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Yes, that's what I (try to) do too (if I don't forget). It would be good if the trading threads came wit a rule that forces people to delete their post after accepting a trade, but I think that would be a pain to moderate...

It would be good if that were in the guidelines in each thread though. (I try to do that too - or mark it as gone, so that people who think they saw it don't waste time looking for it !)

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mark it as gone, so that people who think they saw it don't waste time looking for it !

This, because I too have wasted time going through pages of posts looking for an offer I "just saw," only to decide it must have been deleted already.

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This, because I too have wasted time going through pages of posts looking for an offer I "just saw," only to decide it must have been deleted already.

I never thought of that, I always deleted because that makes the thread shorter to go through. I'll remember in the future.

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I have also deleted to shorten the thread. Maybe in future I'll edit the post, wait 24 hours, then delete. That should give people a chance to see the edit, and still shorten the thread, too.

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Very few members read the guidelines or rules for the topics. (OP posts.)



It is helpful if members mark their posts after a completed trade.

Gone, traded or post



When cleaning it is easy to remove those marked posts.

Edited by _Z_

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Could there, perhaps, be some kind of "What Goes Where" post/ruleboard in a big, easy-to-see-on-the-main-page area?


I have a thousand questions (I find the forums here really hard to use! A lot of the time I just give up.) and don't even know where to start -- right now it's "I have an idea and a sketch for a new breed; what is the correct procedure for getting it in line for consideration/spriting/whatever the procedure is?" Do I just fling it into the "new dragons" board and wait to see if TJ comments? I understand some kind of approval or permission or something is needed; how does this happen and who's in charge? Are there standards for dragon creation, and where are they? ("Drakes must have the following: X, Y, Z." "Don't include a BSA unless you ask this person first." Etc.)


Other things: maybe an FAQ for each area, regarding what goes in it, commonly needed links ("how trading works" in the trading area, "intro to spriting" for newbie spriters, "don't request these" for the dragon requests area, etc), and mods-to-contact where applicable?



Split the "HELP" section into "Forum Help" and "Scroll/DragCave Help"? The current description sort of makes it sound like you're not allowed to ask about the forums there...



If I think of anything else I'll come back to this thread.


Hey, there's an idea -- is there or can there be a "track this thread" feature?


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Could there, perhaps, be some kind of "What Goes Where" post/ruleboard in a big, easy-to-see-on-the-main-page area?


I have a thousand questions (I find the forums here really hard to use! A lot of the time I just give up.) and don't even know where to start -- right now it's "I have an idea and a sketch for a new breed; what is the correct procedure for getting it in line for consideration/spriting/whatever the procedure is?" Do I just fling it into the "new dragons" board and wait to see if TJ comments? I understand some kind of approval or permission or something is needed; how does this happen and who's in charge? Are there standards for dragon creation, and where are they? ("Drakes must have the following: X, Y, Z." "Don't include a BSA unless you ask this person first." Etc.)


Other things: maybe an FAQ for each area, regarding what goes in it, commonly needed links ("how trading works" in the trading area, "intro to spriting" for newbie spriters, "don't request these" for the dragon requests area, etc), and mods-to-contact where applicable?



Split the "HELP" section into "Forum Help" and "Scroll/DragCave Help"? The current description sort of makes it sound like you're not allowed to ask about the forums there...



If I think of anything else I'll come back to this thread.


Hey, there's an idea -- is there or can there be a "track this thread" feature?

Sorry you find the forums hard to use - but they are pretty well split.


And there IS a track this thread feature - BIG BUTTON, top right. It says "track this topic" !


New ideas for dragons - go to the dragon requests forum and read the guidelines. Socky has to approve your suggestion, since you ask. It says right there in the dragon requests guidelines.


Help - well, you can ask for help with pretty much anything to do with cave or forum. And every section DOES pretty much have guidelines at the top of the page.

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Could there, perhaps, be some kind of "What Goes Where" post/ruleboard in a big, easy-to-see-on-the-main-page area?


I have a thousand questions (I find the forums here really hard to use! A lot of the time I just give up.) and don't even know where to start -- right now it's "I have an idea and a sketch for a new breed; what is the correct procedure for getting it in line for consideration/spriting/whatever the procedure is?" Do I just fling it into the "new dragons" board and wait to see if TJ comments? I understand some kind of approval or permission or something is needed; how does this happen and who's in charge? Are there standards for dragon creation, and where are they? ("Drakes must have the following: X, Y, Z." "Don't include a BSA unless you ask this person first." Etc.)


Other things: maybe an FAQ for each area, regarding what goes in it, commonly needed links ("how trading works" in the trading area, "intro to spriting" for newbie spriters, "don't request these" for the dragon requests area, etc), and mods-to-contact where applicable?



Split the "HELP" section into "Forum Help" and "Scroll/DragCave Help"? The current description sort of makes it sound like you're not allowed to ask about the forums there...



If I think of anything else I'll come back to this thread.


Hey, there's an idea -- is there or can there be a "track this thread" feature?

There are three pinned topics in Help you might want to look at:


Posting in Help: http://forums.dragcave.net/index.php?showtopic=109620

A Bit About How the Forum Is Run/Works: http://forums.dragcave.net/index.php?showtopic=107675

and Frequently asked Questions: http://forums.dragcave.net/index.php?showtopic=48


Also, if you feel lost whether in the forums or the Dragon Cave, we have Mentors, you can post in The Mentoring Project to ask for one:




And I have found all of our moderators willing to answer any questions and give any guidance I have needed.


I know how intimidating this forum can be to new users, but there are members willing to help you anytime.


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Could there, perhaps, be some kind of "What Goes Where" post/ruleboard in a big, easy-to-see-on-the-main-page area?


I have a thousand questions (I find the forums here really hard to use! A lot of the time I just give up.) and don't even know where to start -- right now it's "I have an idea and a sketch for a new breed; what is the correct procedure for getting it in line for consideration/spriting/whatever the procedure is?" Do I just fling it into the "new dragons" board and wait to see if TJ comments? I understand some kind of approval or permission or something is needed; how does this happen and who's in charge? Are there standards for dragon creation, and where are they? ("Drakes must have the following: X, Y, Z." "Don't include a BSA unless you ask this person first." Etc.)


Other things: maybe an FAQ for each area, regarding what goes in it, commonly needed links ("how trading works" in the trading area, "intro to spriting" for newbie spriters, "don't request these" for the dragon requests area, etc), and mods-to-contact where applicable?



Split the "HELP" section into "Forum Help" and "Scroll/DragCave Help"? The current description sort of makes it sound like you're not allowed to ask about the forums there...

I know that it's really long, but: The Ultimate Guide to Dragon Requests sticky'd in the dragon request forum: http://forums.dragcave.net/index.php?showtopic=100141

The second post outlines what topics need, people in charge of the lists, what the normal procedure is, different types of dragons, and etc.


Under each section, you'll notice there's a description of the section and who moderates it. Example:

"Dragon Requests

Suggest new dragons that you think should be added to the site here.

Forum Led by: Help Moderators"


The moderator link is clickable and shows you who the mods are and gives you a link to their profile. If you ever have a question about that section, one of them is great to contact. Global mods can be contacted for each section.

If you go to the home page of the forum, between the last forum section and the list of users who are active and such is a variety of links:

"The moderating team | Today's active topics | Today's top 10 posters | Overall top 10 posters"

You can find links to all us mods under The Moderating Team. :3


As for help, I don't think splitting it up is necessary for two reasons. One, is that for players who are having a hard time around the forum in the first place, it's not going to make things easier to have to pick which help section they need. Two, help is small and cleaned regularly, so size isn't an issue.


If you're looking for spriting help (also pinned in dragon requests): http://forums.dragcave.net/index.php?showtopic=115977 It also links to some other forum topics which may help spriters.


How to trade is covered in the FAQ which raindear linked.


This forum is big, but once you slow down and take a look around or get help from a mentor or mod, it's hopefully not too hard to navigate. :3

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I love our forum,but seems a lot of folks only use it tn ERs,thus being a bit "lost& unsure of WHERE topics are found". Sorry...it took me(still does) a bit of effort if im looking for specific info./you've got *PINNED* topics at very top,takes awhile to locate everything you may choose to find/look up after a long time of not needing that particular topic/forum thread!! Patience is a virtue...AND a necessity in DC 's updates & news ,& either you are a "Forum person" actively using links,etc;OR you choose to play game on outside areas/non-active in most "well-known DC forums",places available to go for the things you know are located in specific areas.

Its called reading,learning & remembering the things you use or find interesting.Like School was a pain,but it got easier once you got into habits of learning,passing on tidbits,etc;until before you realized it...you were right there in the middle of activity...but it takes a bit of intelligence & solo navigation...but I admit to learning MOST everything in DC by asking my friends or the experts,who will usually be gracious if treated with respect,not pushed or hurried!THEN you work on the stuff you've decided to learn...or die trying..(i.e.breeding for first time you learn about lineages,and so forth.)!

Its up to each person how much time and effort they can afford or want to put into doing a certain thing..learning is with our brains,a 1-10 list of how to's may HELP,but its your time & personality that makes or breaks you in DC. unsure.gifblink.gifhuh.gif ?

Ive not learned everything,but I try to spread whatever I DO know to those newer than myself...& laugh at my own foibles in my newer days!! rolleyes.gif

Rockin' On

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A long, long, time ago, on a forum page far away, there is a fanfiction on a forum based on a minorly popular flash game, written by yours truly. It has posts on posts of story, hidden in small buttons, called spoilers.


The BBC code for it is [spoiler= (Title)] Content in spoiler


I'm not a programmer, but it shouldn't be too hard to include.

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A long, long, time ago, on a forum page far away, there is a fanfiction on a forum based on a minorly popular flash game, written by yours truly. It has posts on posts of story, hidden in small buttons, called spoilers.


The BBC code for it is [spoiler= (Title)] Content in spoiler


I'm not a programmer, but it shouldn't be too hard to include.

http://forums.dragcave.net/index.php?showtopic=100103 :3

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I just saw a closed thread in GD about self mutilation.


Thank you, Sock, for closing this thread, and for the way you did this! This was handled perfectly.

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I just saw a closed thread in GD about self mutilation.


Thank you, Sock, for closing this thread, and for the way you did this! This was handled perfectly.

What she said. *applauds Socky*


Have a brownie biggrin.gif

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Thank you, guys. <3 I don't want to encourage people to not talk about it, but I'm not sure this is the proper forum or medium for it.

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After a few threads in Help lately:


Can we have a sticky somewhere VERY OBVIOUS with a list of people who are willing to answer PM questions in other languages ? (two of those in difficulties had MAJOR problems...) One response in one of the threads did say there are "some people in the mentoring project" who will do this - but - if you don't understand THAT, and if you don't know where the mentoring is, and if "FAQ" is not (because of your own language) an immediately obvious link to you....


I am NOT on line all the time, but my German and French are adequate for all but very techy questions.

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That's one way to do it. Another would be to put something in your signature. Maybe we could make a few badges for other languages, too? Ideally, we could do both. *goes off to change signature*

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That's one way to do it. Another would be to put something in your signature. Maybe we could make a few badges for other languages, too? Ideally, we could do both. *goes off to change signature*

I think the people I saw yesterday were too frantic to check sigs - also - that would depend on the people who can translate being somewhere they happen to be seen by the other person. It would be good to have a place to LOOK !

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I would like to see a reduction in the time limit between posts. I realize that the flood control is there to keep spamming at a minimum, but it's still a pain to have to wait a full minute T_T.


This. What is the point of this wait time? If someone was going to spam the forums, do you think a minute wait would make any difference? Nope.


I would also like to see it reduced or even done away with. It makes it very difficult when trading, especially if you have a hodge podge you're working with: CBs, regulars/normals, rares, or metallics. It's just a big pain.


P.S. Yeah, the searches are even worse! Why is there a wait time on searches?

Edited by Dragonbox

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After a few threads in Help lately:


Can we have a sticky somewhere VERY OBVIOUS with a list of people who are willing to answer PM questions in other languages ? (two of those in difficulties had MAJOR problems...) One response in one of the threads did say there are "some people in the mentoring project" who will do this - but - if you don't understand THAT, and if you don't know where the mentoring is, and if "FAQ" is not (because of your own language) an immediately obvious link to you....


I am NOT on line all the time, but my German and French are adequate for all but very techy questions.

Usually when I point someone to a mentor, I go ahead and request one for them, anyway. This goes double-y if the user has shown they don't speak English or speak very little English. Then I request a mentor who speaks their native language. Usually, these mentors are not often around, and either myself or the mentor mods will PM users who speak that language to seek out a mentor for the user. So I do seek out help for people who don't speak English. Due to activity levels of mentors, it doesn't always come as quickly as English-only mentors.


And if you see someone in a topic who speaks another language which you also speak, go ahead and PM them! Nothing wrong with that. Let us know in the thread that you've PM'd them. :3


P.S. Yeah, the searches are even worse! Why is there a wait time on searches?


Decreasing search flood control makes unbearable lag, unfortunately. We tried it once and had to up it almost right away.


I imagine posting has some to do with that, too, in addition to the spam. And if we have a mod on, you'd be surprised the difference the flood control can make for us. ^^

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Decreasing search flood control makes unbearable lag, unfortunately. We tried it once and had to up it almost right away.


I imagine posting has some to do with that, too, in addition to the spam. And if we have a mod on, you'd be surprised the difference the flood control can make for us. ^^

ITA. Especially in the games section. The counting posts alone would pile up the posts in no time.


I had a quick question, if you don't mind taking a minute to satisfy my curiosity, Sock.


Someone posted an Easter FAQ in the Help section. That was something I supported a while back, but both posts were almost immediately closed.


The thing is that I get the feeling that I'm missing something (probably something obvious if my track record is anything to go by lol), but I'm not getting what the downside to such a post would be. True that most people may know the info, but even if it only helped out a few dozen people I guess I'm not sure why that wouldn't be worth it. I mean, I totally understand if the thought process is "Yes, this might help some players, but it's value is outweighed by problem X". I just can't figure out what problem X would be.


This isn't a critique of the mods or anything. I'm just curious. smile.gif

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Here's my explanation of why I didn't talk to Infinis about re-opening it:


Most questions people ask are answered in the first post or the first few posts of the news thread. Often, the news thread moves fast enough that people don't feel like checking it for answers and then come to help. Even with one FAQ post, mods still end up closing tons of duplicates or cleaning Tiny Little Questions more often because people usually just post a new topic or post in TLQ without realizing there's a FAQ floating around. I've found the best solution is to have someone with a beginning post in the news thread put a FAQ into their post and have people link to it. At least that way they also have easy copy'pasta answers. :3


But I can't answer for Infinis as to why specifically she closed the thread, as I wasn't on the forum last night when the event started.


Having done a Help FAQ and having not, it's really worked best for me to have an early post in the news thread in which I kept an updated FAQ in. Which I can't do this year because I wasn't here last night. I can link the post I did get if I add a FAQ to it, but that will be harder for helpers to find and easily link to.


If majority rules they'd like to see a Help post, I'd probably still keep it closed, but update it as needed, so that people could link to that. Closed simply because the help threads usually turn into a duplicate of the news threads, in which chatter and piling of answers outweighs questions and the answers needed. ^^


EDIT: I added a FAQ to the calendar event. Not the best way to get it out there, but did I miss anything?

Edited by SockPuppet Strangler

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Can we have the Spring forum layout back? (the one with green and pink and flowers we had last year)

As well as the simple blue one? Without the snow?


Please? happy.gif

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For the spring forum layout, just go to My Controls => Skin and Languages and choose the skin "Dragon Cave". That's what I have, and I see the spring layout.

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The Dragon Cave is actually the original red one (use preview and you can see this). I was surprised a while back when a member asked in TLQ if there was any way for them to get the spring one back, as they had switched, ended up liking the spring better, and couldn't get the option back. Seems it's okay as long as you didn't change your skin, but yeah, spring doesn't seem to be back yet. 3=

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