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Dotz and Raven's Chaotic Cosmic Adventure

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Rain snickered again. "Well, she's a tough one. Just you wait." Raven cocked her head.

"Ooo, where at? I love hot stuff!"

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Dotzrus stuttered trying to draw attention away from himself.

I uh... Ate them all... Sorry... Oh look! Roxy's back!


Stop trying to get around it Dotz.


Shut up.

He groans and lays on the couch.

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Raven grinned, shifting to her wolf form. She leaped onto the couch, and much like a dog, settled down into the space between Dotzrus and the couch. Rain had to look away, as her face was turning red from trying to bite back a laugh.

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Roxy watched the group with mild amusement. Dotzrus wasn't as macho as he seemed and Grix was a bit annoying. The true colors come out she thought. The black haired girl suddenly morphed into a canine creature and made herself comfortable on the couch. Strange, but not unheard of. Lots of species had multiple forms. Animigious. Chameleonians. The Alphas. She had seen entire armies modified to change into war hungry monsters. Creatures modified to do specific jobs.


She glanced out the window and frowned at the dark solar system. "Can we get out of here? I'm tired of looking at a doomed system", she said glumly. She knew something was up. There was a crazy powerful energy flux coming from somewhere parsecs away. She felt it after she left the brown dwarf in the center of the system. A star that never generated enough heat to star fission. Which was strange because the last time she was in PC the star was burning fine. It had at least a few billion years left in it. Why did it putter out now? This seemed ominous.

Edited by padfoot

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Dotzrus blinked as he felt a large warm fuzzy shape appeared on the couch. He turned and blinked as he remembered it was Raven. With a yell he fell off the couch and scrambled on the floor, face bright red.

Raven! Why are you...


Oh this is fun to watch. Its been years since he was this embarrassed.

Grix laughs.

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Kaguya turned away from the window and held in her laughter as she looked at Dotzrus and Raven,"This is defiantly fun to watch."

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Raven snickered, standing and shaking out her fur. She then leapt, landing on him gently as she could. "What? I don't speak hooman." There was still an obvious grin on her maw. Rain was now tearing up from laughing so hard. "Such quality entertainment! What makes it all the funnier, is that usually they are the two most serious ones!"

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Dotzrus tries to compose himself and picks her up (regardless of her weight). He grunts and drops her on the couch.

I hope we don't need to send you to the kennel Raven.


Grix teleports a beer to his hand.

Really? Since when did you become a vet?

Damnit Grix.

Fine, then let's start being blunt!

No... Don't you dare.

Oh I dare! Look at her. She's just a Fluffy puppy

She also knows how to rip your face off...

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She wasn't going to make it much further. Not with the main engine busted. Damned pirates...She didn't let them get away, at the very least. The lousy scavengers of space hardly knew the etiquette of a businesswoman. By that, she meant she didn't steal other peoples' merchandise. Otherwise...it was pretty much free grabs. She wasn't below asking for help...but the nearest ship seemed sort of dangerous. With reluctance, Mina flipped her transceiver on. This is the captain of The Daggerback speaking, I request permission to board. Engine's shot, and I'm stuck in orbit. There's only me and my bodyguard, if that makes things easier. I can pay ya a whatever ya want, I just need a place to stay so I can fix this up. A pretty informal distress call, sure, but she wasn't really one for formalities. With all the valuable loot on board of such a small ship, she didn't want to lose any of it. Especially not to some damned thieves! Green eyes flickering to the blinking red light on the control panel, Namina bit her lip. She hated asking for help, but now was a desperate time.

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Roxy had been heavily ignoring the others while Dotzrus sputtered at Raven. There was no way these guys were as dangerous as they made themselves out to be. Defiantly not putting together a brothel. These men weren't what she thought they were, they were pretty boring actually. What kind of explorers don't do any exploring. The women on the craft weren't much better. Either over macho amazonian or bubbly airheads.


Now something about the distress call crackling over the radio. That was interesting. The Daggerback? A bodyguard? Plus she was said she was stuck in orbit. That means that she might know what happened to the System. Roxy looked around to check that no one was paying attention. They weren't. Roxy flickered from existence.



Roxy flipped backward in the zero gravity of space. The ship she just exited drifted past her and she smiled. Time to go help a trapped soul. Roxy aimed herself at the closest planet and shot off. Planet number one had no dead craft. Neither did planet two or three. Finally, she caught a glimmer of blinking red and green loading lights of a tumbling, engineless ship. Roxy streaked towards the ship, vanished as she got closer.


Roxy reappeared in a red, lit cargo room. The ship must be rerouting power to keep life support on. Roxy wasted no time finding the residents of the ship. She paused in the doorway, debating if she wanted to do the "Knock-on-the-outside-of-the-ship-window" trick or the "Change-into-the-captain's-cloths-and-mess-with-all-involved". She opted for the unmentioned option, "You folk's look like you need a tow", she said, her arms crossed over her chest and leaning against the door frame.


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Raven's tongue rolled out and her tail waved back and forth excitedly. "Kennel? Ha." The wolf grinned. Rain shook her head. "Be a good wolf, Raven." She shook her finger at her. Jean headed into the bay, looking distraught as she saw what was going on.

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Dotzrus shook his head and focused the red off his face as he picked up the communicator.

This is Dotzrus Flame of the Chaos Star II. You may hook on to our ship until your fixed up. I only ask you power down any weapons, I already have too many guests to work with. If you read, respond.


Grix also focused as he redirected the ship and it's power to suit the situation better.

A girlfriend that doubles as a pet, huh Dotz?

I swear Grix...

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Raven barked. She jumped off the couch and loped towards him, her tail still wagging. Then, she sat at his feet. Rain was rather surprised by this behavior. "This is way out of character for her," she whispered to Grix. "What did you put in that food?"

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Grix gave Rain a confused look.

Nothing off or odd... Maybe she is just happy? Or maybe she is just putting on a show to get him to lighten up? I don't know.


Dotzrus looked down at her.

Can I help you?

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"I don't know either. I didn't even know she could be like this." Rain was getting worried. What was up with Raven?


The wolf cocked her head. She then put her paws on his lap, standing up on her hind legs. "Try throwing a stick!" Piped Rain.

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This is a space ship, there are no sticks or trees here. Why would I throw a stick? She still has a human mind... Right?

He looked at Raven confused.

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"I... Uh, think so." Rain shrugged, trying not to blush from embarrassment. Raven turned back to Doztrus excitedly.


((I'm pulling a late nighter, so I'll be replying soon after you do. xd.png ))

Edited by RavenWolf1010

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Dotzrus closed his eyes and the then looked at Raven. In a language every mammal could understand, he spoke,

"Raven, are you felling okay? Because if you are, your not acting like it. Can you at least say something?"


Well this is getting weird. This wouldn't have happened if we went to see the whales first...

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Who happened to be residing in the cargo bat wasn't the woman who had been speaking. A young man with forest green hair was inside, taking what appeared to be inventory. Out of the top of his head curved to sets of sturdy horns that curved to his jawline. He wore a sleek black outfit of sorts, with an insignia on the left shoulder. It was a sun with rays made of thirteen triangles. A rather famous symbol, actually. It was the captain's personal mark. A thief's mark. Well, thief/smuggler/trader. Usually traded, but not always. Anyone who had experienced the lows of intergalactic society had seen the woman's trademark symbol somewhere.


The man stopped what he was doing and turned his head when alerted of another person. Namina, have you- he cut off what he was saying almost immediately. That...wasn't Namina. A pirate? A stowaway? The man's green eyes flickered serpentine, followed by the raising of an originally unseen frill behind his ears. Who...who are you? Although born a fiery monster, Soreth wasn't usually one for violence. He would much rather use words rather than tooth and claw. It was easier, and usually saved lives.


Weapons? Her ship didn't carry weapons. It was for fast travel, not for war! I read you loud and clear. Will be docking here shortly. Oh, thank God there was a charitable soul on board. Tapping her intercom, Namina's voice rang throughout her own ship. Soreth, strap down and hold on. We've been clear to latch onto the Chaos Star II. Her only warning given, Namina carefully turned her ship towards the much larger one. Damn. She'd have to turn the engines on to get anywhere. That could get dangerous if she wasn't careful. Through a tedious process of flicking the engine on and off in order to get some movement and not set her ship ablaze, she eventually got close enough to Dotzrus's ship to latch on. As soon as she did, she sighed. There. Crisis avoided.

Edited by shadow_claw

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(((I love horns that curve that way)))


Roxy smiled, her hair shifting to the same shade of green as the man before her. She took a seat on a abeled crate and looked at him. When he asked for an introduction, Roxy drifted off the box and hung a few feet in the air before him, "Me? You shouldn't worry about little old me", she said sweetly. Well, as sweetly as a girl in a ripped denim jacket and combat boots could be. She rotated a hundred and eighty degrees so that she was upside down and looking the horned fellow in the eye, "I'm just a wandering soul and heard that you needed help", she said truthfully, "Can I give you a tow?"


Something about this ship seemed familiar. No, she had not stowed away on here before. Even if every cargo bay pretty much looked the same.It was something about that emblem that her new horned friend was sporting on his shoulder matched the symbol on some of the crates. She searcher her memory for a meaning. she came up empty. She knew she had seen it somewhere, she just couldn't place it.


Her offer was void when she felt the damaged engines sputter to life as some one began to pull the Daggerback towards the Chaos Star. She frowned, not those guys again. She turned to the green haired man, "Any point in the universe", she said, "I offer you passage to any point in the observable universe and you decide to dock with those chuckle****s." She wasn't sure why she didn't like the members of the ship. Well, all but maybe Grix and the moon princess but that was only becasue they hadn't had a chance to irritate her. Oh, and the girl that came from storage. She hadn't said anything since she appeared though.

Edited by padfoot

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"Yeah, I'm fine. I don't know why you all are fretting." Rain blinked, looking to Grix, then back at Raven.


Jean turned, feeling what only could be described as a tug as the other ship boarded with theirs. Looking over her shoulder, she made sure no one was paying attention, and then slipped out of the room.

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Did...did she think he owned the ship? Soreth tilted his head slightly, as if confused. He was very far from the owner of the ship. He merely assisted the actual owner. The dragon flashed jagged teeth in a polite smile and chuckled softly. Oh, I don't own this ship. I just work on it. You see, Namina is a bit...bull-headed, one could say. She most likely doesn't know you're on board. Soreth explained. The man turned his head as the clunk of boots against metal flooring echoed closer.

Hey, Soreth. The good news is that we found a place to dock before life support ran dry. The bad news is that we're gonna have to deal with other people for- The woman, much like Soreth, stopped short at the sight of a stranger. Her fingers twitched as she debated grabbing one of the weapons at her hips. Deciding it would be a bad idea, Namina frowned. Soreth, who's this? Did you invite somebody else to stay on board without telling me again?


Ears (and ear frills) flattening at this accusation, Soreth shook his head. He had a habit of being overly friendly and offering things he really couldn't offer. Like a place to stay.

N-No! Not this time, anyways. This is, uh, a lady who offered to help. But it seems as if you've already handled everything... The "bodyguard" gestured to Roxy with a sheepish smile. His gaze flickered from his boss, to the stranger on board. I'm Soreth Jaggedfang of Renilous. It's...a while away from this solar system. This is my boss, Namina Waltz of...the Inriant Galaxy. She hasn't been much more specific than that.


Renilous was one of the more under-developed and savage planets across the universe. It was filled with violent beasts that would most likely kill without a second thought. Because of this, it was a cesspool for intergalactic poachers. A nice hide or two could pay a pretty penny. As for the Inriant Galaxy, it was one of the more busy Galaxies. Its main focus was commerce, as it was more centrally located in the universe. It was busy, at the very least. Vagrants like Namina called it home when not traveling.

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Dotzrus gave her a puzzled look and sighed.

Daggerback crew, you may board, lifesupport and power is being transferred to your ship.

He turned back to the others.

I'm getting too old for this. Grix, prepare the boarding lock. Make sure they don't have any intention to steal or fight. Raven, Rain... I'm not really sure what to tell you to do... So just don't blow up anything.


Grix shrugged as Rain looked at him.

Dont look at me, the she's your Best Wolf Friend Forever...

He started to then get the ship ready.

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Roxy smiled and righted herself, drifting down so her boot could lightly touch the floor, "another member?", she wondered out loud, "I guess I should go introduce myself." She never got the chance to leave. A woman walked through the automatic door and started talking about when they would board. It was obvious that she hadn't seen her yet. Roxy's mohawk bleed into her neutral green and she smiled at her surprised and tense expression. Her hair shifted orange when she accused the scaly dude of hiding her away, "Oh no no no. This polite gentleman is just as surprised to see me as you are", she said apologetically.


Introductions followed. Roxy was glad to hear that they were just as far away as Roxy was from home. Her face lit up when Soreth mentioned when he was from, "Oh censorkip.gif! really? Damn, I haven't been to Renilous since you guys had that really bad winter. How is he doing?", she asked rather strangely. What she didn't say was the reason she was around Renilous was that it was spinning too far from it's star. Many of the outer planets were frozen and changed. Roxy only just managed to correct the mistake before the planet could plunge into a ice age.


Now the Inriant galaxy was one she hadn't heard of. She had seen it on star maps but it was a very popular intergalactic hub. Roxy tended to avoid locations like that. Not until she dispatches her hunter. She hid her troubles with a smile and made sure to keep her distance from the two. After all, she didn't want to give the cancer, "Pleasure to meet you both. I'm Roxy Locus of the Almaak and the Mirach systems", she said after the pleasantries were finished. There was a slight jolt that told her that they were finished docking.

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It's, uh...well, colder than usual. After that winter, food's been kinda scarce. Everything's just recently started to rebound. Soreth muttered. He scratched the back of his neck somewhat nervously at the thought of home. After all, it was a vile place if one wasn't careful. His violent ways had dwindled now that he usually kept a human form. Soreth's expression soon brightened with a smile as Roxy introduced herself. Namina's face remained the same. She wasn't really one for pleasantries. With the clunk of boots against the floor, she walked to the release on the ship's door and watched as it slowly yawned open.

Enough chatter. I'm gonna take a look at the engine and see if I can fix it. Soreth, this place surely has enough room for you to stretch out. Go take a break or something.

Soreth didn't have to be told twice. In a matter of seconds, his upright form dissolved into green vapor, and then reconstructed itself into a larger, longer form. By the time he had finished, a green dragon stood in his place. With a nod to Roxy, Soreth plodded out of the Daggerback and into the larger ship. Finally. A place where he could move a little.

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