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Dear Journal,


Well we can add a magma egg and a chicken to the mix. Where they are located in the cave I'm surprised the chicken wasn't made into an omlette. Ms. Eryes is still holding out for a cheese and a few more dino eggs. She got rid of one dino because she already had a red one and thought another person would like it more. Now she's waiting for the chance to breed a few bluna eggs.


I hate short journals but I just can't think of anything to write at the moment.


Jambu Kermillian

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Dear diary,


Having to look after five eggs and three hatchlings is tiring. Even more so, considering that the hatchlings are active during the day, while I'm not. It's easier at night, but I do have to watch out for Kaempferia, one of my kin.


Dancing Arya, the Pink who used to be the Clan's scribe has vanished. It seems that none of the others know why. From what I've heard, they woke up one morning, and she'd gone. To this day, we don't know why. I believe that a few of the younger ones still hope that she'll come back. I, on the other hand, don't think she will.


Ridiculous Mort Dorkface

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Dear Journal,


It has become an anxious wait for my mate and I, as our egg has still not hatched. It has a huge hole in the side, and when I peered into it, the hatchling said "Noo want to come out!". I guess we will just have to wait untill it is ready.


The other eggs in the nest include a tiny egg that we have never seen in our cave before, A see-threw egg with an equaly transperant hatchling inside, and a scaly egg, that we have never seen either.


Our Mistress Zephyr went out of the cave threw her portal, back to the human realm, and when she returned, she was badley burnt. We asked her what has happened, but she told us it was just sunburn. We can not see how anyone could get burnt by the sun at this time of year, there is still some snow on the ground! But Zephyr told us that her Portal goes to her home in Australia, where it is very hot, sometimes even in winter, and that at the moment, Summer is still only finishing there.


And That Vampire in the Nest smells Realy Bad! The mistress had the digging dragons build a cavern under the main cave for them, that conects to both the main cave and outside. She also had them build a net and a large cage in it, and she had the hunters bring back a large Wolf alive, and put it in the cage.

I wonder what she is doing??


-Yule Eden



Dear inside of my eggshell,


I have not hatched yet because I DON'T WANT TOO!! It is nice and cosey in here, and the outside feels all cold. A big white and red stripey dragon put his head nest to my egg and looked in, and he said that he is my Daddy. I guess thats ok, But I don't want to come out unless I see a Mummy to.


-I don't have a name yet, but I herd the big dragons call me a skywing egg.

Edited by Zephyr_Drake

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"Dear Journal,


We have named the vampire Exex, based on her eggcode. Xeiv, who is the nocturne likewise named for her eggcode, is growing fond of having another dragon to share the night. I've got a few other hatchlings to take care of, though: a darling magma (it's a little hard to handle, but it adores curling up in my tail, and the magma should harden and cool as it gets older. Patience.) and a fresh-hatched stone-like dragon, with the little shimmer of crystals as it moves. A geode. At least I don't have to worry about a hatchling with such a hard skin getting hurt when it's playing.


We've also got a little two-finned Bluna that we've put in with Talise. She seems very happy to have someone to swim around with, even if the hatchling is still too young to be a real companion. I'm a little worried Talise will just let the little ball of energy wander off, so I go and check on it every day. The Mistress keeps telling me to leave it and Talise alone. And then she winks. Why is she winking like that?


Oh, well. Egon's happy to have only one egg to tend for a while -- it's hard for other people to tell, but I can. He grumbles more about little things when he's happy, and he's much more likely to seek out other dragons and complain to them, instead of just to himself. He's happy to have less to do, even though I have quite a bit on my plate. Eh, well. It's not like I'm not doing what I love.


- Alinda Shieldtail"

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Dear Journal,


Our Newest Youngsters have now been named.

The Winter hatchling has been Named Wintara Blizzard, and She grew up not long after the ceramony. She has already settled in with the other single females, and has been taken under the wing of the eldest single female, salvanna. She has started to attract male attention already...


The little CB red hatchling has gendered female and has been named Temarth Firestone, and the little male Ochardrake has been named Ridgeboo. They are enjoying the company of the new Pygmy hatchling, which is the tinyest thing I have ever seen. The new hatchling that hatched out of the scaly egg has been moved to the underground lake, and is being cared for by Echo and her son Emuth. Echo's Daughter, Echo of winters future (Echo Jr. for short) is to busy tracking schools of tuna to look after the unusual little hatchling.


The Vampire is yet to mature, but the finishin touches on it's den have been made, and the wolf is in the cage, as our Mistress requested.


My darling egg has still not hatched, I hope it dose soon.


-Yule Eden


Dear inside of my eggshell,



Oh, I think I just kicked out a bit of the shell again, why are you starting to crumble??


-Still not named, STOP ASKING!!

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How annoying the young ones are! They constantly burst into thy door, disturbing thee from thy work. Why can't thee get any peace? Doth they not know that this dragon is enduring such for thy clan? It is for the better of them, doth they not understand? They are too young to comprehend such things, methinks. But still, most of them are frozen ones. They must know better... Enough of this ranting, it is not good for thee.


Today I accomplished much work. I practiced thy spell, the one that thy has created some centuries ago. It is very good now, near perfection, I must say. They say that no such thing is perfect, but thy does not agree. Most of thy- I mean my- spells are perfect. Augh, thy- I!- English is not perfect still, though. I (haha, not thy!) will keep trying until I get it.


I must create a new spell, it bores me when I have nothing.


~Radieux Scintiller, Magi Dragon



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Dear Journal,


My newest egg has finaly hatched! It seems a little cranky about leaving its shell, and is constantly grumbling to itself. It also dose not like to play with the other hatchlings. It is always sitting high up in the cavern, looking out at the sky. I wonder what is wrong with it? I will ask Sharieth to talk to it.


The Vampire seems to have matured. There is no longer a bad smell coming from it's cavern, and where the wolf was is now a mauled corpse. Although most hatchlings are named by Zephyr and Sylexion, this one named itself. He has called himself Krispin the Elder.


In other news, Our mistress Zephyr has anounced that, due to the out of wack number of certin breeds, she will be partisipating in a project to rescue the more common breeds, such as pinks and frills. She says once she has rescued enough of them, the project organisers will give her a rare egg for our efforts, either a silver or a gold. She said that she will start to rescue the eggs after this new batch of youngsters are mature. The Frozen Gang are pleased that they will soon have new friends.


Well, I am going to ask my mate to go and talk to our hatchling now.


-Yule Eden


Dear Cave Wall,


I have hatched now, but I am not happy about it. My mother came to see me, and I fell out of my egg in an effort to get a hug, but the second I was out, a horn sounded, and mother said she had to go. Father explained that a hunt was starting, and that they needed Mother to find the Prey for them first.


I am very unhappy that I did not get a cuddle from Mother, and I am refusing to come down from this ledge untill she gives me one. I am starting to get hungry though, so I hope she gets back soon.


Wait! Here comes mother now! And she has a small fluffy edible! I got to go now!


-Still not named, But I'm about to get a cuddle and an edible!

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The small Pink eggs have finally started to crack..


They look quiet tasty, but I do not get to bite again until tomorrow..


[Flickering Eclipse]

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" Journal:

A hatchling. I have a hatchling. It's the same color as I am, soft and rosy, and it looks up at me with big bright eyes. It calls me 'daddy.'

... I'm a father. As an egg, it was so hard to believe...

Does this mean that I'm really stuck with Lady Jaromira? She's a beautiful dragoness, lovely as a sculpture made of ice...and just as understanding of my nature. There are so many other beautiful dragonesses out there, who need to be appreciated, worshipped even, for that beauty, for the delicacy of a lady's wings in flight...

If she thinks this hatchling will stop me, she's sadly mistaken. I can't say I really care, one way or another.




As I was writing this, the hatchling came up to me. Say what you like about Jaromira, but the hatchling has her beautiful eyes. The hatchling fixed me with those eyes, and climbed up on to my back. It was making a little almost purring sound as it fell asleep.

... I'm no more inclined to set up shop forever with its mother, but... The hatchling has nothing to do with that, like I said. So I guess I don't mind being a father, so much. I'll just have to teach my kid to lovebeauty like I do.


Love Forever,


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Dear Diary,

Chestnuts and Candy Cane Cheer have been found!!! Master was looking for some rare eggs far away from the Abandon cave (I'll just call it the AP) and she found them near some raspberry bushes.


Everyone cheered when they saw the two, but nobody got too close to them because they smelled really bad. Master had to wash them.


Speaking of smelling bad the vampire hatched a couple day ago. I tried to move it with my tail but it's moitionless.


I asked Master if the hatchling is dead but she said it's still breathing and a vampire hatchling looks like that at it's first stage. Some of the dragons have gotten used to a first stage Vampire but it's really creepy to me.


Other then the creepy Vampire hatchling I met a Canopy hatchling who's a lot better looking. Master thinks she might be a girl but were not sure yet.


Master says not to play too rough with her because she's sensitive. The only thing I learned from this Canopy hatchling is that she likes to climb tree's and stare at the sky.


It also spends time with it's parents. The Father is "Tree's falling down" who is a canopy like the hatchling and the Mother is "Princess of Sea" who is a Bluna. I hope I can get along with her and when she get's wings i'll be happy to defeat her...

~Miss Frozen Ice

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Dear Eggshell,




~Whisper of the Night

Edited by Elisa725

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Dear Journal,


The little Albino hatchling asked the mistress if it could be frozen. It liked playing with the other frozen hatchlings so much, that he said he would never be happy being fully grown when they are still small. So the mistress froze it. It is still posible that it will gain a gender and wings, but it will be named at the next ceramony, gendered or not.


My hatchling finaly came down from the ledge when my mate offered it food. It screamed "Mumma!" and glided down into Sharirth's wings, and snuggled there untill her little legs got to tired to hand on. The fact that it's legs are getting weaker is a good thing, it means her legs will soon change into a seccond set of wings! I think the reason the little dear was grumpy and stubourne was because it missed it's mother.


Oh, and the Vampire grew up, and last nite he went out, only to return just before dawn with a water walker egg, and when I went down to ask why he had it, I could not see it anyware.... but there was another Vampire egg it the nest!


The mistress has also made good on her promise to rescue more commons. There are now two pebble eggs and a frill egg in the cave, and the mistress intends on freezing them all. She says that one of the pebbles has a Maternal Grandmother who is a Valentines Dragon! I wonder what it will be called...?


I have to go and detatch my hatchling from its mother again.


-Yule Eden


Dear Little scrap of parchment,



She gave me an edibe and cuddles!!!!


Wait! No! Father is pulling me off mummy again! No! Mummy loves my cuddles! Nooooo.......!


-Give me back to my Mummy!! I needs a name to!

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Dear Journal,


My hatchling is female! I have another Daughter! She still hads no name, so her mother and I are calling her Tai untill she has an offical name. Seeing as we gave her a "little name", she has given all the other hatchlings "Little Names". The deep sea has become Jei, the Frozen Albino is Abi, and the pygmy has become Mai. I can't wait for the naming ceramony tonight, and the elder Sylexion has already prepared the names to be blessed to the hatchlings.


I must go and prepare my scales for the ceramony!


-Yule Eden


Dear Book thingy,


My mistress Zephyr gave you to me today when I matured, so that I could write all my thoughts in one place insted of on random things. Mistress also told me I had to control my hugging, as my Mother dose not enjoy being hugged 24/7.... whatever that means. So I have only given mother 10 short Cuddles today.


As I said before, I have now matured, and I gendered female! My pearents started calling me Tai, but only untill I get a name tonight. I hope its a good name!


I must go, Father is calling me.


-Tai (Temporary name, I will have a new one tonight!)

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Dear journal,


This morning, when I woke up, I saw that two of the three eggs were hatching. I'm so happy, because now I will have new play mates! The other dragon hatchlings are soooo boring. They don't even have wings yet, so they just stand there all day looking cute and hopeing someone will feed them. Anyways, I can't wait for the eggs to hatch! Maybe these ones wont be so borring. Flowerblossom, the egg tender, says that they'll hatch real soon! I wonder what the'll look like? Ones really tiny and orangeish yellowish, and the other looks like limestone. I asked Flowerblossom if they needed any help getting out of the egg, but she said they can do it on there own. Oh well. Anyways, Moon after sun sets (We just call him Moon) said that I can go down to the lake today! I've never been to the lake before. I hear it's nice and shiny, and I love shiny things! I wonder when I can go. I hope it's soon! When I get back, i'll tell what happens, so i'll never forget.


~ Goldenhearts journal, entrie 1

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Dear Journal,


The Ceramony last night went well, and all the hatchlings were blessed with very good names. My Daughter was named Taieya Yule, The Deep Sea was named Korigahn Skia, The pygmy was named Derek Vdelli, and the frozen Albino was named Vendikar.


The eggs that Zephyr collected are all starting to hatch, and soon we will be overun by hatchlings. The vampire egg in the vampire cavern also seems to be hatching. I only know this because the rotten smell has gotten stronger, and Krispin is in an unusualy good mood. Very few clan members have discovered him yet, only the pebbles and geodes that dug out his cavern, me and the elders.


Sharieth and I would like to try again for another egg, and we know that our daughters have been is big demand as mates, due to both their lineage and their beauty. Taieya has already had a male try and breed with her, but she regected him. I hope she wont be to picky about choosing a mate, I would love to have a grandchild from her in the near future.


I must go and speak with the elders and Zephyr about permissions to breed again.


-Yule Eden


Dear Journal,


I have a new name now, Taieya Yule. And so do the other hatchings from my clutch. I also had to reject a male today. Korigahn, the Deep sea who hatched the same time as me, asked me to be his mate, but I do not realy have any feeling towards him. I wish I has that same amout of luck as my older sister Seranith. She was asked by the son of one of the elders, Emuth, to be his mate. She had said yes, but they have not had any eggs yet. She seems so happy, and thats all I want.


I must go, I have to go and help Mother in a hunt.


-Taieya Yule

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3rd month, 7th day, 2010th year




Ugh, the moment I heard the snap of Bo's Letale Saartje's leg I knew I had gone too far. The fight between us has of course come and gone, leaving both of us sitting here rotting in the Healer's Den. I despise this place; it is far too bright, much too cold, and smells too strongly of herbs and sick dragons. Completely the opposite of the vampires' warm, pitch-black Cave that has the beautiful fragrance of blood. Ah, I wish I could go back, but Bo's Gabriel Dorkface-Riddle, his daughter, his daughter's son, Bo's Sophie Mae Dorkface and the new white dragon, who is Bo's Sophie Mae Dorkface's son, are all demanding me to stay. Yuck. I hate it here. I mean, I wasn't that badly hurt; all Bo's Letale Desiderio did to me was slash my face and cut my eyeball. I mean, if a normal dragon or some silly human were to read this, they'd probably scream at the graphic visuals ricocheting in their minds, but if a vampire were to read this, they'd most likely roll their eyes at my minor injury. Vampires are like that.


Anyway, even though I knew I should not have gone so far as the snap Saartje's leg and it had to be amputated, I feel no sorrow. He should not have been bugging me at dawn when I was hunting for that mouse. he scared it away! Then, on top of that, the stupid vampire went and began insulting me! That was the perfect window of time to begin a raging attack with him, am I wrong?! Humph. He is already out of the Den, gone back to the Vampire Cave to gossip about me with the females and Bo's Letale Zanne. I wish that I could replay the attack again and again on that mongrel, snapping off the remaining three of his legs! Argh!


On top of this, Bo has become ill with a high fever. She hasn't come in days, but has sent letters! However, here's the problem: she does not yet know how to write in dragon; those blasted dragons never taught her! We cannot read her letters! The good thing is, we know from previous knowledge that she can read dragon tongue. Thank the DraGod she can! But, even though she can read dragon tongue, she still cannot write it. I do not understand why she cannot write it, if she can read it! Humph. Whatever. I just do not understand, but I suppose I shouldn't even attempt to comprehend. it isn't worth my brain's power.


Well, the Healers say I must rest now; farewell.



Bo's Letale Corruzione; vampire male; Captain of the Vampire Guards

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Dear Diary,


It's been a while since I wrote in you. The Vampire and Canopy hatchlings are fully matured and a lot smarter.


After the maturity of the two dragons, Master rescued two eggs from the cold. One is called an "Earth" and it's green.


The other is called "Grey." The egg is obviously Grey and Master said when they fully mature they will control the weather around us.


It's gonna be just like the Grey adults we have at the cave and the "Earth" will look like the adult Earths in the cave.


But there's another addition to the family. It's a hatchling, very small, and it's called a Nocturne.


It reminds me of a Gargoyle and it's active and plays when the sun goes down. That's no good! I always fall asleep when the moon comes out, now I can't play with it.


The hatcling is so boring during the day too. It's like a 1st stage vampire hatchling only it's not scary looking and it doesn't smell.


Master just says to stop complaining and that there's more hatchlings in the cave to play with. Most of them don't want to play with me or compete against me.


The only one that does is Leetle Ice Cube but he's a soar loser. Ughh!

~Miss Frozen Ice

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Recently, while scrounging around, I found this...


How is it that creatures that look more like fish can end up labeled as dragons? Er... -, Harabusu. But, really, as I'm getting bigger, I only see these weird oddities that could hardly qualify as true dragons. Just recently, I saw some rotten egg with a red cross go flying through the cave to some passerby who caught it greedily. Really, why would you want a dead thing in your nest? I can hardly even fathom it.


Also, why does everyone in the cave insist that we don't eat the people who walk by everyday? They're just nearly-furless apes that think we can be their pets. When I get bigger and grow my wings, I'll do something to get rid of them. I can be sure of that.




... *grabs next scroll*


Today was a grand day. I managed to boil alive three men who-


I'mma skip that one. *shuffles papers*


Dear peice of scrap paper, why does it seem like every time I try to make a hostile takeover of the cave and eradicate the apes who intrude here, all the other dragons refuse me? I'm only doing it for the good of everyone, not just because this is some instinctual desire of mine to see the pink fleshy things up on stakes...


ANYWAY, I recently acquired two new companions, both powerful magi dragons. There may be hope for my plans yet.




Mmhmm, now let's see this one.


DRATITIALL. They're useless! Every single one of them! I try to show them how it's done, I even demonstrate with a dead swine we found the other day but, still those two magi's refuse to even go near anything pink and fleshy. Cowards! *parts of the parchment is rugged and torn* -and make them wish they never crossed my path let alone be concieved in their mother's womb!


Ugh... Just make it all end. I particularly want to find a way to get rid of that one ape everyone in here calls the 'caretaker'. Just because those pinks and ochres think she's so great doesn't mean I'm going to bow down and get rid of my dignity!


Until I rule the world,



I never knew my dragons could be so sadistic. D:

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3rd month, 10th day, 2010th year




Today was a very relaxed, lazy day for the clan. There seemed to be no work needed to be completed, no orders to bestow. Well, my task today was to check up on Saartje. I am not even giving that scoundrel Corruzione the satisfaction of sympathy! I mean, he snapped Saartje's leg off! I feel very pleased with myself that I slashed his face. Well, the others, except for quiet, respectable Zanne, kept tantalizing me about Saartje and I, and they kept jeering that we were in love. Puh! Love is a stupid thing. He and I are merely friends. Just because we are different genders and friends does not mean we are in love.


Anyway...as I try to take my mind off of my friend, the horse dragon hatchling, whom Bo proclaimed was to be named Bo's Harry The Horse, matured. Harry, as everyone calls him, is named after a character in a "musical" (as Bo called it) that Bo's brother played. She will not stop talking about that musical! She even brought a tape of it to our mountains for us to watch. Sometimes I think our mistress is obsessive over certain things. Well, speaking of eggs and hatchlings, I was informed that Hail and Drift's winter egg hatched! If the hatchling ends up male, it will be frozen by Solar Energy's powers (we ran out of the magical freezing liquid in the 31st month of the 2009th year). If the hatchling ends up female, it will be allowed to mature into an adult. I hope it is female.


Oh, wow! Bo just brought back to our mountains a beautiful red egg. It is very warm to the touch. Ah, finally a red dragon in our clan. I can see the advantages this small, unborn dragon will bring when it matures!


Farewell until next time, journal.



Bo's Letale Desiderio; vampire female

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Dated: Tenth Day of the Third Moon, Season of Ice of the Year Twenty Ten


Dear Journal,


It has been long since I last wrote, sadly there has been but little to write about. The JavaTiger has had homework to do and has been only able to visit us infrequently, of late, and I do hate to bother her for a piece of paper and pen to write with. Valentine's Day was an untempered disappointment to her, as she had hoped to manage to snag one of the rare eggs found on that day aone for hersel, but no such luck. Lately there have been some new eggs brought in, two "sun" eggs ( I believe Java is hoping for a sunet and sunrise pair ). We also managed to obtain a thunder egg through the kindness of the cave human of another clan. Shockstorm is excited as he is currently the only electric element dragon in the clan. On another note, this brings up something that worries me. The Java Tiger brought in another egg as well, a strange one. It is cold , not icy , like an iceicle egg, this one is clammy like it is dead, and it smells rotten! I think it may well be dead, but Java Tiger has insisted that it be put into the nest cave with the other eggs. I don't know, something about that egg..., it makes me uneasy. Well, so far that is all for now. I just wish I knew WHERE I had heard of eggs like that before...


~~~Skydancer of Lupinus ; White Dragoness and Alpha Female of the JavaTiger Clan

Edited by JavaTiger

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Dear Journal,


I am ggoing to be an Aunt! My sister Seranith laid her first egg today, a skywing, and both my sisters and I, and our parents, are overjoyed. Our mistress Zephyr seemed a little disapointed about the breed of the egg, but was happy for our little family none the less. You see my sisters mate, Emuth, is a water Dragon, and Zephyr was hoping for an egg called a Bluna egg, that is a hybrid of Water and skywing charateristics.


Zephyr also asked me if I would be able to choose a water or deep sea dragon as a mate, as she loves our little family, and Would love for us to be the parent group for the caves future Bluna's. I agreed, although I refuse to be mated with Korigahn, but there is another Deep sea egg in the nest.... I wonder if it will gender male?


I must go to Seranith and Emuth's Egg Shower, a traditonal party to celebraite a mated pairs first egg, which seals their bond, to be un-broken till death.


-Taieya Yule


Dear Blood Book,


This is the first time I have gotten to write in you, since I am the only Adult Vampire in my clan, and there has been so Much to be done. First I will tell you about myself. My name is Krispin, and My title is Elder. My mistress is called Zephyr, and she told me that she was given me as a gift from another Dragon Tender. I live in a large cavern that is bellow the main cave system, that the breathers live in. My clan consists of myself and my Daughter Riannon, still a Fledgeing, who will become the first Blood Hunter.


Over the week that my daughter has been in existance, I have has to play the roll of Elder, Blood Hunter, Egg Watcher, Brooder and Watcher. The Elder is responsible for keeping both his own brood, and all the broods that make up a clan in order, and Naming Fledglings and Handling any Dramas. A Blood Hunter provides live food for both Fledgelings and Other Adults. The Egg Watchers care for the eggs, and also scout for more eggs to turn when an adult in the clan is nearing a bite. A Brooder cares for the Fledgelings. A Watcher keeps an eye on both other Vampire Clans, and Breather Clans, and keep an eye out for threats such as Zombies, Black Magicians and Slayers.


Oh no, Riannon's getting a little close to the Cavern exit, I must go and retreve her.


-Krispin the Elder

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3rd moon, 12th day, 2010th year




Today our glorious, promising red egg was stolen right out of the Egg and hatchling Area! Blue Moon says he could make out the outlines of two male neotropical dragons, but didn't want to attack just in case Bo or someone else had sent for them. Obviously not; we inquired to Bo the next morning after Blue Moon had alerted us, and she said she had sent for no one to pick up any eggs. The clan thinks the bandits are members of the Shadows or the Flashes, rebelling from the Battle. Well, we don't understand what two united groups of all male guardians, magis and neotropicals would want with a red egg. And, what if the egg turns out female? What will the all-male groups do then?


Well, a clan-wide search has been conducted, with three groups of two to five going out every twenty to forty minutes at a time. We have pushed our searches farther and farther into the territory, and Amethyst Spark reported a few minutes ago that if the clan went any farther, it would be over our border, which means we have covered a lot of territory. After all, we do live in mountains, and have a huge chunk of land all our clan's own! Anyway, tantalizing thoughts about possible future burglaries from the thieves are swirling in everyone's minds. The poor two hatchlings, the winter (that is now proclaimed female) and pink, are probably scared to death. Well, they have no reason to be frightened. The Captain and Guards are up all hours of the night to keep watch over the Egg and Hatchling Area. Even a few of the Vampire Guards are here now and then!


Well, that is all I have time to write; it is my turn to go out in a search party.





Bo's Zav Spark; male electric; Beta of the Bo Clan

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Dear Diary,


Well there is a new edition to the cave but let me tell you a few updates about the hatchlings I talked about last week. The nocturne grew up and he's a Boy.


He's still very boring and refuses to play with me. On the other hand there's a hatchling that's the same breed as me and his name is Cold Legend.


I like playing with him and he's really funny. There's also the Earth and Grey that Master rescued. The Grey is still a maturing hatchling and her name is Miss Grey Foundling.


She's fun to play with but every time I beat her in wrestling she makes a Grey cloud go above my head and it rains on me! At least when I was playing with the Earth she didn't get upset.


The Earth is also a girl and her name is Beautiful Earth Orphan. Master is planning on rescuing a common breed every Month.


I should probably talk about the new edition. It's a white egg but Master stole it!

They say the stolen eggs are more valuable, so she's proud she has it.


She's going to let the white egg reach to adult hood. We already have a couple white breeds in our frozen hatchling clan.


There's also some very good news! She went up town from the cave to the cavern and there are other dragon master talking about new breeds of dragons coming this way!


Master is defiantly getting prepared for this one. I can't wait to see what happens!


~Miss Frozen Ice

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Dear Journal,


The whole family is grieving for the death of my sister's unborn child. The cursed Vampire Riannon stole the egg, and killed it while trying to create another of her own kind. Seranith has not stoped crying since they found the shell, and Emuth swore that he would get his revenge.


My other sister, My Heart will go on, laid an egg today, with her new mate, Korigahn. It is another Skywing egg, the breed which our fmily seems to produce the most of. My Heart will go on, Heart for short, seemed realy guilty, that not only did she mate with the male that tryed to mate with me first, but she now has an egg, while our sister dose not. Seranith says that it is ok, and that she and Emuth will lay other eggs, but we could all see the pain in her eyes when she saw the egg.


My Mistress Zephyr has also rescued three Magi eggs, and along with the Magi Hatchling, there will soon be a total of 9 Magi's, and Zephyr said that she intends rescuing more of them. The Adult Magi's are all pleased about this, as once there are enough of them, Zephyr will aprove the plans for a large lab and libary for them to study and practice there magic.


I must go now, mother has asked to speak with me, and if I dont go now I will be late.


-Taieya Yule


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Dated: Thirteenth Day of the Third Moon, Season of Ice of the Year Twenty Ten


Dear Journal,


Remember that strange egg I was writing about last time? Well, believe it or not it actually hatched, and I figured out why that egg made me feel odd. It was a vampire egg! What can Java Tiger be thinking; bringing one of those nest robbing egg biters into our clan? It is active only by night, and is already becoming good freinds with Nocturna, our Noctrune dragon, who likewise is active after dark. Java Tiger says she will make it promise to never bite an egg without her permission and the okay from myself and Nightwing first, but I still don't know. I saw it the other day as it awoke for the night and it smiled at me. Maybe this was meant as a friendly gesture, but it also showed that it already posseses the fearsome fangs of its kind. It just seems wrong somehow, to see fangs like that, big even for an adult dragons of most breeds, on a hatchling. Still, JavaTiger assures me that the little one will be no trouble, and that if taught well, will become a faithful and loyal member of our group. Indeed, she says that many other clans have a contingent of such dragons among them. I am still not sure how I feel about this developement, still, I trust Java Tiger on this and will obey her wishes.


~~~Skydancer of Lupinus ; White Dragoness and Alpha Female of the JavaTiger Clan

Edited by JavaTiger

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