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2023-04-30 - April Dragon Release

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1 hour ago, Cthulhu said:

I have sadly been unable to catch any of the Sonatas, and have been unsuccessful in any trade.  I will keep trying, and fighting with my tablet to get some Sonata eggs.


Thankfully I was able to get some of the pygmies.


All of them are pretty, but I may have to purchase from the Market.

Check your messages! 🙂

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Lovely new dragons!!! <3 I love lunar heralds so it's cool to have something to go along with them! I'm assuming silver variant will appear for the 8 day period when lunar heralds are also silver. Does that seem likely?

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I cannot catch a Sonata to save my soul so hopefully I can afford them when they hit the Market.


They are so pretty 

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HOLY MOLY, looks like I have a new favorite :D ❤️

Exellent work spriters as always, hopefully i won't miss out on the silver moon eggs

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6 hours ago, Mewtie said:

Last of all, I made some head portraits and a sprite of their tail feathers to show parts of them in a little more detail.

ddbcl6r-41afe3a6-005f-4829-babb-cfcd1978 https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/d1a77056-386c-44e9-88e8-df1d78af87fa/dd96thz-980ca485-9fad-4209-9fe3-68f137753f66.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2QxYTc3MDU2LTM4NmMtNDRlOS04OGU4LWRmMWQ3OGFmODdmYVwvZGQ5NnRoei05ODBjYTQ4NS05ZmFkLTQyMDktOWZlMy02OGYxMzc3NTNmNjYuZ2lmIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.5PcQFd4Cr-nkvUnYUhGduW3Fycqh4jkUQ_4hEehBe9c ddbcl5b-f5807970-addb-44a6-bf77-d1c2da00

Lovely! I really like these guys! :) Thank you!


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3 hours ago, BringsTheSnow said:


I always use this calendar to help keep track of the moon phases.


Here is another source of info based on the forums: https://forums.dragcave.net/topic/170693-dc-moon-watch-and-lunar-herald-theories/

Thank you, this is super useful ! 💚


My theory is that the gold variant is related to Aurax and the blue to Cirion. Because Cirion is in New,  there are no blue eggs. But if I'm right, today at 8pm blue eggs will start mixing in, because the phase will change....

Edited by natli

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I've been seeing occasional moon eggs in the biomes, but I stupidly stare at them and either I click too late or don't click at all ... :ph34r: :lol: Sometimes I click rapidly to the next biome while at the same time it registers with me that I just saw a moon egg go by ... alot

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44 minutes ago, missy_ said:

I've been seeing occasional moon eggs in the biomes, but I stupidly stare at them and either I click too late or don't click at all ... :ph34r: :lol: Sometimes I click rapidly to the next biome while at the same time it registers with me that I just saw a moon egg go by ... alot

Well, glad to know I'm not the only one! I did manage to grab one earlier today, but I have missed alot !

The pygmies are plentiful at least. I could fill my scroll with them if I didn't want a few more Sonatas.

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41 minutes ago, Niya said:

So cute! The pygmies are like mini sunsongs. 


I was thinking more like mini setsongs, though that didn't occur to me until I read your comment. I knew they reminded me of some other dragon type, but just which one I couldn't figure out until now.


Maybe they're what happens to the setsongs after the sun has finished setting! 🙂

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Aurax (Golden moon) Waxing gibbous

Cirion (Blue moon) Waxing crescent


Okay changed. Are there any blue sonata? XD Saw 2 catch 2, still orange. Seem that still no blue. Anyone still need orange?

Edited by D-wing

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Just saw (and missed) a gold one, too.

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AaaaH!!!!! the adults are all so gorgeous!


i'm kinda on a pygmy spree and these are a beautiful addition.


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4 hours ago, AmaNoGawa said:

Lovely new dragons!!! <3 I love lunar heralds so it's cool to have something to go along with them! I'm assuming silver variant will appear for the 8 day period when lunar heralds are also silver. Does that seem likely?

Very unlikely the silver Sonata is going to follow the same pattern as the silver Lunar, especially since seems so far the blue and orange don't and would be odd to have 1 out the 3 to have a different mechanic that copies a previous dragons mechanic.


Also this is in the dragons description: " Those born under an eclipse are especially gifted in magic, capable of drawing strength from both Aurax and Cirion. " We have an up coming eclipse, so that is likely when the silver Sonta will appear or be breed-able. We'll just have to wait and see to know for sure though.

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So while lunars are brought up, are these eclipses a new thing? I've never followed the moon calendar closely so I don't know. But if it is,how could would a dark phase lunar herald be to go with the eclipses? Like a dark grey or black?

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Just had a random thought, not sure if anyone else has considered it already. What if during the eclipse the gold and blue Sonatas can be used to summon the silver variant, with a high or 100% guarantee chance? Or maybe low chance throughout the year, high chance during eclipse...just a thought.


I really just don't want them to only drop in the cave every 4 months or so lol. 

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Oh wow! Both of these are beautiful additions to the cave.


In regards to the Sonatas and the Silver variant...


Really hoping that we either get a small dedicated drop of CBs come the eclipse, or that they work similar to Heralds and breeding is guaranteed to result in the Silver variant.

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1 hour ago, MissK. said:

Just had a random thought, not sure if anyone else has considered it already. What if during the eclipse the gold and blue Sonatas can be used to summon the silver variant, with a high or 100% guarantee chance? Or maybe low chance throughout the year, high chance during eclipse...just a thought.


I really just don't want them to only drop in the cave every 4 months or so lol. 


I'd like that, honestly.  I'd just.  Be so very sad if such amazingly pretty sprites that I want an army of are restricted to one day ever 128.  ;_;

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2 hours ago, MissK. said:

Just had a random thought, not sure if anyone else has considered it already. What if during the eclipse the gold and blue Sonatas can be used to summon the silver variant, with a high or 100% guarantee chance? Or maybe low chance throughout the year, high chance during eclipse...just a thought.


I really just don't want them to only drop in the cave every 4 months or so lol. 

I'll mention if I see a BSA on mine when they are grown, if no one beats me to it... At this point, it might be likely it's only during eclipse, given the descriptions and there was no silver in release flood. Every 4 months will be kinda sucky and make them rare... and probably in turn make Blue and Orange rare because of high demand for eclipse breeding.


1 hour ago, ShorahNagi said:

Oh wow! Both of these are beautiful additions to the cave.


In regards to the Sonatas and the Silver variant...


Really hoping that we either get a small dedicated drop of CBs come the eclipse, or that they work similar to Heralds and breeding is guaranteed to result in the Silver variant.

 A small dedicated drop be nice, the drop this round for the blue and gold was said to be shorter than normal, so that might be a possibility.

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Such a great release! 

I love the Occulri portraits and that tail feather sprite is chef's kiss, thank you for sharing Mewtie! 


Congrats & thank you to the writers and artists :)

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People are asking for the silver/grey Sonata in the trades. Am I way behind the curve? 

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9 minutes ago, Stirfry said:

People are asking for the silver/grey Sonata in the trades. Am I way behind the curve? 

No , still we are waiting for

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25 minutes ago, Stirfry said:

People are asking for the silver/grey Sonata in the trades. Am I way behind the curve? 



Orange:  current drop, 100% orange.

Blue: only drop some at release day, need to wait until the colour swap, depend on moon phases.

Silver: Only TJ have it, people guess it appear in eclipse.

Edited by D-wing

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Gorgeous adults!


Too bad I haven't gotten any Sonatas...

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I'm hoping this thread is still open after people's adults start growing bc if the eclipse is on the 10-11th that's nearly a week away still.

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