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And it was great to see MyLoyaltiesAreBendy!Discord. I've always thought that in the back of his mind he truly doubted the friendship shown by Fluttershy and imagined it to just be an act for the sake of his reformation. Just enough for him to be persuaded into treason... I think it's safe to say that while earlier he was "reformed, but not that reformed" he is now that reformed. I did find him quite annoying with the blatant taking advantage of their 'friendship', but now I think it will be great to see him actually properly try to learn how to be a good friend <3 So yay, probably more Discord times to come in Season Five!


I wasn't too impressed with the Rainbow Power thing, I just think it made the Mane Six ultra-powerful and ridiculous-looking. I'm really glad it's not a thing that's staying, and I hope there's ways around it in the future. It's not too bad, I suppose, but meh.


I was hoping for a little more out of Tirek. I suppose he had an interesting enough backstory, but he still felt like a generic villain. Just take all of the power and rule Equestria and be strong and nyaaagh, not like Discord's intricate little mind games and chessmaster personality or Chrysalis's careful place-swap, and how she was probably trying to rule Equestria in order to feed her and her subjects, not just for the sake of it.


And I was actually looking away from the screen when the other princesses joined in Twilight's song... When Luna started to sing I thought "Wait, wtf is Rarity doing here?" and was plenty surprised to see Moonbutt when I looked back xd.png

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The rainbow power thing did kind of look like they had skittles thrown up on them. I'm hoping that was a one time thing because it was kind of eye-bleeding (though their cutie mark changes were cool).

(they are making a toy line of them though...)


I think appreciating Tirek mostly comes from knowing the Gen 1 villain, otherwise he is kind of "Baddie of the day".




Still though I get the "Devil" vibe from him.

Crysalis tried to take over because she wanted to feed her subjects. Sombra was power hungry wanted to be a tyrant over the Crystal Empire by enslaving all the crystal ponies (in this he was the closest to Tirek). Luna wanted eternal night. Discord wanted to have funsies with Chaos.


Tirek was like, "I want to make equestria a living hell, make every pony essentially a zombie and bow to my will, just to make myself stronger, and just because I can"



Also he had wicked horns. Look at those wicked horns. And the blasty magic boom power stuff.






I also have to comment on how well paced the episode was. Sometimes the finales/openers can seem really rushed, but I felt this one went pretty well.


Ah all I know is I can't wait for someone to upload this episode because I need to rewatch it.

Edited by Lady_Nightfox

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I was late to see it because of busy Saturday mornings, so I don't have much to say that hasn't already been stated. That finale definitely was great and full of explosions. Discord was fabulous, of course. Tirek was dark, which I like, and a G1 nod is always cool. When the 3 other princesses sang: that was a sneak-peek clip that I was rewatching again and again a few days ago. I wasn't all hyped up over Luna singing in the first place; I was more interested in Cadence. She has the best expressions in that sequence. :3


Yeah, I've been wary of Rainbow Power ever since I saw it on toys/promos quite a while ago. Too silly-looking for me, so I hope it isn't used too often. But knowing the way MLP usually goes, I'd be surprised if it was. The Elements of Harmony certainly weren't whipped out every other episode. tongue.gif

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This wordy thread could use some images:


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"It's mostly for Fluttershy!" <3


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Haha yah I love how Discord is so adamant about Fluttershy. But when he gave Celestia the flowers....



That was also very sweet of Twilight to save owlicious rather than anything else in her library.

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I was really pleased with how they handled the season finale. Not only did Twilight get her key in quite a sweet moment but the one who benefited from her lesson of friendship was Discord, further cementing his reforming into a good guy after his hiccup of siding with Tirek.


I also liked the many references to Fluttershy's and Discord's friendship. We learned that not only do they write to each other but they regulary hang out. Discord even flat out said he was capturing Tirek mostly for Fluttershy. The face he pulled when he said that was adorable. Plus he even said that she was worth all the Alicorn magic. I guess at that point he truely realised how much she meant to him.


And while Twlight is the offical princess, I'm glad to see her friends are getting as much credit as she is for helping to save the day (Spike too). I dunno if the others will ever become princesses in their own right but I don't think that matters. They are basically extensions of Twlight's power. She needs them to fufill her role as the Princess of Friendship. She can't do it without them.


I have mixed feelings about the new rainbow power. My intial reaction to seeing Pinkie transform was 'OMG what?'. I was a little worried that they'd be stuck like that and was happy to see them revert to normal.


It was also pretty much stated that the mane six, when in rainbow mode, are the most powerful ponies in Equestria. When Twilight, with the power of four alicorn princesses, fought Tirek he was fueled by the 'magic' of nearly every pony in the land (dunno if he farmed ponyville before facing Twlight, but I doubt at that point it mattered) and Discord's own power. That fight ended in a draw, despite both sides dishing out some heavy blows. Basically four alicorns = all of Equestria and Discord.


When the mane six faced Tirek after he got the alicorn power they defeated him without even trying. One 'rainbow shot' and it was all over. He couldn't even put a dent in them, despite all the power he had. It'll be interesting to see what villian think he or she can stand up to that. Unless they try and corrupt that power for their own...


I'm not sure what we can read into Discord giving Celestia flowers. It could simply be a 'I'm sorry'. After all she was the one who asked him to stop Tirek and he betrayed her trust.

Edited by Fortune86

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My only problem with the finale is that, even though she now has a castle and has saved equestria again. Next season twilight is gonna go to another area and the ponies will have no idea who she is.

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That wouldn't be entirely unsurprising. I mean Twilight and company have kept their Equestria saving antics mostly to Ponyville, Canterlot and the Crystal Empire. Ponyville and Canterlot are quite close to each other and from what I can remember the CE is way out in the middle of nowhere (I could be wrong). Given that Equestria doesn't have modern day media (TV, Internet, Telephones) maybe word doesn't spread too well to other places? Maybe ponies have heard of a world saving princess and friends but don't actually know too much about them?


Although to be fair, if Twilight got the full Princess treatment everywhere she went it would be hard for her to get anything done. We know she has trouble with turning people down so she could end up with a mob of ponies following her every move.

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I really feel like I'm in a distinct minority for liking the Rainbow Power designs xd.png Yeah, they're goofy but... all the color and little details! It's just so cute! xd.png


Though I do agree, I prefer it being temporary-- it would be a bit hard on the eyes if it was constant, but I kinda like them for the toys and the brief moment.

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I liked the cutie mark changes on them.


I agree they don't look so bad on the toys now that I've seen them in person (Oh the joys of having a 10 year old niece with me and not having anyone look funny at me when I'm in the My little Pony toy section xd.png)


Although the toys gave Cadence a rainbow power look... Probably won't be show canon (since other non-main ponies have gotten crystal empire looks in the toys) but still it was a little surprising to see her.


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Cadence is definitely my favorite alicorn.

*CadAnce not Cadence. While her official whole name does have Cadenza with an e, her official regular name is Princess Cadance. :U


What's really crazy, is this all happened when Cerberus left his post in "It's About Time" when Twilight was freaking about the future.

And as Celestia said, Tirek escaped because Cerberus left, in that episode back in season 2. Insane.

Oh geez I totally forgot about that! So, in short, it's all Twilight's fault. >w<




My thoughts when watching the finale (especially second part): "Gee I didn't know this was going to be an episode of Dragon Ball Z" XD


I mean, that fight scene? Twi and Tirek went off to some distant place with no civilization around even though it was nearby, they destroyed terrain with their beams of destruction, and Tirek even blasted Twilight through MOUNTAINS. Also rainbow powers made the ponies into Super Saiyans. MLP is now DBZ and I'm not even mad.


Discord was terrifying when he split apart during that one scene. :c


I think my favorite villain is still Chrysalis (and Discord, but as he's not a villain anymore, I don't count him. He was tied with Chrysalis when he was first around, though). Tirek was cool and I really liked how he looked in his big, powerful, and rather satanic final form. :U I liked that he was also incredibly evil. But idk, I just liked Chrysalis more. I loved This Day Aria more than the song the princesses sang this finale, even though that song was awesome. I was really hoping that since all of them were there and Twi started singing that they would all join in and I was not disappointed. But TDA was just...better imo. I also preferred Chrysalis's abilities, design, and especially colors a lot more than Tirek's. Both were exceptionally cold-hearted, though, which was awesome. c:

Edited by edwardelricfreak

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*CadAnce not Cadence. While her official whole name does have Cadenza with an e, her official regular name is Princess Cadance. :U

This is actually really funny because I do prefer Cadance. I used to use Cadence but then picked up the other spelling from official sources that I saw. I'm very aware that there's still inconsistencies in merchandise, crewmember's tweets, etc. though. Jayson Thiessen said it's debatable, though he's been known to use Cadence. I personally switch around a lot based on what people around me are using or what I've read recently, despite my preference. smile.gif


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Nooo not nightmares! That was awesome! :'D

Edited by Dimar

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I liked how Discord took down Tirek with so little fuss (before he swapped sides). There was no messing about or taunting until after he had the guy safely in cuffs. I can see why Celestia thought he'd be a good choice.


Hopefully if Celestia ever trusts him with such an assignment again, Discord will remember to gag the target too xd.png

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Nooo not nightmares! That was awesome! :'D



Hopefully if Celestia ever trusts him with such an assignment again, Discord will remember to gag the target too xd.png

Waaaaay more characters across all media should learn to silence talkative villains before anything happens. biggrin.gif




Guess who took the name "Tirek" ♪

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My thoughts when watching the finale (especially second part): "Gee I didn't know this was going to be an episode of Dragon Ball Z" xd.png


I mean, that fight scene? Twi and Tirek went off to some distant place with no civilization around even though it was nearby, they destroyed terrain with their beams of destruction, and Tirek even blasted Twilight through MOUNTAINS. Also rainbow powers made the ponies into Super Saiyans. MLP is now DBZ and I'm not even mad.


My thoughts exactly. I used this analogy to get my friends to watch the finale when they weren't even through the whole season. Haha.


I wasn't really a fan of the power pony designs in the show. I'm glad they weren't permanent. They look cute in their toy versions though.

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I really love Princess Luna, in my book, she's the second most powerful alicorn in this generation.


Princess Twilight is the first due to her knowledge of many spells. She has defeated a few enemies, including Discord and Trixie when she was wearing that necklace.


Luna is second because she can see into other ponies dreams and actually make them aware that they are dreaming. She can also make them have a glimpse into the past and show them a possible future.


Candance is the third powerful alicorn simply because she and Shining Armor defeated the changewing queen with the power of their love and she can make other ponies ease up on argueing.


Now we get to Celestia. What have we seen Celestia do other than raise the son and make Twilight into an alicorn? Nothing. Celestia has to be the weakest alicorn since she does not have the elements of harmony anymore. She couldn't stop Discord, nor the changewing queen, or stop King Sombra. When she went up against the changewing queen, she got simply swatted away.

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Hmm my idea of the alicorn power is a little bit different, mostly due to headcanon though..


Cadance strikes me as the most powerful. She clearly has strong love-based magic, capable of taking down Chrysalis where Celestia failed. She also held up the barrier at the Crystal Empire against King Sombra for a ridiculous amount of time, to the point of her near collapsing from exhaustion which is a great show of her willpower. The main strength I see, though, is in the fact that she has the magic of love. By extent that could also be seen as emotion, considering love brings about the highest happiness and the deepest sadness. It's also probably the best mixture of order and chaos. While she might not have as powerful Order as Twilight or Chaos as Discord, the fact that she has strong ties to both makes her very adaptable and therefore very powerful in my opinion tongue.gif


Celestia comes second. We know that she has been raising the sun, moon, and stars for the time that Luna was banished. Although she was defeated by Chrysalis, you have to admit she put up a decent challenge to the changeling who was being powered up by Shining Armor's love. Also note that she has been shown using dark magic or whatever Sombra's magic was. Finally you have to note the banishment of Luna itself... granted, she doesn't have them now, but Celestia was capable of using the power of not one, not two, but ALL of the Elements of Harmony at once. Even Twilight needs five other ponies to do that!


Luna third. Raising the moon is cool, and we know that she was able to use three Elements of Harmony at once against Discord. She can also manipulate the weather to at least the level of lightning, which is pretty dangerous I might say. And of course, she can enter dreams silently and if she wishes to make the dream lucid, she may, as well as use those dreams to provide visions of the past from various points of view, and of the future as well. While that is an amazing ability, it is more of a supporting magic and would not be that useful in an actual battle, which is probably the main reason I have her below Celestia.


Finally is Twilight. Note that I am taking Twilight as a single pony, not her and her friends. While she does have powerful magic and really, a MASSIVE amount of potential, she just doesn't match up to the others without her friends. Celestia and Luna both were capable of using multiple Elements of Harmony, yet Twilight can only harness the power of one. She has a variety of spells that does make adaptability a powerful feature of hers, but sadly no where near as great as Cadance's. Hell, without her friends, the Alicorn Amulet would have been the end of her. With her friends she instantly shoots up into first place with god power, but on her own she really isn't that strong.


Of course, Twilight's weakness as an individual is what makes the series. It's called Friendship is Magic for a reason! Not to mention she most definitely has TONS and TONS of room to improve and grow stronger, because a god-powered OP main character for a series just sucks.


End of my thoughts xd.png

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I definitely think Cadance is probably the most powerful currently. She has grasped her powers and is really freaking amazing. She also has some potential to become even more powerful, whereas I feel like Celestia and Luna have basically plateaued. Now, that said, I think the first three (Cadance, Luna, and Celestia) are all VERY close together. I'd say Luna and Celestia are practically on top of each other, with Cadance just nudging ahead.


Next is Luna. Well, I'm not sure if she's exactly stronger than her sister, as I think they're probably about equal, but since Luna is a bit younger she definitely would be stronger IF she was as old as Celestia. I think what makes her "stronger" is actually her very unique and diverse powers over dreams. I'd like to think that as Nightmare Moon, she just showed some of what she could be fully capable of, though it was evil power there. Some could say Luna is weaker than Celestia by far because she was easily banished as Nightmare Moon, but I think the fact that Celestia had to wield all of the Elements and that Luna being evil and all overly confident made that happen.


Celestia is third. I think she's sort of tied with Luna, but her powers really haven't been showcased as much, I guess, so from what I've seen she seems at least relatively specialized only for raising the sun and maybe a few other tasks.


Twilight I would consider to be the weakest, but clearly has the potential to become the strongest. In fact, I'd say she has the greatest potential of all, especially since she's well-versed in all manner of magic. She's been shown to be able to harness all of the others' powers including her own. Though she had some trouble controlling it, I'd say she didn't do too terribly bad. She had the power to awaken the Elements of Harmony within her friends, which is hands down probably the greatest power of all, next to Love, which Cadance has.



I think, with all of them at their fullest potential, Twilight would definitely be the most powerful, and by a decent margin. Cadance would be a bit more separated from the almost-tie of her and the sisters, and Luna would not be as on top of Celestia. But other than Twilight jumping strongly into the head of the race, the order would not change.

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Finally is Twilight. Note that I am taking Twilight as a single pony, not her and her friends. While she does have powerful magic and really, a MASSIVE amount of potential, she just doesn't match up to the others without her friends.

The same could be said for Cadance and Shining Armor. Her love for him and his for her is what gives her such a large power boost. If you are judging Twilight as a stand alone pony then you must do the same for Cadance.


Every time Cadance has faced a major villain she has had Shining Armor at her side (Chrysalis, Sombra). Don't forget that Chrysalis managed to over power Cadance and imprison her at one point, that presumably happened when Shining Armor wasn't around. So without her husband is Cadance really any stronger than the other Alicorns?


As well as general Alicorn/Unicorn magic each of the Princesses also has their own magic which I think works in a Rock-Scissors-Paper kind of way. We've seen Friendship win the day many times, but against Chrysalis it was up to the power of Love. Rather than any of the Princesses' themes being superior to the others they just have better (or worse) chance of success against different enemies. For all we know Celestia is constantly using her power off screen to fight off unknown baddies, but since the series follows Twilight it's mostly her adventures we see.

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Hmmm, true, but the difference with Cadance and Twilight is that Cadance is powered by her love for Shining Armor, which doesn't necessarily have to include Shining Armor's participation, whereas Twilight does need her friends to harness the other Elements. I see what you're getting at, though, and yeah, I definitely do agree that some are better with certain enemies than others xd.png


Keeping Cadance on her own does debunk what I said about her vs. Chrysalis, but otherwise it's where you view the addition of Shining Armor... He was there to comfort her with the barrier she placed against Sombra, but he wasn't actually contributing his own magical power, for instance..

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The exact same could be said for Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Only Rarity is capable of magic and is therefore the only one capable of backing Twilight up with magic. It's their friendship that gives Twilight her power, not their skills. She grows strong with their support in the same way Cadance does with Shining Armor, just in a different way.

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Now I have a question, and I don't mind if you shoot my idea down, that's what fanfictions are for.


How much do you like the idea of a talking deer to be on the show? I decided to create one when they first introduced Zecora onto the show. If they had zebras on the show, why not a deer too? Any thoughts on this?

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I think deer are totally cool. In regards to the show, cows can talk so I don't see why there couldn't be a race of intelligent deer. I looked up fan art for MLP-style deer and some of it was pretty cute (as long as it's deer-like and not just a pony body with antlers stuck on). :3


-edited to add: Also there were goats that were clearly smart, even if they spoke with goat sounds; they had conversations with Iron Will.

Edited by Dimar

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The exact same could be said for Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Only Rarity is capable of magic and is therefore the only one capable of backing Twilight up with magic. It's their friendship that gives Twilight her power, not their skills. She grows strong with their support in the same way Cadance does with Shining Armor, just in a different way.

The others might not back up Twilight with their skills, but through the Elements of Harmony and their being together. The fact that they have such a great friendship isn't gonna let Twilight blast the baddies if the other five aren't there.


I agree that their support is what makes her strong, but for instance, there was absolutely no way Twilight could even begin to rival Discord until all of her friends were present to wield the Elements with her. Cadance held up the barrier against Sombra with Shining Armor off playing in the snow.. sure, he later came to support her and encourage her so that she could keep the spell going as long as possible, but she didn't need him there to actually hold up the spell or anything.


Twilight is definitely powered up just by the support of friendship, and Cadance by simple love, but Twilight has needed her friends to join her and wield the Elements where Cadance has been able to hold her own very well whether Shining Armor was present or not tongue.gif


Of course, it all depends from enemy to enemy and specialty to specialty~

Edited by Aquenee

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I think I'm probably the only person who was a bit let down by how the season ended... not because it wasnt awesome, but because in the end, it came down to a good old fashioned Care Bear Stare.



(i only read the last two pages of this thread. I'll probably stop back in later to read more of what you guys had to say tongue.gif)

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