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Trading Hub Feedback

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16 hours ago, HeatherMarie said:

- have the ability for IOUs


We can't support IOU's, or make reparations for IOU's going south so its better if its not permitted on the official site.

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But you can always name your dragons "Willing to consider IOUs" and "PM me on DCF"... Like you can mention IOUs in signatures here. 

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2 hours ago, olympe said:

But you can always name your dragons "Willing to consider IOUs" and "PM me on DCF"... Like you can mention IOUs in signatures here. 

you could do that. But, I strongly doubt we would have something that helped IOU's in an official capacity. Mostly because if it appears that we support it, then when it goes south, people think mods can do something about it - and we can't - we're covering our afterburners. This is why we don't allow it being in threads or in IRC. This is also why  one way teleports indicates (and I forget the exact wording) that no one really owes anyone anything if they choose to use it. So you can change your dragon's name, but IOU trading is absolutely at your own risk. Onsite trading features will unlikely support it for those reasons.

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Speaking of Holidays...along with the Pagination being desperately needed by then, I think ability to link a group or direct to a group of holiday mates you need will be more important than ever.  I know I would hate to have to click every single egg of that breed to see if it happens to be the one that is a mate I need for my lineages.  But one good thing, people can't put up trades for things they still have on CD like they could on forum.  That ended up being a real pain last year.  Someone would make a deal with me for something on CD and then end up doing something else while I am waiting and waiting.  

Edited by 49ER

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4 hours ago, Starscream said:

We can't support IOU's, or make reparations for IOU's going south so its better if its not permitted on the official site.


Yeah, I know they probably are better off not allowed on the official site, I was just listing stuff that's been brought up in this thread. Multiple things in my list I don't personally agree with and/or know aren't going to happen (like direct communication). 



38 minutes ago, 49ER said:

Speaking of Holidays...along with the Pagination being desperately needed by then, I think ability to link a group or direct to a group of holiday mates you need will be more important than ever.  I know I would hate to have to click every single egg of that breed to see if it happens to be the one that is a mate I need for my lineages.  But one good thing, people can't put up trades for things they still have on CD like they could on forum.  That ended up being a real pain last year.  Someone would make a deal with me for something on CD and then end up doing something else while I am waiting and waiting.  


It seems there are more and more reasons why being able attach an internal link to your trade would be a really helpful thing... One of the reasons I'm rather glad I don't 'do' lineages is I can't imagine the frustration during the holidays, I'm sure it will be a lot more frustrating then usual with the hub both because of the severe limitations on allowed Want text, no Have box, the ridiculously fast pace that makes trades drop off the main page in less then 30 minutes... Goodness. For everyone else's sake I really really hope the hub is updated/tweaked before then.

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I have a question: "links" are not allowed, but are "codes" not allowed, too? 


Like, am I allowed to write something like this in the want box:


-W: 3g royal blue from M shadow walker unrelated to J8HsT


Or this?:


-w: a mate for any dragon in this group 20471


Or is this considered linking, too? 


If this was allowed, at least, I'd be happy (and with more space, because I have *many* mates to list! - and with clearer rules, since seriously, I barely scaped getting banned the other day because I didn't know we couldn't add links to our wish lists before I came to take a peek here!! Oh, and pagination xD) 



Another reason I think the hub is superior to the forums for trading, is the ability to "filter".


It takes me like 5 seconds to see if there are trades up which have the egg/dragon I'm looking for, and less than a minute to use key words of wants to see if any of the things I have on hand, is in the "wants" of some interesting trade. 

(Key words I often use are: genderswap, bloodswap, checker, spriter, or "breed name". They do wonders). 


The same thing, in the forum, may take me like 10 minutes or more, depending on how many pages I have to go through in each thread. 


So, overall, the hub is a great place to post your trade for starters or when you're in a hurry; you don't have to post the thing in several different places or in separate links so that they don't break thread rules, etc. 


How filtering worked in another game:

I used to play another game, which is now dead, vdexplus. This game was integrated with its forum, and the trading all happened there, but it had a plus: you could use tags for the things you had, and if someone was looking for something specific, they could use the specific tag and all the topics containing it would appear. When vdex still existed I thought this would be wonderful on DC, but we had the old forum back then and it wouldn't have supported it. Now, I don't really know if such a thing could be supported. 


It'd work something like this? 

Have: 1 cb nebula ungendered, 1 cb nexus egg. 

#nebulahatchling #nexusegg


Want: cb red hatchies


This probably sounds like a pain to implement, though xD and I don't see it happening, much less with the hub in place. 


Edited by ninish

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Codes, unless I am told otherwise, are okay as far as I can tell. I cannot give a set answer on the groups thing - for now avoid it if you can. Please bear with us until staff/admin work this out.

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11 minutes ago, Starscream said:

Codes, unless I am told otherwise, are okay as far as I can tell. I cannot give a set answer on the groups thing - for now avoid it if you can. Please bear with us until staff/admin work this out.

Thanks! Will use the codes for now, then :'D

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If, for whatever reason he so decides, TJ does not want to allow even mention of groups, fine. That is his prerogative. I don't have to like it or agree with it, but it is his game to run as he sees fit. I can certainly respect that. What we do need is clear rules, because so many people have had no idea that linking to a group that needs mates or asking to PM was not allowed. Even not being able to add the http:// I construed as an effort to keep off site links from the Hub. I could see every reason for that. No one has any idea what could be lurking on an offsite link. It could contain all sorts of nasty things. So I thought just putting in the group ID itself or saying 'mates from my needs mates group' would be okay. My logic? Anything on site is perfect safe. TJ coded the pages to be his version of the idea safe. We have groups. We have the ability to make groups public and to highlight them for a reason. Surely that means we are meant to be able to use our public groups to get the trades we want. Great. Safe to go. Not one tiny shred of that was me trying to actually get around rules. Now that I know groups and 'PM me' is not allowed, I don't include them. I also am more or less going back to not bothering with trading or playing much because as the Hub stands, there is no point in it for lineage breeders. I am not saying this in a fatalistic, "fix it or else I won't play!" manner. It simply is what it is.


Yes, a larger space would go a huge way to taking care of this problem, at least.. Perhaps with an expandable space that the person searching the Hub for things they want to offer on could expand (so that it doesn't take up more space on the page, but if people are interests in offering, they can click it for more info, much like Dragon Market had). No, it would not take care of giant wishlists or IOUs (but the official stance of DC is to be hush hush about them, anyway, so honestly that is no change), but it would offer a lot more freedom to say the kind of offers one is looking for. A lineage breeder could list 4-5 lineages they are looking for and at least have a better chance of getting what they want, all with no linking to a group or anything. Sure you might get some that are related to the lineage you already have, but it would still be a far sight better than not being able to describe what you will accept at all due to length limits. For example:



Want CB copper or specific line as listed below. Will consider other offers.


3rd gen checker from female ice x male black, 2nd gen thunder from ice female, 4th gen checker from female silver x male moonstone, 3rd gen bronze tinsel stairstep lineage from female magma, or 4th gen purebred white



The quick blurb at the top (could be the first X number of characters, same as it is now) could give a very brief description, and that could be then clicked open to show a bigger text box of wants. It does not even have to be such a large thing to click. A little icon or "more" text link would work just as well without extending the space taken up by visible text. Two extra full lines of text from my view, and I fit in five total lineages from my hypothetical wants list. That's a far sight better than the current, where I honestly can't even properly describe more than a single non-complicated lineage I might want. Obviously it still needs some limit, or people will have ridiculously giant text blocks, but it is a much better way for people with specific lineage needs to use the Hub without being forced back into the ever-dying and fairly-not-worth-using (for many types of players, anyway) forums. We would still have access to the entire site worth of traders rather than the very relatively small amount of traders on the forum. We would still be able to easily browse what is on offer (not doable in the forums). No links or PMs would be required. Yes, ideally I would LOVE to at least be able to link to a full group of dragons that need mates, but I understand if that is not allowable for whatever reason. This could be a potential work-around to still have a Hub that is useful for all types of players and not just those who are looking for CB swaps or other extremely easy-to-define wants. Even better if the "more" portion was still part of the searchable text so wants could still be filtered for "ice" or "checker". ❤️ 


On 8/7/2018 at 7:28 PM, purplehaze said:

To me it seems quite reasonable to use the forum for your more complicated trades. Where have you all been trading before the hub opened where you could find these thousands of potential trades that you are now losing because you can't post links in the hub? I don't see forum trading as clunky or outdated. It gives you a chance to fully describe what it is that you are offering and what it is that you want. Is that so bad?


Honestly, when Dragon Market went down, I pretty much stopped trading. I pretty much stopped playing other than to grab new releases. I stopped building lineages, I stopped breeding prizes, I stopped almost everything. Why? All because of the steep downturn in trading ability. I like lineages. It is my main reason for continuing to play, but without an effective trade system, being a lineage breeder is useless unless the person wants to build the entire lineage from scratch themselves, which I very much do not. The Hub brought me back to the game with renewed interest. When I was adding "from my needs mates" group to my wants (before I knew it was not allowed), I was getting pretty good bites on my trades. I cleared through half of my "needs mates" group during that time. I was able to link directly to what I wanted in game, and people were able to offer me exactly what I wanted. Both parties were happy. All I want, for the most part, is mates for the dragons I need. Even when the forums were bumping years back, it was hard to get lineages I needed off the forum posts. Usually the only things forum posts were really all that useful for was when I was both looking for a CB and had a CB. It IS clunky from a serious lineage breeder's viewpoint. With Dragon Market and now with the Hub, I can browse through quickly and see every recent offer easily. Offers move so much faster. I was getting easily 10-20 times more offers of what I wanted (not to mention other things people offered that was not on my want list but that I ended up liking enough to accept) from the Hub (and previously from Dragon Market) than I ever got on the forums, even when it was in its prime. 

To give a perfect example: I never used to catch dinos or other unbreedables to trade on the forum. There was absolutely no point in even putting them up on the forum, because I would get no offers at all. Most of the people looking through the trades already have all the unbreedables they want. There are one or two collectors, sure, but it is rarely worth catching something just on the off chance that such a minuscule percentage of users MIGHT have the exact lineage you are looking for. When I was offering them in exchange for exactly the same things I tried to get in the forum but instead put them in the Hub (or previously Dragon Market), I was getting multiple offers within 10 minutes of putting them up. Nearly every time there was an offer of what I was asking for (a mate for the dragons I needed). There are SO many more active players in the game than are on the forum at all, let alone who are active on the forum.


Dragon Market and the Hub provide a quick, easy way to find exactly what I need and to get offers of exactly what I need. Leastwise, they did before the first was taken down and the second had rules I was not aware existed finally told to me by a very kind individual. I don't need IOUs. I don't need anything all that complicated. I just want to get mates for dragons, but as it stands, it looks like that is not going to be very possible once again.

Edited by Ribombee

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Surely there are more visually concise ways of getting across wants for many billions of dragons in a group link, for example by screenshotting all the lineages and putting them in one image which you upload to imgur or listing what you want in text than linking to a group.  Have tried looking through the wants of many people in the past of 'want: mate for dragon in group x' and all of them have been something along the lines of:


- group x is named something unhelpful like My Dragons or Dragons I want mates for

- every dragon in it is a 2g prize, 2g prize fail or 2g from spriter's alt

- the person could have saved literally everyone an hour of their life by directly pming prize winners or artists instead


So in a way I suppose I do understand why TJ doesn't really seem to be onboard with allowing links to dragon groups. I guess I'd rather that dragon group links be allowed rather than disallowed but I think that there are better ways of expressing wants assuming that those ways of expressing them end up allowed. Maybe with more characters allowed in the wants box it could also be used for people to describe groups better if they end up allowed.

Edited by DarkEternity

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39 minutes ago, DarkEternity said:

Surely there are more visually concise ways of getting across wants for many billions of dragons in a group link, for example by screenshotting all the lineages and putting them in one image which you upload to imgur or listing what you want in text than linking to a group.  Have tried looking through the wants of many people in the past of 'want: mate for dragon in group x' and all of them have been something along the lines of:


- group x is named something unhelpful like My Dragons or Dragons I want mates for

- every dragon in it is a 2g prize, 2g prize fail or 2g from spriter's alt

- the person could have saved literally everyone an hour of their life by directly pming prize winners or artists instead


So in a way I suppose I do understand why TJ doesn't really seem to be onboard with allowing links to dragon groups. I guess I'd rather that dragon group links be allowed rather than disallowed but I think that there are better ways of expressing wants assuming that those ways of expressing them end up allowed. Maybe with more characters allowed in the wants box it could also be used for people to describe groups better if they end up allowed.


When it comes to links, it's much more likely that links to groups might be allowed, much less likely that links to outside image websites would be allowed. Too much potential for abuse and inappropriate images and such.


I don't agree that it'd be easier if people would just directly PM prize winners... For one, some are very clear that they do not want PMs about their prizes. Second, plenty of people who use the hub don't have a forum account at all. Third, how many hours would it take to PM every single person who has something you want to trade for, as opposed to simply posting a trade in the hub. Is it annoying when you see a dragon posted that you'd really really like but the only thing they want is prize offspring or whatever? Of course. It's also annoying when I'm looking for commons or messies and almost all the trades I click on are CBs. *shrugs* That's just how it is. The hub is often the best way to go when it comes to quick and simple trades, so of course people are going to use it rather then attempt to track down each individual person they might want to trade with, and of course there will be tons of trades posted that most people aren't interested in or don't have things to offer on. (This is another way pagination could help, it'd be a lot easier to find good trades if you could go through pages of them....)


I definitely think more characters allowed in the Want box (and a dedicated Have box, so you don't need to waste Want box space) will go a long way towards better descriptions and information about trades, but I also think that allowing group links would be a great move in that regard as well.

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47 minutes ago, DarkEternity said:

Surely there are more visually concise ways of getting across wants for many billions of dragons in a group link, for example by screenshotting all the lineages and putting them in one image which you upload to imgur or listing what you want in text than linking to a group.  Have tried looking through the wants of many people in the past of 'want: mate for dragon in group x' and all of them have been something along the lines of:


- group x is named something unhelpful like My Dragons or Dragons I want mates for

- every dragon in it is a 2g prize, 2g prize fail or 2g from spriter's alt

- the person could have saved literally everyone an hour of their life by directly pming prize winners or artists instead


I mean Google Sheets is a really good way of being able to list lineages needed, but in light of not wanting to link out to external links (understandable), groups would work a lot better. My 'needs mates' groups has a wide variety of things from, yes, 2G prizes/fails to purebreds to checkers. I do have my 2G prizes/fails ALSO in their own group so that I can direct people right to that when I am offering a 2G prize/fail, but I still leave them in my general 'needs mates' because I never know who might want to offer what on my trades. 

As I mentioned before, having a larger textbox that is hidden behind a link you have to click to enlarge the box (similarly to how Dragon Market used to work or how the "spoiler" tag on the forums works) would certainly go great lengths to helping, at the very least. Groups ARE useful, though, if they were to be allowed. I was looking through them when people were posting them in the Hub, and I made some offers sometimes when I could breed the checker or whatever they wanted. Got a few nice dragons out of it.

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28 minutes ago, HeatherMarie said:


When it comes to links, it's much more likely that links to groups might be allowed, much less likely that links to outside image websites would be allowed. Too much potential for abuse and inappropriate images and such.


I don't agree that it'd be easier if people would just directly PM prize winners... For one, some are very clear that they do not want PMs about their prizes. Second, plenty of people who use the hub don't have a forum account at all. Third, how many hours would it take to PM every single person who has something you want to trade for, as opposed to simply posting a trade in the hub. Is it annoying when you see a dragon posted that you'd really really like but the only thing they want is prize offspring or whatever? Of course. It's also annoying when I'm looking for commons or messies and almost all the trades I click on are CBs. *shrugs* That's just how it is. The hub is often the best way to go when it comes to quick and simple trades, so of course people are going to use it rather then attempt to track down each individual person they might want to trade with, and of course there will be tons of trades posted that most people aren't interested in or don't have things to offer on. (This is another way pagination could help, it'd be a lot easier to find good trades if you could go through pages of them....)


I definitely think more characters allowed in the Want box (and a dedicated Have box, so you don't need to waste Want box space) will go a long way towards better descriptions and information about trades, but I also think that allowing group links would be a great move in that regard as well.

Writing 'w: 2g prize offspring or 2g SA' is different from saying 'w: mate for dragons in group x', because you only figure out what the latter wants after clicking through literally every dragon in existence in said group when it would be quicker and more simple to list w: 2g prize offspring of x y z mate and SA offspring of x y z mate or eg checker of specific pattern, although I guess part of the reason why people are asking for that more on the tradehub is because of the limited wants space. Groups probably does get across the visuals of a lineage more than a description does though, but probably nowhere near as much as as a compilation of screenshots would.


Although I do think that people should be free to express wants however they desire, I think that that convenience/a quick and simple trade be it via lists vs spreadsheets via groups via images also a consideration in what should get allowed on  the trading hub and what ends up banned so hopefully more things will be allowed than just groups (and TJ said that he thought that groups were not bannable but I think that something like say, spreadsheets or lists or images might be more desirable in quite a few cases)


Also on the topic of view/lineage links I would love it if the images of the dragons depicted on the trading hub directly linked to the lineage link. 

Edited by DarkEternity

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Perhaps there is a way for all links to be unallowed unless they are dragcave.net links?  That way asking for unrelated to dragcave.net/limeage/code or dragcave.net/group/number could still be permisible.  As far as PMs, even if one does not want PM's, they might get them anyway, because posting no pms is not permitted, whereas if someone could put it in profile to opt in or out, change it if they change their mind, and have it show up on the teleport link rather than wants box would help.  And, if someone pm's a person who put no pm's, then it is something that could be reported as a violation.  You cannot report somebody now for a polite pm that you did not want, if they don't know you don't permit it.

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1 hour ago, DarkEternity said:


Also on the topic of view/lineage links I would love it if the images of the dragons depicted on the trading hub directly linked to the lineage link. 


Yes yes yes yes. That was mentioned many many times when the hub was first introduced but I haven't seen it mentioned lately. Searching for trades to offer on would be sooo much easier if you didn't have those extra steps, having to click over to the trade's page and *then* click the lineage link. Especially if it's a breed I'm already on the fence about wanting, I'd be more likely to simply click the image to look at the lineage then to take the time to open the trade and then check the lineage(s). (And now that I'm experimenting with mobile I'm extra aware of how inconvenient those extra clicks can be.)

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14 hours ago, DarkEternity said:

Have tried looking through the wants of many people in the past of 'want: mate for dragon in group x' and all of them have been something along the lines of:


- group x is named something unhelpful like My Dragons or Dragons I want mates for

- every dragon in it is a 2g prize, 2g prize fail or 2g from spriter's alt

- the person could have saved literally everyone an hour of their life by directly pming prize winners or artists instead


So in a way I suppose I do understand why TJ doesn't really seem to be onboard with allowing links to dragon groups. I guess I'd rather that dragon group links be allowed rather than disallowed but I think that there are better ways of expressing wants assuming that those ways of expressing them end up allowed. Maybe with more characters allowed in the wants box it could also be used for people to describe groups better if they end up allowed.

This is why I'd really like to be able to do either of two things: Sort groups (so I can use something like frozen hatchlings as "Labels" - "my yule x white checkers" + "my yule x black checkers" and whatever other lines I need mates for. (And the - as of yet unmated - dragons would get just that as a suffix in their name.)

Or, alternately, I'd like to be able to add real labels to groups so we can describe smaller parts of it.

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*pokes head in*


Just here to say the Trading Hub is currently showing 11 minutes worth of trades. 11 minutes. Might.... pagination help with this, perchance?

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3 hours ago, olympe said:

This is why I'd really like to be able to do either of two things: Sort groups (so I can use something like frozen hatchlings as "Labels" - "my yule x white checkers" + "my yule x black checkers" and whatever other lines I need mates for. (And the - as of yet unmated - dragons would get just that as a suffix in their name.)

Or, alternately, I'd like to be able to add real labels to groups so we can describe smaller parts of it.

Psst, groups *can* be sorted, and you *can* use freezie hatchies as labels. 



The problem arises when you have *too many dragons* for it to be practical to sort them exclusively like that. Both for myself, and for other people to offer on my trades.


Example, I think I raised ~45 checker or 2nd gen dragons last Halloween season, 44 during valentines and 35 during X'mas. (~124 total) Most of which had different lineages, and while I can breed mates for some (most 2gs, and some higher gens) let's keep it low and say that I needed to seek mates for about 40% of those dragons since valentines ended. Let's add the dragons I failed to get mates for during previous years, and that were like 15... (Rough and low estimate cause my memory is bad) And that says that, since valentines '18, I needed mates for like, 64 dragons. Putting them all in one group, and expect someone to click them all if they want to offer in one trade, is undoable. So that leaves me with 2 options:

1) rename each unmated dragon to specify its lineage, like "3g rosy solstice x ice" (which I find ugly) 

2) use a frozen hatchie above it to specify its lineage. By the end of valentines I may have needed like 64 of frozen hatchies XD I still have 32 to go, lol. 

The mates I have gotten since February, were mostly gotten by going to the checker database, srogg, stalking people's scrolls, stalking dragon's lineages in the ap (when a massive checker wall happens, for example), pm'ing a lot of people (active and inactive), and some *really* kind users who have helped me spontaneously (seriously, thanks ten millions, Dracaena). 


I started pm'ing people directly because a lot of players won't come into the forums if they don't need something specific. 


Let's say I need a 3g tidal from heart stealing checker. No matter how many times I post in the forums that I need such a thing, if the very few people who may be able to breed such a lineage (because yes, it's a rare line) don't even go into the trading threads, my offer won't even be seen. 


So at the very least, asking for it in the hub, which honestly is quite addictive, and you can browse it easily while ap hunting or in between cave drops, would yield me far better results.


Problem is, I need so many mates!! I really wish we could have a larger wants box... So that I can write:


Need holiday checker mates for 

3g rosy solstice x ice xxxxx, 3g tidal x HStg yyyyy, 3gFmarrow x seragamma 0000), 5gsilver x ribbon zZzZz , (write all 30 smthg like this). 


This will help a lot as my trade will come up if people filter for "ice", "marrow, silver","tidal"... And holiday or checker. Will this call to the people who weren't using the forum before? Probably not, but it still may call the attention of people who may just want to have some fun in the hub, because as I said it's addictive, and maybe someone there can help. 



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If it was expanded to list that many, I would hope it would be some kind of link or collapsed box that could be expanded if somebody wants to look through the list.  I would hate to see trade hub posts devolve into full page ads, like a lot of posts I see on forum trades.

Other option (if group links were allowed), would be to make more groups, so you could divide holidays needing mates by breed, to make the groups smaller. 

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27 minutes ago, 49ER said:

If it was expanded to list that many, I would hope it would be some kind of link or collapsed box that could be expanded if somebody wants to look through the list.  I would hate to see trade hub posts devolve into full page ads, like a lot of posts I see on forum trades.

Other option (if group links were allowed), would be to make more groups, so you could divide holidays needing mates by breed, to make the groups smaller. 


Even a relatively small expansion would be nice to have a collapsible box. I recommended that and showed how it might work a page (or two?) back. :)

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9 hours ago, olympe said:

This is why I'd really like to be able to do either of two things: Sort groups (so I can use something like frozen hatchlings as "Labels" - "my yule x white checkers" + "my yule x black checkers" and whatever other lines I need mates for. (And the - as of yet unmated - dragons would get just that as a suffix in their name.)

Or, alternately, I'd like to be able to add real labels to groups so we can describe smaller parts of it.

Or having group descriptions would be great

Names are also unique so what you can name 'em depends on what's available. 

Edited by DarkEternity

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On 8/9/2018 at 4:37 AM, Ribombee said:


I mean Google Sheets is a really good way of being able to list lineages needed, but in light of not wanting to link out to external links (understandable), groups would work a lot better. My 'needs mates' groups has a wide variety of things from, yes, 2G prizes/fails to purebreds to checkers. I do have my 2G prizes/fails ALSO in their own group so that I can direct people right to that when I am offering a 2G prize/fail, but I still leave them in my general 'needs mates' because I never know who might want to offer what on my trades. 

As I mentioned before, having a larger textbox that is hidden behind a link you have to click to enlarge the box (similarly to how Dragon Market used to work or how the "spoiler" tag on the forums works) would certainly go great lengths to helping, at the very least. Groups ARE useful, though, if they were to be allowed. I was looking through them when people were posting them in the Hub, and I made some offers sometimes when I could breed the checker or whatever they wanted. Got a few nice dragons out of it.


I didn't find Dragon Market any more "helpful" than the Trading hub - though we desperately need pagination. Many times the other person never even responded, and sometimes I'd get "the owner has already accepted a trade" - things seemed to stay up there long after they had expired.... BUT:


On 8/9/2018 at 4:57 AM, DarkEternity said:

Writing 'w: 2g prize offspring or 2g SA' is different from saying 'w: mate for dragons in group x', because you only figure out what the latter wants after clicking through literally every dragon in existence in said group when it would be quicker and more simple to list w: 2g prize offspring of x y z mate and SA offspring of x y z mate or eg checker of specific pattern, although I guess part of the reason why people are asking for that more on the tradehub is because of the limited wants space. Groups probably does get across the visuals of a lineage more than a description does though, but probably nowhere near as much as as a compilation of screenshots would.


Although I do think that people should be free to express wants however they desire, I think that that convenience/a quick and simple trade be it via lists vs spreadsheets via groups via images also a consideration in what should get allowed on  the trading hub and what ends up banned so hopefully more things will be allowed than just groups (and TJ said that he thought that groups were not bannable but I think that something like say, spreadsheets or lists or images might be more desirable in quite a few cases)


I would not be happy with external links (people could  link to ANYTHING...) but @Ribombee - I just thought - as I am unlocked - I'd breed you something to cheer you up. I went to the wishlist in your profile, and - I just couldn't be bothered to look at everything I have to see if it was related to what you want - and in any case, it says to PM you to see if you'd already filled any individual need. This kind of issue will occur with every suggested solution. I think much more precisely targeted wants would work far better. Sure, you found loads of what you need in the hub - but YOU were doing the choosing. If you had posted "want - say - 3 g gold from lurker unrelated to (code)" I can happily check. If you post "want 3 g  gold from lurker unrelated to anything in this group" - to be blunt, I wouldn't bother.


And please don't put an end to forum trading - that is still my MUCH preferred way to trade.

Edited by Fuzzbucket

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My great frustrations with the lack of clear rules or pagination aside, I discovered this morning that the Hub's filter does not differentiate between "Ice" and words like "nice" or "nicely". Putting quotation marks around "Ice" merely returned no results. This is unhelpful.

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51 minutes ago, LibbyLishly said:

My great frustrations with the lack of clear rules or pagination aside, I discovered this morning that the Hub's filter does not differentiate between "Ice" and words like "nice" or "nicely". Putting quotation marks around "Ice" merely returned no results. This is unhelpful.

You'd think that searching space_ice_space might work but it doesn't either and neither does adding pluses

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8 hours ago, LibbyLishly said:

My great frustrations with the lack of clear rules or pagination aside, I discovered this morning that the Hub's filter does not differentiate between "Ice" and words like "nice" or "nicely". Putting quotation marks around "Ice" merely returned no results. This is unhelpful.


I brought that up waayyy back in the thread, and TJ even responded (sort of?) though it doesn't seem anything has actually been done yet. (I actually brought it up because of that exact thing, 'ice' also bringing up 'nice'.)



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