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Dotz and Raven's Chaotic Cosmic Adventure

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There is nothing religious about the soul. It a true thing that gives us hidden power. Unlocking those hidden powers can enlighten one to a higher level of existence. Grix and I have done that and have survived because of it. Without a soul, you can't live.

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Raven spoke up now. "I've done just fine. I'm not a created of god. Artificial. No soul." She jacked a thumb towards Rain. "She's probably better for this question."


Jean frowned. "I think I'm good." She leaned against the railing.

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((This is very hard to explain))


When I manipulate eternity I can make things reject all change such as my home being hundreds of years old but it still looks new. She explained And the instantaneous,is really hard to explain.I'm able to spend time "time the same as others" and "time different from others".I can do that by gathering the needed "instants" and making them into my own time.

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Raptor finally made it back to Lanny who yolwed with disapproval. "Oh, don't be like that Mr. L.," Raptor said. "I was watching dinosaurs dancing in the sky!" Lanny sighed before shaking his head. She had always been like this. Claiming to see dinosaurs in the sky. He meowed once again. "Would you like one lump or two?" Raptor asked. Lanny thrummed once, letting his friend know he would like one lump.

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Dotzrus thought a moment and responded to the princess.

So you can make time pockets that don't follow the same timeline as others, and the other thing allows you to "be in two places at once" kinda thing.


Your wrong Raven. It doesn't matter how you were created, if you are a living creature, you have a soul.

Dotzrus crossed his arms and watched Rain and the Voidwalker looking around.

What's up with them anyway? They look like a duo of dumb dodo birds...

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Raven shrugged. That had been what Rain said when they got into a fight at one point. When he compared Rain to a 'dumb dodo bird', she closed the distance between them and socked him hard in the arm. "That's my best friend you're taking about there. Watch it."

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Raptor had to wait before Lanny was done drinking his tea before they could get a move on. "Come on Mr. L.," Raptor said. "Let's go and find other dinosaurs." Lanny grinend as Raptor took his paw and started to lead him to the unknown. Raptor ruffled her feathers before running off.

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Yep,I guess it's like time manipulation.


((I'm going to send a character to Raptor if she needs interaction))

Edited by PrismriverPhantom

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Nethaeros gives Dotz a look of 'I will make sure your existence ends up in the most remote corner of limbo if you call me a Dodo again'. "You can't tell, but there is something else here besides us. Something old, maybe even older than either me or Rain. And about souls, I kinda don't have one either. Souls are sort of a bridge between Material and Immaterial. Since the Void falls in-between, I don't need a bridge." He froze, a cold feeling going down his spine. What he was actually feeling was the long tongue of the Aberration touching his neck. Whirling around, his sword appeared in his hand, and with a stabbing motion it struck home with a wet squelch. The air rippled as a high keening moan undercut by a ground shaking rumble cut the air, and some hideous thing appeared, with Nethaeros' sword buried in it's forehead.


(The Aberration)

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Dotzrus rubbed his arm.

"Ow... Sorry... I didn't mean any offense... Grix is my best friend and you can make fun of him all you want...

He then sees the aberration.

Well... Haven't seen that before


Grix starts up the ship.

Edited by Dotzrus

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The princess sees the aberration appear with Netharos' sword in it's forehead What the censorkip.gif is that thing?!

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(((PSSSSSST. Hey. whats going on? I have a cool character that might work here)))

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"I have no bloody idea, but it's alive and it's vigourous!" The monster thrashed about, before dislodging the swprd and flinging the Voidwalker into a wall with a loud snap that sounded like a spine breaking. Roaring in pain, it lifted onto it's hind legs, spamming down with a loud thud.


(I'm so gonna make this thing Nethaeros' pet)

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((Certainly, come on in))


Dotzrus nudges Raven.

"I bet you could take it. I mean if you need help just call but a great fighter like yourself doesn't need help I think."

He verbal poked at her teasingly as he tried to get on her good side.

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Turning, the creature fixed it's eight eyes on Rain. The wound in it's head had already healed, and it looked angry. It's tongue flicked out of it's tooth-filled maw, tasting the Heavenly energy. Barreling forward like a runaway tank that would hit like a locomotive, it charged for the angel to deliver all that kinetic force straight into a headbutt.

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- Name: Roxy Locus

- Gender:female

- Age: 27

- Description: Roxy

- Ability: space manipluation

- Weapon: Warhammer

- Personality: Roxy is a drifter. She used to have a home but that was a long time ago. Since then she has been moving from backwater planet to satellite. She is not afraid of confrontation and does not take any censorkip.gif from anyone. She knows something out there is calling her but she thinks it's just a sense of longing that everyone her age has.

- Other:


(((short sheet. Long backstory. Trust me)))

Edited by padfoot

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((Thank god this is a romance RP... If I made it war, the Cosmos would blow up from all these OP characters...))

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(((Not anymore it won't...)))


There was a small ripple of power that resonated from the point Roxy appeared in the void of space. Somewhere on the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy, a young woman appeared in the vacuum of space. She was still. Floating in the nothingness of space practically lifeless. She barely managed to escape with her life and her condition was evidence of that. she was bleeding pretty heavily, blood droplets were leaking from the gash on her back as well as the various slash marks on her arms and legs. Her eye was bloodshot and swollen. Her arm hung at a unnatural angle from where it was broken. Her vest was singed and half melted to her body and her jeans hung in tatters.


She may look like hell, but she was lucky to be alive. In a last ditch effort to escape with her life, she jumped herself to a random point in the universe. Her eyelids fluttered open and she looked around as if just waking from a dream. I made it? I'm alive? she asked, moving her good arm up to touch her tender face, guess I know her range now.


Her echo had reached her by this time, the ripple of energy came washing back over her like a flood of information. She knew where she was now, she was somewhere on the edge of the Local Spur Arm. She had been here before but that was years ago. All she knew was the center of the galaxy was somewhere to her right and the Sun was dead ahead. Earth was there. I remember Earth. Nice little place. Cept when I lost my arm. That sorta sucked. There will be plenty of intergalactic traffic passing by it. That means I can jump on a ship and lay low while I heal. That was as good a plan as any at this point. If she didn't do something quick, she would bleed out in the void. She began to collapse the space in front of her, dragging her destination closer and closer to her.

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Raven glared at him playfully, then grinned. "Let's go!" She hoped over the railing, filing to avoi injury. Then she shifted.


"Oh censorkip.gif ." The angel drew her sword, Ekaitz. All around her crackled with electricity. Even a few arcs of lightning danced off her sword. She slashed at it's eye, roaring with anger, then snapped up into the air. Her foot got caught in one of it's many horn-things, and put her off balance, hurtling to the ground. While she didn't drop like a rock, she'd earned a few scrapes and bruises. She had to get to Neth.


Jean clicked her tongue. "That's one ugly SOB." She flexed her hands. "Time to kick some ass."


((I won't be able to reply till' tonight.))

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Raptor was way ahead of Lanny as she danced around the place. Everything was going so perfectly for her. Lanny saw a nearby lake and took a small detour to get soemthing to drink.

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((New oc so all the new folks won't become lonely))

~Name:Keiko(kept the name her owner gave her)




~Appearance:Almost Human Form and cat form is a black cat with two tails.

~Abilities:Fire manipulation.

~Personality:Cheerful and whimsical for a person who steals corpses and eats them or sends them down there.

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(Is it okay if my characters met Keiko?)

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