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X-Men: The End

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...and the Guards.


Get in character. Stay in character. She does have a disguise on, after all. Father couldn't possibly know ALL of her powers. Moira's little disguise hadn't changed Asashi's reaction; if someone in the Nethofelshi even suspected her of being a mutant, they were allowed to shoot her on sight, so long as no one else was in the way. Of course, the servants and maids didn't have guns, but they were still allowed to shoot mutants on sight. Asashi couldn't imagine what desperate wish had driven Moira to enter the mansion of one of the biggest mutant haters on earth, but he intended to find out. He knew if his father was there, Moira wouldn't be getting medical attention; she'd be being interrogated with hand cuffs on. Leo Nethofelshi was just that suspicious.



"My name is Aoibheann O'Hara ... and I don't have anything to identify myself with other than my passport...but someone took it with my purse."


The guards looked at each other, then noticed that indeed Moira didn't seem to have anything with her, just the clothes she was wearing and the hoodie on her arm.


"Thank you for helping me. My family isn't here sir."


The guards paused a moment before the lead guard nodded understandingly and began to lead Moira towards the mansion. ((I'm assuming she went willingly, but if she didn't I can change this.)) "Don't worry, ma'am, the house nurse is one of the best in Boston. She'll have you patched up properly and clean in no time."


They reached the huge metal doors of the mansion and the guard knocked twice. The dark red and black doors slid open slowly, revealing the main entrance area of the mansion. It was huge, and a gigantic chandelier hung from the ceiling. A large oval Chinese silk rug sat in the center of the spacious round entryway, and stairs led upstairs on the left and right walls. There was one door to the immediate left and two to the right, as well as a larger one straight ahead. The guards turned immediately left and opened the door. They were about to go through when a voice stopped them.




Asashi immediately did what Asashi would do in the situation he was in; he went to see who the guards had brought in. It was what his father would have wanted, and honestly what he would have done anyways to add some excitement to his overly boring life. He entered the main hall with perfect timing, just as the guards were about to lead Moira down to the nurse's place. The nurse's office was located underground, in case of a tornado. The room where she did most of her work could be completely sealed off from any air flow, in the case of a of flash-flood. It also had a small two-person elevator with padded walls and handlebars, made out of very strong steel... in case of earthquakes. To put it shortly, the nurse was paranoid and used the prestige she held with Asashi's father to get whatever she wanted for her office and medical rooms. The nurse's area was one of the nicest areas in the mansion, in Asashi's opinion.


The moment Asashi saw Moira he noticed her bullet wound and felt his face pale. "What happened?" Before Moira could speak up, a guard answered. "There was apparently a shooting not too far from here, and this Irish immigrant got shot in the scuffle. She wandered here, and..." the guard noticed for the first time that Moira wasn't bleeding. He assumed her hoodie must have stopped the bleeding and turned back to Asashi. "We were going to bring her to the nurse. Do you approve, Master Asashi?"


Asashi paused a moment, looking carefully at Moira. She doesn't look very Irish, he thought to himself. "Of course. I would like to eventually get details about the shooting, but for now just make sure the nurse works quickly; father might not be happy if he finds us letting strangers in the house." Asashi grinned like it was no big deal, but looking at the blood on the Irish girl's hoodie made him feel sick.


The guards nodded and opened the door to head down the wide marble stairs to the nurse's office.


~If Moira has nothing to say to Asashi that he would be required to answer, the guards continue leading her on

~If Moira does have something to say, the guards pause and Asashi listens






Sophira adored the soup. It was hot and flavorful, much better than the fast-food she usually ate. When Blade mentioned needing more food, Sophira quickly swallowed a bite to speak up. "Mr. Blade, I actually do have a job, so I can help pay for things. No one up there knows that I'm a mutant, so I can work like the humans can."


She watched curiously as Blade went over to Will and told him they were going for a walk. Sophira rather wanted to go with, but she could tell it was supposed to be a private walk. She was glad Siren had joined her and turned to talk to her new friend. "So were you born with your mutant powers, or did they activate one day? That is, if you don't mind my asking." Sophira hoped she wasn't being too pushy. After all, what could be so bad about Siren's powers activating for the first time? It wasn't like she could accidentally kill someone... like Sophira could...

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Moira's heart was racing as she entered the house like any normal human beings would be when they were to see the interior. "My word." she said breathlessly as she looked around herself and then noticed a young man walking towards them. It was easy to see that he was Asashi and she had to act like she adored him. In all honesty, she didn't hate him, but she didn't like him. He was a human being and entitled to his own opinion. "Mister Asashi?" She said turning slightly before the guards to lead her on. "It is nice to meet someone who is working hard to protect us humans. Thank you." she said with a smile.


When the guard looked at her arm, she might as well have kicked herself. Stupid! You forgot to make it bleed again! She said in frustration as she turned to follow the guards. "Uhm, Mr. Guard...sorry to impose again, but is there a restroom?" She asked and knew just how she would plan this out. She would go into the bathroom and then drip some water on the floor, fake a slip after she had washed her hands and make it look like she had hit the entrance wound on the back of her shoulder which would still be highly sensitive and make the blasted thing bleed.


Moira did her best to make herself look like she really had to go and still grimaced at the touch of her bloodied hair on the back of her neck.


((geez, Moira is an idiot, but this is just toooooo muuuuuccchhh fuuunnn!!!!!!))


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“You’re running out of time here, Miss O’Sullivan.” Róise felt tears building up behind her eyes. “I know.” Her voice was cold and emotionless, trying to hide the fact that she was crying. They probably already knew though. Róise was sure they had some form of hidden camera here, just to make sure she didn’t do something they didn’t like. “So get a move on!” The voice from the phone sounded irritated. “I’m working on it!” Róise said, exasperation creeping in to her voice. “They’re not that easy to find!” “Unlike you where.” click The red-head stared at the phone. That man... “Ugh!” She threw the phone at the wall, and sank to the floor as the tears she had been holding back broke through.


Why me? What did I do to deserve this? Why did they have to find me? Memories of exploding toilets and burning houses tugged the front of her mind. They kept her away from people for safety reasons. She had killed someone before hadn’t she? Róise sobbed. This sucked. Róise wiped her tears and stood up. She had to go for a run or something; clear her mind of all her problems. Then she should probably start actually putting some effort into her mission. The girl pulled her hair back into a pony tail and put her shoes on, not bothering to get changed. Her shorts and tank top would do fine. Róise left, not bothering to lock the door. She had nothing of value in the apartment, and if someone wanted to wreck it, she didn’t care. It wasn’t like it actually could get any worse.


Róise took the stairs slowly, making sure to calm her breaths before she went outside. “Everything alright miss?” An Elderly lady asked the question. “Yeah... just boyfriend issues.” The lie came easily and Róise tried to smile. The lady didn’t that convinced though. “It will turn out alright in the end, you know,” Róise highly doubted it would. Still, she gave the lady a slightly more successful smile before exiting the building and beginning to run.

Edited by coralkiki

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Siren had watched as Blade prepared to leave, it made her feel a tad bit safer as he said, "One thing that I tell mutants that come here and trust us enough to eat and sleep with us near, is that, I won't read your mind, or listen to your thoughts unless you allow me to, or ask me to. The only time I don't do that, is in an emergency." Siren was thankful for the reassurance though from what he'd told her, he couldn't possibly have known. Another flash, a warm smile. Green eyes crinkled at the corners. Siren blinked away the image, beating it down. She worked hard to subdue her memories, they were too painful.


Siren turned to Sophira, who had said she had a job. Siren didn't have a job, though she had been in town to apply to a job at a performing arts school. Not that she could now, being a wanted fugitive and all... "So were you born with your mutant powers, or did they activate one day? That is, if you don't mind my asking."


Siren frowned a bit, she could remember the day well... Too well for her liking, she decided to leave Jay out of the story. "It activated one day, I was about fourteen... I used to go to school, it was a performing school in L.A. I loved it there... Loved performing, being on stage..." A dreamy smile split her face as she recalled it. But it soon turned into a frown. "And I got picked to be the lead role. Everyone was there, opening night... I felt a bit sick, well, faint is more like it. But no way was I going to back out, give my role to the understudy. I was too vain, wanted the spotlight, loved it. So I went out on stage, the opening number wasn't a solo... But it turned into one. My faintness was gone, but everyone else seemed to forget their lines. I remember thinking they were losers, when I realized a friend of mine wasn't entranced so much as listening in awe. He uhm, he was a mutant... And we ran away. Never saw my parents again, applied for emancipation, and headed for Boston. End of story..." Siren sighed, that story brought back too many memories. Sophira wanted to know though, and now she did.

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Will listened to Siren's song, marveling at her voice. He barely heard what Blade said afterward. He focused on what Blade was saying again after a few minutes.

It seems that we are going to need more food to keep all of you fed." he said with a slight furrow in his brow before looking around them. "Riley, do you want to stay here to keep them safe? I'm gonna take young blood out for a walk." Why does he want me to take a walk for him? To admire the lovely perfumed scenery of the sewers? "Come along Will." His voice was stern enough to allow for no discussion, and Will stood up. He wasn't going to refuse the person who had just given him food and shelter. "One thing that I tell mutants that come here and trust us enough to eat and sleep with us near, is that, I won't read your mind, or listen to your thoughts unless you allow me to, or ask me to. The only time I don't do that, is in an emergency." Will was glad for that. He didn't like the mind readers who dived into his thoughts without permission and just started talking about what he was thinking. Will followed after Blade, who had disappeared around the corner, and walked up to him. "So what did you want?" he asked.

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((xd.png Moira's so silly))


"Mister Asashi? It is nice to meet someone who is working hard to protect us humans. Thank you."


Asashi laughed, as he usually did when anyone mistook him as 'hard working'. "Thank you yourself, but it's my father who does all the work. I'm not planning to pursue a career in law enforcement." I've got bigger things to worry about. Asashi watched as Moira was led out of sight. He swallowed, thinking fast. Her arm... it isn't bleeding, what is the nurse going to think of that?! I can't believe she thought she could waltz in here just like that. What does she think life is, a game?


Asashi groaned, trying to think of what to do. I can turn into Com and rescue her again if she gets herself discovered. In all likelihood the guards won't kill her on the spot because she hasn't proven to be violent, but if she does... hmm. And then where will Asashi be? I can't just coincidentally disappear at the same time Com appears! Asashi sighed and sat on the 'waiting bench' next to the door to the stairs that led to the nurse's office.




"Uhm, Mr. Guard... sorry to impose again, but is there a restroom?" The lead guard looked at Moira with surprise, then turned away slightly. "Yes ma'am, I'll have the nurse help you to it."


Just at that moment the nurse came into sight. She was a kind, older woman who was well known throughout Boston. She was short and trim, but didn't look uptight at all. She loved her job and she loved people, though she thoroughly believed that most men didn't work hard enough... especially not Asashi. Asashi couldn't remember ever visiting her office and not receiving a lecture about how little he worked to help the community.


Upon seeing Moira, the nurse smiled gently. "Good gracious girl, a bus shooting is nothing to take lightly, come into my office here."


"She wishes to know where the restroom is," the lead guard said quickly. The nurse nodded curtly to him. "And don't you have something else to be doing?" The guard paused, glancing at Moira once again. Finally he seemed to determine that she was no threat. "Yes, of course," he said slowly. "You know what to do if you need assistance." With that he was gone, and the nurse turned back to Moira. "Well, follow me, the restroom is right over here. I'll go in with you to make sure you're alright. You can just call me Nurse June or June, really. No need to get formal." They reached the bathroom door and the nurse opened it, smiling kindly at Moira.






Sophira listened to Siren's story, and suddenly felt bad for asking; it didn't sound too happy, and Sophira noticed that Siren didn't mention any names. Sophira suddenly felt compelled to tell her own story. "Wow, you have quite a story. I don't really know if I've had my powers since birth, but they first activated one day when I was on a hike with my family. I locked eyes with my father and felt this strange wave of energy, and then I tripped on a rock because I wasn't watching where I was going. I landed hard and should have scraped my knees and hands, but instead I was fine and my father's knees and hands were scraped up. I went to see him, amazed at what had just happened. I felt bad and touched his hands, sort of hoping to make things better. To my surprise the wound left him and went onto me! I... I eventually left, for the safety of my parents. I haven't seen them since. I think they still live in Massachusetts somewhere, but I've never tried to find them." Sophira shrugged, offering Siren a smile.


"Since then I've traveled here and there. I got a job helping an older man organize scrap metal and recycle stuff, but it's only a weekend job and pays just enough for me to get by on. I've been traveling now, trying to help mutants and humans alike. I hope someday..." she paused a moment, deep in thought. "I hope someday, maybe humans and mutants can be at peace. I know someday they will." The last sentence she said with confidence, and she gave a confident smile along with it.

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Moira's first impression of the nurse was that she really liked her. She seemed to be a kind lady and obviously had the guards wrapped around her fingers with the way that they obeyed her quickly. The woman actually reminded her of her mother in an odd way but it was still nice to be reminded of family. However, when the woman said that she would come in with her, she kept walking in, but her mind had to rush. How am I going to do this with her in there. NOT to mention, it is kinda awkward to have the nurse come in with you. Wait, is it a single? Yes it is. Dangit! Okay, don't panic...the artery probably hasn't sealed up completely yet which would make it easy to open again, however, getting that to happen will be hard. She gently rubbed the side of her head as she walked into the bathroom as a signal of fatigue that was actually still there from the loss of blood.


Aha! Fainting works...it wouldn't be too entirely false because that's the way that I feel if I stand up to fast. Why is it so hard to think quickly?!?!?!? She found herself screaming to herself inside her mind as she walked into the bathroom. It was a lavishly decorated bathroom much like the rest of the house and luckily for her, there were solid edges everywhere. "My, how lovely!" she said as she looked around the bathroom for a moment before using the bathroom and walking over to the sink to wash her hands. Once there and after she had turned off the water, she took a few stumbling steps to the place where the towels were and quickly put into place her plan.


If she turned just enough, her shoulder would hit the sink counter rather hard. As she fell after a slight moan that played perfectly into the loss of blood, she didn't take into account how close another object in the bathroom was...and that it was solid as well. Her head hit the object solidly enough to knock her out as her arm started to bleed again as well. Well this isn't going as well as I thought. Was her last coherent thought as she passed out.



Nicandro - Blade


Nicandro smiled at Will then formed another tunnel that led to an alley way that they could take where they wouldn't really be seen. He slipped his hands inside of his hoodie and pulled out two dark brown working gloves and put them over his hands. "you obviously needed to get out of there and stop worrying about whether or not you are going to explode. Young blood, you have an ability that can be extremely useful to either side of this battle. I'm not going to influence you either way... you look old enough to make your own decisions. But at the moment, I think you need to walk out your thoughts and if you want, you can say them out loud and I'll listen." he said hoping that Will wouldn't think of him as a creeper, just someone who wanted to help everyone...especially since he never could when he was younger.

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It seemed she had attracted more attention than she'd thought with her brief song excert. Not that she minded, but the exploding mutant, Will, seemed entranced. Not the way humans were, just dumbfounded, Siren could have that effect on people. Human or not. Even birds sometimes stopped when she sang, Siren enjoyed singing to birds. Mostly because they sang back once she finished. Strangley though, they were the only animals that noticed her singing at all.


Siren gave Will a smile before returning her attention to Sophira who seemed to want to tell her story as well. "Wow, you have quite a story. I don't really know if I've had my powers since birth, but they first activated one day when I was on a hike with my family...." Siren wasn't so sure about her story... It was just depressing. And Sophira hadn't even heard half of it. As Siren listened to Sophira's story, she frowned. Her friend didn't need to tell her this if it made her upset. Siren was comfortable with the beginning of her story, liked it even.


Then Jay and herself fell in love, of course she called Jay "Camo" the same way he called her "Siren".

And, he couldn't protect them both. Not at the same time, the officers had them in an alley. There was no escape, not until Lily's voice healed. She'd been using it too often, now it was her fault that Jay was forced to protect her. Lily didn't know, how could she? Jay told her to hide behind the garbage can until her voice healed. She assumed that meant that he was invisible. She could hear the officers, coming, running, nearer, faster. Finally they stoppedin the alley. They threatened something, Lily was too scared to listen. Her voice was almost healed, she could feel it. All Jay had to do was keep up his camoflauge.

Then an officer yelled something about open fire and Lily instinctivley ducked down. She heard a shout, followed by several others and knew she'd been found. Almost healed, just a bit more... Jay let out a cry that scared even Lily and as she looked up, she could see Jay leaping in front of her, just as a bullet whizzed through the air. He let out an oomph and fell to the ground on Lily's lap. It wouldn't have hit anything major on her, but he'd leapt in a direct line with his heart. He was dead.


Life came back into Siren's eyes as she shook herself out of the memory. It never failed to remind her how much he loved her, but also how much he never got to. Siren looked Sophira over cautiously, "So you can project wounds of your own onto others?" It was dangerous, but useful.


As for her last comment, Siren simply sighed, "You know... Sometimes I think it's possible, but then somebody kills someone, and suddenly? It's not... The world's crazy like that, huh?"

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Nurse Jade...


...and Asashi


"My, how lovely!"

The nurse chuckled and spoke while looking around her spectacular bathroom and occasionally glancing at her patient. "Yes, I do so love Roman architecture. I was going to retire when Mr. Nethofelshi asked me to work here. In all honesty, I didn't really want to. Sure, he offered to pay me almost double what I got back in Washington as well as providing free room and food, but I really thought I'd miss my home. Well, I'm sure you can guess that I was very surprised when I learned that I got to custom design my entire office, sleeping quarters and bathroom! Oh dear, I almost fainted in surprise! So I flew over, got to know Leo, took a tour and accepted the job. That was almost fifteen years ago, and Asashi was just a little boy. He had so much energy, so much potential... but, not many friends. No, Asashi always had trouble making friends. I don't know why... actually, I might. You see, he was a very polite and smart boy, and other kids didn't like how good he was at everything he did. He was always very mannerly and seldom disobeyed rules his father gave him, except for this one time he brought home a-- OH MY!"


Right about that moment, the nurse saw Moira falling. In her age she was not fast enough to catch Moira and gasped loudly as Moira went crashing to the ground. "Oh dear child!" She bent down next to Moira and took a small device out of her pocket. "Nurse Jade to assistant nurses, I need some assistance here!" She checked Moira's pulse. It was steady, but there was now a fresh red spot on her head and her arm was bleeding through. It took the nurses only a minute to prepare a stretcher and transport Moira to the emergency room. Nurse Jade immediately unwrapped Moira's hoodie from her arm while the other nurses tended to the bleeding spot on her heat. Nurse Jade had dealt with bullet wounds many times before, and so she was calm as she began work to assess it... only, it was already wrapped neatly. Nurse Jade paused, staring dumbfounded at the bandages. The guards hadn't told her much about the situation, but from what she had picked up the girl hadn't gotten any medical attention.


"Well, look at this..." A few of the nurses paused to look, but they quickly returned to their work. "This looks like the handiwork I teach," Nurse Jade said thoughtfully. She quickly unwrapped the bandages and looked at the part that had been covering the wound. Fortunately for Moira--and Com--there was enough blood covering the bandage wraps to keep the nurse from seeing or smelling the medicine that was applied on the wound. Moira wouldn't have known, but that medicine was specifically created by Nurse Jade and had a distinct smell that the nurse could have picked up on: it was a very, very good thing that Moira had made her wound bleed. Unfortunately, being unconscious was one thing Moira couldn't prepare for. A sudden knock sounded on the door.


"Somebody check that," Nurse Jade mumbled as she began stopping the bleeding. A nurse opened the door... "Master Asashi!" Nurse Jade turned around quickly, and was quite shocked at what she saw.




Asashi had heard Nurse Jade's exclamation and had immediately jumped to his feet. What did she see? What did she discover? Did Moira--no, she would have taken off the bandages before coming here, right? Asashi was just about ready to get a grey hair or two, and hoped that Moira would learn something from whatever was going on. He still couldn't believe she had come to the mansion. An assistant nurse suddenly rushed past Asashi, but that wasn't what he was worried about; he kept his eyes out for guards that might go rushing down. He waited about ten seconds and saw none, and so he allowed himself a sigh of relief.


I better see what's going on, he thought grimly. He made his way quickly but cautiously down the stairs and peered around the hallway. He heard voices from the emergency room, and suddenly he felt sick. Had Moira died? Was there some unseen problem that both he and AAUs hadn't detected? Perhaps a blood clot, or perhaps loss of blood. Asashi felt his hand shake as he approached the door to the nurse's place. Moira's disguise... will it shut off if she died or passed out? What to do, what to do! Asashi did the only thing he could think of, the only thing he thought could protect the mutant he had worked so hard to help.

Knock knock knock.


"Somebody check that."

The nurse's voice sounded distant and foggy to Asashi, but he smiled despite himself. The other nurses didn't see Moira until she got into the emergency room. Nurse Jade tends to forget specifics on appearance of others unless it has to do with a medical condition, so maybe she didn't notice the Irish mutant change... unless she doesn't change and it's just me... but this should work either way.


An annoyed nurse opened the door, but her look of annoyance faded to shock when she saw Asashi. "Master Asashi!" She exclaimed. Though his heart was pounding and breathing was difficult, Asashi managed to straighten himself and spotted Nurse Jade. "Allergies," he managed to gasp. Yes, allergies, and boy did that hurt.


Not many people knew it, but the son of Leo Nethofelshi was, in fact, not perfect; he was allergic to certain types of perfume. Normally Leo forbid anyone to bring certain brands of perfume into the house because of this, but Asashi always kept a bottle around. Why? Because Joe had suggested he did. It had sounded like a stupid idea at the time to Asashi, but Joe was a survivor and Asashi respected him a lot...



"...but why, Joe? Then can't my enemy use it against me?" "Asashi, if there's one thing I've learned in life, it's to keep your weaknesses around you. If you let them get out of hand and leave you, then you never know when they'll show up or in what situation, man. If ya have 'em around, all the time, they can't sneak up on ya!"



Asashi had never really understood Joe, but it was almost like that guy could tell what problems Asashi would run in to.


Asashi had sprayed a only a bit of the perfume on his hand, but it had been stronger than he had thought and immediately his throat had started to close. He knew that Nurse Jade had to tend to him as first priority, so she would have to leave Moira. He also knew that, in all likeliness, none of the other nurses knew that Moira had entered the building with brown hair. Asashi only hoped that Moira would recover in time to change her hair back to its disguised state.


Nurse Jade rushed Asashi to a different room, where the pain of recovering from allergy attacks began...






"So you can project wounds of your own onto others?" Sophira blinked in surprise. Did Siren guess her third power so quickly? Then suddenly she realized that she had mentioned it in her story, and she did a mental face-palm to herself. Duh! However, now that Siren knew Sophira actually felt better; it felt good to tell someone, especially when they didn't react in fear or anger. "Yeah," she said sheepishly. "I don't do it anymore, but I can if I have to."


She sighed and looked at her empty bowl. A thought suddenly came to her and she stood to face Riley. "Miss Tempest? Would you like me to wash dishes?"

Edited by LadyNatasha

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"Thank you for your kindness, but I'm done here." Michael stood up. He didn't like these mutants. He walked to where the bullets had been put away. He split multiple times and then took their strength into his own body. He broke the box quite easily and collected the bullets. He put them in his pocket, not loading them yet. He held up his gun, showing that it wasn't loaded. "I'll be back sometime, I'm sure. But, for now, I'll be leaving. You will see me sometime, certainly. Feel free to say hello, but don't expect me to have a nice sewer for you to sleep in." He grinned crookedly, a low blow. Wayne led the way out, Michael split to have one watching his back as they left. Michael Climbed quickly. He already had a place where they could hide. A cave. It wasn't too far out of the way of the city. He began walking there, face down so that no human was able to know who he is. The extra split merged with him and Wayne and he walked away from the large amount of mutants.

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Moira felt like the world was spinning around her as she drifted in and out of consciousness. Luckily for her, her ability would last a little while when she was asleep at least around 15 minutes. After that time though, her hair would stay red until she awoke.


As she slept her mind went back to when she first found out that she was a mutant. The youngest of three siblings and the largest of them, she was an outcast in her own mind in many ways especially since she was always the largest girl in school compared to the others around her. The day had been hard on her with several of the older girls taunting her and calling her rude things such as 'piglet', 'rolly Moira', 'carrots', as well as 'Irish Red' which was a breed of cow specifically from Ireland. She was on her way home when she felt her hands tingling but didn't think anything of it. Her best friends father was a police man in the town and had been watching Moira since she was walking home alone and decided to make sure that she was alright and offer her a ride. When this little girl of only eight years saw one of the people that didn't hate her, she ran right up to him and hugged him tightly as she cried. However, as she cried, electricity ran through the mans body but not enough to harm him or stun him. He gently took her hands and smiled as small waves ran between her fingers. "Just like your great grand da." he muttered to her then took her to her parents who sent her to her room calmly. She could hear the conversations...her parents were scared...deathly afraid of what their daughter could do.

Moira listened to them for a little while until she grew tired of it all and climbed out of her window to come face to face with the girls that had been taunting her earlier. They laughed and taunted her about driving in the car with a strange man which made the little red head's anger come to a burst and she slapped one of the girls. Little did she know, that even in that brief touch, she would send far too much electricity into the girls body, leaving her unconcious for several weeks.


When Moira's mind came to the part where she slapped the girl, she awoke with a sudden gasp of air, but regained her composure enough to be able to keep her hair brown. "Where am I now?" she asked one of the assistant nurses as she looked around, then felt flaming pain in her arm. "It almost hurts worse than when I was shot!" she exclaimed as she glanced over at her arm which was now bleeding yet again.

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"You obviously needed to get out of there and stop worrying about whether or not you are going to explode. Young blood, you have an ability that can be extremely useful to either side of this battle. I'm not going to influence you either way... you look old enough to make your own decisions. But at the moment, I think you need to walk out your thoughts and if you want, you can say them out loud and I'll listen." Blade said, and Will nodded, suddenly serious. "I've never considered getting close to anyone before, I believed it was too risky. My father went beserk after my mother died, and he loved her dearly. He was so crazed that he went and blew up in front of a bunch of civilians, some of them mutants. None survived, and my father was caught and put in that special prison. Now he's there, kept in a tank to supress his powers." Will paused, taking in a deep breath. He was pouring out his feelings to this strange man who had taken him in and given him what he needed. "I don't want to end up like that. Michael told me that I have the gift of life, and that I should defend it with my powers. He's right, only partially. I have a power, and I have the gift of life, but other humans do too. So should I kill them just to survive; the nice lady that gave me free food once, the man who gave me a lift on the way here? How are they any different from any other person?" Will finished, his thoughts a confusing blur.


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It seemed Sophira was shocked that she knew her power. It was the one Sophira had been hiding earlier Siren knew. Though Sophira also seemed relieved... Secrets could do that to you. She seemed nervous or subdued as she said, "Yeah, I don't do it anymore, but I can if I have to." Siren frowned, "It's a useful power, nothing to be ashamed of Sophira."


Siren was still eating her own soup as Michael got up to leave she gave him a sad smile before returning to her soup. She had rather liked Wayne. Siren smiled into her soup as he left though she worried about the bullets he had collected. She hated guns, absolutley despised them. The weapon that had killed Jay. She had one once, but disposed of it almost as soon as she got it. Actually, gave it to Com, that day he saved her. She felt still that she owed him though.

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~Asashi, NPC nurses~

((LL, I edited my post. Sorry, I didn't realize that Moira's powers didn't turn off for 15 or so minutes))


"...now who could have possibly forgotten the perfume rule, hmmm?" The allergic reaction hadn't been as bad as Asashi had played it out to be, but he was still embarrassed; he had 'sort of' asked Nurse Jade if anything seemed strange about the Irish girl, and the nurse had promptly answered no. That meant that Moira hadn't changed, and Asashi's act probably didn't do much good. It was still worth it, though. If by any chance she had reverted to her original appearance, I might have given her enough time to wake up.


Asashi shrugged at the nurse's question. "Maybe the young lady who came with the bullet wound was wearing perfume. My reaction wasn't as bad as I thought it was, so it was probably just left over from her. Anyway, please don't tell her or anything--I don't want her to feel worse than she probably already does. By the way, how is she doing?" Nurse Jade gave Asashi a scolding look. "Well, I would know if I was in there with her, but as it is I don't know. Last I knew, she passed out and I rushed her to the emergency room. It'd be nice for you to talk with her and perhaps show her some things when she wakes up, but for now you must stay out. Tell the maids to get some nice clothes ready for the poor girl, some larger clothes that will fit her comfortably and not be tight. She probably would like a sweater, as loss of blood can make her cold. Now go, shoo, I have to check on her." The nurse shooed Asashi out of the room and out of the general hall, but then turned and entered the emergency room.




The nurses flinched as Moira awoke with a gasp. They had finished bandaging her head, but hadn't quite finished with her shoulder. Right at that moment, Nurse Jade entered the room.


"Where am I now?" "Try to keep calm," one of the nurses said quietly. Nurse Jade approached Moira's bed and noticed her wincing at the pain in her arm. "It almost hurts worse than when I was shot!" The head nurse nodded slowly. "Yes, dear, you passed out in the bathroom. You need to stay still now so we can finish patching this up. I can give you some pain killer when we're done, but only the basic stuff; I'd need a whole bunch of papers to give you anything more. By the way, dear, who patched this up for you before you got here? They certainly did a nice job, and then abandoned you to find this old place?" Nurse Jade looked just about ready to give whoever patched up Moira a good talking to.




After informing the maids about the guest, Asashi sat on the same bench he had sat on earlier and waited. He had no idea what he was going to say to Moira while she recovered. He had met enough mutants in his time to live a very well differentiated double-life, but Moira seemed different. She was reckless and free, and yet she was cautious and scientifically intelligent. It had been a long time since Asashi had met an educated mutant, and a reckless one at that. Not even Joe was actually educated past high school, and he had only self-educated himself.


Just then Asashi's cell-phone rang, and he quickly whipped it out of his pocket. Glad for a distraction, Asashi answered it without even checking who was calling.




"Dad? Hey, how's work going?"

"Not well. The corner of a building eroded today and collapsed on some civilians, one of our cars had an engine overload and exploded, and three of our men died by bullet wounds."

Asashi hesitated a moment before replying. "That's... awful, dad. I'm sorry to hear that. Did... did you know any of the police that died personally?"

"...yes, yes I did. One of them, and the other two were young officers. We have no idea who shot them, but it seemed to happen around the time the building eroded. No civilians were killed there." There was a pause, and then Leo Nethofelshi seemed to recover. "Anyways, there's an 80% chance that mutants were involved in the shootings. An autopsy is being performed right now. I... just called to check on you, son. How are things there?"

Asashi swallowed. He knew his father wanted good news, something to brighten his day. Leo Nethofelshi had many friends in law enforcement, but it still hurt to lose one. "Everything's running smoothly," Asashi managed. "Things are a bit off-schedule, so I'm a bit behind on essay work, but I'll have it done by tonight." Knowing his father would be completely informed of the stranger's arrival, Asashi decided to tell him some things right then. "This, uh, this lost Irish girl came over today. She, um, ran in to some trouble on the way over... probably about the same time you started getting trouble... and... well, she was shot."





"She was shot, huh? Where?"

"In her arm I think."

"No, I mean where was she when she was shot?"

"... She... doesn't speak English very well, so I couldn't understand her when she got here. You know how I am with accents, but maybe the guards asked her. Jade is taking care of her now and she's okay, so maybe when she recovers I'll ask her. She didn't have anything with her when she came, though. I think she's scared, dad, and I don't think she could be involved with the shoo--"

"I trust you, son."

Asashi swallowed. You shouldn't, dad, but I'm really trying to help. "Thanks dad. I'm sorry about today. Maybe--maybe this girl can offer some answers."

"We'll leave answers up to the autopsy, not an Irish immigrant who can't speak English. Well, I have work to do. Talk to you later."



Asashi put the phone in his pocket and stared at the giant rug in the center of the large room. His mind raced as he remembered hearing the gunshots from the cops and seeing the mutant who had been with Moira shoot one. He probably saved her life by shooting those cops, and yet he killed them. They probably had families, children of their own and wives. Asashi straightened, grimacing. "So then comes the age old question..."

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Nic glanced at Will as he poured out his heart about all that he had done and what his father had done. The boy was definitely in pain and already had some obvious ideas about how he wanted to act with his abilities. Nicandro had to admit that there were times that he felt like Michael and wanted to fight against the humans, but it was people like Will that kept him from doing that. He listened as he told of the tragic story about his mother and father and how his father had exploded in front of civilians. He listened as Will told him that he didn’t want to end up like his father which now had Nicandro thinking. “You’re right in saying, young blood, that we have been given the gift of life, but that you already have made the distinction that others have been given that gift as well, is good. Since you don’t want to end up like your father, I am going to need to talk to a friend of ours who is kinda like a rogue mutant. She is a technopath and may be able to help in some way. As for now, we have to figure out how to help you keep control of your emotions.” He said with a smile. “But first. Those that you have killed accidentally…they haunt you, but you know what? It was an accident that you couldn’t have controlled. Your ability is emotionally based and unless you are ancient like a grandfather, controlling your emotions is rather difficult young blood.” His hands clicked as he bent his knuckles and rotated his wrists slightly to help the oil coat everything on the inside of his mechanical hands.




Moira looked at the nurse and smiled but then found herself at a loss for words when she asked her who had patched up her bullet wound. How to word this so as not to seem suspicious. But then again, if I told the truth….hmmm, might as well see how this goes. “I, well….you’re going to think that I am crazy, but this guy came out of nowhere and helped me out. He didn’t seem to care who I was and hid his face with one of those cloth masks ya know? Well, he fixed me up a bit and then sent me on my way. I am glad he helped but he could have at least showed me where a hospital or a house was. I had to walk a bit to get here.” She said which was being halfway honest.

When she glanced at Asashi who walked out she found herself both loathing him and being grateful for his presence. I guess it’s because that means that attention was taken away for a moment which allowed me to regain control of the mutating ability. She felt a little pressure in her head and kept her eyes open watching the nurses as she responded by calling Nicandro’s cell phone with her own ability. However, the voice that came across was a mechanical voice stating that she wasn’t available to speak, but was safe.


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The girl tied her shoes, threw her jacket on and tossed her bag over her shoulder. Her dark hair was still quite wet from her swim, but Willow felt great as she exited the pool. So far everything had gone great. That wallet had just been so easy to steal, and it had more than enough money. Now she had that new outfit she had desperately been needing for over a month, and she had a chance to swim inside. In a pool. With hot showers. On top of all of this she had enough money for lunch.


“Ah... Finally those painkillers kicked in.” Willow almost froze in her tracks, but reminded herself to keep going. If she continued like nothing was wrong, they’d probably ignore her. Don’t move any closer to them, don’t think about using your powers... Just get out of here. ASAP. Willow was hardly even breathing as she walked towards the door. Just a couple more steps... There. Brown eyes took one last look at the pool before closing the door and walking away in a brisk pace.


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Veni was in a clothing store, searching for a new pair of clothes to wear for a raiding party. She never wore the same outfits twice, because that would give her away. Who would suspect Veni Raven to be a mutant? She helped organize meetings and the calendars of several of the important anti-mutant faction, and she herself claimed she too was a mutant hated, spewing some revenge B.S. about mutants murdering her family. "Pfft. As if." she muttered as she browsed through the shop. She was invisible of course, using her ability to snatch clothing from stores because she couldn't pay them. Of course, the humans were greedy, and she didn't ever pay up to humans.

She picked out a leather jacket with tons of pockets, and some black yoga pants. She opened her backpack, which was on her back and therefore invisible as well. On video camera, there would be no proof of the missing clothing items, and now there was only one thing left to do. Veni closed her eyes and drew up the poison from her innards to her skin. Her left hand oozed a violet-colored liquid, which she dripped onto the plastic security tag which would set off an alarm if she tried to leave the store. The plastic hissed and started to melt, and finally the tag fell off. Repeating this with the pants, Veni then retracted the poison back into her skin. Acid generation was such a handy power, especially with theives like her. Stuffing the clothes into her backpack, Veni walked outside, encountering no alarms or people either.

Ten minutes later she rounded a corner of the mall's outside, to a glowing orange circle which she could only see. "Portal time." she muttered, and stepped through the portal, which was connected to her apartment. The now-blue portal closed behind her as Veni snapped her fingers. Veni changed out of her old clothes, which stank and were ragged, to the newer clothes, which she needed. "Hmm.... I wonder if Michael is in town. I heard that a splitting mutant shot a lot of police officers today, and that sounds like Michael. He doesn't realize the art of subtlety very much." she said, braiding her straight red hair tightly behind her head. She couldn't risk having hair in her face when she went on a raid.

Veni snapped her fingers again, and this time a purple portal appeared. "Desination, Alleyway 332" she said, and the portal glowed brightly. Veni stepped through the portal and blinked. She started walking down the street, searching for anything that caught her interest.

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Michael was walking quietly. He was unnoticed by everyone. Wayne tapped his shoulder and he lifted his head to see what the split wanted. The man was pointing to a girl. He grinned happily. It was Veni. He crossed the street quickly and fearlessly to where she was. No cars hit him, but they had to slow down in order to do so. He approached Veni and put a heavy hand on her shoulder. Wayne put his hand on her shoulder too. This was how he frightened most. Four hands now on her shoulders. "Miss me much, Veni?" He asked quietly.

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"Miss me much, Veni?" a quiet voice asked as four hands descended on Veni's shoulders. She tensed, ready to spray acid at them, and then recognized the voice. "Michael and Wayne, I presume?" she asked, turning around and freeing herself of their hands. "You know, it isn't polite to sneak up on someone who can and will spray acid at you. It's dangerous, in these days." She said coldly, but her eyes gave away that she was in fact just joking with the pair of them. "So, I'm about to 'liberate' ten key members of the anti-mutant faction of their money and their lives. Care to join?" she asked, knowing that Michael was indeed what she called a 'anti-human'. He was a one man army, and his splits would be useful for carrying the bombs she was going to use.

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((I change his name depending entirely on the people he's with. It tells you what to call him biggrin.gif))


Michael grinned. He was definitely anti-human. They were useless. All they could do was get in the way. Mutants were the evolution of humans. It was time to realize it. He would be more than willing to teach them. "I'm totally game. But," He held up a hand in small protest. "I have a bit of a plan that I wanted to put into play." Wayne made a noise to protest, but Michael waved his hand to silence the split. Wayne had gained his own consciousness separate from Michael's own. He was much like a human of his own. "I think it's time that I explain to the humans why they're hated. I will bring back the Brotherhood with one message. And you, my dear, have the honor of being the first member of the Brotherhood." He smiled, offering her his hand as a gesture of peace. "Together we can destroy the humans and bring the mutants to their rightful place."

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"I'm totally game. But," Mike held up a hand in small protest, stopping what Veni was about to say. She watched as Wayne tried to say something, but Michael stopped his split. "I have a bit of a plan that I wanted to put into play. I think it's time that I explain to the humans why they're hated. I will bring back the Brotherhood with one message. And you, my dear, have the honor of being the first member of the Brotherhood." He smiled, offering her his hand as a gesture of peace. "Together we can destroy the humans and bring the mutants to their rightful place."

Veni smiled at Mike, accepted his hand with one of her own. "And I, Veni Raven, would be delighted to become the first member of this Brotherhood you have created, Mike, no, Militia. I will be happy to assist and aid in any way to destroy the humans, and bring peace to the new mutant world. I swear it as a mutant." She said, pride filling her words as she spoke. This was taking action, this was a new step in getting rid of the human menace. "You may call me Raven." she said, and then led Michael to a side alley. "So, what's the plan?" she asked carefully, considering the options. "Just say the word and I can open a portal."

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"Oh, wouldn't you like to know?" Wayne was frustrated, Michael could see. Wayne had tried to convince him to wait. To wait until they'd found more mutants. Now was no longer the time for waiting. Now was the time for action. Action would result in the best. "Well, I simply have a few things in line. First, we shall do your liberation plan. It will be fun and a good way to show that what we say is sincere. Next, I will split. I don't know how much, just enough to make sure that they all see me. Then, we will simply convey the message. We are the Brotherhood of Mutants. We will destroy any human who stands in our way of... World Domination or whatever." He waved his hand dismissively. Grinning, he rolled his eyes. "We'll iron out the details later."

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The laughter of a happy maniac resounded in the empty, metal halls. It continued and continued, aware that only one other person could hear it. It was so loud, the feed from the cameras that it had been watching was unhearable. A man waited fifteen seconds for the laughter to die down, but it didn't. Thoroughly annoyed, he grimaced and pulled out a pistol. The laughter immediately stopped, but it was replaced by a content sigh and some snickering.

"You're so silly, Johnny, thinking that little pistol could scare me. You neeeeeed me, my good comrade." It was the freakish mutant Arrienayathora Rasslaviksha, speaking in her ever-so-girly voice. She giggled wildly when she finished and stared with obviously false adoring eyes at the human who stood before her, all dressed up in his fine suite and holding a very nice silver pistol. Ren couldn't help but snicker more as she thought of his real name. John T Shooter. How traditional.


"I didn't intend for it to scare you, I just wanted you to listen. I was going to shoot the camera screen." John's voice was rough and scratchy, and his face matched it. He looked quite a bit older than he was, but working with secret agencies could do that to you. "Then what's the chase?" Ren asked, twirling her hair around a finger. John frowned and tossed her an electric notepad. Ren caught it easily and stared at it, then at John, then back at it. "You can read, can't you?" John asked impatiently. Ren smiled sweetly at him. "I can't read, but Sally Thompson could, and she taught me how."


John Shooter didn't know the mutant before him very well, but he knew what she meant by 'taught me how'; Ren had taken the memories of learning to read from Sally Thompson and then killed the person, whoever she had been. "That's your assignment," Shooter said roughly. "Get it done. Remember, I only need one of them to survive. There has to be evidence. Do you understand?"


Ren cocked her head and licked her lips, removing a layer of perfectly applied purple lipstick. "Do I have to leave evidence? Oooh, even better! I can make two of them live, then steal information from one of them and kill him! That would make a great picture, wouldn't it?" Shooter shrugged his shoulders and began walking towards the elevator of the underground facility. "Do what you must. Don't kill any mutants involved if possible, don't get yourself killed, and make sure one of them lives."


Ren nodded and followed Shooter to the door of the elevator. Shooter called the elevator, then paused a moment, staring at Ren's hands. "You..." he paused again, looking Ren in the face. She was smiling expectantly at him. "You sure you don't mind doing this to your own kind?" Ren frowned, almost in a whiny way. "Duh! Think about it, Johnny, everyone already hates mutants. This will just encourage mutants to fight back, and encourage you humans to get your militia in here! Then I can steal information from the military, and then think of what I'll know!" Ren giggled again and flashed her eyelashes at Shooter. Shooter only shook his head as the elevator door opened. "If we catch you trying to steal anything from the military, you know we'll have to kill you." Ren smiled and entered the elevator. "Good luck."


~~~ 15 minutes later ~~~


Ren was heading towards the indoor public pool of Boston. Why? Because she had a minute to spare before she had to complete her job for Shooter. She didn't intend to swim, she just loved watching people swim. She did, yet she didn't. She really didn't know what she was doing, but whatever it was, she intended to do it. Sometimes Ren confused herself enough that she wishes she could just steal someone else's memories and forget her own. However, that was not the case today. Today she was truly happy, for she had something to do. What made her even more happy was that her assignment was from a human who was not only paying her the big bucks but also didn't mind if she let several other humans die while she did her job.


As Ren was walking towards the pool building, however, she suddenly felt... stronger. Her eyes narrowed and quickly scanned the area until they met with what Ren had to assume was the source of the power. A young girl with dark brown, wavy hair was nervously walking down the street. Ren grinned at her. A mutant? Perhaps. Whether it was this girl or not who had caused Ren to feel stronger, Ren was bored and decided to speak with her. She moved herself in the girl's way and smiled sweetly. "Hello," she said, trying to sound normal. "My name's Ren. Do you have any allies?" Ren knew how to be social--she had stolen memories from plenty of social people--but that didn't mean it was natural for her. Her smile was as sincere as she could make it, for she intended no harm for this girl in front of her. "Would you like to be MY ally for the day? We could have a lot of fun." Ren's smile remained, stuck as though it wasn't real on her face.






"It's a useful power, nothing to be ashamed of Sophira."


Sophira smiled thankfully at Siren. She wasn't ashamed of it, though; she was scared of it. She didn't want to hurt people and couldn't imagine using that power again. She had always tried to avoid really thinking of it, and thinking of questions associated with it. What if a loved one's life was in danger because of a human or mutant? Would Sophira kill one mutant to save 100 humans, or kill one human to save 100 mutants? Killing is so corrupted. It was never meant to exist, ever. People weren't created to kill other people, it's not natural! And yet they did.


When Michael said he had to leave, Sophira frowned. She felt bad, having not gotten a chance to really speak to him. He had seemed quite polite and was an interesting person. She would have liked to learn more about him. But, now he was gone and there were other things to think about. "Is there a radio down here?" She asked suddenly, looking around. It would be good to have the news available.




((Didn't have enough time for Asashi, sorry. ^^ I'll get him in a few hours))


“I, well….you’re going to think that I am crazy, but this guy came out of nowhere and helped me out. He didn’t seem to care who I was and hid his face with one of those cloth masks ya know? Well, he fixed me up a bit and then sent me on my way. I am glad he helped but he could have at least showed me where a hospital or a house was. I had to walk a bit to get here.”


Nurse Jade looked alarmed. "Dear child, you may have met up with some undercover agent or something!" The nurse looked like she seriously believed that Moira had. "Oh, but don't worry about it. I'm just glad you found your way here. Who knows, maybe you even met up with a mutant." The nurse smiled enough to crinkle her eyes; she seemed less worried about Moira having met up with a mutant than she was about Moira having met up with a secret agent. Sighing with a half-smile, the nurse reached into a bag that was hanging on the wall and pulled out a bottle of pain killer. She popped out one pill and handed it to Moira. An assistant nurse handed Moira a cup of water. "Only one for now, and another one in four hours if it starts to hurt again. I'm not going to send you to a hospital until I'm sure you're in fine condition to travel, and I may just have you stay in the guest bedroom for the night. For now, I want you to take that pill and get changed into some nicer clothes. A maid should be on the way with the clothes right now. You can shower later, but I don't want you showering if you're going to pass out!"


The nurse smiled good-naturedly and two assistant nurses brought over a wheelchair. It was a very nice, silver-lined wheelchair that probably cost $2500 or so. "I don't want you standing much, either. Use this to get around. I'll have a nurse assist you at all times, and while you're waiting young Master Asashi can give you a tour of the place. How does that sound?"

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Good, they were going along with her plan. Wayne, Mike's other split, had argued a bit, but they were going to announce the Brotherhood's presence. It would quick, easy, and would strike fear into the hearts of the humans. Everything was good to go. "So my plan for 'liberation is simple'. Using my portals, we should easily enter the hotel where a 'secret' meeting for the anti-mutant faction is occuring. The leaders picked the place because it's high-security, and so they can mix their personal guards with the hotel staff. It will be impossible for us to tell the difference unless we progress to combat. Then their priority will be to eliminate the threat, namely us. You have no problem with your splits. I, however, will proceed to inside the meeting and kill each of the humans personally. Then we'll set off the detonators I've already placed inside the building, killing all the rest. This should send a proper message to anyone who tries to harm the mutants." she finished proudly, a vicious smile stretching across her face. She snapped her fingers, and another orange portal appeared. "Shall we?" Veni asked, and stepped through the portal without waiting for an answer.

Veni exited the portal to the surprise of one of the staff, who dropped the mop he was carrying and screamed. Quickly Veni slapped her hand over the man's mouth, and started leaking acid from her hand. Within minutes, the man was nothing more than a red puddle on the ground. However, several guards heard the man, and came running. It would take too long with acid to take care of them quickly. Veni opened her mouth and drew a deep breath. Then she let it out in a sonic scream. Everyone ahead of her was blown backwards into the end of the hallway, their ears bleeding from the pitch of the sound. Gasping a little, Veni recovered her breath and drew out a small device. She pushed a button and a small hologram of the building popped up, hovering in 3D in front of her. A black dot marked her, and a red dot marked the targets. They were just through the wall. Veni placed her hand on the wall, and let the acid do it's work.

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Michael walked through the portal, smiling. Wayne stayed back away from the portal, knowing it would be a dangerous mission. Michael split the moment he was through. Now there were 8 of him and that meant danger. They loaded their guns and cocked them. It was time to cause panic. He was eager to pay back the humans for all of the mutant blood they had spilled. None of it should have ever been spilled. It was wrong and every human knew it. And yet, none stopped them. The mutants were outnumbered and the humans still wanted to smite their existence. Michael, for one wasn't about to sit back and let all of the dirty humans kill their superiors. Never. Now was the time for sweet revenge. "Veni, tell me what to do and where to go. I'll handle anything dangerous." A human came running down the hall with a gun. The man didn't have time to raise his weapon. A split shot him and the man crumpled to the ground. That was the start of the panic. Michael never knew how to be quiet when killing people. The gun shot resulted in a load of screams, but no running. Obviously the humans thought one of their guards had killed a mutant.

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