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The Unknown Paradise

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A bare smile broke over Soul's feature as she silently hurried over to Chesseyia, paws silently hitting the ground as she covered the distance with a single bound. "Hey, my bestest of buddies!" She said playfully, gently butting Chesseyia's side with a head, ignoring the slight scent of her own singed scales. "I'm sorry if I interrupted anything, and that you might be tired. But I just want to say goodnight." With a respectful nod, she turned and leapt onto the large rock at the back of the cave, her hind-paws scrabbling to grip some tightly packed soil as she heaved herself up, large wings flapping desperatley and stirring the air beside her as she gained balance and made it up. With a releifed sigh, she lay down, her side rising and falling as her yellow bright eyes flickered back and forth, half closed.

Edited by XxDragonletxX

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Nate realized that he needed to hunt. He pulled away from the shore, and started walking back to the jungle. He was silent, and kept a keen eye out for movement.

"Woah!!!" He suddenly shouted. A herd of very large creatures were making their way right around him. They stood on two legs, and had a large long crest on their heads. The one that had passed just in front of him was very, very large. He looked about the herd, and saw that most of them were only about twice Nate's size. He chose a smaller one to stalk. He wasn't afraid of getting hurt, now that he knew he could generate forcefields. His prey of choice was sticking very close to it's mother, making a killing move difficult. He didn't want to startle them away, so he kept his distance as he watched them. Suddenly he saw an opportunity to strike. With his forcefield up, he ran and sank his claws into the baby's flesh. It howled in pain as Nate dragged it away from the herd, still struggling. It was bigger than he was, so it was difficult to hold onto it. He gripped it's neck, and let it suffer. He found it a bit humorous. As it was taking it's last breaths, he felt pity and quickly ended it's life with a hard snap to the neck. He took a bite out of the arm to taste, and found that it was really good. Nate didn't want to drag the whole kill all the way back to the cave, so he bit off a leg, and buried the rest of the body near a large Oak Moss tree by the shore. He grabbed the leg in his mouth, and began his journey back to the cave.

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Avio stared straight, unblinking. An awkward silence emitted through his black world. He was standing still like a statue, unmoving. God I wish something interesting is happening around here. Am I missing out or something? He thought, and sighed, continuously staring straight towards something. He looked at his paws. ".....Now which one is left and which one is the right...?" He said quietly. Things were obviously starting to get extremely boring. "I actually wish Kikou would tackle me right now." He sighed.

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Great...I'm lost. Thought Nate. He was extremely tired, but kept going. He was not going to go to sleep in the wilderness. He tried to remember what direction he came from, but it was no use. He walked as the sun rose higher and higher. The more he walked, the more confused he became. Eventually, he fell to the ground. Must..not slee..p.. He curled up, and closed his eyes. The jungle around him was getting noisy with all of the birds waking up, but Nate was already asleep.

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Watching closely, Zion observed others changing,getting bigger, growing wings and somewhat evolving. It was an odd sight. He waited for himself to change, but nothing. Maybe he had to DO something. Most of them were in the fight, so maybe that was the trigger. He didn't know. He was going to head out on his hunt though, then everything was going to change.

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She tiredly returns the playful gesture to Soul before going into her shadows and curling up. Her markings flicker brightly before dulling as she drifts off to sleep. Her dreams are filled with wonder as she dreams of nate, and of her new wings.




She tilts her head slightly. "Yeah lets get back." She grins. "Wanna ride on my cloud with me?" She giggles as her cloud doubles in size and become a lighter pink.




She blinks slightly and yawns. Feeling a tingling sensation on her neck and back she growls as two huge wings erupt from her back painfully. Her mane becomes fiery and flickers angrily . She lets out a roar as the area around her is flickering with hot flame.




He was so tired that he fell right asleep at the cave entrance.

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Kikou nodded excitingly. "Yeah!" She said as she hopped onto Saedi's cloud. "Let us go to a fluffy adventure!" She announced. "Onwards!" She said to the cloud.

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Giggles and they go zooming off to the cave, slowing down when they near Avio and the Cave. "HEY AVIO!" She squeals.

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Kikou's eyes widened, and immediately tackled Avio. "Hello Avio!~" She giggled. Avio looked at Kikou in confusion."...?" He stared at her with his milky-blue eyes. His confused stare is so adorable! Kikou smiled. If only you understand such meanings! She sighed quietly.

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Why did I stop moving? Nate thought groggily. He was moving across the ground just moments before. Wait- Moving across the ground? He was asleep! Nate jerked his eyes open, suddenly wide awake. He was lying on his back. It was still dark out, and the sun hadn't completely risen. Was I dreaming that I was moving? He thought.. He felt a small tug on his right foot, and immediately jerked it back! "What the heck!!" He growled and hissed loudly. A louder screech replied and Nate felt something rip into his leg. "Arahghh!!!" He screamed in pain. He generated his forcefield, and quickly stood up to see what it was that was dragging him away.

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She bolts awake for some reason. She looks around in worry and sees that Nate hadn't returned. She dashes outside, still tired but awake enough to find him. Her newly formed wings gather air in them and she starts to flap them, gliding slightly through the air as she searches for him. ~"NATE?! NAAAATE?!"~ She calls with her mind to him, hoping that the connection they had earlier still lingered. She listens closely for a reply, getting even more worried by the second.

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Nate stared up into the eyes of a decent-sized tyrannosaurus. Nate was only about as high as the monster's knee. Less afraid, now that he had the protection of his forcefield, he stuck his tongue out at it and ran away. The rex let out a deafening roar, and chased after him. It was obviously much faster and stronger. Nate ran as fast as he could, wishing over and over for wings. The rex leapt at him, and crushed against the forcefield, shoving Nate into the ground. It was scratching, biting and clawing at him, and it seemed like the forcefield wasn't as strong as it was before. On occasion, the rex would get through and give him a hard claw to the face. Each time, Nate would scream out in agony. Once again, his forcefield was keeping him inches away from death. He heard a faint call from a voice he recognized, but was afraid to break his concentration. If his focus failed, he could risk retracting the forcefield. He fought harder to get out from under the crushing weight of the rex.


((XxDragonletxX, would you mind RPing the rex? You should be the one to RP the dino's and other NPC's))

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She spots a giant monster that looks sort of like a raptor. She growls and hisses trying to distract the creature from Nate. "HEY YOU BIG BULLY!" She nips and bites at the ankles of the T-Rex. She backs up and lets a rip on her new flames. They rush out in a stream of power, as they swarm and swoop to the size of the T-Rex. They Form a boiling T-rex as both creatures roar at each other. She rushes over to Nate and pulls him out of the way of the Monsters. Her wings surrounding him as she hugs him, "Are you alright?" She asks worriedly.


The Monster Flame:


It growls and lunges at the Rex. Its rage causing it to flame angerily. It leaps and bites at the chest of the Rex in anger, its molten teeth passing easily through the scales and hide of the rex. Its Anger boils more as it lunges and tackles the rex, pressing its fiery weight down on the monster.

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Nate groaned as Chess pulled him up. He balanced on 3 legs. He didn't even bother to watch the fight between the monsters, he was just glad to be alive.

"Thank you...I would have died...." He breathed. He leaned on Chess, panting as he looked over himself.


He was covered in gashes, and his leg was worse. The rex had ripped off a chunk of muscle on his lower thigh above his knee before he put up his forcefield. Although it was dark, he could see the blood streaming from it. He was thankful his forcefield generated when it did, or his whole body might have looked like this. Or worse...


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She nuzzles his cheek and says in her whisper voice "I was so worried." She stays near him as she watches her rex fight the other. "My flame should last about an hour and a half. That gives enough time to get you to the cave. I think Soul or Avio may be able to heal you." She allows him to put his arms around her neck as she holds his torso with her wings. Her body smaller than his, but still strong enough to support him some.


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He smiles, and accepts her unvoiced offer. Leaning on her gently, he closes his eyes.

"Do you remember where the cave is?" Nate asked. He blushed as Chess nuzzled him, and returned affectionately.

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((Ahh.. I thought the T-rex thing was going to happen later in the story... but oh well..))

With a roar of defiance, the T-rex whirled around, tail slamming into the other creature and bringing it down to the floor with a good amount of force. Large feet kick at the Beast's flaming chest and pinning it to the ground. It bellows out in rage as it lunges down immediantly to grasp the flaming beast's neck and end this quickly.

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The beast disperses and reappears behind the rex. With a bellow it head butts the rex in the side hard, its flame boiling the scales and flesh of the rex. It bellows again and bites and tears at the rex.



She smiles and helps him back to the cave as they can as quickly. Allowing her Fire Beast to fight until they can get back.

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Nearly toppling over, the T-rex easily handles the shock and returns the attack and intercepts it with a quick claw to the face with it's stubby fingers. "Prey!" It bellows, rushing past the other beast and taking it off of it's paws to follow the hatchlings. "Food! Mine" It covers the distance with it's powerful bulky legs, but it is still not enough to catch up to the already scurrying small hatchlings.

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She turns her head and hisses, causing more fire to add on to her already huge beast. It then Doubles in size, growing wings of fire.



It grows and grows. Two flaming wings erupt from its back as it becomes white fire, one of the hottest fires known. It swoops at the T-Rex and tackles it, enveloping it with the huge fiery wings. It bellows and starts to tightly curl its tail around the T-Rex's neck, closing up its air ways. It bellows and breathes fire across the T-Rex's back.




"Hold On Nate, were almost there." She calls to him as they scuttle along, quickly getting back to the cave. The cave clearing is in sight.

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Ignoring the scent of it's own burnt flesh, the T-rex lets out a blood-chilling roar, ignoring his ragged breathing and the black patches filling up his eyesight. Legs curling under the Beast as he heaves upward, tiny arms making deep gouges and claw marks in it's tail, ripping apart flesh and fire. In a last resort, it falls limp, then leans upward, throwing the fiery creature upward and slipping through it's legs to confuse it. He reared up, his jaws coming down to bite hard on the creatures wings as he held on, no matter what.

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((This can be minor if you want to involve a full grown T-rex later and make it a huge part of the plot. This one was basically a Juvenile.))


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Nate saw the cave up ahead, his leg throbbing with pain. He looked at Chess, and smiled once more. He slowly made his way to the cave entrance, and laid down. He lowered his head, and said nothing. This was only a mask, however, for the many thoughts inside of his head. Chess, the damned t-rex, his mauled leg, the food that he had lost, the strange creature he had hunted down only hours before, watching the stars on the ocean, Nate and Chess's multiple embraces, him hatching, Avio. So many different thoughts, he almost couldn't speak. But he did.

"Chess." He said to her.

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The Beast:


It had been expecting the move. It bellows and Moves forward, ripping its own wings off before turning and biting the esophagus of the T-rex, the teeth pulling hard to end the measly life of the T-rex.




She looks at Nate, worry flickered across her features as she helps him into the cave, hearing the many roars and bellows from the two beasts. "Yes?" She asks worriedly.

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"Do you think these battle scars will make me look tough?." Nate asked, smiling. He gently laid his head down on the cave floor, and looked up at her.

Edited by skiddajane

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((This is a juvenile? ok. ^^.))

Roaring in anger and pain, it's legs rip at the belly of the other, quickly throwing it off in enough time to stop the attack. Even it knew when to stop, quickly staggering to it's feet, blood welling from it's throat, it limped into the forest in one last effort to treat itself before it died, but not before slamming it's tail into the face of the beast on purpose before limping off, smelling like burning BBQ meat, dissapearing quickly behind the folige of the forest, stumbling on its way.

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