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Zombie Success stories

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So I'm going to start raising dragons for Zombie fodder - figure I'd get a head start since Halloween will be here soon enough. Last year I had zero success - tried five times and failed five times. rolleyes.gif


I'd like to do a poll of sorts - if you remember which dragon types you were able to convert to a Zombie, please post the results here. I doubt any particular type is more prone to conversion than another...but I'd like to confirm it. Maybe if one dragon type stands out more than others, I'll collect more of them for fodder. Otherwise, I guess I'll just get an assortment.


Edit: Guess this post got away from me a looooong time ago. Safe to say breed doesn't really matter...just luck of the dice. tongue.gif


~ Edit ~


You can link your successful zombies in this spreadsheet to help others unlock the images in their encyclopedia.


Now that zombies can be made any time of the year, let's start collecting stats and see how successful zombification is!


[b][color=blue][size=7]Reporting Zombification Attempt[/size][/color][/b]
[b]Age:[/b] adult/hatchling
[b]Kill date:[/b] 
[b]Kill time (ET):[/b] 
[b]Revive date:[/b] 
[b]Revive time (ET):[/b] 
[b]Zombies visible:[/b] yes/no
[b]Result:[/b] disintegration/revival/zombie
[b]Dragon link:[/b] (optional)


Reporting Zombification Attempt


Age: adult/hatchling

Kill date:

Kill time (ET):

Revive date:

Revive time (ET):

Zombies visible: yes/no

Result: disintegration/revival/zombie

Dragon link: (optional)

Edited by SockPuppet Strangler

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( i am new here i know nothing bout it....)

*imagining a zombie dragon with eyes falling out and half rotten flesh and dangling jaws....* blink.gif

ARGHHH!!!! * screams and runs away*


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Last halloween I managed to make 2 adult and 1 frozen hatchling into zombies. One was a Fog female and the other was a Pink male. I had wanted the Fog to be a male, but he kept dodging like you wouldn't believe. I also made sure I had bred a child or 2 from each pairing I was planning on trying so that I could have some zombie descendent's to use in lineages or what not.

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( i am new here i know nothing bout it....)

*imagining a zombie dragon with eyes falling out and half rotten flesh and dangling jaws....* blink.gif

ARGHHH!!!! * screams and runs away*

Zombies can be obtained by killing hatchies or adults at Midnight on Halloween (Halloween is basically the only time you can get them, so don't try before).


I plan on killing off some of my inbreds for zombie fodder. I missed Halloween last year, so I hope to try and get a zombie this year. :3

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Planning is good.

I will also plan better this year.

Last year, one adult from a Gold male, and do not remember what the frozen hatchling was prior to turning.

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Last year one adult from a red male, and one hatchling from a frozen black. 2/2 kills.

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I made 3 last Halloween. Two adults and an ungendered hatchling - all were previously black dragons before they were "zombiefied". I had set aside 5 to try to turn - an adult black and a black hatchie both evaded the sword and lived and then other 3 blacks were turned to zombies.

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I have 1 Adult and 1 Frozen baby...but, I am done. I have my zombies...I hate killing my dragons b/c if they don't come back you are down a dragon.


It is not a 100% chance you get one on Halloween...it is like a 25% chance or something like that.

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I made three last time. The first was a male stone adult, the second was a frozen female water walker hatchling, and the last was an ungendered frill hatchling. My other two tries were failures. One of the failures was an adult male mint, I believe.


I also had a few dragons dodge the blade, so lots of extras are a good thing! My adult male sunset "Ungrateful Undead" was my first dragon to dodge, even though I had caught and named him for the sole purpose of becoming a zombie. >.> They have their own agenda, I guess.

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I killed 5 Dragons, and all 5 of them decided to take revenge on me by staying dead. x_x


Which reminds me I still need to raise some zombie-fodder.

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Zombies can be obtained by killing hatchies or adults at Midnight on Halloween (Halloween is basically the only time you can get them, so don't try before).


I plan on killing off some of my inbreds for zombie fodder. I missed Halloween last year, so I hope to try and get a zombie this year. :3

I wasn't aware that you had to kill them at midnight. Is this the only time the better chance rules of Halloween work? Because maaan, midnight cavetime is 5am here, I don't want one THAT much.

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Do you have to do it exactly at 12:00am October 31st? I'm still in the planning stage and want to make sure I do it right.

Edited by RukatheBlackfish

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I have 2 zombies, one adult and one hatchling.

I had a lot of dodging, and then I had 2 or 3 fail to zombify but I don't remember what they were.


hatchling: regular black; lineaged

adult: um not 100% sure, I have to check and come back to edit when my zombie is visible again, but I know it was lineaged.

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I don't remember the adults I used, but I failed on all 4 of them.


I got a hatchling using a Water hathcling I'd had frozen well over a year.


I think I may have used an adult CB Black Female for an attempt, but I can't remember.

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I picked to try making a zombie out of a pygmy adult, I figured it would work better because it's smaller, lol. Could be total nonsense but it worked on the first try. My zombie hatchie was from a failed black lotto ticket. 2/2 successes.

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I wasn't aware that you had to kill them at midnight. Is this the only time the better chance rules of Halloween work? Because maaan, midnight cavetime is 5am here, I don't want one THAT much.

They don't have to be killed at midnight (would be about 6 am my time). Any time on halloween will do though I don't know if the chance to get a zombie is higher at midnight or not.


Last halloween I tried for a zombie and I know it wasn't at midnight (TJ's time). These are my results:

2 dragons refused to die

2 dragons died

1 adult seasonal was zombified.


Be aware that you can't zombify unbreedable dragons. Also I don't know if splits can be zombified. Maybe someone can verify that.


If you zombify a named dragon it will keep its old name. If you zombify an unnamed dragon you can name it afterwards.

Edited by Beastrider

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Last year I managed to get two Zombies successfully, an adult male Neotropical and a female Sunset hatchling. I also tried an adult male Ochredrake but that was a failure. There may have a couple more failed attempts although I cannot remember what breeds they were.

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I have 2 Zombies. (Sorry this is so long. dry.gif I didn't realize until it was done.) blink.gif


One adult and one hatchling. Both girls. The adult is a purple and the hatchy is a white.


I used 5 total kills to get 2 zombies. I did the adult first and got her the first try. Then I did 2 more adults and they didn't work, then 2 hatchlings and got the last one to work.




Remember to leave a space or two for new Halloween eggs. We may get some since it is a Holiday event, so being ready is a good thing.


Be prepared with a few common adults and/or hatchlings (depends on which you want or both) ready for use on Halloween. So raise the dragon or mature and hatch the egg in the days before Halloween. No need to waste rares or uncommons unless you have something special in mind.


Don't use anything that will "Kill" for about 6 weeks or a little longer (from mid September) before Halloween. This will free up all your Kill spaces to use for zombies. This means, no Vampire Bites, no Earthquake, no egg killing so your Kill spaces will be open for use.


Each zombie will take up one Kill space (you get 5 to start with) Permanently. Once you get a zombie, it is permanent. You can't get rid of it in any way. I've not seen a problem by this happening, but I don't use any of the kill spaces other than Vampire bites and it doesn't affect them. You can't gift or trade zombies.


Don't be discouraged by the Kill action you have to use to make the zombie. When you kill a dragon the dragon "looks at you with a sense of betrayal" (paraphrase, not exact words) and makes you feel like a heel.


Revive can have 3 results. Revive the dragon back to regular. Revive fails and the dragon turns to dust. Revive partially works and the dragon comes back as a zombie. (The zombie revival works best ONLY on Halloween, Oct 31, EDT USA and works all day.)


You don't have to freeze the hatchling before the Kill action. It will happen during the process. I think it asks if you want to freeze the hatchling, you answer Yes, if you want to use that hatchling for zombie fodder.


For the first 2 weeks after the zombie is made, you will see a tombstone on your scroll all day and it will show as a zombie from midnight until 6 AM. After the first two weeks, the tombstone disappears but you will always see the zombie during the Midnight until 6 AM timeframe. That is also when you can move or sort the zombie if you want it in a certain area of your scroll.


Zombies "move" on your scroll. They like to keep the same position from the top of your scroll, so as you add eggs and hatchlings, they seem to move to new positions. I just imagine them as greeting the new dragons as the new ones come into the cavern/weyr.


I bookmarked my zombies so I can visit them during the day. All I see are tombstones and the View page, but I can see lineage and make sure they are there.

Enjoy your zombies.

Edited by yosofine

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I got one from an adult white, one from an adult daydream, and one hatchling I can't remember what it was before. I tried to turn one other adult I can't remember what it was either, but it stayed dead.


EDIT: Oh, and both adults were male; the hatchie was ungendered.

Edited by Taliax

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Remember to leave a space or two for new Halloween eggs. We may get some since it is a Holiday event, so being ready is a good thing.


Oh yeah, I have every intention of keeping my scroll unlocked in case we do get a new dragon this year. Also going to breed my pumpkin dragons in the hopes of getting more. I was only able to get three last year - two adults and one frozen hatchie. Hoping for two more adults to add to the collection. cool.gif


So it seems there isn't a particular breed that turns more often than others....guess I'll just stock up on (current) commons.

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Revive can have 3 results. Revive the dragon back to regular. Revive fails and the dragon turns to dust. Revive partially works and the dragon comes back as a zombie. (The zombie revival works best ONLY on Halloween, Oct 31, EDT USA and works all day.)


For the first 2 weeks after the zombie is made, you will see a tombstone on your scroll all day and it will show as a zombie from midnight until 6 AM. After the first two weeks, the tombstone disappears but you will always see the zombie during the Midnight until 6 AM timeframe. That is also when you can move or sort the zombie if you want it in a certain area of your scroll.


These tips are all good, but I want to make minor corrections to these two.



For the first tip... The Revive action does have three results: Failure (the dragon turns into dust), Botched Success (the dragon turns into a Zombie), and Complete Success (the dragon comes back to life like it was never killed). Please note that if you successfully revive a dragon back to life, you can kill it again. However, you cannot try to revive it again once you kill it.


For the second tip... Even after the tombstone disappears, you can still sort the Zombie during the hours it's visible (midnight to 6:00am EST). There was a glitch that prevented this, but it's been resolved.


Another tip I would add is... Once a dragon dodges, it will continue to do so for the next 24 hours, no matter how many times you try to kill it. Therefore, you won't be able to use it for Zombie fodder, since the timeframe to make Zombies is also 24 hours (although you can try again next year).



As for my own experiences last year... I had one dodge, and killed five. Of those five, three failed to revive, one revived completely (and then was killed again, which's how I learned about the not-reviving-again thing dry.gif ), and one turned into a Zombie. The one that turned into a Zombie was an adult female CB Neotropical.

Edited by Kallistrate

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Hatchlings are easier to kill than adults, huh? I was looking at people's lineage plans and was thinking about maybe having a pair of adults breed two children, and try to make them all zombies.


But... hm. If it fails, then the family... hrmmmmmmmmmm. If they failed, I'd feel so guilty sad.gif maybe I'll make them all CB after all....


Also, frozen hatchlings work just fine as well, right? I want adults and hatchlings, they're actually quite cute =3

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