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Kevin McCarthy is out as Speaker of the House, the result of a deal he made in order to become Speaker in the first place.

Some Republicans are floating the idea of Donald Trump as his replacement.

The new speaker pro-tem lost no time in ordering Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer out of their offices, apparently an act of revenge against Democrats for not supporting McCarthy in the vote to vacate.

The lunatics are running the asylum.

Now comes extended chaos, as no legitimate governing can take place until a new Speaker is named. More time will be wasted in petty squabbles while important business is left undone. Is it even possible for a new leader to actually lead this divided and divisive Republican majority?

As Charlie Sykes of the Bulwark says: Remember, you are not the crazy one!

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From Dan Rather's "Steady" post today:


Dear House Republicans,

This is embarrassing, distressing, and dangerous. Please get your act together and behave responsibly. Our nation and the world need it.

The American People


Edited by purplehaze

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Well, the dysfunctional Republican conference in the House has finally managed to name a speaker candidate that could get enough votes to win a floor vote.

Here is what we know about Mike Johnson so far:

  • voted to overturn the 2020 presidential election.
  • led 100 House Republicans to formally urge the Supreme Court to overturn the 2020 election.
  • supports cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
  • supports a national abortion ban and called for imprisonment with “hard labor” for doctors who perform abortions.
  • wants to end marriage equality.
  • was on Trump's impeachment defense team in the House.
  • is currently trying to impeach President Biden.
  • is opposed to sending Ukraine aid to defend itself against Russia
  • is outspokenly anti-LGBTQ+

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1 hour ago, purplehaze said:

Here is what we know about Mike Johnson so far:


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1 hour ago, purplehaze said:

Here is what we know about Mike Johnson so far:

wingnut galore.

i still think they should have made Hakim Jeffries the Speaker of the House. ;) 

Edited by trystan

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26 minutes ago, trystan said:

i still think they should have made Hakim Jeffries the Speaker of the House. ;) 

Absolutely! But the ReTrumplicans were never going to agree to that!!!

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Here's what we know about the leader of the free world:  He let millions of cartel just walk through the gates to American freedom,probably packed with fentanyl and nobody is vetted or frisked,  he allows same sex marriage,, which to some of you who are Christians is an abomination (unless you haven't read your Bible if you have one). He allows abortion up until THE MOMENT OF BIRTH. He allows little children to discuss their sexuality (identification) with counselors without the parents knowledge or permission, btw these are grade schoolers. He gave 6 BILLION dollars of your tax dollars to Iran, who, btw is funding the war against Israel, He turns a blind eye when Ivy league colleges such as Yale, Cornell and other colleges to follow Jewish people home and slit their throats, there's a list of colleges where the professors are encouraging this behavior, Look it up. History is repeating itself. This smacks of 1930 when the holocaust began. All because Biden gave Iran 6 billion dollars. Oh yeah. He forgets what he's talking about, he mumbles, and he falls down a LOT.  oh and btw, I'm a dyed in the wool republican. I'm educated about what is going on in America and around the world

. I can back up everything I  say with facts. Can you?

Edited by Chusi

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9 minutes ago, Chusi said:

Oh yeah. He forgets what he's talking about, he mumbles

Biden, or Trump?

Edited by purplehaze

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i'm sorry, but i just don't have the time or energy to refute what's wrong with what you've said.


however, i do agree with purple - i've seen many vids of trump forgetting where he is, talking in word salad, mumbling things, and downright baselessly insulting others.

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275362489_2318059478334397_7764249589362493367_n.jpg.64bb151d28fbbe863da63238c0fc386d.jpgIf youdon't have "time" to study Amertican politcs, then why are you in this forum trystan? If `you are pro biden, you are pro abortion up until the moment of birth.Anyone that throws a newborn infant in the garbage can is my enemy. Fact check: New York state is the only state I checked this fact on, and it's only if the mothers health is "at risk". New York is a democratic state. Also, we're up to two and a half million migrants now. They're knocking on peoples doors with guns in their hands, so lock your doors ladies! LOL

Edited by Chusi

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4 hours ago, trystan said:

i'm sorry, but i just don't have the time or energy to refute what's wrong with what you've said.


however, i do agree with purple - i've seen many vids of trump forgetting where he is, talking in word salad, mumbling things, and downright baselessly insulting others.


I'm 100% with trystan.

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4 hours ago, Chusi said:

If `you are pro biden, you are pro abortion up until the moment of birth.Anyone that throws a newborn infant in the garbage can is my enemy. Fact check: New York state is the only state I checked this fact on, and it's only if the mothers health is "at risk". 


Hi, did you know that almost every single abortion performed that late into pregnancy was a wanted child that the would-be parent realized they'd never get to love or raise because of something like a missing brain? Do you want the women absolutely devastated that they have to terminate a pregnancy for a baby they probably already named, a baby they wanted but now realize they have to bury, to suffer MORE? By having to prove to some disinterested government employee, or worse, a judge after time in jail while emotionally and medically fragile, that if they'd done nothing, it would've been not just the loss of one baby, but possibly also their fertility and life?


Your position is fractally wrong, but I find this point in particular especially bad.


You're saying that if you were faced with the following:

-One woman is trying to abort a healthy pregnancy at 8 months.

-Ninety-nine women are having already dead or dying late-term pregnancies that they wanted (and are now having to mourn the loss of) removed so they can have another chance at having a child to love and raise.


Then you would have all 100 treated like criminals to punish the one at the cost of the 99. That's sick in the head.

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37 minutes ago, TCA said:


Hi, did you know that almost every single abortion performed that late into pregnancy was a wanted child that the would-be parent realized they'd never get to love or raise because of something like a missing brain? Do you want the women absolutely devastated that they have to terminate a pregnancy for a baby they probably already named, a baby they wanted but now realize they have to bury, to suffer MORE? By having to prove to some disinterested government employee, or worse, a judge after time in jail while emotionally and medically fragile, that if they'd done nothing, it would've been not just the loss of one baby, but possibly also their fertility and life?


Your position is fractally wrong, but I find this point in particular especially bad.


You're saying that if you were faced with the following:

-One woman is trying to abort a healthy pregnancy at 8 months.

-Ninety-nine women are having already dead or dying late-term pregnancies that they wanted (and are now having to mourn the loss of) removed so they can have another chance at having a child to love and raise.


Then you would have all 100 treated like criminals to punish the one at the cost of the 99. That's sick in the head.


I 100% agree with this, but I think even 1 out of 100 is pushing it. Abortion in the third trimester is extremely rare. At that point it's often even dangerous to the mother, and genuinely only done if there's massive health complications for the mother, or in the unborn child.


Went to doublecheck, because I know it pretty much never happens in my country but I'm not an American. Turns out the rates of 'late term abortion' in America are higher (still very low, but slightly higher) presumably because of political forces actively trying to prevent women from getting an abortion early. Thus, ironically, putting more lives at risk by causing delay.


If you're only opposed to 'late term abortion', you genuinely should just try to make getting an abortion very easy so people can get it early.


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6 hours ago, Chusi said:

If youdon't have "time" to study Amertican politcs, then why are you in this forum trystan?

I said I don't have the time or energy to refute what you had said. I'm in this thread mainly because there is still so much misinformation and disinformation, which is exactly what you've posted on abortion.


someone who is pregnant would not have an abortion just as the kid is being born.

as TCA said, 

1 hour ago, TCA said:

every single abortion performed that late into pregnancy was a wanted child that the would-be parent realized they'd never get to love or raise because of something like a missing brain? Do you want the women absolutely devastated that they have to terminate a pregnancy for a baby they probably already named, a baby they wanted but now realize they have to bury, to suffer MORE? 

could you imagine this happening? I would never want to have imagined this, ever. 

I really do not want a bunch of men in Washington deciding what I can and cannot do with my body,  I couldn't imagine any woman wanting someone else to tell them this is what they have to do or this is what they can't do.


also, how does a same-sex couple intrude on your marriage?  does someone who is married to someone else of the same gender really BOTHER your marriage?

and if a child doesn't feel right in their skin, and doesn't feel comfortable telling their parents,  can they come tell you? 



So America gave Iran $6 billion?

The $6 billion was always Iranian money. Some critics have described the money as coming from American taxpayers. It did not.

In addition, Iran is not at liberty to do whatever it pleases with the money.

Its use is supposed to be tightly limited to humanitarian purposes and the purchase of food or medicine.



wasn't it trump that disparaged foreigners,  calling them "the other"? didn't trump have a Muslim ban? didn't trump call the media the enemy of the people? the country has become more polarized since trump was President, than we've ever been. didn't trump tell you only he could tell you what was the truth, and don't believe what you're actually seeing? Trump made it acceptable to insult people,  to disparage people, he did it, so his followers can do it,  but that doesn't make it right.  trump wants this to be a Christian Nation,  as do all the other Christian nationalists.  I'm pretty sure the First Amendment says that there should be no law for a national religion,  so that anyone is able to practice whatever their religion is.... or even no religion.


and trump did what he could to hang on to an election that he lost, including having slates fake electors,  wanting his vice president to go against what the Constitution said the vice president is called to do,  having his followers storm the capital, claim voter fraud when he lost every one of his 60+ court cases,  and railed against mail-in voting,  when the majority of mail-in voters were actually Republicans. the guy is on trial in four different places, having been indicted four times on 91 Federal counts, and his being held responsible for his business is fraudulent claims over the years.


and yes, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia have gotten out of hand,  there are so many people in the cabinet that are Jewish, including the Second Gentleman.  what's happening in the Middle East is very long, very involved,  very intricate, layered and intermeshed.  there's really no simple way to explain what all is going on beyond "insanity."  the anti-semitic things that are happening here are scary.


does that answer your question what I'm doing in this thread?

Edited by trystan

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The Opioid crisis in the US was actually originally home-made:

" The founder of Insys Therapeutics, John Kapoor, was sentenced today in federal court in Boston for orchestrating a scheme to bribe practitioners to prescribe Subsys, a fentanyl-based pain medication, often when medically unnecessary."

Source: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/founder-and-former-chairman-board-insys-therapeutics-sentenced-66-months-prison


The current wave of opiods in the US with many imported drugs started in 2013:

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/opioids/basics/epidemic.html

So Mr.Trump didn't manage to do anything about it while he was President either, just like all the other guys in charge. Using this as reason to vote for him doesn't make sense.


Same-sex marriage should be no problem at all for any enlightened person. Even in the animal kingdom you find same-sex couples: https://edition.cnn.com/2019/08/13/us/gay-penguin-couple-egg-zoo-berlin-trnd/index.html


By the way.t he Bible is a collection of stories put together in the current form in the end of the 4th century CE by some guys of the councils of Rome, Hippo and Carthage. They decided what to put in it and what not, thus it is the work of men (mostly males indeed) and not by some invented sky fairy, so everything you take out of it is mostly derived from the patriarchic societies of these past times.


Abortions until the moment of birth are usually only done when the life of the mother is in jeopardy. Plus do you really think a woman would carry an unwanted child for 9 months only to decide then to abort it when the medical risk is so much higher than in the early months of pregnancy? This is highly illogical and obviously only a propaganda piece. If I were unwanted pregnant, I would get rid of the fetus ASAP and not wait until it is almost born.


You would be astonished that even little children know from a very early age about their own gender identities. The problem are more the parents that force boys not to express any female sides or force girls not to express any male sides. This forcing kids into a mould the parents want them to be is what causes a lot of damage, not the simple talking about possibilities and different options of identities at school.


Please give me a credible source for "He turns a blind eye when Ivy league colleges such as Yale, Cornell and other colleges to follow Jewish people home and slit their throats, there's a list of colleges where the professors are encouraging this behavior,"  I haven't found any.



Edited by Astreya
I meant credible, not verifiable

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All I know is that Jesus would say please don't kill my children.. So that's what I say too. All you "Christians" that go  to church on Sunday and voted for a man that allows preemies to die in a hospital trash bins on a daily basis are not Christians at all .  God have mercy on us all.

Edited by Chusi

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7 hours ago, Chusi said:

They're knocking on peoples doors with guns in their hands, so lock your doors ladies! LOL


The only time I was faced with a gun at a door in the US was the day I was camping and needed to borrow a can opener. To have the door of an RV open when you knock, and see a gun in your face is something that would never happen in a civilised country.



34 minutes ago, Chusi said:

Wow boring until I got here LOL


Actually it's people who want to take away the rights of other people who are REALLY boring.

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53 minutes ago, Chusi said:

All I know is that Jesus would say please don't kill my children.. So that's what I say too. All you "Christians" that go  to church on Sunday and voted for a man that allows preemies to die in a hospital trash bins on a daily basis are not Christians at all .  God have mercy on us all.

I think those "who allow preemies to die" are the people who want to take away Medicare from poor people so that they can't afford to go to a hospital and get care for their kids.


Did you know that the US has the highest rate of maternal mortality in high income countries?

"The U.S. rate for 2021 was 32.9 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, which is more than ten times the estimated rates of some other high income countries, including Australia, Austria, Israel, Japan and Spain which all hovered between 2 and 3 deaths per 100,000 in 2020. "




Additionally, the US has the highest rate of teenage mothers in the high income countries:


"Teens in the United States are far more likely to give birth than in any other industrialized country in the world. U.S. teens are two and a half times as likely to give birth as compared to teens in Canada, around four times as likely as teens in Germany or Norway, and almost 10 times as likely as teens in Switzerland."


I wonder if this is related to the lack of proper sexual education in the US schools due to stupid Christian moral sensibilities...


Interestingly all of these rates went higher during Mr.Trumps presidency (the data can be found in the above links)

Edited by Astreya
forgot to add a link

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2 hours ago, Chusi said:

All I know is that Jesus would say please don't kill my children.. So that's what I say too. All you "Christians" that go  to church on Sunday and voted for a man that allows preemies to die in a hospital trash bins on a daily basis are not Christians at all .  God have mercy on us all.


Rather than refute what people have tried to tell you, you hid behind religion. Why should your religion trump mine? Why should your beliefs trump mine?

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13 hours ago, purpledragonclaw said:


Rather than refute what people have tried to tell you, you hid behind religion. Why should your religion trump mine? Why should your beliefs trump mine?


I am so so so with this. My father was a minister and he would have agreed. (He also tried to arrange an abortion for mine once.) 


@Chusi No-one will ever force you to have an abortion, nor should they - but you don't get to force anyone else not to. There was one excellent deeply religious member here who expressed this all very well - saying that she absolutely recognised that she had every right to live by her own beliefs, but did not have the right to expect anyone else to do so.

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14 hours ago, purpledragonclaw said:


Rather than refute what people have tried to tell you, you hid behind religion. Why should your religion trump mine? Why should your beliefs trump mine?

You're absolutely right. religion has no place here and I got carried away, and I apologize. however, the bottom line here, is, if one can walk past a preemie in a garbage can and turn a blind eye, in the greatest country on the planet, where everyone is supposed to be "created" equal, that preemie has rights. and some Americans don't get that.

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I don't know anyone who has EVER even SEEN a preemie placed in a garbage can - and I worked in the health service for 20 years and with a GP for years before that. If you ever actually witnessed such a thing, you have my sympathy. 

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On 10/31/2023 at 8:00 AM, Chusi said:

 I'm educated about what is going on in America and around the world

. I can back up everything I  say with facts. 


1 hour ago, Chusi said:

however, the bottom line here, is, if one can walk past a preemie in a garbage can and turn a blind eye, in the greatest country on the planet, where everyone is supposed to be "created" equal, that preemie has rights. and some Americans don't get that.


Citation needed, please, since you said you could provide sources.

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