif

Edited by Rakashua

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on a side note not related to this version of T&T, I'm working on my forms for the kindergarten and elementary freeform version and will get them sent to silver as soon as I'm done happy.gif.

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Holy crap, you guys, this thread is blowing up.


Sorry about not posting, I have a module of chemistry to complete and I got pulled into a show again. ^^; I'm working the Spotlight for The Little Mermaid. I will try to get something done sometime soon. I feel hecka bad cause I feel like y'all are waiting on me....

Don't worry - I'm only half-waiting on you tongue.gif


<3 rl comes first.

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on a side note not related to this version of T&T, I'm working on my forms for the kindergarten and elementary freeform version and will get them sent to silver as soon as I'm done happy.gif.

YAY!!!!!! laugh.gif


I'm really hoping I'm going to have time to join that one as well, baby Kai will be so fun to play with!


On the other hand.... I really don't remember kindergarten... does anyone?


Reliving it in this setting should be fun!


hidden potions? ninja.gif

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Yaay! biggrin.gif We'll take all the little kiddies we can get!


Thank you, Rak. Yes, burns are a problem, I'm trying my best. >_>


You're a sweetheart, Gist. ^^ I'll work hard so I can stop you half-waiting. tongue.gif


Ah, yes, Rak. Hidden potions. :3 To add a bit of random excitement.

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nope i don't remember kindergarten at all but i do vaguely remember high school.

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Or, alternatively:


This is a universe of people with power over the classical elements. Why are they fighting with swords and bows? Hell, why are there tools at all? Or society? If you can do all that, then how come you need anything at all?


I'll tell you why: it's because from my understanding of the universe, Elementians are the exception, rather than the rule.


Okay, so let's imagine for a moment that Elementians are one in a thousand, as has been posited in the thread. I don't know what the populations are, but I'll go by what's normal for our world in medieval to early modern European society at a similar stage of development since, well, that's the only frame of reference I've got. A large city back then had a population of roughly 100-200,000. That's one to two hundred people who have this gift, let alone able to control it. So the question is this: assuming that there are still normal humans around... what does everyone else do for power?


Consider Electra. Electra's stated in the lore to be much more dependent on electrical power than anywhere else, AND it is a comparatively high-tech city. Now, unless every Lightning Elementian in Electra is permanently hooked up to a generator, which I think we can assume they aren't, that power has to come from somewhere. Electric motors are fairly easy to build and if we assume that there's a river nearby (which, if there is one, is probably feeding into that massive inland sea in the middle of the continent), then that implies a hydroelectric power source. Now, using water to turn wheels is a very common thing - mills use it to grind flour all the time, and I'm pretty sure mills were around in the medieval period. Thus, some bright spark (if you'll pardon the pun) developed a way to derive electrical power from rushing water, built a dam (probably after a few abortive attempts), and set up some generators to provide the city of Electra with power. Yeah, maybe they've got lightning attractors from Cumulus, but this way's probably a lot cheaper and provides a more constant power supply.


My argument is therefore as follows: Aife didn't invent the electric motor. Someone else did. Someone with a reason to do so. And even in a world of magicians, there's no shortage of them.

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@ Chaos

It was just a suggestion sad.gif , there's no need for the condescending nature of your post or the foul language...

Edited by Rakashua

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Or, alternatively:


This is a universe of people with power over the classical elements. Why are they fighting with swords and bows? Hell, why are there tools at all? Or society? If you can do all that, then how come you need anything at all?


I'll tell you why: it's because from my understanding of the universe, Elementians are the exception, rather than the rule.


Okay, so let's imagine for a moment that Elementians are one in a thousand, as has been posited in the thread. I don't know what the populations are, but I'll go by what's normal for our world in medieval to early modern European society at a similar stage of development since, well, that's the only frame of reference I've got. A large city back then had a population of roughly 100-200,000. That's one to two hundred people who have this gift, let alone able to control it. So the question is this: assuming that there are still normal humans around... what does everyone else do for power?


Consider Electra. Electra's stated in the lore to be much more dependent on electrical power than anywhere else, AND it is a comparatively high-tech city. Now, unless every Lightning Elementian in Electra is permanently hooked up to a generator, which I think we can assume they aren't, that power has to come from somewhere. Electric motors are fairly easy to build and if we assume that there's a river nearby (which, if there is one, is probably feeding into that massive inland sea in the middle of the continent), then that implies a hydroelectric power source. Now, using water to turn wheels is a very common thing - mills use it to grind flour all the time, and I'm pretty sure mills were around in the medieval period. Thus, some bright spark (if you'll pardon the pun) developed a way to derive electrical power from rushing water, built a dam (probably after a few abortive attempts), and set up some generators to provide the city of Electra with power. Yeah, maybe they've got lightning attractors from Cumulus, but this way's probably a lot cheaper and provides a more constant power supply.


My argument is therefore as follows: Aife didn't invent the electric motor. Someone else did. Someone with a reason to do so. And even in a world of magicians, there's no shortage of them.

Please note:


... universe of people with power over the classical elements.

that this is a RARE GIFT. It may look like there's many Elementians out here, but in reality, if you want a statistic, you'd see one-tenth of one percent. In the (observable, written) universe. That is not full.


... swords and bows

Because this is a draining mental skill. Geniuses are also rare, but even they don't have an unlimited mental capacity. Our characters DO NOT SOLELY RELY ON THEIR ABILITIES. Just no. Also read the OP - the time period is medieval. Haphazard simple machines are possible. However, anything of the scale you want would be inhumanly large.


... need anything at all?

Because they are people, too. Sad, but true.


... comparitavely...

Which means relative to the time period. Keep this in mind.


... hydroelectric power source...

that's portable? And simple to /us/. Ingenuity isn't really popular in medieval times (but that's not for me to say as I didn't create this universe).


Someone else did.

You'll also want to note that humans could not begin to harness electricity until about 1807. This time period is, say ~13-1500.


I sincerely apologize if I was rude. Feel free to report me if you wish. I just don't want to see "evidence" based off of non-literate observations.

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Chaos, your idea is really brilliant, and I love it. It just might not be the kind of thing to bring into this specific roleplay. Chainsaws and guns and such just don't seem to have a place in it. Yes, it could be bent and squished in, but a modern one simply doesn't exist in this universe. They carry around swords, bows and arrows, and pickaxes, for goodness sake. This battle would be over pretty quickly if they figured out how to make stuff like bombs, which I would think comes before the chainsaw.


All in all, I think your character is perfect the way she is now, she doesn't need an extension. Her present abilities are well balanced and a sword is a sword; she could easily have the metal of the sword have electricity flowing through it, making it dangerous or even deadly to even touch.


My point is, there are other alternatives to a chainsaw. If it passes the okay, great! If it ends up being too complicated, there are other choices that are just as harmful to her opponents.

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Look, there's always going to be differences of opinion in this regard. I accept that. However, I really think that in an RP like this, ya gotta have a gimmick. I don't think we've really got that much in the way of pure warriors in this, especially not a melee tank like Aife. That said, Raka, I shouldn't have talked down to you and I apologise for doing so. Let's just move on and avoid being patronising or passive-aggressive to each other, eh?


However, gist? I don't want to be mean here, but something you said has got my back up quite a bit.


Ingenuity isn't really popular in medieval times (but that's not for me to say as I didn't create this universe).


That is just flat-out wrong. I was brought up by a medieval historian, and I have a serious problem with people thinking that there wasn't ingenuity in medieval times, as if the ability to think about the world around you is a recent innovation that our primitive forebears were too busy dying of bubonic plague to develop. Roger Bacon was a pioneer of the scientific method, and his doctrines of inductive reasoning are developed from his tutor Grosseteste; both men were from the thirteenth century (the latter was a bishop, if you're interested). Gothic cathedrals all over Europe were built using treadwheel cranes (of which there is an example in a French manuscript dating from 1240), and those magnificent arches and high, vaulted ceilings had to be designed and built by master architects and masons. If you want some less occidental examples, the hwacha was designed and created in the fourteenth century in Korea, and that's basically the offspring of a load of rocket launchers and a wheelbarrow, and the Aztecs built islands in shallow lakes to grow huge amounts of food and kept them in serviceable condition via an intricate network of sluices, the first known examples of which date from the twelfth century. All these things had to be designed and engineered, so don't act like there wasn't any innovation until modern society came along or that it was actively discouraged. It's patently untrue and I won't have you belittle the achievements of our forebears.


Also, pretty much all the other things you said actually support my argument. My entire point was that because Elementians don't exist in great numbers but are still a keenly-felt presence, people who don't have their incredible powers are going to try and replicate them as best they can. To take the example from my previous post here, if you have a hydroelectric dam, then you have a proof of concept that a rotor-stator setup can generate electricity via the creation of a torque. Thus, you can go about refining the process until you have smaller versions of it. Metal Elementians have used magnetic forces for a long time, so magnets are understood - people who study this sort of thing, and there are always people who want to find out why everything works, might feasibly work out that (since magnets generate a field which can in turn produce a force) if you arrange some magnets just so and put a rod in the middle of it, you can generate torque in the same way as a waterwheel but without the water. That's the thing about this world - use of electricity is a lot more widespread for this time period than it was in our world, which I think (and call me a dizzy little optimist, but I kind of have to think like this) would only spur the development of such things, because electricity is absolutely amazing when you stop to think about it for a second - no, sorry, I'm rambling. And probably being overly mean. I'm sorry. I just... I get defensive about stuff like this. It's a character flaw and I'm trying to correct it.


P.S.: Silver, I really don't want to start yet another spat because I love the people here and the discussion that we're having is really helpful because of how much it's making me think about my character, but the Chinese engineer Su Song built continuous power-transmitting chain drives somewhere in the eleventh century, though he used them to power a massive armillary sphere instead of a chainsaw. Again, I must stress that I'm not trying to be rude or mean-spirited here; these are just counter-arguments to the things you said. I'm an ornery little shrew at the best of times, which today... kinda hasn't been. Still, that's no reason to take out my frustrations on people who care about making my character a good addition to the game and are genuinely trying to help me develop her in a way that'll make her fun to RP with, and I'm sorry if I was a cow to you and your peers.

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How about instead of arguing, as great an idea as it is and as many things that one can argue against it, let's wait for one of the leaders of this RP to reply about it. Let's wait until LL comes in. That's simple enough, and more rational because they're the ones running this whole universe/setting, and only they can tell, ultimately, if it's a yay or a nay.


Please keep it cool in here, guys B )

Edited by lachrymation

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... think they're not present


flat out wrong


Please do not misquote me.


This line of mine you have here:


Ingenuity isn't really popular in medieval times (but that's not for me to say as I didn't create this universe).


NEVER said that it wasn't present. Just that it wasn't popular with mainstream Europe (which I believe this RP is modelled off of). The two are COMPLETELY different and I will NOT have you put words in my mouth that I never said.


Moving on.


Also, pretty much all the other things you said actually support my argument.

Oh? But you're arguing that

Someone else did. Someone with a reason to do so. And even in a world of magicians, there's no shortage of them.


Someone else may have, but I cannot verify that someone would have refined something as complicated (yes, a motor is made of 4 simple machines, making it complex, by definition) as a motor and reduced it down to a size that one could carry in the palm of their hand just does not sit well with me in this time period. I just can't see that. If you have an example of something this size being used in Centuries 11-15, please show me, and I will revoke all of the words I have said. I really don't think there is anything, however.



My entire point...
My argument is therefore as follows: Aife didn't invent the electric motor. Someone else did. Someone with a reason to do so. And even in a world of magicians, there's no shortage of them.


Which I never really responded to in my previous post, so I think I will now:


Okay, sure. Hydroelectricity could have existed as early as Century 10. Maybe. However, being able to apply such a force in a specific direction (not just in all directions) takes a long thought process. Even if they did, these revisions and repetitions happen over hundreds of years. Since we are basing this universe over our history, I'd think that we'd base it off of most of our achievements as well (but it's not my RP, so I'm not the one to call the shots on that.


And probably being overly mean. I'm sorry. I just... I get defensive about stuff like this. It's a character flaw and I'm trying to correct it.

It's okay! I've had much worse. Lay into me. You'll feel better. smile.gif

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PLEASE can we drop it this is making me very uncomfortable. If you guys wish to continue this debate could you bring it to PM? I certainly don't want this thread to be filled with posts like the ones that you guys are making.


It doesn't even matter, so you don't have to argue just for the sake of arguing. ;A;


On topic, I still haven't heard from LN even though I shot her a PM a few days ago. -3-

I wonder where she went... /cries


And also Silver whoohoo it's fun operating spotlight! We aren't all waiting on you- real life comes first! Always! Don't stress it- we can wait for a couple more weeks or so. :3 I still have to make my Gear post anyways, so it'll be a while before I start thinking about Aoi's response to his companions responses.

Edited by lachrymation

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On topic, Silver, I still haven't heard from LN. -3-

I wonder where she went... /cries

Does she list her email here?

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Does she list her email here?

Oh. I don't know... Is it possible to find out?


EDIT: It does.. I think

Edited by lachrymation

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