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I know it's probably not a big deal, but I think a "mature" section could house the more mature art and writing. This is not meaning pr0on or anything, but sometimes people prefer to draw nudes and sometimes people don't want to see them. I don't think nudes are a mature subject at all, but it is a touchy one and the same can go for some writing styles.

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Wouldn't a "serious" subforum in GD just serve to separate the two kinds of threads in GD, rather than encourage the discussion of topics that were never brought up there?




I'm no expert, but I'd think our userbase is made up more of the 20-40 crowd.

Really? hunh. I was under the impression the majority were more teen-aged xd.png well mybad on that then, but I still think it would be a good idea to make the forum a bit more kid-friendly *shrugs*

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Really? hunh. I was under the impression the majority were more teen-aged xd.png well mybad on that then, but I still think it would be a good idea to make the forum a bit more kid-friendly *shrugs*

From what I've seen there is a good majority of younger people around 13, but there seems to be a big lacking in the 16-18 year range and a lot of people in their mid or early 20s.

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I believe a mature section for several of the boards such as GD and RP would be beneficial in making this forum more "kid friendly" actually. It wouldn't be an announced section, just one not-visible to anyone who does not put a birthday on their profile, or whose birthdate puts them at under 16 - 18 years of age (I give the broad range because I believe 16-18 is about the age when a lot of these more mature topics come to the fore in people's lives.

I don't think that simply removing or banning topics with darker or more mature themes is necessarily a good idea. See, as someone pointed out a bit ago (sorry I can't remember your name) the majority of the userbase here is prominently prepubescent or young teens, what a lot of you don't seem to realize is that this is a period of 'change and discovery' as those terrible teen informational videos say, so basically a lot of DC's users are encountering and tackling these mature issues on a regular basis in their day to day lives. Removing or censoring these topics makes it harder for these teens to learn about them, and the various sides to them; which could potentially cause their desire to talk about these things to come up in various other threads more often (as it already happens sometimes where egg killing turns into religious debates and whatnot rolleyes.gif but I'd worry about it happening more often if it were censored off the forum completely.)

Now comes the problem of well, ok that's all well and good BUT this is a DC forum based around a game, it's not a place for that sort of thing because its main focus is the game, no? Well.... not entirely. In theory, yes, however the forum userbase is probably thousands strong at this point - though only a few hundred are actually active - but the point is, this is an active community that comes together perhaps initially due to the game at its centre, but eventually friends/acquintances are made and people come back for the social opputunities; thus we have not just a forum but an actual community. Healthy communities encourage open discourse rather than censoring and hiding it, though I agree some topics should not be available to younger members, which is why I'd suggest a sub-board of more mature topics (no explicit sexual content/swearing/drug advocacy would still be enforced as per board rules) that would be hidden from younger members or those who do not wish to put their birthdays on profile. Yes, the issue of younger members passing themselves off as older could arise, and perhaps be dealt with on a member-to-member basis IF it causes disruptions within the mature board - I have known some exceptionally mature people of meager years.


tl;dr - Make mature board (eplicit things still banned) hidden from younger users - cause overall boards to become more kid-friendly in atmosphere as mature discourse is not in plain view.


*deposits $0.02 on my way out*

No one's ever brought the idea of a mature RP section to me before. However, not really sure how necessary that is in RP, because the OPs there set their own standards per RP. We already have RPs that are completely kid friendly to ones that deal with more mature matters. You can usually tell by reading the RPs rules. I'm not against it, mind you, but the idea would require some thinking. I'd prefer a separate section for OoC threads before I moved on to this.

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@~!~: That's pretty much what I thought. From what I can tell (and I may very well be completely wrong, mind you) that's what a lot of people wanted from a more "mature" section. A place where they could focus on the more serious things they wanted to talk about, without them being right next to "What's your favorite kind of cheese?" And by making that space for serious discussion, it would encourage similar discourse on other topics. That's what I support.


If I'm completely wrong, and people are wanting a board to talk about sexual positions, post porn, cuss themselves silly, and go into graphic descriptive detail of the violence that's in the world...then no, I'd be completely against it.


The separation could also make it easier for users who aren't comfortable with the idea of participating in serious discussion about orientation and abortion can avoid them completely, rather then seeing them right next to the conversations they DO want to see. It would give the 13 year old who is uncomfortable with a lot of the adult conversation a chance to leave it completely alone and never have to even think about it, but the other 13 year old who is interested but doesn't have much to learn from in every day life a way to kind of purposely go see what's going on in the wider world, so to speak.


And all the while, the users that are having their serious conversations have a greater opportunity for discussion, because it would presumably have a Mature Content warning of some sort, stating that some users might not be comfortable with some of the content and shouldn't read/post if that turns out to be the case.

Edited by auria

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No one's ever brought the idea of a mature RP section to me before. However, not really sure how necessary that is in RP, because the OPs there set their own standards per RP. We already have RPs that are completely kid friendly to ones that deal with more mature matters. You can usually tell by reading the RPs rules. I'm not against it, mind you, but the idea would require some thinking. I'd prefer a separate section for OoC threads before I moved on to this.

Oh, sorry I wasn't really suggesting it so much as trying to blanket statement all the areas of the forums which I could see as verging into mature-topic territory xd.png I personally don't mind current set up at all vs. seperate or hidden mature sections, but I have seen people post here and sometimes in IRC or various places that they don't let their kids on due to the materials here, so was just suggesting in the nature of finding a means to make the forum a more kid-friendly place without placing heavy censure on it. ^^;

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Oh, sorry I wasn't really suggesting it so much as trying to blanket statement all the areas of the forums which I could see as verging into mature-topic territory xd.png I personally don't mind current set up at all vs. seperate or hidden mature sections, but I have seen people post here and sometimes in IRC or various places that they don't let their kids on due to the materials here, so was just suggesting in the nature of finding a means to make the forum a more kid-friendly place without placing heavy censure on it. ^^;

Nah, don't apologize. It's an interesting concept. I'd like to hear the opinions of a few other RPers out there on the matter. It might not be of immediate importance, but perhaps it's something to keep in mind for the future.


The issue I might have with it is it might subdivide RP too much again. It took us a while to reverse the 'semi-lit, lit, advanced' mindset, and we're still struggling with that issue.


On the flip side, it could help people find RPs they want to join more easily.


Then a downside, might end up just making our system even more complicated than it already is.

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Nah, don't apologize. It's an interesting concept. I'd like to hear the opinions of a few other RPers out there on the matter. It might not be of immediate importance, but perhaps it's something to keep in mind for the future.


The issue I might have with it is it might subdivide RP too much again. It took us a while to reverse the 'semi-lit, lit, advanced' mindset, and we're still struggling with that issue.


On the flip side, it could help people find RPs they want to join more easily.


Then a downside, might end up just making our system even more complicated than it already is.

I don't RP very often, but you've got a point, segregating mature RPs would make it easier for people to join them (I tried looking through a few for one to join, but after reading down like five first pages my eyes were going blurry so I quit xd.png) lol this is how you make/navigate/join a DC RP!

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just simply how this is debated goes to show why DC shouldn't implement these mature sections that lock out younger members. the possibility of upsetting some members quite seriously is too great.


i know if it was implemented my activity in this forum would drop. speaking as a young hormonal teen that has thought and done things many do not want to know my opinion of this site would drop. now i have started avoiding the GD section of the forum for my own personal reasons (i have depression and some subjects cause flare ups) but before that i found it quite nice how serious topics were mixed in. one could jump from a serious debate to doing something a little silly to take the edge off. I don't want an all serious area, i would indeed avoid it like the plague.


i don't see why have a mature section when there is already mature discussion. and if you want to go more mature like -nography then go elsewhere, this is a site aimed at younger populations. the fact that adults are here is irrelevant, the site is target at younger kids.

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i don't see why have a mature section when there is already mature discussion.

The idea would be just to separate the mature discussion that already exists out into its own little corner of the forums. It also seems like some people want a protected section (presumably that people can get kicked out of) to avoid 12-year-olds who think they know what they're talking about flaming everybody, and also to avoid mods coming in and being all like "you can't acknowledge that you-know-what-ography exists because there are kids here."


EDIT: Like, say there's a thread about flag burning. The topic moves to free speech in general. Someone brings up you-know-what as an example in something. Seems pretty unoffensive to me.


(I think that's kind of silly, myself. When I first learned about the existence of that stuff, I was like "Really? Why would anybody want to watch that?" and didn't give it a second thought...)

Edited by ~!~

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i'm saying i do understand the whole want to know watch talk etc. but take it elsewhere. we don't need it here, on a site targeted at kids. and you get adults that flame as well, that isn't isolated to kids who think they know, their are plenty of "mature" adults that do exactly the same.


really we need a clearer definition of PG

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To be completely honest, I'd prefer a subforum for mature discussion that anybody can be barred from. Like, when you first make an account, you have access to the forum. If you act up, but not badly enough to ban you from the entire site, you would be booted from the "serious" forum. Although, when I suggested that, people thought it would end in elitism... I don't think it would, though. I mean, the artist subforum doesn't make the artists elitist. *shrug*

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I disagree, as an incave artist, I've been under scrutiny simply because I'm an incave artist for that very reason. :/ I'm willing to bet the others have too at one point or another.

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just simply how this is debated goes to show why DC shouldn't implement these mature sections that lock out younger members. the possibility of upsetting some members quite seriously is too great.


i know if it was implemented my activity in this forum would drop. speaking as a young hormonal teen that has thought and done things many do not want to know my opinion of this site would drop. now i have started avoiding the GD section of the forum for my own personal reasons (i have depression and some subjects cause flare ups) but before that i found it quite nice how serious topics were mixed in. one could jump from a serious debate to doing something a little silly to take the edge off. I don't want an all serious area, i would indeed avoid it like the plague.


i don't see why have a mature section when there is already mature discussion. and if you want to go more mature like -nography then go elsewhere, this is a site aimed at younger populations. the fact that adults are here is irrelevant, the site is target at younger kids.

The point of a mature forum would not be talking about dirty picture or videos, it would be to make the main section of GD more kid friendly by removing the serious topics from it so no one has to see them that doesn't want to.

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Even the youngsters who might be drawn into sensible discussions and have something to contribute ? Many "kids" do.


I think the idea of a serious area where you can be booted OUT for being silly works better. Whoever said that - I forget. Psykotika mentioned it, but someone else had the bit about being barred if you post nonsense or start flaming.


ETA it was ~!~. Nice one.


But there ARE people here who want to be able to say whatever they like in whatever language they like, and the sensitive to go away. I think that's rather sad. And Keriel makes a very fair point that young people NEED to talk about this stuff in a (relatively) safe environment - so let everyone in and then exclude those who show they shouldn't be there, by their behaviour.

Edited by fuzzbucket

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The point of a mature forum would not be talking about dirty picture or videos, it would be to make the main section of GD more kid friendly by removing the serious topics from it so no one has to see them that doesn't want to.

some kids (speaking from experience) genuinely want to be able to join mature converse. and can do so very very well. my dad started getting involved in politics at age ten. i started getting seriously involved in conservation at 8 (showing intense interest and expressing questioning opinions) V's, my school friend has been involved in mature and controversial converse from a very young age, as long as she can remember.

however my other friend Shazza, is still childish despite being in late teens. i have actually discussed similar things on a site we all use and my friends father and i all agree we actually prefer having the silliness mixed in around the seriousness. it can hold of fights or simply stop people taking comments that aren't aimed to harm anyone to heart.

these controversial topics are controversial and serious because some people are very offended by them (gay marriage and religion for example) i can only talk from personal experience here as i never bothered quoting any of these situations but in my experience times where i have been hurt or a serious fight has arisen has had little to do with maturity so much as stress mounting up as people defend an opinion they truly believe right. to combat this in myself, i experimented playing games and had zac (another very very close friend) report to me how i reacted in different debates and discussions. he didn't know i was playing games, but said that in those arguments i had that distraction i kept my cool much longer and actually put together better arguments because i wasn't getting upset, i was still driven but i wasn't drowning in annoyance and other negative emotions.


all these serious topics are here in this forum already. kids are taking part and some of them you haven't even noticed yet because they do know what they are saying and are well ready. all I'm saying is why separate it when having the seriousness mixed in is doing no harm at all? it may annoy some people, but a lot of things are going to annoy people in this world. we simply can't have everything the way we want it. This site is very well moderated, i really think this is the safest site i know for kids who are wanting to discuss to come and talk. and trust me, kids need places to talk about this.

i've typed far too much now XP

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I would separate the serious from the silly, simply because one reason I wouldn't go to GD here is pages and pages of threads which are fine but - well:


Challenging Riddles

Horses - what do you think

Dogs woof woof

And then I cried my eyes out...

What do you write with? Pen, pencil, other?

Are you ticklish?




If the more serious threads were in one place, they might get more serious attention, rather than getting sort of random posts from people who click on every thread because it's there. (Maybe to up their post count ?)


Good to see you, Keriel. A thinking teen. Great stuff - you are our future. smile.gif


edited for random fingers

Edited by fuzzbucket

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i do understand that. i am against a mature section or M-Ma-R section. this is a kids site that level of talk has no place here.


i wouldn't say i'm against separating mature chat just see it as being a complication and could possibly cause a bit of confusion although changes to the sites so far have been well explained in updates so thats probably not really much of a worry.


and there are many who think i'm stupid one lady refused to listen to my response in a debate because she was three years older than me and knew so much more. it drove me mad at the time. now i just laugh, because my dad whose thirty years older than her agreed with me xd.png


i feel for younger people because i know what it's like to be discounted due to age. some kids have the maturity of adults and some adults have the maturity of kids. it's... amusing


i consider myself mature (but lazy, notice lack of capitals in 98% of my posts?) and i try to be that and open minded. and of course fun, hence my not caring about the current mix of mature and childish fun

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Keriel, the kind of talk we're discussing is already being discussed on the site currently in GD. All we want is a place to discuss it more openly without being censored so much.


I think you're getting the wrong idea of what is being asked here.

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Keriel, the kind of talk we're discussing is already being discussed on the site currently in GD. All we want is a place to discuss it more openly without being censored so much.


I think you're getting the wrong idea of what is being asked here.

i would argue that you aren't understanding me.


I'm saying the kids your all so worried about don't need as much protection as thought. kids that are uncomfortable with a subject and don't have the maturity to look away should certainly not be on the internet in the first place. and my other arguments were that having it mixed in isn't necessarily a bad thing anyway.


i would think these ideas are clearly stated in the monster post of mine (see serious convo and i still joke lols... although that could be the flue talking)

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*shrug* I never said nothin' about kids in a mature section so long as they've proven they can hold a mature conversation.


I was responding to the part where you said:

i do understand that. i am against a mature section or M-Ma-R section. this is a kids site that level of talk has no place here.

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Keriel, the kind of talk we're discussing is already being discussed on the site currently in GD. All we want is a place to discuss it more openly without being censored so much.


I think you're getting the wrong idea of what is being asked here.

I THINK all Keriel is basically saying is that the threads - with the current level of what is allowed, as in no filth and flaming - are OK where they are. As well as that kids are more mature than we think.

Edited by fuzzbucket

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*points up at comment above yours* Already addressed the kids.

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*points up at comment above yours* Already addressed the kids.

Yup smile.gif - I was just covering all I thought Keriel was trying to say, so that no-one could THEN say that I had missed a bit biggrin.gif

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Fluffy covered it


and it was previously mentioned of having a mature M-MA-R section. not the first time i've seen it raised where the adults want to discuss adult subjects. i was stating what i don't mind (although may not see a use for) and what i flat out say no to


i don't mind separating discussions although don't in my opinion see a need


i am against any thought of bringing in a restricted section for risque topics.

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