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The Blocker Breeding Bonanza!

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I have to say I really like the way you're running these--mass breed events have been a pretty common (and fun) thing on the forums throughout the years, but this is the first I remember with solid numerical data to back it up. There was always the hope of helping, buttt without numbers and data it was hard to see if it actually WAS, versus just getting nice shinies. So this will be swell. :)


(And of course I also love the shiny prize--thanks @Natayah and whoever put up the Gold!)


Few things:


-- I can donate multiple things myself;  

> A CB Copper / Zyu / Xeno of the user's choice of type and variant (ie you can specifically ask for a Chrono, or a Green Copper)

> 2 3g Prizes, chosen from among my 2gs (please give me a list of SIX prizes you like, and specify checker or stair, and I'll get two off that list!)

> 4 3g Spriter's Alt offspring, chosen from among my 2gs; you can pick specifics, but no holiday x holiday.


-- Let's say I breed four Harvests from the same mom from this round; are you going to have to go in and count all of those eggs? I don't want to make this more work for you than it already is if you have to really dig into progeny lists!


-- Can you explain that nifty data sheet you have showing how often breeds were seen in the cave? I get the gist of it, but some of the things aren't clear to me.

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LOL - omg the AP time is already super low, who wants to Play Breeding Blocker Bonaza LIMBO - How LOW Can AP GO?!?!?!?!


ADP - Thanks for the additional questions, I know you are really involved with many projects that help figure things out, work with numbers, gather and collect things and data and all that, thanks for also for getting into that there as well!

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Hey natayah, there's an option to add all of one breed into the group, so you could add all of your dragons really quickly.

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2 hours ago, angelicdragonpuppy said:


-- Let's say I breed four Harvests from the same mom from this round; are you going to have to go in and count all of those eggs? I don't want to make this more work for you than it already is if you have to really dig into progeny lists!


I was wondering this, too. Last month's breeding period was shorter and I didn't breed any dragons twice in that time frame, but this is a little different. Also, does it make it easier for you if we have our group arranged by breed?


I will be glad to donate a 3rd gen Prize from one of my second gens, also -- mostly they breed stairsteps, but I have one that breeds a checker. Winner's choice. Mates are already set.


For the moment I am not entering the raffle, but here is my group if it helps you with statistics. https://dragcave.net/group/64100

Edited by purplehaze

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OH HEY I WILL DO THAT THEN - (No I don't look like a total newb who just got back lol) So I will make a group! Yay Groups! I will do that and properly even enter!



Sneaky way to make sure your babies stick around?!?!?! Some of those lovely lineages you have that include breeds eligible for this - maybe consider "gifting" them to someone who will make sure they like the lineage and keep it alive, or as the AP goes round and you find a bunch of the dragons you bred at lower times now, grab a bunch, incuhatch/hatch them and gift the hatchlings. Bet they live long healthy lives and you get those sweet sweet ticket/points. Muahahah

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TJ didn't say anything about people winning the official monthly raffles twice. Seems fine to me if you'd win this one twice @purplehaze

Jack's data gathering method is pretty simple, refresh for a certain period of time at certain intervals, and immediately collect and record any descriptions caught/seen on page.

This means if the egg stays longer in the cave, the numbers will go up more. The number increases further when there are two or three of unwanted eggs of the same kind hanging around in the biome and not being taken. Maybe there's an API that he used which idk, but it works.

Edited by BlueLatios
not another page error again, didn't see the new posts lol

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Also, @BlueLatios this is not a direct response to you, but you are the one who sort of jogged my brain so thank you, and I'm gonna essay to the max!


Well, I kinda want to spread the wealth. I think I'd be the one who would want to lay down that rule if Purplehaze and Jack hadn't already laid down that rule. It's different when the Prize owner is the one running the raffle, they can make that decision. I think on this one, I'm gonna be firm in that I'm not breeding for the same person two months in a row. That defeats the entire point of my intention of use with my baby. But just to be clear, it isn't done as a rule like based on DC rule standards. Player run Raffles can make whatever rules they want and there is very little chance that any rule they made would violate the Terms of DC (exceptions like - you can "BUY" extra tickets with irl cash or something, obviously that would be in violation, but I have no idea of any person crazy enough to try that stunt), so usually not a problem. I do want to actually state Jack has been incredibly kind and thoughtful to make sure I wasn't going to potentially burn on out offering 2G Prizes. But by setting them up with Holiday Only Mates, and that you get what breeds and you only get a try or two before I default on what I know what works (and thankfully there are at least 1-2 female Holidays that just seem to love him, I love iFawn (capitals a bit different) for so many reasons, she is beyond lovely, and I am glad she seems to really like him as I now consider those two to be their preferred default mates. Life Mates who may dally here and there because we humans like to breed other stuffs. Whatever.


But I've been extremely lucky, although my luck takes an odd form that it is more like dumb luck when it doesn't really matter quite as much as it could have, but still is really cool? I could make a list of several examples (one of them being my beloved zombie vampire I did on a whim recalling an IRC about someone who specifically went out of their way to get one, me thinking..... wow that must have been a lot of work, forgetting to prep enough extra adult zombie fodder, stabbing a zombie on a whim and it being one of the few that ROSE to zombie glory - completely unplanned and not prepped in any way!)


So I kinda believe in the rule of blind, dumb luck, the kiss of Lady Luck when it doesn't have quite the impact that better timing could, but Hey, I'll take it! For example, there were at least two other players that bred more than @purplehaze and yet that is the person who won. I want people to feel like they all have a chance, it only takes one ticket to win, and you never know, and with so many other cool prizes, you are very likely to win SOMETHING you will enjoy! On top of having fun with a group of awesome people, and if you are a person with a bronze or silver trophy, don't you think for a minute we don't want you to be part of this. You are our favorite people. We get to meet and make friends with people we may not know as well and they get to know us and now we have new friendships and connections in a fun event that we do as a group for all sorts of reasons that benefits the game for all players no matter how they play! I know many breeders will continue to churn out breeding runs on their own, and when we are in the 2 months or so prior to the Holiday stretch (and if you are new or still pretty new to that Holiday Stretch) BOY is it something.... and we keep giving players the chance to hatch/incuhatch and collect lower time dragons for several reasons & combo reasons: Growing scrolls to next Trophy Level, Freezies, Hatchlings to regift, people who are building a specific Breed Army, finding pretty lines and gems, making fodder for Zombies, Vampires, Experiments, etc. And it might sound goofy that I would remind people that low time eggs make awesome fodder for things that either kill or change the original dragon breed. Doesn't that seem contrary to the purpose of this event? The answer is a very strong NO. Because the people who breed the most understand that things that go to the AP can be done with as they wish, and if a few get killed or transformed into something that someone really wants to add to their scroll or regifting it someone who will do the same is an AWESOME feeling. In the scheme of things, that is so few compared to the several hundred or thousands we've dropped and isn't going to any statistical difference to them winning or not - And can you imagine how cool it must feel when you breed a line, or even a random baby, and suddenly it ends up as a prized Vampire, Zombie, ND or cute Frozen Hatchling on someone else's scroll? I am even happier when I can give someone a cool dragon and they turn it into something that when people click on it, not only did they take risks to earn that dragon, but it was one of my pretty lines and it makes it that much cooler and I know I produced that? Exactly awesome. Besides, it gives us more partners in this game. People who are really into grabbing low time eggs to hatch, regift, or do whatever with are now are partners in this game and just add another level of fun and giving to the Community and game and make this place just that bit more special for everyone else.


I didn't immediately jump on board with shelling out 2G Gold Prize babies on this game. There was a lot of talk and back and forth and suggestions and such and @Jack_Indivisible seemed to come out of nowhere (despite a Profile saying been around since like... super way early before me), and I didn't know Jack well, but I *really super* wanted to see this kind of event come back. Out of nowhere I'm hit with a prize dragon win, and I love it as now I can help gift to attract people to come play, but there is no way I have the time or personality build to run this kind of thing. Thank goodness for you crazy dedicated firmly minded project folks who do a lot of unique and interesting things that this game is so much better for having. You all are also one of the ways we figure out all those wacky mysteries behind why do dragons breed certain colors, shades, etc. and what impacts that. Some of those mysteries have been pretty complex and took a lot of group and team work to unravel them. Sometimes I am just amazed at how cool and varied some of the coding and breed varieties and how to get those varieties exist. In every combination. It's fun to have *real* game puzzles and mysteries to unravel, not just the ones we make up via our own myths and legends. But this event is an awesome thing, and it is really needed and it didn't take me long to jump on board. I think we still have a lot of room to grow and I hope people take advantage of the "chances to win" having a smaller group gives you, and some people will participate and not want or need to win prizes, because they may be prize owners or just very much older and richer players who have about everything they already want, or already have enough versions of all the prizes.


That is the reason I suggested, and am adding my own group which I'll post shortly, for people to make Groups regardless of wanting to "win" or not when I realized it helps determine ratio info that goes into the next round of this game, and that based on our efforts and results we also impact the game, and we may never know the true degree of impact, but Jack tracks them all the same and makes adjustments for what we can see: the results of our personal breeding. This place is great. At the same time, I also want to spread the prize love around so while someone I don't feel should be able to win two months in a row, if they have won two different times and did not pass on the prize, I think I would want to offer other various breeding gifts on my scroll and pass to someone else. I want to share it and let the love go around, especially as there are people out there who would sticking straws up their nose for a chance to win ANY 2G Prize, much less a Gold one. So hopefully it helps draw some more people out of the woodwork this round.


And after this damn long essay, I just want to say, I'm not sure how Jack is going to run this craziness as we get closer to the Holidays (although things like January and November usually offer a BIT of a nice break in between), I am going to have to take SOME time and prep my breeding and swapping for Holiday lineages with other Prize owners. I love me some lineages, as do most people who play here. So if that is the case, I cannot promise if I am or am not able to offer this prize against NEXT month. It will return, don't worry. I will also probably donate something else super cool or various cool tickets to things on my scroll, but .... make your breedings count this month cuz next month may not have my personal 2G Prize baby as a prize.


So if you want to win it, you gotta get in it. Breed like crazy, and share the love and invite others to come join the fun! And if there are other people who might enjoy low AP eggs for any reason, ask them to encourage promoting this Breeding Raffle to their own friends, Groups, Threads, or whatever. Because a Low AP benefits, if not all, certainly most, of the Player Community, especially those outside of the Forums, and this Event deserved a good competitive group of people having fun together while others enjoy the fruits of the play. Party On, as the Great Masters say. We Celebrate for several months from fall thru winter. It's been pretty HOT this summer. I am ready to start my Celebrating now.

Edited by Natayah

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4 hours ago, angelicdragonpuppy said:

 A CB Copper / Zyu / Xeno of the user's choice of type and variant (ie you can specifically ask for a Chrono, or a Green Copper)

That's just one prize, right? Not one of each.


4 hours ago, angelicdragonpuppy said:

> 2 3g Prizes, chosen from among my 2gs (please give me a list of SIX prizes you like, and specify checker or stair, and I'll get two off that list!)

> 4 3g Spriter's Alt offspring, chosen from among my 2gs; you can pick specifics, but no holiday x holiday.

Ditto. Are these 6 prizes, 5 prizes, or 2 prizes?


4 hours ago, angelicdragonpuppy said:

-- Let's say I breed four Harvests from the same mom from this round; are you going to have to go in and count all of those eggs? I don't want to make this more work for you than it already is if you have to really dig into progeny lists!

I've got a really good workflow and it takes less time than you think to work through everyone's stuff. (for example, progeny lists are sorted by date. you just work backwards+remember codes+remember how many were there last time and you're golden)


4 hours ago, angelicdragonpuppy said:

-- Can you explain that nifty data sheet you have showing how often breeds were seen in the cave? I get the gist of it, but some of the things aren't clear to me.

Ok, so first of all there aren't any % statistics on the sheet, everything is raw numbers. Each biome has 6 statistics: how many times I viewed that page, how many individual eggs there's been, and how many times theres been 0/1/2/3 eggs on the page.

Each description has how many eggs have been seen, how many times 1/2/3 eggs have been seen at once, and how many times the egg was seen in position 1/2/3. I'm pretty sure in that order.


3 hours ago, soteeeria said:

I think I read the instructions right but just breed and toss one parent into the group right? ;v;

Yep! And don't worry if two parents of the same kid accidentally make it in there.

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7 hours ago, Jack_Indivisible said:

Ok, so first of all there aren't any % statistics on the sheet, everything is raw numbers. Each biome has 6 statistics: how many times I viewed that page, how many individual eggs there's been, and how many times theres been 0/1/2/3 eggs on the page.

Each description has how many eggs have been seen, how many times 1/2/3 eggs have been seen at once, and how many times the egg was seen in position 1/2/3. I'm pretty sure in that order.

For eggs that can be two breeds, did you actually divide the number by 2 to account for both breeds? I mean, Frills and Horses in the Jungle, Moonstones and Sunstones in the Desert, and in the Coast and in the Jungle there are Flamingoes and Pinks (though in those places Flamingoes are MUCH more likely than Pinks!)

Or are you counting the full amount of appearance for both breeds each time?

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I rarely keep track, don't have a breeding schedule.

I'll just breed first, add them to group later :v

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Hey, this is just a quick post so I don’t forget—


I just counted, and I realized we have over 80 breeds listed here—saying 1 out of every 3 dragons is a blocker! I think at that level we’re getting into “common” rather than “excessively common,” and I know trying to breed through them all is giving me a lot of burn out. Would you consider making it, say, just the 25 most problematic breeds or such in future?


And—since you do some really cool statistical analysis, could you keep a list of how things fluctuate in rarity from one event to the next?

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Honestly, I like having a BUNCH of different breeds to choose from because:

1. Newer & Growing Players more likely to be able to be involved as they are likely to have more breed varieties, just less of them individually per breed as less time to stock up.

2. There is a lot less "Complaint" when the "Mass Breeding Wall" is constantly changing breeds, I mean someone can be upset its a bunch of commons, but when is it not a bunch of commons?

3. I like the Low AP time. For a million reasons I've typed a bunch of times

4. If people wanna go crazy breeding all day and all night, let them go crazy breeding. Some people just like clicking buttons and impacting the game, let they eat clicks!

5. This allows more lineage breeders of all types better chances of getting the "other" breed. There are so many breeds today, when I'm trying to Decide... What will I breed next... It is a really complicated choice. Especially for Prize Lines. And it gives more people who want to trade for and/or breed special 2Gs babies to any Special CB (HM, Spriters Alts, Prizes, Other Special Whatevers), People have a lot of variety, and it helps get everything a little faster.

6. I like the floods and the randomness. I mean during the Holidays, or if we overlap events, I would suggest maybe potential options of tightening the list or adding restrictions of any variety, or offering other special stuff MORE tickets/points vs other whatevers. But Pre-Holiday Craziness yet ... I'm game.


But I'd be down for something, although I think 25 is a little slow. Especially if people want to combine this with other mass breeds like the Holidaykin or whatever also pops up. Might as well have a Two for One Deal when we can get it.


ETA: One of the best breeding Projects around for a simple place to start is the King/Queen of the Commons project l, am likely to be butchering that name and like it is one of the Projects that people repeatedly make sure I have listed in my Player Events, Groups, etc. Under Breeding. I think then taking a peek at ADPs's Checker Database is then the next step when you decide to build some common x common checkers to make something more unique, less represented and/Or know where to go for multiple others to work as a possible team with others.I know there is almost a greater love for some very common to not uncommon lineages, especially 4EG and up checkers among lineage lovers. I think this potentially helps with that. We're in trading thread. No reason someone can't mention they are interested in collecting certain combos for their own lineages or invite others to join the team. I think cooperative cross promo and sharingis good for all, drives trafficboth ways and people learn new things. We've got tons of PRIZES this month, we might want to consider helping to spread the word as I know there are SEVERAL people who already qualify, they just gotta make the quick Group and make one post.

Edited by Natayah

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I actually like having lots of breeds to choose from. It means I don't have to keep switching out which dragons live in my blocker group.

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Still plenty of time to sign up, and still plenty of time as there are so many breeds, as long as you've bred at least one of them, you get a ticket, and there are a ton of prizes this round. Help keep our AP time lower with some easy fun and a chance for you to win some nice prizes in a pretty easy manner. And share with some people who might have less dragons but would still like a chance, or who breed a lot already and probably already qualify so they have a chance to win, and help the game for many types of players (we all benefit from lower timed AP, no matter how you like to play and be involved), and some game stats themselves which help in other ways! Simple fun, no reason not to share with others, and see if you have a nice shiny and pretty new thing to add to your scroll at the end of the month!


The AP is inching closer towards that 5 day mark, almost at the halfway mark - can we beat it down again?

Edited by Natayah

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