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Midsummer Shadows| OOC Thread

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I'll go look and see if I can post tonight too. :3



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Carlie really knows how to ruin a profound moment, doesn't he?


(Don't blame me! I couldn't help myself! The blushing, kissy-kissy moment was screaming to be ruined by my idiot named Carlie~)

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One of these days Breckin really needs to relay him a reality check via a broken nose. lol

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I love that I inspired the pee comment! Also, Sadie doesn't give a rat's behind about the mud monster, and will likely ignore that he said anything at all. xd.png


Murder, I love your posts! Cute Sadie/Breckin moment is cute. And I love how she wasn't even thinking about it when she did it.

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Ok... Um... I don't know if I can post, I don't know what my attack against the purple cat did... Should I assume it fled?

That or I missed the post of it even if I did bother to read most of the posts to have an idea on what is happening that my girl should know of. sleep.gif

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Sadie ended up killing the purple cat. Right now both it and the dog are dead, and the Sidh fled, leaving everyone in the hallway alone.

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Yup, Skarx. What Murder said. ;] It's this post.


I don't know why, but Breckin's reaction to the kiss made me laugh even harder than Locke's murdering her plant and Kathy's comment about Locke being annoying. lol It was pretty adorable. <33 Oh, and I'm all for Breckin and Carlie getting in a fight, though if I remember correctly, Breckin is really puny compared to Carlie, isn't he?

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He is tiny lol. A lot of the time he ends up biting more than he can chew, but he's not a newcomer to fights either way lol

Carlie's probably the only guy who can easily get under his skin.

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He's a few inches shorter than Sadie. xd.png Sadie would probably just rolls her eyes at the two of them fighting. And his reaction inspire much squealing from me. Ask Dash, I wouldn't stop ranting to her about it. xd.png I am sooo crazy.


And yay for Sadie's victory over teh purple cat! As weird and out of body as it was.

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Breckin and Sadie. <3


I think Locke is starting to get on Kathy's nerves, lol. She'd probably have slapped her if she was in Sadie's place, instead of offering reassurance. tongue.gif


Honestly, I want to see more Gordon/Eve action, since I'm curious about how that relationship will develop. X3 Speaking of that, Sess needs another poke. >:

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Ah... So my post got ignored then. sleep.gif (almost)


Too bad I guess...

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Ah... So my post got ignored then. sleep.gif (almost)


Too bad I guess...

I'm sorry about that, Skarx! Really, if you'd like, you can just think of it as Sophia distracting Ancadel a lot (since Myrs hate water) enough so that he was an especially easy kill for Sadie. X3 But in any case, it wasn't a complete waste of a post. After all, now Sophia can't walk very well, right?


I think Locke is starting to get on Kathy's nerves, lol. She'd probably have slapped her if she was in Sadie's place, instead of offering reassurance.  tongue.gif

Lol, I was thinking the exact same thing. That's why I was so shocked when Sadie started comforting her. It was such a big difference from Kathy's reaction. xd.png


Sessh is taking a while. >______> I think she's still on vacation. It's funny, since the majority of the RPs I'm in are stuck waiting for a post from her. X3

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xd.png Don't blame me, you guys pegged Sadie as the level headed one, which I still don't understand, but this was a very level headed moment. I think she just does well under pressure. Except for the whole, going all zombie like and then going kinda crazy and killing the cat. xd.png I have too much fun messing with my characters.


I did enjoy Kathy's reaction, but I think Sadie is sympathetic because of the whole zombie thing. It forced her to realize that everyone was going to react to the situation differently.


Did I ignore a post? I'm sorry! It was right when I had just gotten back and read everything, so I might have gotten somethings messed up. I'm sorry!

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One of these days Breckin really needs to relay him a reality check via a broken nose. lol


I think Locke is starting to get on Kathy's nerves, lol. She'd probably have slapped her if she was in Sadie's place, instead of offering reassurance.


laugh.gif I'm doing my job~ *gives herself a gold star*


I love it when my characters are jerks and idiots.

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It's ok I won't get angry for that. I'll try and look at it that way too Manga.

And yes, Sophia can't walk for now tongue.gif

I'll go post something.

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  It's ok I won't get angry for that. I'll try and look at it that way too Manga.

Awesome! ^^ Thanks.


I have too much fun messing with my characters.

I think we all do, actually. xd.png Oh well, sadism makes this RP so much funner. lol



As a random side note, I had a weird dream that Sophia and Greg fell in love, but Sophia got killed because Greg decided to save a bunch of horses instead of her. I think he blew her up by making some volcano explode, but that part's a bit hazy. lol


Anyways, Rhea fell out of MS and decided to drop out . . . though I guess that was sort of obvious already. Now, we have to decide what we should do about Sen. ^^ I was wondering whether or not anyone would like to control him, since he seemed to be a rather popular character. If not, then I need to decide whether to let him die from blood loss right now, to let him die in someone's arms, or to let him live and die somewhere else. Suggestions, anyone?



Just to help me organize, the characters that can be killed are: Varianne, Clay, Shira, and Sen.

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How could you Greg?! For horses!!! D:

Though the volcano part made me thing of a rather funny image. xd.png

*Boom!* Weeeeeeee! *star in the sky*

I think I look at too many animes tongue.gif



Too bad Sen might died, he was one of the rare Sophia was nice to sleep.gif

I can't control anyone other than my character though.

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Well, I would say that if you were going to have him die, now would be the time. The group near him is regrouping, so it would be a convenient time to have them figure out he's gone. If anyone had any attachment to him, I would say he should die in their arms. As for being able to play him...I possibly could, but I'm not really sure. I don't want to do what i did last time and end up poofing again.

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-sneaks in- Hey guys---college person now, weird. Buuut anyways... some things have changed in my life, and I'm kinda thinking I might return to roleplaying, contrary to what I thought before. I juuuust figured I might drop in and see whether Concord's been... like... removed already.... AUGH what I mean is--I've been missing this roleplay like mad for months now and can't stand it any longer! My best writing came out here and I can't get it back. And stuff. Iiisss there still room?

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As a random side note, I had a weird dream that Sophia and Greg fell in love, but Sophia got killed because Greg decided to save a bunch of horses instead of her. I think he blew her up by making some volcano explode, but that part's a bit hazy. lol


bahahaha! What.





Gah! Elsendor! You sneaky sneaky you.


Um, well. Greg..... Hm. I don't think Greg would really fall in love with anybody in the RP so far. He would need someone dorky and odd to fall in love. And I don't think he's very much especially attached to horses. Moreso instruments. And hair.

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Nessie!!! You're back!! *glomphugs* I never thought I'd see you here again! Don't ever leave like that again!


. . .


Well, pay me no mind. You have the right to leave whenever you want~


I haven't deleted Concord yet. ;] He's in the IC thread.

By the way, I hope you don't mind what happened to Marlowe and Ancadel. If you want, I can sort of explain to you why that happened (in PMs).



Well, if Nessie does take Sen, then I guess we have nothing to worry about. If not, then I'm all for Key's idea and having Sen die in Sophia's arm (just because she's the only one he actually bonded with).



As for the dream, there was more to it, but I don't want to say it all, just because~ I totally get why I dreamed of Sophia and the horses, but I have no idea how Greg fits into it. He was just there for some reason. xd.png Eh? Hair? O______e

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Sowwy. I was at a point in my life where I needed to let God know what mattered more.

I'm now at a point in my life where I have more time than I used to, my MS OCD has settled enough to allow me a life in RL, and I've looked back and found that MS brings my Muse to life like nothing else. She's been languishing since I left, which kind of sucks if you're an aspiring writer. XDDD And I've figured out how my life is going to work. Aaand yeah.


Senny-wenny mine? Pwease?

Edited by Elsendor

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Hey Nessie. Glad things are looking good for you. :3


I'm all for you getting Sen. I would get to keep the only person Sophia actually like for now around. xd.png


Why did you dream of the horses and Sophia? You said you kinda know why then why? >: D


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